예제 #1
파일: mainwindow.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/kdiagram
void MainWindow::on_paintValuesCB_toggled( bool checked )
    const int colCount = m_lines->model()->columnCount();
    for ( int iColumn = 0; iColumn<colCount; ++iColumn ) {
        DataValueAttributes a = m_lines->dataValueAttributes( iColumn );
        a.setVisible( true );

        TextAttributes ta = a.textAttributes();
        ta.setRotation( 0 );
        ta.setFont( QFont( "Comic", 10 ) );
        ta.setPen( m_lines->brush( iColumn ).color() );
        ta.setVisible( checked );

        a.setTextAttributes( ta );
        m_lines->setDataValueAttributes( iColumn, a);
예제 #2
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget* parent ) :
    QWidget( parent )
    setupUi( this );

    QHBoxLayout* chartLayout = new QHBoxLayout( chartFrame );
    m_chart = new Chart();
    m_chart->setGlobalLeading( 10,  10,  10,  10 );
    chartLayout->addWidget( m_chart );
    hSBar->setVisible( false );
    vSBar->setVisible( false );

    m_model.loadFromCSV( ":/data" );

    // Set up the diagram
    m_lines = new BarDiagram();
    m_lines->setModel( &m_model );

    // create and position axis
    CartesianAxis *topAxis = new CartesianAxis( m_lines );
    CartesianAxis *leftAxis = new CartesianAxis ( m_lines );
    RulerAttributes rulerAttr = topAxis->rulerAttributes();
    rulerAttr.setTickMarkPen( 0.9999999, QPen( Qt::red ) );
    rulerAttr.setTickMarkPen( 2.0, QPen( Qt::green ) );
    rulerAttr.setTickMarkPen( 3.0, QPen( Qt::blue ) );
    topAxis->setRulerAttributes( rulerAttr );
    CartesianAxis *rightAxis = new CartesianAxis ( m_lines );
    CartesianAxis *bottomAxis = new CartesianAxis ( m_lines );
    topAxis->setPosition ( CartesianAxis::Top );
    leftAxis->setPosition ( CartesianAxis::Left );
    rightAxis->setPosition ( CartesianAxis::Right );
    bottomAxis->setPosition ( CartesianAxis::Bottom );

// set the margin that should be used between the displayed labels and the ticks to zero
#if 0
    RulerAttributes ra = bottomAxis->rulerAttributes();
    bottomAxis->setRulerAttributes( ra );

// show a red frame around the bottom axis
#if 0
    FrameAttributes fa( bottomAxis->frameAttributes() );
    fa.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor("#ff0000")),1.0) );
    fa.setVisible( true );
    bottomAxis->setFrameAttributes( fa );
    // set axis titles
    topAxis->setTitleText ( "Abscissa color configured top position" );
    leftAxis->setTitleText ( "left Ordinate: fonts configured" );
    rightAxis->setTitleText ( "right Ordinate: default settings" );
    bottomAxis->setTitleText ( "Abscissa Bottom" );

    // configure titles text attributes
    TextAttributes taTop ( topAxis->titleTextAttributes () );
    taTop.setPen( QPen( Qt::red ) );
    topAxis->setTitleTextAttributes ( taTop );

    TextAttributes taLeft ( leftAxis->titleTextAttributes () );
    taLeft.setRotation( 180 );
    Measure me( taLeft.fontSize() );
    me.setValue( me.value() * 0.8 );
    taLeft.setFontSize( me );

// Set the following to 1, to hide the left axis title
//  - no matter if a title text is set or not
#if 0
    taLeft.setVisible( false );
    leftAxis->setTitleTextAttributes ( taLeft );

    TextAttributes taBottom ( bottomAxis->titleTextAttributes () );
    taBottom.setPen(  QPen( Qt::blue ) );
    bottomAxis->setTitleTextAttributes ( taBottom );

    // configure labels text attributes
    TextAttributes taLabels( topAxis->textAttributes() );
    taLabels.setPen(  QPen( Qt::darkGreen ) );
    taLabels.setRotation( 90 );
    topAxis->setTextAttributes( taLabels );
    leftAxis->setTextAttributes( taLabels );
    bottomAxis->setTextAttributes( taLabels );

// Set the following to 0, to see the default Abscissa labels
// (== X headers, as read from the data file)
#if 1
    // configure labels and their shortened versions
    QStringList daysOfWeek;
    daysOfWeek << "M O N D A Y" << "Tuesday" << "Wednesday"
               << "Thursday" << "Friday" ;
    topAxis->setLabels( daysOfWeek );

    QStringList shortDays;
    shortDays << "MON" << "Tue" << "Wed"
              << "Thu" << "Fri";
    topAxis->setShortLabels( shortDays );

    QStringList bottomLabels;
    bottomLabels << "Team A" << "Team B" << "Team C";
    bottomAxis->setLabels( bottomLabels );

    QStringList shortBottomLabels;
    shortBottomLabels << "A" << "B";
    bottomAxis->setShortLabels( shortBottomLabels );

    // add axis
    m_lines->addAxis( topAxis );
    m_lines->addAxis( leftAxis );
    m_lines->addAxis( rightAxis );
    m_lines->addAxis( bottomAxis );

    // assign diagram to chart view
    m_chart->coordinatePlane()->replaceDiagram( m_lines );