/** True if the next token begins the close tag */ static bool atClose(TextInput& t, const std::string name) { if ((t.peek().type() == Token::SYMBOL) && (t.peek().string() == "<")) { // Need to keep looking ahead Token p0 = t.read(); if ((t.peek().type() == Token::SYMBOL) && (t.peek().string() == "/")) { // Check the name on the close tag. It *must* match if // this is a well-formed document, but there might be a // tag error. Token p1 = t.read(); Token p2 = t.peek(); std::string s = p2.string(); debugAssertM(beginsWith(name, s), "Mismatched close tag"); // Put the tokens back t.push(p1); t.push(p0); return true; } else { // Put the read token back t.push(p0); return false; } } else { return false; } }
void Any::deserialize(TextInput& ti) { beforeRead(); Token token = ti.read(); deserialize(ti, token); // Restore the last token ti.push(token); }