void MaterialData::initEMI(Common::SeekableReadStream *data) { Common::Array<Common::String> texFileNames; char readFileName[64]; if (_fname.hasSuffix(".sur")) { // This expects that we want all the materials in the sur-file TextSplitter *ts = new TextSplitter(data); ts->setLineNumber(2); // Skip copyright-line ts->expectString("version\t1.0"); if (ts->checkString("name:")) ts->scanString("name:%s", 1, readFileName); while(!ts->checkString("END_OF_SECTION")) { ts->scanString("tex:%s", 1, readFileName); Common::String mFileName(readFileName); texFileNames.push_back(mFileName); } Common::SeekableReadStream *texData; _textures = new Texture[texFileNames.size()]; for (uint i = 0; i < texFileNames.size(); i++) { warning("SUR-file texture: %s", texFileNames[i].c_str()); texData = g_resourceloader->openNewStreamFile(texFileNames[i].c_str(), true); if (!texData) { warning("Couldn't find tex-file: %s", texFileNames[i].c_str()); _textures[i]._width = 0; _textures[i]._height = 0; _textures[i]._texture = new int(1); // HACK to avoid initializing. continue; } loadTGA(texData, _textures + i); delete texData; } _numImages = texFileNames.size(); delete ts; return; } else if(_fname.hasSuffix(".tga")) { _numImages = 1; _textures = new Texture(); loadTGA(data, _textures); // texFileNames.push_back(filename); return; } else { warning("Unknown material-format: %s", _fname.c_str()); } }
void Set::loadText(TextSplitter &ts){ char tempBuf[256]; ts.expectString("section: colormaps"); ts.scanString(" numcolormaps %d", 1, &_numCmaps); _cmaps = new ObjectPtr<CMap>[_numCmaps]; char cmap_name[256]; for (int i = 0; i < _numCmaps; i++) { ts.scanString(" colormap %256s", 1, cmap_name); _cmaps[i] = g_resourceloader->getColormap(cmap_name); } if (ts.checkString("section: objectstates") || ts.checkString("sections: object_states")) { ts.nextLine(); ts.scanString(" tot_objects %d", 1, &_numObjectStates); char object_name[256]; for (int l = 0; l < _numObjectStates; l++) { ts.scanString(" object %256s", 1, object_name); } } else { _numObjectStates = 0; } ts.expectString("section: setups"); ts.scanString(" numsetups %d", 1, &_numSetups); _setups = new Setup[_numSetups]; for (int i = 0; i < _numSetups; i++) _setups[i].load(ts); _currSetup = _setups; _lightsConfigured = false; _numSectors = -1; _numLights = -1; _lights = NULL; _sectors = NULL; _minVolume = 0; _maxVolume = 0; // Lights are optional if (ts.isEof()) return; ts.expectString("section: lights"); ts.scanString(" numlights %d", 1, &_numLights); _lights = new Light[_numLights]; for (int i = 0; i < _numLights; i++) _lights[i].load(ts); // Calculate the number of sectors ts.expectString("section: sectors"); if (ts.isEof()) // Sectors are optional, but section: doesn't seem to be return; int sectorStart = ts.getLineNumber(); _numSectors = 0; // Find the number of sectors (while the sectors usually // count down from the highest number there are a few // cases where they count up, see hh.set for example) while (!ts.isEof()) { ts.scanString(" %s", 1, tempBuf); if (!scumm_stricmp(tempBuf, "sector")) _numSectors++; } // Allocate and fill an array of sector info _sectors = new Sector*[_numSectors]; ts.setLineNumber(sectorStart); for (int i = 0; i < _numSectors; i++) { // Use the ids as index for the sector in the array. // This way when looping they are checked from the id 0 sto the last, // which seems important for sets with overlapping camera sectors, like ga.set. Sector *s = new Sector(); s->load(ts); _sectors[s->getSectorId()] = s; } }