예제 #1
void UGameInstance::InitializeStandalone()
	// Creates the world context. This should be the only WorldContext that ever gets created for this GameInstance.
	WorldContext = &GetEngine()->CreateNewWorldContext(EWorldType::Game);
	WorldContext->OwningGameInstance = this;

	// In standalone create a dummy world from the beginning to avoid issues of not having a world until LoadMap gets us our real world
	UWorld* DummyWorld = UWorld::CreateWorld(EWorldType::Game, false);

예제 #2
bool UGameInstance::InitializePIE(bool bAnyBlueprintErrors, int32 PIEInstance)
	UEditorEngine* const EditorEngine = CastChecked<UEditorEngine>(GetEngine());

	// Look for an existing pie world context, may have been created before
	WorldContext = EditorEngine->GetWorldContextFromPIEInstance(PIEInstance);

	if (!WorldContext)
		// If not, create a new one
		WorldContext = &EditorEngine->CreateNewWorldContext(EWorldType::PIE);
		WorldContext->PIEInstance = PIEInstance;

	WorldContext->OwningGameInstance = this;
	const FString WorldPackageName = EditorEngine->EditorWorld->GetOutermost()->GetName();

	// Establish World Context for PIE World
	WorldContext->LastURL.Map = WorldPackageName;
	WorldContext->PIEPrefix = WorldContext->PIEInstance != INDEX_NONE ? UWorld::BuildPIEPackagePrefix(WorldContext->PIEInstance) : FString();

	const ULevelEditorPlaySettings* PlayInSettings = GetDefault<ULevelEditorPlaySettings>();

	// We always need to create a new PIE world unless we're using the editor world for SIE
	UWorld* NewWorld = nullptr;

	const EPlayNetMode PlayNetMode = [&PlayInSettings]{ EPlayNetMode NetMode(PIE_Standalone); return (PlayInSettings->GetPlayNetMode(NetMode) ? NetMode : PIE_Standalone); }();
	const bool CanRunUnderOneProcess = [&PlayInSettings]{ bool RunUnderOneProcess(false); return (PlayInSettings->GetRunUnderOneProcess(RunUnderOneProcess) && RunUnderOneProcess); }();
	if (PlayNetMode == PIE_Client)
		// We are going to connect, so just load an empty world
		NewWorld = EditorEngine->CreatePIEWorldFromEntry(*WorldContext, EditorEngine->EditorWorld, PIEMapName);
	else if (PlayNetMode == PIE_ListenServer && !CanRunUnderOneProcess)
		// We *have* to save the world to disk in order to be a listen server that allows other processes to connect.
		// Otherwise, clients would not be able to load the world we are using
		NewWorld = EditorEngine->CreatePIEWorldBySavingToTemp(*WorldContext, EditorEngine->EditorWorld, PIEMapName);
		// Standard PIE path: just duplicate the EditorWorld
		NewWorld = EditorEngine->CreatePIEWorldByDuplication(*WorldContext, EditorEngine->EditorWorld, PIEMapName);

	// failed to create the world!
	if (NewWorld == nullptr)
		FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_FailedCreateEditorPreviewWorld", "Failed to create editor preview world."));
		return false;

	WorldContext->AddRef(EditorEngine->PlayWorld);	// Tie this context to this UEngine::PlayWorld*		// @fixme, needed still?

	// make sure we can clean up this world!
	NewWorld->bKismetScriptError = bAnyBlueprintErrors;


	return true;