예제 #1
void UChildActorComponent::CreateChildActor()
    // Kill spawned actor if we have one

    // This is no longer needed
    if (CachedInstanceData)
        delete CachedInstanceData;
        CachedInstanceData = nullptr;

    // If we have a class to spawn.
    if(ChildActorClass != nullptr)
        UWorld* World = GetWorld();
        if(World != nullptr)
            // Before we spawn let's try and prevent cyclic disaster
            bool bSpawn = true;
            AActor* Actor = GetOwner();
            while (Actor && bSpawn)
                if (Actor->GetClass() == ChildActorClass)
                    bSpawn = false;
                    UE_LOG(LogChildActorComponent, Error, TEXT("Found cycle in child actor component '%s'.  Not spawning Actor of class '%s' to break."), *GetPathName(), *ChildActorClass->GetName());
                Actor = Actor->ParentComponentActor.Get();

            if (bSpawn)
                FActorSpawnParameters Params;
                Params.bNoCollisionFail = true;
                Params.bDeferConstruction = true; // We defer construction so that we set ParentComponentActor prior to component registration so they appear selected
                Params.bAllowDuringConstructionScript = true;
                Params.OverrideLevel = GetOwner()->GetLevel();
                Params.Name = ChildActorName;
                if (!HasAllFlags(RF_Transactional))
                    Params.ObjectFlags &= ~RF_Transactional;

                // Spawn actor of desired class
                FVector Location = GetComponentLocation();
                FRotator Rotation = GetComponentRotation();
                ChildActor = World->SpawnActor(ChildActorClass, &Location, &Rotation, Params);

                // If spawn was successful,
                if(ChildActor != nullptr)
                    ChildActorName = ChildActor->GetFName();

                    // Remember which actor spawned it (for selection in editor etc)
                    ChildActor->ParentComponentActor = GetOwner();


                    // Parts that we deferred from SpawnActor
void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass(UClass* OldClass, UClass* NewClass, UObject*	OriginalCDO, TSet<UObject*>* ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff)
	USelection* SelectedActors;
	bool bSelectionChanged = false;
	TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToReplace;
	const bool bLogConversions = false; // for debugging

	// Map of old objects to new objects
	TMap<UObject*, UObject*> OldToNewInstanceMap;
	TMap<UClass*, UClass*>   OldToNewClassMap;
	OldToNewClassMap.Add(OldClass, NewClass);

	TMap<FStringAssetReference, UObject*> ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap;

	// actors being replace
	TArray<FActorReplacementHelper> ReplacementActors;

	// A list of objects (e.g. Blueprints) that potentially have editors open that we need to refresh
	TArray<UObject*> PotentialEditorsForRefreshing;

	// A list of component owners that need their construction scripts re-ran (because a component of theirs has been reinstanced)
	TSet<AActor*> OwnersToReconstruct;

	// Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances
	TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true);

	struct FObjectRemappingHelper
		void OnObjectsReplaced(const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& InReplacedObjects)

		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacedObjects;
	} ObjectRemappingHelper;

	FDelegateHandle OnObjectsReplacedHandle = GEditor->OnObjectsReplaced().AddRaw(&ObjectRemappingHelper,&FObjectRemappingHelper::OnObjectsReplaced);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplaceInstancesOfClass);

		const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false;
		GetObjectsOfClass(OldClass, ObjectsToReplace, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
		SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors();
		// Then fix 'real' (non archetype) instances of the class
		for (UObject* OldObject : ObjectsToReplace)
			// Skip non-archetype instances, EXCEPT for component templates
			const bool bIsComponent = NewClass->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass());
			if ((!bIsComponent && OldObject->IsTemplate()) || OldObject->IsPendingKill())

			UBlueprint* CorrespondingBlueprint  = Cast<UBlueprint>(OldObject->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy);
			UObject*    OldBlueprintDebugObject = nullptr;
			// If this object is being debugged, cache it off so we can preserve the 'object being debugged' association
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint != nullptr) && (CorrespondingBlueprint->GetObjectBeingDebugged() == OldObject))
				OldBlueprintDebugObject = OldObject;

			AActor*  OldActor = Cast<AActor>(OldObject);
			UObject* NewUObject = nullptr;
			// if the object to replace is an actor...
			if (OldActor != nullptr)
				FVector  Location = FVector::ZeroVector;
				FRotator Rotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
				if (USceneComponent* OldRootComponent = OldActor->GetRootComponent())
					Location = OldActor->GetActorLocation();
					Rotation = OldActor->GetActorRotation();

				// If this actor was spawned from an Archetype, we spawn the new actor from the new version of that archetype
				UObject* OldArchetype = OldActor->GetArchetype();
				UWorld*  World        = OldActor->GetWorld();
				AActor*  NewArchetype = Cast<AActor>(OldToNewInstanceMap.FindRef(OldArchetype));
				// Check that either this was an instance of the class directly, or we found a new archetype for it
				check(OldArchetype == OldClass->GetDefaultObject() || NewArchetype);

				// Spawn the new actor instance, in the same level as the original, but deferring running the construction script until we have transferred modified properties
				ULevel*  ActorLevel  = OldActor->GetLevel();
				UClass** MappedClass = OldToNewClassMap.Find(OldActor->GetClass());
				UClass*  SpawnClass  = MappedClass ? *MappedClass : NewClass;

				FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
				SpawnInfo.OverrideLevel      = ActorLevel;
				SpawnInfo.Template           = NewArchetype;
				SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail   = true;
				SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;

				// Temporarily remove the deprecated flag so we can respawn the Blueprint in the level
				const bool bIsClassDeprecated = SpawnClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Deprecated);
				SpawnClass->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_Deprecated;

				AActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActor(SpawnClass, &Location, &Rotation, SpawnInfo);
				// Reassign the deprecated flag if it was previously assigned
				if (bIsClassDeprecated)
					SpawnClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_Deprecated;

				check(NewActor != nullptr);
				NewUObject = NewActor;
				// store the new actor for the second pass (NOTE: this detaches 
				// OldActor from all child/parent attachments)
				// running the NewActor's construction-script is saved for that 
				// second pass (because the construction-script may reference 
				// another instance that hasn't been replaced yet).
				ReplacementActors.Add(FActorReplacementHelper(NewActor, OldActor));

				ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				OldActor->DestroyConstructedComponents(); // don't want to serialize components from the old actor
				// Unregister native components so we don't copy any sub-components they generate for themselves (like UCameraComponent does)

				// Unregister any native components, might have cached state based on properties we are going to overwrite

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldActor, NewActor);
				// reset properties/streams
				// register native components

				// clean up the old actor (unselect it, remove it from the world, etc.)...

				if (OldActor->IsSelected())
					GEditor->SelectActor(OldActor, /*bInSelected =*/false, /*bNotify =*/false);
					bSelectionChanged = true;
				if (GEditor->Layers.IsValid()) // ensure(NULL != GEditor->Layers) ?? While cooking the Layers is NULL.

 				World->EditorDestroyActor(OldActor, /*bShouldModifyLevel =*/true);
 				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldActor, NewActor);
				FName OldName(OldObject->GetFName());
				OldObject->Rename(NULL, OldObject->GetOuter(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors);
				NewUObject = NewObject<UObject>(OldObject->GetOuter(), NewClass, OldName);
				check(NewUObject != nullptr);

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (UAnimInstance* AnimTree = Cast<UAnimInstance>(NewUObject))
					// Initialising the anim instance isn't enough to correctly set up the skeletal mesh again in a
					// paused world, need to initialise the skeletal mesh component that contains the anim instance.
					if (USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComponent = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(AnimTree->GetOuter()))


				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (bIsComponent)
					UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(NewUObject);
					AActor* OwningActor = Component->GetOwner();
					if (OwningActor)

						// Check to see if they have an editor that potentially needs to be refreshed
						if (OwningActor->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy)

						// we need to keep track of actor instances that need 
						// their construction scripts re-ran (since we've just 
						// replaced a component they own)

			// If this original object came from a blueprint and it was in the selected debug set, change the debugging to the new object.
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint) && (OldBlueprintDebugObject) && (NewUObject))

			if (bLogConversions)
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("Converted instance '%s' to '%s'"), *OldObject->GetPathName(), *NewUObject->GetPathName());


	// Now replace any pointers to the old archetypes/instances with pointers to the new one
	TArray<UObject*> SourceObjects;
	TArray<UObject*> DstObjects;

	OldToNewInstanceMap.GenerateValueArray(DstObjects); // Also look for references in new spawned objects.


	FReplaceReferenceHelper::IncludeCDO(OldClass, NewClass, OldToNewInstanceMap, SourceObjects, OriginalCDO);
	FReplaceReferenceHelper::FindAndReplaceReferences(SourceObjects, ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff, ObjectsToReplace, OldToNewInstanceMap, ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplacementConstruction);

		// the process of setting up new replacement actors is split into two 
		// steps (this here, is the second)...
		// the "finalization" here runs the replacement actor's construction-
		// script and is left until late to account for a scenario where the 
		// construction-script attempts to modify another instance of the 
		// same class... if this were to happen above, in the ObjectsToReplace 
		// loop, then accessing that other instance would cause an assert in 
		// UProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtrInternal() (which appropriatly 
		// complains that the other instance's type doesn't match because it 
		// hasn't been replaced yet... that's why we wait until after 
		// FArchiveReplaceObjectRef to run construction-scripts).
		for (FActorReplacementHelper& ReplacementActor : ReplacementActors)

	if (bSelectionChanged)

	if (GEditor)
		// Refresh any editors for objects that we've updated components for
		for (auto BlueprintAsset : PotentialEditorsForRefreshing)
			FBlueprintEditor* BlueprintEditor = static_cast<FBlueprintEditor*>(FAssetEditorManager::Get().FindEditorForAsset(BlueprintAsset, /*bFocusIfOpen =*/false));
			if (BlueprintEditor)

	// in the case where we're replacing component instances, we need to make 
	// sure to re-run their owner's construction scripts
	for (AActor* ActorInstance : OwnersToReconstruct)
예제 #3
PyObject *py_ue_actor_spawn(ue_PyUObject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject *kwargs)


	PyObject *py_class;

	PyObject *py_obj_location = nullptr;
	PyObject *py_obj_rotation = nullptr;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|OO:actor_spawn", &py_class, &py_obj_location, &py_obj_rotation))
		return nullptr;

	UWorld *world = ue_get_uworld(self);
	if (!world)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to retrieve UWorld from uobject");

	UClass *u_class = ue_py_check_type<UClass>(py_class);
	if (!u_class)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UClass");

	if (!u_class->IsChildOf<AActor>())
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UClass derived from AActor");

	FVector location = FVector(0, 0, 0);
	FRotator rotation = FRotator(0, 0, 0);

	if (py_obj_location)
		ue_PyFVector *py_location = py_ue_is_fvector(py_obj_location);
		if (!py_location)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "location must be an FVector");
		location = py_location->vec;

	if (py_obj_rotation)
		ue_PyFRotator *py_rotation = py_ue_is_frotator(py_obj_rotation);
		if (!py_rotation)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "location must be an FRotator");
		rotation = py_rotation->rot;

	if (kwargs && PyDict_Size(kwargs) > 0)
		FTransform transform;
		AActor *actor = world->SpawnActorDeferred<AActor>(u_class, transform);
		if (!actor)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to spawn a new Actor");
		ue_PyUObject *py_actor = ue_get_python_uobject_inc(actor);
		if (!py_actor)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "uobject is in invalid state");

		PyObject *py_iter = PyObject_GetIter(kwargs);

		while (PyObject *py_key = PyIter_Next(py_iter))
			PyObject *void_ret = py_ue_set_property(py_actor, Py_BuildValue("OO", py_key, PyDict_GetItem(kwargs, py_key)));
			if (!void_ret)
				return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to set property for new Actor");
		UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(actor, transform);
		return (PyObject *)py_actor;

	AActor *actor = world->SpawnActor(u_class, &location, &rotation);
	if (!actor)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to spawn a new Actor");

void UChildActorComponent::CreateChildActor()
	// Kill spawned actor if we have one

	// If we have a class to spawn.
	if(ChildActorClass != nullptr)
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if(World != nullptr)
			// Before we spawn let's try and prevent cyclic disaster
			bool bSpawn = true;
			AActor* MyOwner = GetOwner();
			AActor* Actor = MyOwner;
			while (Actor && bSpawn)
				if (Actor->GetClass() == ChildActorClass)
					bSpawn = false;
					UE_LOG(LogChildActorComponent, Error, TEXT("Found cycle in child actor component '%s'.  Not spawning Actor of class '%s' to break."), *GetPathName(), *ChildActorClass->GetName());
				if (UChildActorComponent* ParentComponent = Actor->GetParentComponent())
					Actor = ParentComponent->GetOwner();
					Actor = nullptr;

			if (bSpawn)
				FActorSpawnParameters Params;
				Params.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
				Params.bDeferConstruction = true; // We defer construction so that we set ParentComponent prior to component registration so they appear selected
				Params.bAllowDuringConstructionScript = true;
				Params.OverrideLevel = (MyOwner ? MyOwner->GetLevel() : nullptr);
				Params.Name = ChildActorName;
				if (!HasAllFlags(RF_Transactional))
					Params.ObjectFlags &= ~RF_Transactional;

				// Spawn actor of desired class
				FVector Location = GetComponentLocation();
				FRotator Rotation = GetComponentRotation();
				ChildActor = World->SpawnActor(ChildActorClass, &Location, &Rotation, Params);

				// If spawn was successful, 
				if(ChildActor != nullptr)
					ChildActorName = ChildActor->GetFName();

					// Remember which component spawned it (for selection in editor etc)
					FActorParentComponentSetter::Set(ChildActor, this);

					// Parts that we deferred from SpawnActor
					const FComponentInstanceDataCache* ComponentInstanceData = (CachedInstanceData ? CachedInstanceData->ComponentInstanceData : nullptr);
					ChildActor->FinishSpawning(ComponentToWorld, false, ComponentInstanceData);

					ChildActor->AttachRootComponentTo(this, NAME_None, EAttachLocation::SnapToTarget);

	// This is no longer needed
	if (CachedInstanceData)
		delete CachedInstanceData;
		CachedInstanceData = nullptr;
예제 #5
void UActorAnimationPlayer::SpawnActorsForMovie(TSharedRef<FMovieSceneSequenceInstance> MovieSceneInstance)
	UWorld* WorldPtr = World.Get();

	if (WorldPtr == nullptr)

	UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneInstance->GetSequence()->GetMovieScene();

	if (MovieScene == nullptr)

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>* FoundSpawnedActors = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Find(MovieSceneInstance);

	if (FoundSpawnedActors != nullptr)
		// Remove existing spawned actors for this movie
		DestroyActorsForMovie( MovieSceneInstance );

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>& SpawnedActorList = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Add(MovieSceneInstance, TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>());

	for (auto SpawnableIndex = 0; SpawnableIndex < MovieScene->GetSpawnableCount(); ++SpawnableIndex)
		auto& Spawnable = MovieScene->GetSpawnable(SpawnableIndex);
		UClass* GeneratedClass = Spawnable.GetClass();
		if ((GeneratedClass == nullptr) || !GeneratedClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))

		AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked<AActor>(GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject);
		const FVector SpawnLocation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation;
		const FRotator SpawnRotation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation;

		FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
			SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_NoFlags;

		AActor* NewActor = WorldPtr->SpawnActor(GeneratedClass, &SpawnLocation, &SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo);

		if (NewActor)
			// Actor was spawned OK!
			FSpawnedActorInfo NewInfo;
				NewInfo.RuntimeGuid = Spawnable.GetGuid();
				NewInfo.SpawnedActor = NewActor;
예제 #6
PyObject *py_ue_actor_spawn(ue_PyUObject * self, PyObject * args) {


	PyObject *py_obj_location = nullptr;
	PyObject *py_obj_rotation = nullptr;

	UWorld *world = ue_get_uworld(self);
	if (!world)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "unable to retrieve UWorld from uobject");

	PyObject *obj;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|OO:actor_spawn", &obj, &py_obj_location, &py_obj_rotation)) {
		return NULL;

	if (!ue_is_pyuobject(obj)) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UObject");

	ue_PyUObject *py_obj = (ue_PyUObject *)obj;

	if (!py_obj->ue_object->IsA<UClass>()) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UClass derived from AActor");

	UClass *u_class = (UClass *)py_obj->ue_object;

	if (!u_class->IsChildOf<AActor>()) {
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "argument is not a UClass derived from AActor");

	FVector location = FVector(0, 0, 0);
	FRotator rotation = FRotator(0, 0, 0);

	if (py_obj_location) {
		ue_PyFVector *py_location = py_ue_is_fvector(py_obj_location);
		if (!py_location)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "location must be an FVector");
		location = py_location->vec;

	if (py_obj_rotation) {
		ue_PyFRotator *py_rotation = py_ue_is_frotator(py_obj_rotation);
		if (!py_rotation)
			return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "location must be an FRotator");
		rotation = py_rotation->rot;

	AActor *actor = world->SpawnActor((UClass *)py_obj->ue_object, &location, &rotation);

	PyObject *ret = (PyObject *)ue_get_python_wrapper(actor);
	if (!ret)
		return PyErr_Format(PyExc_Exception, "uobject is in invalid state");
	return ret;
예제 #7
ATile* ATileManager::SpawnTileAtLocation(FVector Location)
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();

	ATile* NewTile = (ATile*)World->SpawnActor(TileClass, &Location);

	NewTile->SetWidthAndHeight(TileWidth, TileHeight);


	return NewTile;
예제 #8
ATown* ATileManager::SpawnTownAtTile(ATile* Tile)
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();

	FVector Loc = Tile->GetActorLocation();

	ATown* NewTown = (ATown*)World->SpawnActor(TownClass, &Loc);


	return NewTown;
void URuntimeMovieScenePlayer::SpawnActorsForMovie( TSharedRef<FMovieSceneInstance> MovieSceneInstance  )
	UWorld* WorldPtr = World.Get();
	if( WorldPtr != NULL && MovieSceneBindings != NULL )
		UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneInstance->GetMovieScene();
		if( MovieScene != NULL )
			TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>* FoundSpawnedActors = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Find( MovieSceneInstance );
			if( FoundSpawnedActors )
				// Remove existing spawned actors for this movie
				DestroyActorsForMovie( MovieSceneInstance );

			TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>& SpawnedActorList = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Add( MovieSceneInstance, TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>() );

			for( auto SpawnableIndex = 0; SpawnableIndex < MovieScene->GetSpawnableCount(); ++SpawnableIndex )
				auto& Spawnable = MovieScene->GetSpawnable( SpawnableIndex );

				UClass* GeneratedClass = Spawnable.GetClass();
				if ( GeneratedClass != NULL )
					const bool bIsActorBlueprint = GeneratedClass->IsChildOf( AActor::StaticClass() );
					if ( bIsActorBlueprint )
						AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked< AActor >( GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject );

						const FVector SpawnLocation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation;
						const FRotator SpawnRotation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation;

						FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
						SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_NoFlags;
						AActor* NewActor = WorldPtr->SpawnActor( GeneratedClass, &SpawnLocation, &SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo );
						if( NewActor )
							// Actor was spawned OK!
							FSpawnedActorInfo NewInfo;
							NewInfo.RuntimeGuid = Spawnable.GetGuid();
							NewInfo.SpawnedActor = NewActor;
							SpawnedActorList.Add( NewInfo );
예제 #10
AMeshWallText* AMeshWallText::Spawn(AMeshWallPlane* Plane)
	FVector Location = Plane->GetActorLocation();
	FRotator Rotator = Plane->GetActorRotation();
	UStaticMesh* Mesh = MeshPool.Pop();
	UWorld* World = Plane->GetWorld();

	AMeshWallText* Instance = (AMeshWallText*)World->SpawnActor(AMeshWallText::StaticClass(), &Location, &Rotator);
	check(Instance != nullptr && Instance->IsValidLowLevel());
	return Instance;
예제 #11
void AWeapon::FireFunction(){
	if (firedObject){
		UWorld* world = GetWorld();
		if (world){
			FActorSpawnParameters parameters = FActorSpawnParameters(); 
			parameters.bNoCollisionFail = true;
			parameters.Instigator = Owner;
			parameters.Name = GetProjectileName();
			FVector spawnLocation = GetActorLocation();
			FRotator spawnRotation = GetActorRotation();
			AActor* Spawned = world->SpawnActor(*firedObject, &spawnLocation, &spawnRotation,parameters);
			AFirable* firable = Cast<AFirable>(Spawned);
			firable->Instigator = Owner->GetController();
			firable->Damage = damage;
			firable->OwnerID = OwnerShipNumber;
void UChildActorComponent::CreateChildActor()
	AActor* MyOwner = GetOwner();

	if (MyOwner && !MyOwner->HasAuthority())
		AActor* ChildClassCDO = (ChildActorClass ? ChildActorClass->GetDefaultObject<AActor>() : nullptr);
		if (ChildClassCDO && ChildClassCDO->GetIsReplicated())
			// If we belong to an actor that is not authoritative and the child class is replicated then we expect that Actor will be replicated across so don't spawn one

	// Kill spawned actor if we have one

	// If we have a class to spawn.
	if(ChildActorClass != nullptr)
		UWorld* World = GetWorld();
		if(World != nullptr)
			// Before we spawn let's try and prevent cyclic disaster
			bool bSpawn = true;
			AActor* Actor = MyOwner;
			while (Actor && bSpawn)
				if (Actor->GetClass() == ChildActorClass)
					bSpawn = false;
					UE_LOG(LogChildActorComponent, Error, TEXT("Found cycle in child actor component '%s'.  Not spawning Actor of class '%s' to break."), *GetPathName(), *ChildActorClass->GetName());
				Actor = Actor->GetParentActor();

			if (bSpawn)
				FActorSpawnParameters Params;
				Params.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
				Params.bDeferConstruction = true; // We defer construction so that we set ParentComponent prior to component registration so they appear selected
				Params.bAllowDuringConstructionScript = true;
				Params.OverrideLevel = (MyOwner ? MyOwner->GetLevel() : nullptr);
				Params.Name = ChildActorName;
				Params.Template = ChildActorTemplate;
				if (!HasAllFlags(RF_Transactional))
					Params.ObjectFlags &= ~RF_Transactional;

				// Spawn actor of desired class
				FVector Location = GetComponentLocation();
				FRotator Rotation = GetComponentRotation();
				ChildActor = World->SpawnActor(ChildActorClass, &Location, &Rotation, Params);

				// If spawn was successful, 
				if(ChildActor != nullptr)
					ChildActorName = ChildActor->GetFName();

					// Remember which component spawned it (for selection in editor etc)
					FActorParentComponentSetter::Set(ChildActor, this);

					// Parts that we deferred from SpawnActor
					const FComponentInstanceDataCache* ComponentInstanceData = (CachedInstanceData ? CachedInstanceData->ComponentInstanceData : nullptr);
					ChildActor->FinishSpawning(ComponentToWorld, false, ComponentInstanceData);

					ChildActor->AttachToComponent(this, FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetNotIncludingScale);


	// This is no longer needed
	if (CachedInstanceData)
		delete CachedInstanceData;
		CachedInstanceData = nullptr;