bool TutorialApplication::mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &arg) { auto ret = BaseApplication::mouseMoved(arg); // std::cout << "moust at (" // << arg.state.X.abs << "," // << arg.state.Y.abs << "," // << arg.state.Z.abs << ")" << std::endl; // std::cout << "plane at Y = " << m_activeLevel.d << std::endl; Ray mouseRay = getMouseRay(); if (m_verticalMode) { // ignored for now, untill I figure out how to make it intuitive } else { auto r = mouseRay.intersects(m_activeLevel); if (r.first) { auto pos = mouseRay.getPoint(r.second); auto gridPos = Vector3(floor(pos.x / GRID_SPACING) * GRID_SPACING, pos.y, floor(pos.z / GRID_SPACING) * GRID_SPACING); m_cursorNode->setPosition(gridPos); auto pointPos = Vector3(round(pos.x / GRID_SPACING) * GRID_SPACING, pos.y, round(pos.z / GRID_SPACING) * GRID_SPACING); m_pointNode->setPosition(pointPos); if (m_mode == WitchMode) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < CONE_CASES.size(); i++) { auto c = CONE_CASES[i]; bool containsCreatures = true; for (Vector3 creature : m_ogres) { Vector3 dir = creature - gridPos; // cone is facing wrong way for creature if (dir.angleBetween(c) > Degree(45)) { containsCreatures = false; break; } // creature too far away for cone if (distance3(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z) > CONE_SIZE) { containsCreatures = false; } } if (containsCreatures) { m_coneNodes[i]->setVisible(true); } else { m_coneNodes[i]->setVisible(false); } } } } } return ret; }
void SkyManager::update(float duration) { if (!mEnabled) return; const MWWorld::Fallback* fallback=MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getFallback(); if (!mParticle.isNull()) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<mParticle->mControllers.size(); ++i) mParticle->mControllers[i].update(); } updateRain(duration); // UV Scroll the clouds mCloudAnimationTimer += duration * mCloudSpeed; sh::Factory::getInstance().setSharedParameter ("cloudAnimationTimer", sh::makeProperty<sh::FloatValue>(new sh::FloatValue(mCloudAnimationTimer))); /// \todo improve this mMasser->setPhase( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); mSecunda->setPhase ( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); mSecunda->setColour ( mMoonRed ? fallback->getFallbackColour("Moons_Script_Color") : ColourValue(1,1,1,1)); mMasser->setColour (ColourValue(1,1,1,1)); if (mSunEnabled) { // take 1/10 sec for fading the glare effect from invisible to full if (mGlareFade > mGlare) { mGlareFade -= duration*10; if (mGlareFade < mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } else if (mGlareFade < mGlare) { mGlareFade += duration*10; if (mGlareFade > mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } // increase the strength of the sun glare effect depending // on how directly the player is looking at the sun Vector3 sun = mSunGlare->getPosition(); Vector3 cam = mCamera->getRealDirection(); const Degree angle = sun.angleBetween( cam ); float val = 1- (angle.valueDegrees() / 180.f); val = (val*val*val*val)*6; mSunGlare->setSize(val * mGlareFade); } mSunGlare->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mSun->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mMasser->setVisible(mMasserEnabled); mSecunda->setVisible(mSecundaEnabled); // rotate the stars by 360 degrees every 4 days mAtmosphereNight->roll(Degree(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor()*duration*360 / (3600*96.f))); }
void Enemy::checkLOS(Real delta) { Vector3 target = playerPos; Vector3 origin = m_pos + Vector3(0,sin(bob * 4) * 0.5f,0); Vector3 dir = target - origin; dir.normalize(); Vector3 tmp = Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y; tmp = light->getAbsoluteOrientation() * tmp; if (tmp.angleBetween(dir) < 34.f) { RaycastReport r = mPhysics->raycast(origin, dir, 5000.f, 0, 0); if (r.hit && == 0x1) { lastKnown = playerPos; los_time += delta; if (los_time > 0.1f && m_state != ES_COMBAT) { m_state = ES_COMBAT; //std::cout<<"I SEE U\n"; los_time = 0; } else if (los_time > 1.1f && m_state == ES_COMBAT && m_minis.size() > 0 && !m_minis.back()->attack) { //std::cout<<"ATTAAAACCKKK\n"; dynamic_cast<ALSubsystem*>(Engine::getPtr()->getSubsystem("ALSubsystem"))->play2D("../media/audio/attack.ogg")->setGain(0.f, 1.f, 1.f); m_minis.back()->attack = true; Vector3 wpos = m_minis.back()->m_mesh->getAbsolutePosition(); m_mesh->removeChild(m_minis.back()->n); m_minis.back()->n->removeChild(m_minis.back()->m_mesh); mGfx->getRootSceneNode()->addChild(m_minis.back()->m_mesh); mGfx->destroySceneNode(m_minis.back()->n); m_minis.back()->n = NULL; m_minis.back()->m_mesh->setPosition(wpos); Vector3 ad = playerPos - wpos; ad.normalize(); m_minis.back()->attack_dir = ad; los_time = 0; } } else { los_time -= delta / 2.f; } } else { los_time -= delta / 2.f; } if (los_time < 0.f && m_state != ES_COMBAT) { los_time = 0.f; } if (los_time > 1.2f) { los_time = 1.2f; } //printf("%f.\n", los_time); if (los_time < -0.1 && m_state == ES_COMBAT) { //std::cout<<"WHERE'D HE GOOOOO???\n"; decidePatrol(true); m_state = ES_PATROL; } }
void SkyManager::update(float duration) { if (!mEnabled) return; mCamera->getParentSceneNode ()->needUpdate (); mRootNode->setPosition(mCamera->getDerivedPosition()); // UV Scroll the clouds mCloudAnimationTimer += duration * mCloudSpeed * (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor()/30.f); sh::Factory::getInstance().setSharedParameter ("cloudAnimationTimer", sh::makeProperty<sh::FloatValue>(new sh::FloatValue(mCloudAnimationTimer))); /// \todo improve this mMasser->setPhase( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); mSecunda->setPhase ( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); mSecunda->setColour ( mMoonRed ? ColourValue(1.0, 0.0784, 0.0784) : ColourValue(1,1,1,1)); mMasser->setColour (ColourValue(1,1,1,1)); if (mSunEnabled) { // take 1/10 sec for fading the glare effect from invisible to full if (mGlareFade > mGlare) { mGlareFade -= duration*10; if (mGlareFade < mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } else if (mGlareFade < mGlare) { mGlareFade += duration*10; if (mGlareFade > mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } // increase the strength of the sun glare effect depending // on how directly the player is looking at the sun Vector3 sun = mSunGlare->getPosition(); sun = Vector3(sun.x, sun.z, -sun.y); Vector3 cam = mCamera->getRealDirection(); const Degree angle = sun.angleBetween( cam ); float val = 1- (angle.valueDegrees() / 180.f); val = (val*val*val*val)*2; mSunGlare->setSize(val * mGlareFade); } mSunGlare->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mSun->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mMasser->setVisible(mMasserEnabled); mSecunda->setVisible(mSecundaEnabled); // rotate the stars by 360 degrees every 4 days mAtmosphereNight->roll(Degree(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor()*duration*360 / (3600*96.f))); }
void SkyManager::update(float duration) { if (!mEnabled) return; // UV Scroll the clouds mCloudMaterial->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getFragmentProgramParameters()->setNamedConstantFromTime("time", MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor()/30.f); /// \todo improve this mMasser->setPhase( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); mSecunda->setPhase ( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) ); if (mSunEnabled) { // take 1/5 sec for fading the glare effect from invisible to full if (mGlareFade > mGlare) { mGlareFade -= duration*5; if (mGlareFade < mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } else if (mGlareFade < mGlare) { mGlareFade += duration*5; if (mGlareFade > mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare; } // increase the strength of the sun glare effect depending // on how directly the player is looking at the sun Vector3 sun = mSunGlare->getPosition(); sun = Vector3(sun.x, sun.z, -sun.y); Vector3 cam = mCamera->getRealDirection(); const Degree angle = sun.angleBetween( cam ); float val = 1- (angle.valueDegrees() / 180.f); val = (val*val*val*val)*2; mSunGlare->setSize(val * mGlareFade); } mSunGlare->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mSun->setVisible(mSunEnabled); mMasser->setVisible(mMasserEnabled); mSecunda->setVisible(mSecundaEnabled); // rotate the stars by 360 degrees every 4 days mAtmosphereNight->roll(Degree(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor()*duration*360 / (3600*96.f))); }
bool CameraBehaviorVehicle::mousePressed(const CameraManager::CameraContext &ctx, const OIS::MouseEvent& _arg, OIS::MouseButtonID _id) { const OIS::MouseState ms = _arg.state; if ( ms.buttonDown(OIS::MB_Middle) && RoR::Application::GetInputEngine()->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_LSHIFT) ) { if ( ctx.mCurrTruck && ctx.mCurrTruck->m_custom_camera_node >= 0 ) { // Calculate new camera distance Vector3 lookAt = ctx.mCurrTruck->nodes[ctx.mCurrTruck->m_custom_camera_node].AbsPosition; camDist = 2.0f * gEnv->mainCamera->getPosition().distance(lookAt); // Calculate new camera pitch Vector3 camDir = (gEnv->mainCamera->getPosition() - lookAt).normalisedCopy(); camRotY = asin(camDir.y); // Calculate new camera yaw Vector3 dir = -ctx.mCurrTruck->getDirection(); Quaternion rotX = dir.getRotationTo(camDir, Vector3::UNIT_Y); camRotX = rotX.getYaw(); // Corner case handling Radian angle = dir.angleBetween(camDir); if ( angle > Radian(Math::HALF_PI) ) { if ( std::abs(Radian(camRotX).valueRadians()) < Math::HALF_PI ) { if ( camRotX < Radian(0.0f) ) camRotX -= Radian(Math::HALF_PI); else camRotX += Radian(Math::HALF_PI); } } } } return false; }
void mouseMove(int x, int y) { isDragged = true; vMouse = arcGetVec(x,y); float angle = min(1.0f,vMouse.angleBetween(vMousePrev)); // printf("angle: %f\n", angle); vAxis = vMouse.cross(vMousePrev); vAxis.normalize(); this_rot.setIdentity(); this_rot.rotate(angle * 100, vAxis.x, -vAxis.y, -vAxis.z); this_rot *= last_rot; model_mat = this_rot ; // vMousePrev = vMouse; }
void CCameraFeedbackNotifier::calculateEnemyPosition(Vector3 vPosEnemy) { //Obtengo la posición del enemigo Ogre::Vector3 vEnemyPos = vPosEnemy; //Obtengo mi posición (entidad a la que han dañado) Ogre::Vector3 vMyPos = this->_entity->getPosition(); //Obtengo el vector en el que estoy mirando, y me quedo sólo en el plano horizontal (quitando la altura) Vector3 vMyDirVision = _entity->getOrientation()*Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; vMyDirVision = Vector3(vMyDirVision.x,0,vMyDirVision.z); //Obtengo el vector desde el enemigo a mi posición; y me quedo sólo con el plano horizontal (quitando la altura) Vector3 vEnemyDirVision = vPosEnemy - vMyPos; vEnemyDirVision = Vector3(vEnemyDirVision.x, 0, vEnemyDirVision.z); //Ángulo entre ambos vectores Ogre::Radian rad = vMyDirVision.angleBetween(vEnemyDirVision); //Convierto los radianes a float porque en el mensaje mando float float fRadianes = (float)rad.valueRadians(); //Cambio de sistema de coordenadas para tener la posición del enemigo respecto //al jugador. Antonio el crack matemático! ^^ Matrix4 mat; mat.makeTransform(_entity->getPosition(),Vector3::UNIT_SCALE,_entity->getOrientation()); mat.inverse(); Vector3 vec = mat * vPosEnemy; //este vector es la posicion del enemigo respecto a mi if (vec.x > 0) { //El enemigo está a la derecha, así que tengo que multiplicar //por -1 para que se oriente bien la flecha de daño fRadianes *= -1.0f; } //Mando el mensaje std::shared_ptr<Logic::CMessageImpact> impact = std::make_shared<Logic::CMessageImpact>(); impact->setDirectionImpact(fRadianes); _entity->emitMessage(impact); }
void MissionScreen::ShowTarget(int levelLength) { m_targetIcon->hide(); m_arrowRight->hide(); m_arrowLeft->hide(); m_arrowUp->hide(); m_arrowDown->hide(); const Vector3 &targetPosition = m_game.GetAsteroidManager().GetTargetPosition(); const float targetDistance = (targetPosition - m_game.GetCamera().getPosition()).length(); const Vector2 screenPos = m_game.Convert3DPointTo2D(targetPosition); const bool isVisible = m_game.IsInFrontOfCamera(targetPosition); if (isVisible && screenPos.x >= 0 && screenPos.x < m_game.GetWidth() && screenPos.y >= 0 && screenPos.y < m_game.GetHeight()) { assert(m_targetIcon); const Vector2 distanceVector = Vector2(screenPos.x - m_game.GetWidth() / 2, screenPos.y - m_game.GetHeight() / 2); float borderFactor = distanceVector.length() / static_cast<float>(m_game.GetHeight() / 2); borderFactor = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.2f, borderFactor)); m_targetIcon->setAlpha(borderFactor); const float posX = screenPos.x / m_game.GetWidth() - m_targetIconSize.x / 2; const float posY = screenPos.y / m_game.GetHeight() - m_targetIconSize.y / 2; m_targetIcon->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(posX, 0), CEGUI::UDim(posY, 0))); m_targetIcon->show(); } else { // Find out direction of the target by calculating 4 angles // for all 4 directions and then choosing the closest one Vector3 leftRotation = m_game.GetCamera().getRight() * -Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; const float leftAngle = leftRotation.angleBetween(targetPosition).valueRadians(); Vector3 rightRotation = m_game.GetCamera().getRight(); const float rightAngle = rightRotation.angleBetween(targetPosition).valueRadians(); Vector3 upRotation = m_game.GetCamera().getUp(); const float upAngle = upRotation.angleBetween(targetPosition).valueRadians(); Vector3 downRotation = m_game.GetCamera().getUp() * -Vector3::UNIT_SCALE; const float downAngle = downRotation.angleBetween(targetPosition).valueRadians(); // Find out direction and screen coordinates on the screen borders const float xPosPercent = 0.5f + (leftAngle - Math::PI / 2.0f) * 0.6f; const float yPosPercent = 0.5f + (upAngle - Math::PI / 2.0f) * 0.85f; float posX = xPosPercent - m_arrowSize.x; posX = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, posX)); float posY = yPosPercent - m_arrowSize.y; posY = std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, posY)); // First try, just get the closest angle if (leftAngle < rightAngle && leftAngle < upAngle && leftAngle < downAngle) { m_arrowLeft->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 0), CEGUI::UDim(posY, 0))); m_arrowLeft->show(); } else if (rightAngle < upAngle && rightAngle < downAngle) { m_arrowRight->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(1.0f - m_arrowSize.x, 0), CEGUI::UDim(posY, 0))); m_arrowRight->show(); } else if (upAngle < downAngle) { m_arrowUp->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(posX, 0), CEGUI::UDim(0, 0))); m_arrowUp->show(); } else { m_arrowDown->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(posX, 0), CEGUI::UDim(1.0f - m_arrowSize.y, 0))); m_arrowDown->show(); } } // if (isVisible... }