void Chat::HandleNetworkMessage(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) { Network* network = GetSubsystem<Network>(); using namespace NetworkMessage; int msgID = eventData[P_MESSAGEID].GetInt(); if (msgID == MSG_CHAT) { const PODVector<unsigned char>& data = eventData[P_DATA].GetBuffer(); // Use a MemoryBuffer to read the message data so that there is no unnecessary copying MemoryBuffer msg(data); String text = msg.ReadString(); // If we are the server, prepend the sender's IP address and port and echo to everyone // If we are a client, just display the message if (network->IsServerRunning()) { Connection* sender = static_cast<Connection*>(eventData[P_CONNECTION].GetPtr()); text = sender->ToString() + " " + text; VectorBuffer sendMsg; sendMsg.WriteString(text); // Broadcast as in-order and reliable network->BroadcastMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, sendMsg); } ShowChatText(text); } }
PODVector<unsigned char> DecalSet::GetDecalsAttr() const { VectorBuffer ret; ret.WriteBool(skinned_); ret.WriteVLE(decals_.Size()); for (List<Decal>::ConstIterator i = decals_.Begin(); i != decals_.End(); ++i) { ret.WriteFloat(i->timer_); ret.WriteFloat(i->timeToLive_); ret.WriteVLE(i->vertices_.Size()); ret.WriteVLE(i->indices_.Size()); for (PODVector<DecalVertex>::ConstIterator j = i->vertices_.Begin(); j != i->vertices_.End(); ++j) { ret.WriteVector3(j->position_); ret.WriteVector3(j->normal_); ret.WriteVector2(j->texCoord_); ret.WriteVector4(j->tangent_); if (skinned_) { for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; ++k) ret.WriteFloat(j->blendWeights_[k]); for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; ++k) ret.WriteUByte(j->blendIndices_[k]); } } for (PODVector<unsigned short>::ConstIterator j = i->indices_.Begin(); j != i->indices_.End(); ++j) ret.WriteUShort(*j); } if (skinned_) { ret.WriteVLE(bones_.Size()); for (Vector<Bone>::ConstIterator i = bones_.Begin(); i != bones_.End(); ++i) { ret.WriteString(i->name_); ret.WriteUByte(i->collisionMask_); if (i->collisionMask_ & BONECOLLISION_SPHERE) ret.WriteFloat(i->radius_); if (i->collisionMask_ & BONECOLLISION_BOX) ret.WriteBoundingBox(i->boundingBox_); ret.Write(i->offsetMatrix_.Data(), sizeof(Matrix3x4)); } } return ret.GetBuffer(); }
PODVector<unsigned char> ScriptInstance::GetDelayedMethodCallsAttr() const { VectorBuffer buf; buf.WriteVLE(delayedMethodCalls_.Size()); for (Vector<DelayedMethodCall>::ConstIterator i = delayedMethodCalls_.Begin(); i != delayedMethodCalls_.End(); ++i) { buf.WriteFloat(i->period_); buf.WriteFloat(i->delay_); buf.WriteBool(i->repeat_); buf.WriteString(i->declaration_); buf.WriteVariantVector(i->parameters_); } return buf.GetBuffer(); }
void Chat::HandleSend(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) { String text = textEdit_->GetText(); if (text.Empty()) return; // Do not send an empty message Network* network = GetSubsystem<Network>(); Connection* serverConnection = network->GetServerConnection(); if (serverConnection) { // A VectorBuffer object is convenient for constructing a message to send VectorBuffer msg; msg.WriteString(text); // Send the chat message as in-order and reliable serverConnection->SendMessage(MSG_CHAT, true, true, msg); // Empty the text edit after sending textEdit_->SetText(String::EMPTY); } }
void GameEconomicServerClientConsole::SendMessage(String Message) { /// If sending message is empty if (Message.Empty()) { return; // Do not send an empty message } /// Get connection Network* network = GetSubsystem<Network>(); Connection* serverConnection = network->GetServerConnection(); /// Send message only if serverconnection and connection is true if (serverConnection&&serverconnection) { // A VectorBuffer object is convenient for constructing a message to send VectorBuffer msg; msg.WriteString(Message); // Send the chat message as in-order and reliable serverConnection->SendMessage(NetMessageAdminClientSend, true, true, msg); } return; }