VideoFrame VideoFrameConverter::convert(const VideoFrame &frame, int fffmt) const { if (!frame.isValid() || fffmt == QTAV_PIX_FMT_C(NONE)) return VideoFrame(); if (!frame.constBits(0)) // hw surface return; const VideoFormat format(frame.format()); //if (fffmt == format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()) // return *this; if (!m_cvt) { m_cvt = new ImageConverterSWS(); } m_cvt->setBrightness(m_eq[0]); m_cvt->setContrast(m_eq[1]); m_cvt->setSaturation(m_eq[2]); m_cvt->setInFormat(format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); m_cvt->setOutFormat(fffmt); m_cvt->setInSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); m_cvt->setOutSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); m_cvt->setInRange(frame.colorRange()); const int pal = format.hasPalette(); QVector<const uchar*> pitch(format.planeCount() + pal); QVector<int> stride(format.planeCount() + pal); for (int i = 0; i < format.planeCount(); ++i) { pitch[i] = frame.constBits(i); stride[i] = frame.bytesPerLine(i); } const QByteArray paldata(frame.metaData(QStringLiteral("pallete")).toByteArray()); if (pal > 0) { pitch[1] = (const uchar*)paldata.constData(); stride[1] = paldata.size(); } if (!m_cvt->convert(pitch.constData(), stride.constData())) { return VideoFrame(); } const VideoFormat fmt(fffmt); VideoFrame f(frame.width(), frame.height(), fmt, m_cvt->outData()); f.setBits(m_cvt->outPlanes()); f.setBytesPerLine(m_cvt->outLineSizes()); f.setTimestamp(frame.timestamp()); f.setDisplayAspectRatio(frame.displayAspectRatio()); // metadata? if (fmt.isRGB()) { f.setColorSpace(fmt.isPlanar() ? ColorSpace_GBR : ColorSpace_RGB); } else { f.setColorSpace(ColorSpace_Unknown); } // TODO: color range return f; }
bool QPainterRenderer::preparePixmap(const VideoFrame &frame) { DPTR_D(QPainterRenderer); // already locked in a larger scope of receive() QImage::Format imgfmt = frame.imageFormat(); if (frame.constBits(0)) { d.video_frame = frame; } else { if (imgfmt == QImage::Format_Invalid) { d.video_frame =; imgfmt = d.video_frame.imageFormat(); } else { d.video_frame =; } } const bool swapRGB = (int)imgfmt < 0; if (swapRGB) { imgfmt = (QImage::Format)(-imgfmt); } // DO NOT use frameData().data() because it's temp ptr while d.image does not deep copy the data QImage image = QImage((uchar*)d.video_frame.constBits(), d.video_frame.width(), d.video_frame.height(), d.video_frame.bytesPerLine(), imgfmt); if (swapRGB) image = image.rgbSwapped(); d.pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); //Format_RGB32 is fast. see document return true; }
bool VideoEncoderFFmpeg::encode(const VideoFrame &frame) { DPTR_D(VideoEncoderFFmpeg); AVFrame *f = NULL; if (frame.isValid()) { f = av_frame_alloc(); f->format = frame.format().pixelFormatFFmpeg(); f->width = frame.width(); f->height = frame.height(); // f->quality = d.avctx->global_quality; switch (timestampMode()) { case TimestampCopy: f->pts = int64_t(frame.timestamp()*frameRate()); // TODO: check monotically increase and fix if not. or another mode? break; case TimestampMonotonic: f->pts = d.nb_encoded+1; break; default: break; } // pts is set in muxer const int nb_planes = frame.planeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { f->linesize[i] = frame.bytesPerLine(i); f->data[i] = (uint8_t*)frame.constBits(i); } if (d.avctx->width <= 0) { d.avctx->width = frame.width(); } if (d.avctx->height <= 0) { d.avctx->height = frame.width(); } } AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); = (uint8_t*)d.buffer.constData(); pkt.size = d.buffer.size(); int got_packet = 0; int ret = avcodec_encode_video2(d.avctx, &pkt, f, &got_packet); av_frame_free(&f); if (ret < 0) { qWarning("error avcodec_encode_video2: %s" ,av_err2str(ret)); return false; //false } d.nb_encoded++; if (!got_packet) { qWarning("no packet got"); d.packet = Packet(); // invalid frame means eof return frame.isValid(); } // qDebug("enc avpkt.pts: %lld, dts: %lld.", pkt.pts, pkt.dts); d.packet = Packet::fromAVPacket(&pkt, av_q2d(d.avctx->time_base)); // qDebug("enc packet.pts: %.3f, dts: %.3f.", d.packet.pts, d.packet.dts); return true; }
bool QQuickItemRenderer::receiveFrame(const VideoFrame &frame) { DPTR_D(QQuickItemRenderer); d.video_frame = frame; if (!isOpenGL()) { d.image = QImage((uchar*)frame.constBits(), frame.width(), frame.height(), frame.bytesPerLine(), frame.imageFormat()); QRect r = realROI(); if (r != QRect(0, 0, frame.width(), frame.height())) d.image = d.image.copy(r); } d.frame_changed = true; // update(); // why update slow? because of calling in a different thread? //QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "update"); // slower than directly postEvent QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::User)); return true; }
bool VideoEncoderFFmpeg::encode(const VideoFrame &frame) { DPTR_D(VideoEncoderFFmpeg); QScopedPointer<AVFrame, ScopedAVFrameDeleter> f; // hwupload AVPixelFormat pixfmt = AVPixelFormat(frame.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); if (frame.isValid()) { f.reset(av_frame_alloc()); f->format = pixfmt; f->width = frame.width(); f->height = frame.height(); // f->quality = d.avctx->global_quality; switch (timestampMode()) { case TimestampCopy: f->pts = int64_t(frame.timestamp()*frameRate()); // TODO: check monotically increase and fix if not. or another mode? break; case TimestampMonotonic: f->pts = d.nb_encoded+1; break; default: break; } // pts is set in muxer const int nb_planes = frame.planeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { f->linesize[i] = frame.bytesPerLine(i); f->data[i] = (uint8_t*)frame.constBits(i); } if (d.avctx->width <= 0) { d.avctx->width = frame.width(); } if (d.avctx->height <= 0) { d.avctx->height = frame.width(); } #ifdef HAVE_AVHWCTX if (d.avctx->hw_frames_ctx) { // TODO: try to map to SourceSurface // checl valid sw_formats if (!d.hwframes_ref) { qWarning("no hw frame context for uploading"); return false; } if (pixfmt != d.hwframes->sw_format) { // reinit or got an unsupported format. assume parameters will not change, so it's the 1st init // check constraints bool init_frames_ctx = d.hwframes->sw_format == AVPixelFormat(-1); if (d.sw_fmts.contains(pixfmt)) { // format changed init_frames_ctx = true; } else { // convert to supported sw format pixfmt = d.sw_fmts[0]; f->format = pixfmt; VideoFrame converted =; for (int i = 0; i < converted.planeCount(); ++i) { f->linesize[i] = converted.bytesPerLine(i); f->data[i] = (uint8_t*)frame.constBits(i); } } if (init_frames_ctx) { d.hwframes->sw_format = pixfmt; d.hwframes->width = frame.width(); d.hwframes->height = frame.height(); AV_ENSURE(av_hwframe_ctx_init(d.hwframes_ref), false); } } // upload QScopedPointer<AVFrame, ScopedAVFrameDeleter> hwf( av_frame_alloc()); AV_ENSURE(av_hwframe_get_buffer(d.hwframes_ref,, 0), false); //hwf->format = d.hwframes->format; // not necessary //hwf->width = f->width; //hwf->height = f->height; AV_ENSURE(av_hwframe_transfer_data(,, 0), false); AV_ENSURE(av_frame_copy_props(,, false); av_frame_unref(; av_frame_move_ref(,; } #endif //HAVE_AVHWCTX } AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); = (uint8_t*)d.buffer.constData(); pkt.size = d.buffer.size(); int got_packet = 0; int ret = avcodec_encode_video2(d.avctx, &pkt,, &got_packet); if (ret < 0) { qWarning("error avcodec_encode_video2: %s" ,av_err2str(ret)); return false; //false } d.nb_encoded++; if (!got_packet) { qWarning("no packet got"); d.packet = Packet(); // invalid frame means eof return frame.isValid(); } // qDebug("enc avpkt.pts: %lld, dts: %lld.", pkt.pts, pkt.dts); d.packet = Packet::fromAVPacket(&pkt, av_q2d(d.avctx->time_base)); // qDebug("enc packet.pts: %.3f, dts: %.3f.", d.packet.pts, d.packet.dts); return true; }