VideoFrame VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::copyToFrame(const VideoFormat& fmt, int surface_h, quint8 *src[], int pitch[], bool swapUV) { DPTR_D(VideoDecoderFFmpegHW); Q_ASSERT_X(src[0] && pitch[0] > 0, "VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::copyToFrame", "src[0] and pitch[0] must be set"); const int nb_planes = fmt.planeCount(); const int chroma_pitch = nb_planes > 1 ? fmt.bytesPerLine(pitch[0], 1) : 0; const int chroma_h = fmt.chromaHeight(surface_h); int h[] = { surface_h, 0, 0}; for (int i = 1; i < nb_planes; ++i) { h[i] = chroma_h; // set chroma address and pitch if not set if (pitch[i] <= 0) pitch[i] = chroma_pitch; if (!src[i]) src[i] = src[i-1] + pitch[i-1]*h[i-1]; } if (swapUV) { std::swap(src[1], src[2]); std::swap(pitch[1], pitch[2]); } VideoFrame frame; if (copyMode() == VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::OptimizedCopy && d.gpu_mem.isReady()) { int yuv_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { yuv_size += pitch[i]*h[i]; } // additional 15 bytes to ensure 16 bytes aligned QByteArray buf(15 + yuv_size, 0); const int offset_16 = (16 - ((uintptr_t) & 0x0f)) & 0x0f; // plane 1, 2... is aligned? uchar* plane_ptr = (uchar*) + offset_16; QVector<uchar*> dst(nb_planes, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { dst[i] = plane_ptr; // TODO: add VideoFormat::planeWidth/Height() ? // pitch instead of surface_width plane_ptr += pitch[i] * h[i]; d.gpu_mem.copyFrame(src[i], dst[i], pitch[i], h[i], pitch[i]); } frame = VideoFrame(buf, width(), height(), fmt); frame.setBits(dst); frame.setBytesPerLine(pitch); } else { frame = VideoFrame(width(), height(), fmt); frame.setBits(src); frame.setBytesPerLine(pitch); // TODO: why clone is faster()? // TODO: buffer pool and create VideoFrame when needed to avoid copy? also for other va frame = frame.clone(); } frame.setTimestamp(double(d.frame->pkt_pts)/1000.0); frame.setDisplayAspectRatio(d.getDAR(d.frame)); d.updateColorDetails(&frame); return frame; }
VideoFrame VideoFrame::to(const VideoFormat &fmt, const QSize& dstSize, const QRectF& roi) const { if (!isValid() || !constBits(0)) {// hw surface. map to host. only supports rgb packed formats now Q_D(const VideoFrame); const QVariant v = d->metadata.value(QStringLiteral("surface_interop")); if (!v.isValid()) return VideoFrame(); VideoSurfaceInteropPtr si = v.value<VideoSurfaceInteropPtr>(); if (!si) return VideoFrame(); VideoFrame f; f.setDisplayAspectRatio(displayAspectRatio()); f.setTimestamp(timestamp()); if (si->map(HostMemorySurface, fmt, &f)) { if ((!dstSize.isValid() ||dstSize == QSize(width(), height())) && (!roi.isValid() || roi == QRectF(0, 0, width(), height()))) //roi is not supported now return f; return, dstSize, roi); } return VideoFrame(); } const int w = dstSize.width() > 0 ? dstSize.width() : width(); const int h = dstSize.height() > 0 ? dstSize.height() : height(); if (fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg() == pixelFormatFFmpeg() && w == width() && h == height() // TODO: roi check. ) return *this; Q_D(const VideoFrame); ImageConverterSWS conv; conv.setInFormat(pixelFormatFFmpeg()); conv.setOutFormat(fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); conv.setInSize(width(), height()); conv.setOutSize(w, h); conv.setInRange(colorRange()); if (!conv.convert(d->planes.constData(), d->line_sizes.constData())) { qWarning() << "VideoFrame::to error: " << format() << "=>" << fmt; return VideoFrame(); } VideoFrame f(w, h, fmt, conv.outData()); f.setBits(conv.outPlanes()); f.setBytesPerLine(conv.outLineSizes()); if (fmt.isRGB()) { f.setColorSpace(fmt.isPlanar() ? ColorSpace_GBR : ColorSpace_RGB); } else { f.setColorSpace(ColorSpace_Unknown); } // TODO: color range f.setTimestamp(timestamp()); f.setDisplayAspectRatio(displayAspectRatio()); f.d_ptr->metadata = d->metadata; // need metadata? return f; }
void* SurfaceInteropVAAPI::mapToHost(const VideoFormat &format, void *handle, int plane) { Q_UNUSED(plane); VAImage image; static const unsigned int fcc[] = { VA_FOURCC_NV12, VA_FOURCC_YV12, VA_FOURCC_IYUV, 0}; va_new_image(m_surface->vadisplay(), fcc, &image, m_surface->width(), m_surface->height()); if (image.image_id == VA_INVALID_ID) return NULL; void *p_base; VA_ENSURE(vaGetImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), m_surface->get(), 0, 0, m_surface->width(), m_surface->height(), image.image_id), NULL); VA_ENSURE(vaMapBuffer(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.buf, &p_base), NULL); //TODO: destroy image before return VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = pixelFormatFromVA(image.format.fourcc); bool swap_uv = image.format.fourcc != VA_FOURCC_NV12; if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_Invalid) { qWarning("unsupported vaapi pixel format: %#x", image.format.fourcc); VA_ENSURE(vaDestroyImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.image_id), NULL); return NULL; } const VideoFormat fmt(pixfmt); uint8_t *src[3]; int pitch[3]; for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) { src[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + image.offsets[i]; pitch[i] = image.pitches[i]; } VideoFrame frame = VideoFrame::fromGPU(fmt, frame_width, frame_height, m_surface->height(), src, pitch, true, swap_uv); if (format != fmt) frame =; VAWARN(vaUnmapBuffer(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.buf)); VAWARN(vaDestroyImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.image_id)); image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID; VideoFrame *f = reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame*>(handle); frame.setTimestamp(f->timestamp()); *f = frame; return f; }