mixed do_resurrect_obj(object ob) { int corpse; object playerob; if(ob->isCorpse()) corpse = 1; if(interactive(ob)) playerob = ob; if( ob->isPlayer() ) playerob = ob->GetPlayerob(); if( ob->isPlayer() && !playerob ){ write("You cannot resurrect a player that isn't logged on."); return 1; } if((playerob && !playerob->GetGhost()) || living(ob)) { write("You can't resurrect the living."); return 1; } if(base_name(ob) != LIB_CORPSE){ write("You can only resurrect flesh-based creatures."); return 1; } if(environment(ob) != environment(this_player())) { write(capitalize(ob->GetKeyName())+" isn't here."); return 1; } tell_player(this_player(),"You wave your hand, and with a flash "+ "of light, "+ob->GetCapName()+" comes back to life!"); tell_player(ob,capitalize(this_player()->GetKeyName())+" waves "+ possessive(this_player())+ " hand, and with a flash of light, you come back from the dead!"); tell_room(environment(this_player()),this_player()->GetCapName()+" waves "+ possessive(this_player())+ " hand, and with a flash of light, "+ob->GetCapName()+ " comes back to life!", ({ob, this_player()}) );
/*Do not attack other NPC's*/ void CheckNPC(object ob){ object env=environment(this_object()); if(ob && !inherits(LIB_NPC, ob)){ eventForce("kill " +ob->GetKeyName()); } }
int performDivorce(object ob1){ string spouse1, spouse2; object ring1, ring2, ob2; spouse1 = ob1->GetKeyName(); if(!ob1->GetSpouse()){ eventForce("say You don't appear to be married."); return 1; } spouse2 = lower_case(ob1->GetSpouse()); ob2 = find_player(spouse2); if(!ob1->CanDivorce(ob1)){ eventForce("say I cannot perform this divorce. Are you sure "+ "you are still married?"); return 1; } if(!find_player(spouse1) || !ob1 ){ eventForce("say I'm sorry. Both spouses must be logged "+ "on for a divorce to take place."); return 1; } ob1->eventDivorce(ob1); ob2->eventDivorce(ob2); ring1 = present("official wedding ring",ob1); ring2 = present("official wedding ring",ob2); if(ring1) ring1->eventDestruct(); if(ring2) ring2->eventDestruct(); eventForce("say The divorce is complete."); tell_player(spouse1,"%^RED%^You are now divorced from "+capitalize(spouse2)+"%^RESET%^!"); tell_player(spouse2,"%^RED%^You are now divorced from "+capitalize(spouse1)+"%^RESET%^!"); eventForce("shout this office duly records and announces that "+capitalize(spouse1) +" has divorced "+capitalize(spouse2)+"!"); return 1; }