string HTMLEditor::CreateImage(const IImageCPtr & image, const path & imgPath) { auto imgDirPath = path(IMAGES); auto relativePath = imgDirPath / path(image->GetPath()).filename(); create_directories(imgPath.parent_path() / imgDirPath); copy_file(image->GetPath(), imgPath.parent_path() / relativePath, copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); return "\t<img src='" + EncodeHtmlStr(relativePath.generic_string()) + "' height=" + to_string(image->GetHeight())+ " width=" + to_string(image->GetWidth()) + ">\n"; }
const long Zip ( const BEValueList<std::string> * filenames, const StringAutoPtr archive ) { long error = 0; const path file = filenames->first(); const path archive_path = *archive; if ( archive->empty() || exists ( archive_path.parent_path() ) ) { if ( archive->empty() ) { *archive = file.string() + ".zip"; } zipFile zip_file; const bool dont_overwrite = APPEND_STATUS_CREATE; zip_file = zipOpen64 ( archive->c_str(), dont_overwrite ); if ( zip_file == NULL ) { error = ZIP_ERRNO; } else { for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < filenames->size() ; i++ ) { path file_to_archive = filenames->at ( i ); if ( exists ( file_to_archive ) ) { error = AddToArchive ( file_to_archive, zip_file, file.parent_path() ); } else { error = kNoSuchFileOrDirectoryError; break; } } } // only worry about an error closing the file if there hasn't already been one int close_error = zipClose ( zip_file, NULL ); if ( error == kNoError ) { error = close_error; } } else { error = kNoSuchFileOrDirectoryError; } return error; } // Zip
/// \brief TODOCUMENT pair<alignment, superpose_orderer> ssap_scores_file_alignment_acquirer::do_get_alignment_and_orderer(const pdb_list &arg_pdbs ///< TODOCUMENT ) const { // Parse the SSAP scores file const path ssap_scores_file = get_ssap_scores_file(); const pair<str_vec, size_size_pair_doub_map> ssap_scores_data = ssap_scores_file::parse_ssap_scores_file( ssap_scores_file ); const str_vec &names = ssap_scores_data.first; const size_size_pair_doub_map &scores = ssap_scores_data.second; if ( names.size() != arg_pdbs.size() ) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(runtime_error_exception( "The number of PDBs is " + ::std::to_string( arg_pdbs.size() ) + ", which doesn't match the " + ::std::to_string( names.size() ) + " structures required for combining with the SSAP scores file \"" + ssap_scores_file.string() + "\"" )); } // Make a superpose_orderer from the scores const superpose_orderer my_orderer = make_superpose_orderer( scores ); // Use the superpose_orderer code to get a spanning tree, ordered in descending order of score const size_size_pair_vec spanning_tree = get_spanning_tree_ordered_by_desc_score( scores ); // // TODOCUMENT ostringstream stderr; const size_size_alignment_tuple_vec spanning_alignments = get_spanning_alignments( ssap_scores_file.parent_path(), names, arg_pdbs, spanning_tree, stderr ); // TODOCUMENT const bool single_pdb = ( arg_pdbs.size() == 1 ); const alignment new_alignment = single_pdb ? make_single_alignment( front( arg_pdbs ).get_num_residues() ) : build_alignment_from_parts( spanning_alignments, build_protein_list_of_pdb_list( arg_pdbs ) ); if ( names.size() == 0 ) { // Return the results return make_pair( new_alignment, my_orderer ); } // BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL( warning )<< "About to attempt to build protein list using data that's been read from ssap_scores_file (with " << arg_pdbs.size() << " pdbs and " << names.size() << " names)"; const protein_list proteins_of_pdbs = build_protein_list_of_pdb_list_and_names( arg_pdbs, names ); const alignment scored_new_alignment = score_alignment_copy( residue_scorer(), new_alignment, proteins_of_pdbs ); // cerr << "Did generate alignment : \n"; // cerr << horiz_align_outputter( scored_new_alignment ) << endl; // write_alignment_as_fasta_alignment( cerr, scored_new_alignment, build_protein_list_of_pdb_list( arg_pdbs ) ); // cerr << endl; // Return the results return make_pair( scored_new_alignment, my_orderer ); }
CTLProcessParams<CTLPlugin::Scalar> CTLPlugin::getProcessParams( const OfxPointD& renderScale ) const { using namespace boost::filesystem; CTLProcessParams<Scalar> params; params._inputType = static_cast<EParamChooseInput>( _paramInput->getValue() ); switch( params._inputType ) { case eParamChooseInputCode: { params._module = "inputCode"; params._code = _paramCode->getValue(); break; } case eParamChooseInputFile: { // std::ifstream f( _paramFile->getValue().c_str(), std::ios::in ); // std::getline( f, params._code, '\0' ); // split( params._paths, paths, is_any_of(":;"), token_compress_on ); const path filename = path( _paramFile->getValue() ); params._module = filename.stem().string(); params._paths.push_back( filename.parent_path().string() ); break; } } return params; }
node_tuple readFile(path currentFile) { regex rx("(^|\\s)#include\\s[\"<](.*?)[\">]"); string fileName = currentFile.filename(); transform(fileName.begin(), fileName.end(), fileName.begin(), tolower); string fileFolder = currentFile.parent_path(); transform(fileFolder.begin(), fileFolder.end(), fileFolder.begin(), tolower); vector<string> includes; ifstream sourceFile(currentFile); stringstream buffer; buffer << sourceFile.rdbuf(); sourceFile.close(); string sourceFileContent(buffer.str()); sregex_iterator rit(sourceFileContent.begin(), sourceFileContent.end(), rx); sregex_iterator riend; smatch res; string res2; while (rit != riend) { res = *rit; res2 = res[2]; transform(res2.begin(), res2.end(), res2.begin(), tolower); includes.push_back(res2); ++rit; } return make_tuple(fileName, fileFolder, includes); }
/// \brief TODOCUMENT /// /// \relates score_classn_value_results_set void cath::score::write_to_svm_light_data_files(const score_classn_value_results_set &arg_results_set, ///< TODOCUMENT const path &arg_output_file_stem, ///< TODOCUMENT const size_t &arg_num_repeats, ///< TODOCUMENT mt19937 &arg_rng, ///< TODOCUMENT const double &arg_fraction_train ///< TODOCUMENT ) { const auto num_instances = get_num_instances ( arg_results_set ); const auto names = get_names ( arg_results_set ); const auto instance_labels = get_instance_labels ( arg_results_set ); const auto scalings = get_value_list_scalings( arg_results_set ); // Get a data structure in which all lists are sorted in the same way const auto results = transform_build<score_classn_value_vec_vec>( names, [&] (const string &x) { const auto &results_list = arg_results_set.get_score_classn_value_list_of_name( x ); return get_score_classn_values_of_instance_labels( results_list, instance_labels ); } ); for (const size_t &repeat_ctr : irange( 1_z, arg_num_repeats + 1 ) ) { const auto repeat_ctr_str = lexical_cast<string>( repeat_ctr ); const path train_file = arg_output_file_stem.parent_path() / ( path( arg_output_file_stem.filename() ).string() + "." + repeat_ctr_str + ".train" ); const path test_file = arg_output_file_stem.parent_path() / ( path( arg_output_file_stem.filename() ).string() + "." + repeat_ctr_str + ".test" ); const size_vec_size_vec_pair split_indices = random_split( arg_rng, num_instances, arg_fraction_train ); write_to_svm_light_data_files_impl( results, scalings, train_file, split_indices.first ); write_to_svm_light_data_files_impl( results, scalings, test_file, split_indices.second ); } }
bool __create_directories(const path& p, std::error_code *ec) { std::error_code m_ec; auto const st = detail::posix_stat(p, &m_ec); if (!status_known(st)) { set_or_throw(m_ec, ec, "create_directories", p); return false; } else if (is_directory(st)) { if (ec) ec->clear(); return false; } else if (exists(st)) { set_or_throw(make_error_code(errc::file_exists), ec, "create_directories", p); return false; } const path parent = p.parent_path(); if (!parent.empty()) { const file_status parent_st = status(parent, m_ec); if (not status_known(parent_st)) { set_or_throw(m_ec, ec, "create_directories", p); return false; } if (not exists(parent_st)) { __create_directories(parent, ec); if (ec && *ec) { return false; } } } return __create_directory(p, ec); }
/// \brief TODOCUMENT bool options_block::is_acceptable_output_file(const path &arg_output_file ///< TODOCUMENT ) { if (exists(arg_output_file) && !is_regular_file(arg_output_file)) { return false; } if (arg_output_file.has_parent_path() && !is_directory(arg_output_file.parent_path())) { return false; } return true; }
vector<path> get_includes(path file, set<path>& touched_files){ debug(3,"reading dependencies for „"+file.string()+"“"); if( touched_files.count(file) ){ debug(4, "\tfile is already known"); return vector<path>(); } else{ touched_files.insert(file); } vector<path> includes; string line; ifstream filestream(file.c_str()); path file_dir=file.parent_path(); while(getline(filestream,line)){ line = strip(line); if(!line.empty() && line[0]=='#' && strip(line.substr(1)).find("include")==0){ line.erase(0,sizeof("#include")); line = strip(line); if(line[0]!='"') continue; line.erase(0,1); size_t pos; if((pos=line.find('"'))==string::npos) continue; line.erase(pos); path include=clean_path(file_dir/path(line)); if(std::find(settings::header_files.begin(), settings::header_files.end(),include) == settings::header_files.end() ){ if(std::find( settings::implementation_files.begin(), settings::implementation_files.end(), include) == settings::implementation_files.end() ){ continue; } } includes.push_back(include); } } vector<path> secondary_includes, tmp; for(auto i:includes){ tmp=get_includes(i, touched_files); secondary_includes.insert(secondary_includes.end(), tmp.begin(),tmp.end()); } includes.insert(includes.end(),secondary_includes.begin(), secondary_includes.end()); return includes; }
inline bool create_directories(const path & p) { if(p.empty()) { return true; } path parent = p.parent_path(); if(!exists(parent)) { if(!create_directories(parent)) { return false; } } return create_directory(p); }
void Touch(path const& file) { CreateDirectory(file.parent_path()); SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft; GetSystemTime(&st); if(!SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft)) throw EnvironmentError("SystemTimeToFileTime failed with error: " + util::ErrorString(GetLastError())); scoped_holder<HANDLE, BOOL (__stdcall *)(HANDLE)> h(CreateFile(file.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr), CloseHandle); // error handling etc. if (!SetFileTime(h, nullptr, nullptr, &ft)) throw EnvironmentError("SetFileTime failed with error: " + util::ErrorString(GetLastError())); }
void KeyManager::prefixKeyFile(const path& pKeyFileFName, const std::string& pPrefix) const { BOOST_LOG_NAMED_SCOPE("KeyManager::renameMallformedKeyFile"); path myNewFName; try { if (exists(pKeyFileFName)) { path myPath = pKeyFileFName.parent_path(); path myFName = pKeyFileFName.filename(); myNewFName = myPath / (path(pPrefix+"-") += myFName); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"Going to rename "<< pKeyFileFName << " into " << myNewFName << "."; rename(pKeyFileFName, myNewFName); } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug)<<"File "<< pKeyFileFName << " does not exist."; } } catch (const std::exception& myExc) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Failed to rename "<< pKeyFileFName << " into " << myNewFName << "because - " << myExc.what(); } catch(...) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error)<<"Failed to rename "<< pKeyFileFName << " into " << myNewFName << "."; } }
int main() { using namespace fs; for (auto const & TC : TestCases) { path const p_orig(TC.value); path p(p_orig); assert(p == TC.value); path& Ref = (p.remove_filename()); assert(p == TC.expect); assert(&Ref == &p); { const path parentp = p_orig.parent_path(); if (parentp == p_orig.root_name()) { assert(p.empty()); } else { assert(p == parentp); } } } }
static UString findSubDirectory_internal(const UString &directory, const UString &subDirectory, bool caseInsensitive) { try { // Special case: . is the same, current directory if (subDirectory == UString(".")) return directory; const path dirPath(directory.c_str()); // Special case: .. is the parent directory if (subDirectory == UString("..")) { path parent = dirPath.parent_path(); if (parent == dirPath) return ""; return parent.generic_string(); } // Iterator over the directory's contents directory_iterator itEnd; for (directory_iterator itDir(dirPath); itDir != itEnd; ++itDir) { if (is_directory(itDir->status())) { // It's a directory. Check if it's the one we're looking for if (caseInsensitive) { if (iequals(itDir->path().filename().string(), subDirectory.c_str())) return itDir->path().generic_string(); } else { if (equals(itDir->path().filename().string(), subDirectory.c_str())) return itDir->path().generic_string(); } } } } catch (...) { } return ""; }
void HTMLEditor::Save(const path & path) { if (path.empty()) { throw runtime_error("Path cannot be empty!"); } if (path.has_parent_path()) { create_directories(path.parent_path()); } std::ofstream file(path.generic_string()); if (!file.is_open()) { throw runtime_error("Invalid path specified" + path.generic_string()); } file << "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>" << EncodeHtmlStr(m_document.GetTitle()) << "</title>\n</head>\n" << "<body>\n" << CreateBody(path) << "</body>\n</html>"; file.close(); }
static bool create_directory_if_missing_recursive(const path& dirpath) { DBG_FS << "creating recursive directory: " << dirpath.string() << '\n'; if (dirpath.empty()) return false; error_code ec; bfs::file_status fs = bfs::status(dirpath); if (error_except_not_found(ec)) { ERR_FS << "Failed to retrieve file status for " << dirpath.string() << ": " << ec.message() << '\n'; return false; } else if (bfs::is_directory(fs)) { return true; } else if (bfs::exists(fs)) { return false; } if (!dirpath.has_parent_path() || create_directory_if_missing_recursive(dirpath.parent_path())) { return create_directory_if_missing(dirpath); } else { ERR_FS << "Could not create parents to " << dirpath.string() << '\n'; return false; } }
string albumFromPath(const path& p,regex& r) { return regex_replace(p.parent_path().filename(),r," "); }
path canonical_parent(const path& pth, const path& base) { return canonical(pth.parent_path(), base) / pth.filename(); }
void process_file(const options *adbr_opt, path &fpath) { long fdate = last_write_time(fpath); ulong fsize = file_size(fpath); uint fid = 0; char ed2k[33]; adbr_attr attrib; bool hash_req = false, ident_req = true; if(adbr_opt->use_repository) { printf("\tSearching repository...\t\t"); adbr_entry e; if((adbr_opt->use_dates && repos->search_hash(fsize, fdate, &e)) || (repos->search_hash(fsize, &e))) { strcpy(ed2k, e.ed2k); fid = e.fileid; printf("Found (%s|%lu)\n", ed2k, fsize); } else { hash_req = true; printf("Failed\n"); } } if((!adbr_opt->use_repository && !adbr_opt->rename && !adbr_opt->add_mylist && !adbr_opt->move) || (fid && !adbr_opt->rename && !adbr_opt->move)) { ident_req = false; } if(hash_req) { printf("\tHashing...\t\t\t"); ed2k_hash(fpath.string().c_str(), ed2k); printf("Done (%s)\n", ed2k); if(adbr_opt->use_repository) { repos->insert_hash(fsize, ed2k, fdate); } } if(ident_req) { printf("\tIdentifying file...\t\t"); if((fid && adbc->file(attrib, fid)) || (!fid && adbc->file(attrib, ed2k, fsize))) { if(adbr_opt->romaji) attrib["PREFERRED_NAME"] = attrib["ANIME_ROMAJI"]; else attrib["PREFERRED_NAME"] = attrib["ANIME_ENGLISH"]; sscanf(attrib["FID"].c_str(), "%u", &fid); if(adbr_opt->use_repository) repos->update_hash(fsize, fdate, fid); printf("Done (%u)\n", fid); } else { printf("Failed\n"); return; } } if(adbr_opt->rename || adbr_opt->move) { printf("\tRenaming file...\t\t"); string str; if(adbr_opt->rename) { str = adbr_opt->format; if(!attrib["ANIME_TYPE"].compare("Film")) { if(attrib["EPISODE_NAME"].find("0123456789") == string::npos) { str = adbr_opt->format_yn; } else { str = adbr_opt->format_y; } } else if(!attrib["ANIME_TYPE"].compare("OVA") || !attrib["ANIME_TYPE"].compare("TV Special")) { if(!attrib["EPISODE_TOTAL"].compare("1")) { if(attrib["EPISODE_NAME"].find("OVA") == string::npos) { str = adbr_opt->format_ye; } else { str = adbr_opt->format_y; } } } for(size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { size_t st; if( == '%') { st = i; while(++i < str.length()) { if( != '%') { continue; } else { string at = str.substr(st+1, i-st-1); if(attrib.count(at.c_str())) { string r = attrib[at.c_str()]; str.replace(st, i-st+1, r); i = st+r.length(); // printf("after: %s (<- %s)\n", str->c_str(), at.c_str()); } else { printf("|%s| is not a valid token\n", at.c_str()); } } break; } } } boost::algorithm::trim(str); } else { str = fpath.filename(); } path fnew = fpath.parent_path(); if(adbr_opt->move) { fnew = adbr_opt->animeroot; if(adbr_opt->wstatus) { size_t viewdate = 0; adbr_attr file_att; if(adbc->myfile(file_att, fid)) { sscanf(file_att["VIEWDATE"].c_str(), "%u", &viewdate); } if(viewdate) { fnew /= "watched"; } else { fnew /= "unwatched"; } } fnew /= attrib["PREFERRED_NAME"]; if(!exists(fnew)) { if(!create_directories(fnew)) { printf("Failed to create parent (%s) | ", fnew.file_string().c_str()); } } fnew /= str; } else { fnew = fpath.parent_path() / str; } if(exists(fnew)) { printf("Already exists (%s)\n", fnew.file_string().c_str()); } else { rename(fpath, fnew); if(exists(fnew)) { printf("Done (%s)\n", fnew.filename().c_str()); } else { printf("Failed (%s)\n", fnew.file_string().c_str()); } } } if(adbr_opt->add_mylist) { printf("\tAdding to mylist...\t\t"); if((fid && adbc->mylistadd(fid, adbr_opt)) || (!fid && adbc->mylistadd(ed2k, fsize, adbr_opt))) { printf("Done\n"); } else { printf("Failed\n"); } } }
/** * * @param exe Full path to the exe, probably derived from argv0. */ KatFS(const char* argv) { path exe(argv); //cout << exe << endl; if(exe.is_absolute()) { //cout << "Absolute" << endl; // Easy job... nothing special to do, resolve symlink then take two levels up katExe = fs::canonical(exe); rootDir = katExe.parent_path().parent_path(); } else if (exe.string().find('/') != string::npos) { //cout << "Relative" << endl; // Relative with some parent paths... get absolute path, resolving symlinks then take two levels up katExe = fs::canonical(fs::system_complete(exe)); rootDir = katExe.parent_path().parent_path(); } else { //cout << "name only" << endl; // Tricky one... just exe name, no indication of where if comes from. Now we have to resort to using which. string cmd = string("which ") + exe.string(); string res = exec(cmd.c_str()); string fullpath = res.substr(0, res.length() - 1); //cout << "fullpath" << fullpath << endl; katExe = fs::canonical(path(fullpath)); rootDir = katExe.parent_path().parent_path(); } binDir = path(rootDir); binDir /= "bin"; libsDir = path(rootDir); libsDir /= ".libs"; path srcDir = path(rootDir); srcDir /= "src"; path testDir = path(rootDir); testDir /= "tests"; if (katExe.parent_path() == srcDir || katExe.parent_path() == libsDir || katExe.parent_path() == testDir) { scriptsDir = path(rootDir); scriptsDir /= "scripts"; } else { scriptsDir = path(binDir); } if (!exists(scriptsDir)) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(FileSystemException() << FileSystemErrorInfo(string( "Could not find suitable directory containing KAT scripts at: ") + scriptsDir.c_str())); } }
string Routines::GetBinDirectory() { return binFilePath.parent_path().generic_string(); }
void decrypt(path &filePlace, path &keyPlace) { std::ifstream fileToDecode(filePlace.string(), std::ios::binary); std::ifstream fileWithKey(keyPlace.string(), std::ios::binary); if (!fileToDecode.is_open()) { std::cout << "Cannot open file to decode: " << filePlace.filename().string(); exit(0); } if (!fileWithKey.is_open()) { std::cout << "Cannot open file with key: " << keyPlace.filename().string(); exit(0); } DES_cblock key; *)key, file_size(keyPlace)); DES_key_schedule key_schedule; DES_set_key_checked(&key, &key_schedule); DES_cblock ivec; memset((char*)&ivec, 0, sizeof(ivec)); char *inputData = new char[file_size(filePlace)]; char *outputData = new char[file_size(filePlace)]; memset(inputData, 0, file_size(filePlace)); memset(outputData, 0, file_size(filePlace));, file_size(filePlace)); DES_ncbc_encrypt((unsigned char *)inputData, (unsigned char *)outputData, file_size(filePlace), &key_schedule, &ivec, DES_DECRYPT); std::stringstream outputDataStream(outputData); std::string newFileName; std::string size; //Loop for file data while (std::getline(outputDataStream, newFileName)) { std::getline(outputDataStream, size); int fileSize = std::stoi(size); std::string newData; newData.resize(fileSize + 1);[0], fileSize); std::ofstream outputFile; //if on Linux if (filePlace.parent_path().string()[0] == '/') { + "/" + newFileName, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc | std::ofstream::binary); } else { + "\\" + newFileName, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc | std::ofstream::binary); } if (!outputFile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Cannot create new file: " << newFileName; exit(0); } //If it`s an image then decode back path p(newFileName); if (p.extension() != ".txt") { char *decoded_image = new char[fileSize + 1]; bn::decode_b16(newData.begin(), newData.end(), decoded_image); outputFile.write(decoded_image, fileSize); } else { outputFile.write(&newData[0], fileSize); } outputFile.close(); } fileToDecode.close(); fileWithKey.close(); delete[] inputData; delete[] outputData; }