bigNumber numberFromVector(vector<int> &vec, bool neg, int dec, settings &user) { bigNumber temp; temp.setBase(user.getBase()); for (int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) { int numberToUse =; int locationToSet = PRECISION + i; temp.setDigit(locationToSet, numberToUse); } if (neg) temp.setNegative(); temp.divideByTen(dec); return temp; }
bool isNumber(char const &c, settings &user) { return (checkNumber(c) >= 0 && checkNumber(c) <= (user.getBase()-1) ); }
solution solve(string &c, bigNumber previous, settings &user) { c += '$'; PTYPE pType=ERROR; vector<int> first; vector<int> second; bigNumber bn1; bigNumber bn2; bigNumber temp; bn1.setBase(user.getBase()); bn2.setBase(user.getBase()); temp.setBase(user.getBase()); int decimalCount1=0; int decimalCount2=0; int commaNumbers=0; int numbers=0; bool decimal=false; bool comma=false; bool negative1=false; bool negative2=false; bool done=false; bool printExact=false; bool printStats=false; bigNumber* targetBN = &bn1; vector<int>* targetVec = &first; int* targetDec = &decimalCount1; bool* targetNegative = &negative1; int counter = c.size(); for (int i=0; i<counter; i++) { if (checkWord(c, i, "pi")) { if (numbers>0 || comma==true || decimal==true) { RETURN_ERROR; } else { string piString(PI); for (int piMarker=PRECISION; piMarker>=0; piMarker--) { char piChar = '0'; int piNum = piString[PRECISION-piMarker] - piChar; (*targetVec).push_back(piNum); } done=true; *targetDec = PRECISION; numbers += (PRECISION+1); counter += 2; i += 2; } } if (checkWord(c, i, "theta")) { if (numbers>0 || comma==true || decimal==true) { RETURN_ERROR; } else { string thetaString(THETA); for (int thetaMarker=PRECISION; thetaMarker>=0; thetaMarker--) { char thetaChar = '0'; int thetaNum = thetaString[PRECISION-thetaMarker] - thetaChar; (*targetVec).push_back(thetaNum); } done=true; *targetDec = PRECISION; numbers += (PRECISION+1); counter += 5; i += 5; } } //if it isn't a space, number, symbol, end marker, or decimal point, return error if (checkSpace(c[i])==false && isNumber(c[i], user)==false && isSymbol(c[i])==false && c[i] != '$' && c[i] != ',' && c[i] != '.') { RETURN_ERROR; } if (c[i]==',') { if (comma==false) { if (decimal==true || numbers==0 || numbers > 3 || done==true) RETURN_ERROR; else comma = true; } else if (commaNumbers != 3) RETURN_ERROR; commaNumbers=0; } //if it's a space else if (checkSpace(c[i])==true) { //if it's preceeded by a number, number is complete if (isNumber(c[i-1], user)) { done = true; } //if negative is set, and it is preceeded by a minus symbol, return error else if (checkSymbol(c[i-1]) == SUBTRACT && *targetNegative == true) { RETURN_ERROR; } } //if it's a number else if (isNumber(c[i], user)) { //if number was complete, return error if (done==true) { RETURN_ERROR; } if (comma==true) commaNumbers++; //otherwise add number to target vector, add decimal count if needed (*targetVec).push_back(checkNumber(c[i])); numbers++; if (decimal==true) { (*targetDec)++; } } //if it's a minus symbol else if (checkSymbol(c[i]) == SUBTRACT) { //if no numbers have been added if (numbers==0) { //if target isn't negative, make target negative if ((*targetNegative)==false) { (*targetNegative) = true; (*targetBN).setNegative(); } //if target is negative, no numbers have been added, and the target is the first number: //there are two minus symbols, which means the intent is to //subtract a negative number from previous else if (targetBN == &bn1) { pType = SUBTRACT; targetBN = &bn2; numbers=0; commaNumbers=0; comma=false; bn2.setNegative(); //sets 2nd number to negative negative2=true; //sets 2nd number to negative targetNegative= &negative2; done=false; targetDec = &decimalCount2; targetVec = &second; decimal=false; } else { RETURN_ERROR; } } //if numbers have been added, and the target is the first number, the problem type is subtraction else if (targetBN == &bn1) { if (comma==true && decimal==false && commaNumbers != 3) RETURN_ERROR; pType = SUBTRACT; numbers=0; commaNumbers=0; comma=false; done=false; targetBN = &bn2; targetNegative= &negative2; targetDec = &decimalCount2; targetVec = &second; decimal=false; } //if numbers have been added, and the target is the second number, return error else { RETURN_ERROR; } } //if it's a symbol other than minus else if (checkSymbol(c[i]) != ERROR && checkSymbol(c[i]) != SUBTRACT) { //if the type is already established, return error if (pType != ERROR) { RETURN_ERROR; } //otherwise, set problem type based on symbol and reset figures else { if (comma==true && decimal==false && commaNumbers != 3) RETURN_ERROR; pType = checkSymbol(c[i]); targetBN = &bn2; numbers=0; commaNumbers=0; comma=false; done=false; targetNegative = &negative2; targetDec = &decimalCount2; targetVec = &second; decimal=false; } } //if it's a decimal point else if (c[i]=='.') { //if there's already been a decimal point, return error if (decimal==true) { RETURN_ERROR; } else decimal = true; if (comma==true && commaNumbers != 3) RETURN_ERROR; } //if it's an endline character else if (c[i] == '$') { if (comma==true && decimal==false && commaNumbers != 3) RETURN_ERROR; //if both numbers are empty if (first.size()==0 && second.size()==0) { if (pType==FACTORIAL) { bn1 = previous; } else RETURN_ERROR; } //if first number is empty, set bn1 to previous if (first.size()==0) { bn1 = previous; } //otherwise create bn1 from entered and print it as is else { bn1 = numberFromVector(first, negative1, decimalCount1, user); printExact=true; } //if second number is empty if (second.size()==0) { //if first number is negative and pType is undefined, subtract number from previous if (negative1==true && pType == ERROR) { bn1.setPositive(); temp = previous - bn1; cout << "Entered: "; displayNumber(previous, user, false, false); cout << " - "; displayNumber(bn1, user, true, false); RETURN_OK(temp); //return solution(temp, 0); } //if first number isn't negative and no problem type has been declared, return that number else if (pType == ERROR) { cout << "Entered: "; displayNumber(bn1, user, true, false); RETURN_OK(bn1); //return solution(bn1, 0); } else if (pType != FACTORIAL) { RETURN_ERROR; } } //otherwise take ints from second vector and use to set bigNumber2 else { bn2 = numberFromVector(second, negative2, decimalCount2, user); } cout << "Entered: "; displayNumber(bn1, user, printExact, printStats); break; } } //use problem type to calculate solution, return with no errors if valid switch(pType) { case ERROR: RETURN_ERROR; case ADD: cout << " + "; bn2.printNumber(); temp = bn1 + bn2; RETURN_OK(temp); case SUBTRACT: cout << " - "; bn2.printNumber(); temp = bn1 - bn2; RETURN_OK(temp); case MULTIPLY: cout << " * "; bn2.printNumber(); temp = bn1 * bn2; RETURN_OK(temp); case DIVIDE: cout << " / "; bn2.printNumber(); if (bn2==0) { RETURN_ERROR; } temp = bn1 / bn2; RETURN_OK(temp); case FACTORIAL: if (bn1<0 || bn1.getDecimalCount() > 0) { RETURN_ERROR; } else if (bn1==0) { cout << "!"; bigNumber fact(1); fact.setBase(user.getBase()); RETURN_OK(fact); } temp = bigNumber::factorial(bn1); cout << "!"; RETURN_OK(temp); case EXPONENT: cout << "^"; bn2.printNumber(); temp = bigNumber::exponent(bn1, bn2); RETURN_OK(temp); case ITERATION: cout << "c"; bn2.printNumber(); temp = bigNumber::iterations(bn1, bn2); RETURN_OK(temp); default: RETURN_ERROR; } }