예제 #1
파일: ring.cpp 프로젝트: arkose/openbabel
  bool OBRing::findCenterAndNormal(vector3 & center, vector3 &norm1, vector3 &norm2)
    OBMol *mol= this->_parent;
    int j= 0;
    const int nA= this->_path.size();
    vector3 tmp;

    for (j = 0; j != nA; ++j)
        center += (mol->GetAtom(_path[j]))->GetVector();
    center/= double(nA);

    for (j = 0; j != nA; ++j)
        vector3 v1= (mol->GetAtom(_path[j]))->GetVector() - center;
        vector3 v2= (mol->GetAtom(_path[j+1==nA?0:j+1]))->GetVector() - center;
        tmp= cross(v1,v2);
        norm1+= tmp;
    norm1/= double(nA);
    norm2= norm1;
    norm2 *= -1.0;
예제 #2
  /*! This method employs the static method matrix3x3::jacobi(...)
    to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
    matrix. On entry it is checked if the matrix really is
    symmetric: if isSymmetric() returns 'false', an OBError is
    \note The jacobi algorithm is should work great for all
    symmetric 3x3 matrices. If you need to find the eigenvectors
    of a non-symmetric matrix, you might want to resort to the
    sophisticated routines of LAPACK.
    @param eigenvals a reference to a vector3 where the
    eigenvalues will be stored. The eigenvalues are ordered so
    that eigenvals[0] <= eigenvals[1] <= eigenvals[2].
    @return an orthogonal matrix whose ith column is an
    eigenvector for the eigenvalue eigenvals[i]. Here 'orthogonal'
    means that all eigenvectors have length one and are mutually
    orthogonal. The ith eigenvector can thus be conveniently
    accessed by the GetColumn() method, as in the following
    // Calculate eigenvectors and -values
    vector3 eigenvals;
    matrix3x3 eigenmatrix = somematrix.findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(eigenvals);
    // Print the 2nd eigenvector
    cout << eigenmatrix.GetColumn(1) << endl;
    With these conventions, a matrix is diagonalized in the following way:
    // Diagonalize the matrix
    matrix3x3 diagonalMatrix = eigenmatrix.inverse() * somematrix * eigenmatrix;
  matrix3x3 matrix3x3::findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(vector3 &eigenvals) const
    matrix3x3 result;

    if (!isSymmetric())
        OBError er("matrix3x3::findEigenvectorsIfSymmetric(vector3 &eigenvals) const throw(OBError)",
                   "The method was called on a matrix that was not symmetric, i.e. where isSymetric() == false.",
                   "This is a runtime or a programming error in your application.");
        throw er;

    double d[3];
    matrix3x3 copyOfThis = *this;

    jacobi(3, copyOfThis.ele[0], d, result.ele[0]);

    return result;