예제 #1
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: lsempe/uipg
// Returns the cross product of two vectors
vector3 vector3::Cross(const vector3 &v2) const
	vector3 r;
	r.x() = (y() * v2.z()) - (z() * v2.y());
	r.y() = (z() * v2.x()) - (x() * v2.z());
	r.z() = (x() * v2.y()) - (y() * v2.x());
	return r;
예제 #2
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: lsempe/uipg
vector3 vector3::Transform(const vector3& v, const matrix& m)
	vector3 result = vector3(	
						(v.x() * m(0,0)) + (v.x() * m(1,0)) + (v.x() * m(2,0))  + m(3,0),
						(v.y() * m(0,1)) + (v.y() * m(1,1)) + (v.y() * m(2,1))  + m(3,1),
						(v.z() * m(0,2)) + (v.z() * m(1,2)) + (v.z() * m(2,2) ) + m(3,2));
	return result;
예제 #3
  /*! Calculates the product m*v of the matrix m and the column
    vector represented by v
  vector3 operator *(const matrix3x3 &m,const vector3 &v)
    vector3 vv;

    vv.x() = v.x()*m.ele[0][0] + v.y()*m.ele[0][1] + v.z()*m.ele[0][2];
    vv.y() = v.x()*m.ele[1][0] + v.y()*m.ele[1][1] + v.z()*m.ele[1][2];
    vv.z() = v.x()*m.ele[2][0] + v.y()*m.ele[2][1] + v.z()*m.ele[2][2];

예제 #4
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	CheckPoint()
//	Test the point "alpha" of the way from P1 to P2 
//  See if it is on a face of the cube   
//	Consider only faces in "mask"                   
int CheckPoint(const vector3& p1, const vector3& p2, number alpha, long mask)
	vector3 plane_point;

	plane_point.x() = LERP(alpha, p1.x(), p2.x());
	plane_point.y() = LERP(alpha, p1.y(), p2.y());
	plane_point.z() = LERP(alpha, p1.z(), p2.z());
	return(FacePlane(plane_point) & mask);
예제 #5
  vector3 transformedFractionalCoordinate(vector3 originalCoordinate)
    // ensure the fractional coordinate is entirely within the unit cell
    vector3 returnValue(originalCoordinate);

    // So if we have -2.08, we take -2.08 - (-2) = -0.08 .... exactly what we want
    returnValue.SetX(originalCoordinate.x() - static_cast<int>(originalCoordinate.x()));
    returnValue.SetY(originalCoordinate.y() - static_cast<int>(originalCoordinate.y()));
    returnValue.SetZ(originalCoordinate.z() - static_cast<int>(originalCoordinate.z()));

    return returnValue;
예제 #6
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	Bevel3d()
//		Which of the eight corner plane(s) is point P outside of? 
int Bevel3d(const vector3& p)
	int outcode;

	outcode = 0;
	if (( p.x() + p.y() + p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x01;
	if (( p.x() + p.y() - p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x02;
	if (( p.x() - p.y() + p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x04;
	if (( p.x() - p.y() - p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x08;
	if ((-p.x() + p.y() + p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x10;
	if ((-p.x() + p.y() - p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x20;
	if ((-p.x() - p.y() + p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x40;
	if ((-p.x() - p.y() - p.z()) > 1.5) outcode |= 0x80;
예제 #7
파일: utils.cpp 프로젝트: yozhijk/test
	matrix4x4 translation_matrix(vector3 const& v)
		return matrix4x4 (1, 0, 0, 0, 
			0, 1, 0, 0, 
			0, 0, 1, 0, 
			v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), 1);
예제 #8
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	PointTriangleIntersection()
//		Test if 3D point is inside 3D triangle 
int PointTriangleIntersection(const vector3& p, const TRI& t)
	int		sign12,sign23,sign31;
	vector3 vect12,vect23,vect31,vect1h,vect2h,vect3h;
	vector3 cross12_1p,cross23_2p,cross31_3p;

	//	First, a quick bounding-box test:                               
	//  If P is outside triangle bbox, there cannot be an intersection. 
	if (p.x() > MAX3(t.m_P[0].x(), t.m_P[1].x(), t.m_P[2].x())) return(OUTSIDE);  
	if (p.y() > MAX3(t.m_P[0].y(), t.m_P[1].y(), t.m_P[2].y())) return(OUTSIDE);
	if (p.z() > MAX3(t.m_P[0].z(), t.m_P[1].z(), t.m_P[2].z())) return(OUTSIDE);
	if (p.x() < MIN3(t.m_P[0].x(), t.m_P[1].x(), t.m_P[2].x())) return(OUTSIDE);
	if (p.y() < MIN3(t.m_P[0].y(), t.m_P[1].y(), t.m_P[2].y())) return(OUTSIDE);
	if (p.z() < MIN3(t.m_P[0].z(), t.m_P[1].z(), t.m_P[2].z())) return(OUTSIDE);

	//	For each triangle side, make a vector out of it by subtracting vertexes; 
	//	make another vector from one vertex to point P.                          
	//  The crossproduct of these two vectors is orthogonal to both and the      
	//  signs of its X,Y,Z components indicate whether P was to the inside or    
	//  to the outside of this triangle side.                                    
	SUB(t.m_P[0], t.m_P[1], vect12);
	SUB(t.m_P[0], p,		  vect1h);	
	CROSS(vect12, vect1h, cross12_1p)
	sign12 = SIGN3(cross12_1p);      /* Extract X,Y,Z signs as 0..7 or 0...63 integer */

	SUB(t.m_P[1], t.m_P[2], vect23)
	SUB(t.m_P[1],    p, vect2h);
	CROSS(vect23, vect2h, cross23_2p)
	sign23 = SIGN3(cross23_2p);

	SUB(t.m_P[2], t.m_P[0], vect31)
	SUB(t.m_P[2],    p, vect3h);
	CROSS(vect31, vect3h, cross31_3p)
	sign31 = SIGN3(cross31_3p);

	//	If all three crossproduct vectors agree in their component signs, /
	//  then the point must be inside all three.                           
	//  P cannot be OUTSIDE all three sides simultaneously.                
	return (((sign12 & sign23 & sign31) == 0) ? OUTSIDE : INSIDE);
예제 #9
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: lsempe/uipg
const vector3 vector3::operator / (const vector3 &v2) const
	vector3 r;
	r.x() = x() / v2.x();
	r.y() = y() / v2.y();
	r.z() = z() / v2.z();
	return r;
예제 #10
// Helper function -- transform fractional coordinates to ensure they lie in the unit cell
// Copied from generic.cpp - should be defined in some header ? vector.h ?
vector3 transformedFractionalCoordinate2(vector3 originalCoordinate)
  // ensure the fractional coordinate is entirely within the unit cell
  vector3 returnValue(originalCoordinate);

  // So if we have -2.08, we take -2.08 - (-2) = -0.08 .... almost what we want
  returnValue.SetX(originalCoordinate.x() - int(originalCoordinate.x()) );
  returnValue.SetY(originalCoordinate.y() - int(originalCoordinate.y()) );
  returnValue.SetZ(originalCoordinate.z() - int(originalCoordinate.z()) );

  if (returnValue.x() < 0.0)
  returnValue.SetX(returnValue.x() + 1.0);
  if (returnValue.y() < 0.0)
  returnValue.SetY(returnValue.y() + 1.0);
  if (returnValue.z() < 0.0)
  returnValue.SetZ(returnValue.z() + 1.0);

  return returnValue;
예제 #11
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	Bevel2d()
//	 Which of the twelve edge plane(s) is point P outside of? 
int Bevel2d(const vector3& p)
	int outcode;

	outcode = 0;
	if ( p.x() + p.y() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x001;
	if ( p.x() - p.y() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x002;
	if (-p.x() + p.y() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x004;
	if (-p.x() - p.y() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x008;
	if ( p.x() + p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x010;
	if ( p.x() - p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x020;
	if (-p.x() + p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x040;
	if (-p.x() - p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x080;
	if ( p.y() + p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x100;
	if ( p.y() - p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x200;
	if (-p.y() + p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x400;
	if (-p.y() - p.z() > 1.0) outcode |= 0x800;
예제 #12
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	FacePlane()
//		Which of the six face-plane(s) is point P outside of? 
int FacePlane(const vector3& p)
	int outcode;

	outcode = 0;
	if (p.x() >  .5) outcode |= 0x01;
	if (p.x() < -.5) outcode |= 0x02;
	if (p.y() >  .5) outcode |= 0x04;
	if (p.y() < -.5) outcode |= 0x08;
	if (p.z() >  .5) outcode |= 0x10;
	if (p.z() < -.5) outcode |= 0x20;
예제 #13
파일: utils.cpp 프로젝트: yozhijk/test
	quat rotation_quat(vector3 const& axe, real const& angle )
		// create (sin(a/2)*axis, cos(a/2)) quaternion
		// which rotates the point a radians around "axis"
		quat res;
		vector4 u = vector4(axe.x(), axe.y(), axe.z(), 0); u.normalize();
		real sina2 = sin(angle/2);
		real cosa2 = cos(angle/2);

		res.qx() = sina2 * u.x();
		res.qy() = sina2 * u.y();
		res.qz() = sina2 * u.z();
		res.qw() = cosa2;

		return res;
예제 #14
int CalculateNormalNoNormalize(vector3& vNormOut, Grid& grid, Edge* e,
					Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<APosition>& aaPos,
					Grid::FaceAttachmentAccessor<ANormal>* paaNormFACE)
	Face* f[2];
	int numFaces = GetAssociatedFaces(f, grid, e, 2);
	case 0:{ //	if there are no associated faces.
		//	we'll assume that the edge lies in the xy plane and return its normal
		vector3 dir;
		VecSubtract(dir, aaPos[e->vertex(1)], aaPos[e->vertex(0)]);
		vNormOut.x() = dir.y();
		vNormOut.y() = -dir.x();
		vNormOut.z() = 0;
	case 1: //	if there is one face, the normal will be set to the faces normal
			vNormOut = (*paaNormFACE)[f[0]];
			CalculateNormalNoNormalize(vNormOut, f[0], aaPos);
	default: //	there are at least 2 associated faces
			VecAdd(vNormOut, (*paaNormFACE)[f[0]], (*paaNormFACE)[f[1]]);
			vector3 fn0, fn1;
			CalculateNormalNoNormalize(fn0, f[0], aaPos);
			CalculateNormalNoNormalize(fn1, f[1], aaPos);
			VecAdd(vNormOut, fn0, fn1);
			VecScale(vNormOut, vNormOut, 0.5);
		VecNormalize(vNormOut, vNormOut);
	return numFaces;
예제 #15
  void matrix3x3::SetRow(int row, const vector3 &v)
    if (row > 2)
        OBError er("matrix3x3::SetRow(int row, const vector3 &v)",
                   "The method was called with row > 2.",
                   "This is a programming error in your application.");
        throw er;

    ele[row][0] = v.x();
    ele[row][1] = v.y();
    ele[row][2] = v.z();
예제 #16
  void matrix3x3::SetColumn(int col, const vector3 &v)
    if (col > 2)
        OBError er("matrix3x3::SetColumn(int col, const vector3 &v)",
                   "The method was called with col > 2.",
                   "This is a programming error in your application.");
        throw er;

    ele[0][col] = v.x();
    ele[1][col] = v.y();
    ele[2][col] = v.z();
예제 #17
  vector3 OBUnitCell::WrapFractionalCoordinate(vector3 frac) const
    double x = fmod(frac.x(), 1);
    double y = fmod(frac.y(), 1);
    double z = fmod(frac.z(), 1);
    if (x < 0) x += 1;
    if (y < 0) y += 1;
    if (z < 0) z += 1;

#define LIMIT 0.999999
    if (x > LIMIT)
      x -= 1;
    if (y > LIMIT)
      y -= 1;
    if (z > LIMIT)
      z -= 1;
#undef LIMIT

    return vector3(x, y, z);
예제 #18
파일: solids.cpp 프로젝트: Oxyd/OxaTrace
sphere::texture_at(ray_point const& rp) const {
  // We'll use the equations suggested at
  // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UV_mapping :
  //             atan(d.z / d.x)
  //   u = 0.5 + ---------------
  //                  2 pi
  //             asin(d.y)
  //   v = 0.5 - ---------
  //                pi
  vector3 const d = -normal_at(rp).get();
  double const u = 0.5 + atan2(d.z(), d.x()) / (2 * PI);
  double const v = 0.5 - asin(d.y()) / PI;

  assert(0.0 <= u && u <= 1.0);
  assert(0.0 <= v && v <= 1.0);

  return {u, v};
예제 #19
파일: tri_box.cpp 프로젝트: bsumirak/ugcore
//	CheckLine()
//		Compute intersection of P1 --> P2 line segment with face planes 
//		Then test intersection point to see if it is on cube face       
//		Consider only face planes in "outcode_diff"                     
//		Note: Zero bits in "outcode_diff" means face line is outside of */
int CheckLine(const vector3& p1, const vector3& p2, int outcode_diff)

   if ((0x01 & outcode_diff) != 0)
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,( .5f-p1.x())/(p2.x()-p1.x()),0x3e) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
   if ((0x02 & outcode_diff) != 0)
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,(-.5f-p1.x())/(p2.x()-p1.x()),0x3d) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
   if ((0x04 & outcode_diff) != 0) 
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,( .5f-p1.y())/(p2.y()-p1.y()),0x3b) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
   if ((0x08 & outcode_diff) != 0) 
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,(-.5f-p1.y())/(p2.y()-p1.y()),0x37) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
   if ((0x10 & outcode_diff) != 0) 
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,( .5f-p1.z())/(p2.z()-p1.z()),0x2f) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
   if ((0x20 & outcode_diff) != 0) 
      if (CheckPoint(p1,p2,(-.5f-p1.z())/(p2.z()-p1.z()),0x1f) == INSIDE) return(INSIDE);
예제 #20
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: lsempe/uipg
// Equality operations
bool vector3::operator == (const vector3 &v) const
	return ((x() == v.x()) && (y() == v.y()) && (z() == v.z()));
예제 #21
파일: vector.hpp 프로젝트: AgentRev/ACE3
 bool operator == (const vector3 &r) const { return (_x == r.x() && _y == r.y() && _z == r.z()); }
예제 #22
파일: vector.hpp 프로젝트: AgentRev/ACE3
 vector3 cross(const vector3 &v) const { return vector3(_y * v.z() - _z * v.y(), _z * v.x() - _x * v.z(), _x * v.y() - _y * v.x()); }
예제 #23
파일: depict.cpp 프로젝트: RitaDo/pgchem
  void OBDepictPrivate::DrawAtomLabel(const std::string &label, int alignment, const vector3 &pos)
    OBFontMetrics metrics = painter->GetFontMetrics(label);
    cout << "FontMetrics(" << label << "):" << endl;
    cout << "  ascent = " << metrics.ascent << endl;
    cout << "  descent = " << metrics.descent << endl;
    cout << "  width = " << metrics.width << endl;
    cout << "  height = " << metrics.height << endl;

    painter->DrawCircle(pos.x(), pos.y(), metrics.ascent / 2);
    std::string str, subscript;
    // compute the horizontal starting position
    double xOffset, yOffset, yOffsetSubscript;
    switch (alignment) {
      case TopLeft:
      case CenterLeft:
      case BottomLeft:
        xOffset = - 0.5 * painter->GetFontMetrics(label.substr(0,1)).width;
      case TopRight:
      case CenterRight:
      case BottomRight:
        xOffset = 0.7 * painter->GetFontMetrics(label.substr(label.size()-1,1)).width - 
        xOffset = - 0.5 * painter->GetFontMetrics(label).width;
    // compute the vertical starting position
    switch (alignment) {
      case BottomLeft:
      case BottomCenter:
      case BottomRight:
        yOffset = 0.2 * metrics.ascent + metrics.descent;
        yOffsetSubscript = metrics.ascent + metrics.descent;
        yOffset = 0.5 * metrics.ascent;
        yOffsetSubscript = metrics.ascent;
    for (int i = 0; i < label.size(); ++i) {
      if (!isalpha(label[i])) {
        if (!str.empty()) {
          // write the current string
          OBFontMetrics metrics = painter->GetFontMetrics(str);   
          painter->DrawText(pos.x() + xOffset, pos.y() + yOffset, str);
          xOffset += metrics.width;

        subscript += label.substr(i, 1);
      } else {
        if (!subscript.empty()) {
          // write the current subscript
          OBFontMetrics metrics = painter->GetFontMetrics(subscript);
          painter->DrawText(pos.x() + xOffset, pos.y() + yOffsetSubscript, subscript);
          xOffset += metrics.width;
        str += label.substr(i, 1);
    if (!str.empty()) {
      OBFontMetrics metrics = painter->GetFontMetrics(str);
      painter->DrawText(pos.x() + xOffset, pos.y() + yOffset, str);
    if (!subscript.empty()) {
      OBFontMetrics metrics = painter->GetFontMetrics(subscript);
      double yOffset = ispunct(subscript[subscript.size()-1]) || ispunct(subscript[0]) || ispunct(subscript[1])
        ? -yOffsetSubscript : yOffsetSubscript;
      painter->DrawText(pos.x() + xOffset, pos.y() + yOffset, subscript);
예제 #24
파일: math.cpp 프로젝트: Acpharis/openbabel
void pickRandom( vector3 & v )
  pickRandom( v.x() );
  pickRandom( v.y() );
  pickRandom( v.z() );
예제 #25
파일: vector.hpp 프로젝트: AgentRev/ACE3
 T dot(const vector3 &v) const { return (_x * v.x() + _y * v.y() + _z * v.z()); }
예제 #26
파일: ray.hpp 프로젝트: icedmaster/mhe
vector3<T> tangent_space_to_world_space(const vector3<T>& v, const vector3<T>& nrm)
	const vector3<T>& t1 = perpendicular(nrm);
	const vector3<T>& t2 = cross(nrm, t1);
	return (v.x() * t1 + v.y() * t2 + v.z() * nrm).normalized();
예제 #27
파일: utils.cpp 프로젝트: yozhijk/test
	vector3 rotate_vector( vector3 const& v, quat const& q )
		quat p = quat(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), 0);
		quat tp = q * p * q.inverse();
		return vector3(tp.qx(), tp.qy(), tp.qz());
예제 #28
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: lsempe/uipg
// Returns the dot product of two vectors
float vector3::Dot(const vector3 &v2) const
	return ((x() * v2.x()) + (y() * v2.y()) + (z() * v2.z()));
예제 #29
vector4::vector4(const vector3 &v) : vector4(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()) {}
예제 #30
파일: utils.cpp 프로젝트: yozhijk/test
	matrix4x4 scale_matrix(vector3 const& v)
		return matrix4x4(v.x(), 0, 0, 0, 0, v.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0, v.z(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);