ImageTestData ImageTestData::initializeSecondaryData(vtkImageDataPtr source, QString filename) { ImageTestData retval; QString colorFormat = "R"; if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 3) { vtkSmartPointer < vtkImageLuminance > luminance = vtkSmartPointer < vtkImageLuminance > ::New(); luminance->SetInputData(source); luminance->Update(); vtkImageDataPtr outData = luminance->GetOutput(); retval.mImageData = outData; colorFormat = "R"; } else if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 4) { retval.mImageData = source; colorFormat = "RGBA"; } else if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 1) { retval.mImageData = source; colorFormat = "R"; } retval.mRawUid = QString("uchar %1[%2]").arg(QFileInfo(filename).completeBaseName()).arg(colorFormat); retval.mDataSource.reset(new SplitFramesContainer(retval.mImageData)); retval.mCurrentFrame = 0; return retval; }
vtkImageDataPtr IGTLinkConversionSonixCXLegacy::createFilterAny2RGB(int R, int G, int B, vtkImageDataPtr input) { if (input->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 1) return input; if (( input->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()==3 )&&( R==0 )&&( G==1 )&&( B==2 )) return input; vtkImageAppendComponentsPtr merger = vtkImageAppendComponentsPtr::New(); vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr splitterRGB = vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr::New(); splitterRGB->SetInputData(input); splitterRGB->SetComponents(R, G, B); merger->AddInputConnection(splitterRGB->GetOutputPort()); merger->Update(); return merger->GetOutput(); }
vtkImageDataPtr USFrameData::convertTo8bit(vtkImageDataPtr input) const { vtkImageDataPtr retval = input; if (input->GetScalarSize() > 1) { ImagePtr tempImage = cx::ImagePtr(new cx::Image("tempImage", input, "tempImage")); tempImage->resetTransferFunctions(); retval = tempImage->get8bitGrayScaleVtkImageData(); } return retval; }
ImageTestData ImageTestData::initializePrimaryData(vtkImageDataPtr source, QString filename) { ImageTestData retval; QString colorFormat = "R"; if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 3) { vtkImageAppendComponentsPtr merger = vtkImageAppendComponentsPtr::New(); vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr splitterRGB = vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr::New(); splitterRGB->SetInputData(source); splitterRGB->SetComponents(0, 1, 2); // merger->AddInputConnection(0, splitterRGB->GetOutputPort()); merger->AddInputConnection(splitterRGB->GetOutputPort()); vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr splitterA = vtkImageExtractComponentsPtr::New(); splitterA->SetInputData(source); splitterA->SetComponents(0); merger->AddInputConnection(splitterA->GetOutputPort()); // merger->AddInputConnection(1, splitterA->GetOutputPort()); merger->Update(); retval.mImageData = merger->GetOutput(); colorFormat = "RGBA"; } else if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 4) { retval.mImageData = source; colorFormat = "RGBA"; } else if (source->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 1) { retval.mImageData = source; colorFormat = "R"; } retval.mRawUid = QString("%1 [%2]").arg(QFileInfo(filename).completeBaseName()).arg(colorFormat); retval.mDataSource.reset(new SplitFramesContainer(retval.mImageData)); retval.mCurrentFrame = 0; return retval; }
/**Convert input to grayscale, and return a COPY of that volume ( in order to break the pipeline for memory purposes) * ALSO: remove data in image outside extent - required by reconstruction. * Convert to 8 bit as current US reconstruction algorithms only handles 8 bit */ vtkImageDataPtr USFrameData::to8bitGrayscaleAndEffectuateCropping(vtkImageDataPtr input) const { vtkImageDataPtr grayScaleData; if (input->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == 1) // already gray { // crop (slow) grayScaleData = input; // outData->Crop(); } else { // convert and crop as side effect (optimization) grayScaleData = convertImageDataToGrayScale(input); } vtkImageDataPtr outData = this->convertTo8bit(grayScaleData); vtkImageDataPtr copy = vtkImageDataPtr::New(); copy->DeepCopy(outData); return copy; }
template<typename scalartype> static int getRGBMax(vtkImageDataPtr image) { int max = 0; vtkImageIterator<scalartype> iter(image, image->GetExtent()); while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) { typename vtkImageIterator<scalartype>::SpanIterator siter = iter.BeginSpan(); while (siter != iter.EndSpan()) { int value = *siter; ++siter; value += *siter; ++siter; value += *siter; ++siter; if (value > max) { max = value; } } iter.NextSpan(); } return max/3; }
void checkImagesEqual(vtkImageDataPtr input1, vtkImageDataPtr input2) { REQUIRE(input1.Get()!=(vtkImageData*)NULL); REQUIRE(input2.Get()!=(vtkImageData*)NULL); REQUIRE(input1->GetDataDimension() == input2->GetDataDimension()); REQUIRE(input1->GetScalarType() == input2->GetScalarType()); REQUIRE(input1->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() == input2->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()); REQUIRE(Eigen::Array3i(input1->GetDimensions()).isApprox(Eigen::Array3i(input2->GetDimensions()))); CHECK(Eigen::Array3d(input1->GetSpacing()).isApprox(Eigen::Array3d(input2->GetSpacing()), 1.0E-2)); CHECK(Eigen::Array3d(input1->GetOrigin()).isApprox(Eigen::Array3d(input2->GetOrigin()))); // check spacing, dim, type, origin vtkImageMathematicsPtr diff = vtkImageMathematicsPtr::New(); diff->SetOperationToSubtract(); diff->SetInput1Data(input1); diff->SetInput2Data(input2); diff->Update(); vtkImageAccumulatePtr histogram = vtkImageAccumulatePtr::New(); histogram->SetInputData(0, diff->GetOutput()); histogram->Update(); Eigen::Array3d histogramRange = Eigen::Array3d(histogram->GetMax()) - Eigen::Array3d(histogram->GetMin()); for (int i=0; i<input1->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); ++i) { CHECK(histogramRange[i] < 0.01); CHECK(histogramRange[i] > -0.01); } }
virtual void updateTexture() { if (mMTime == mTexture->GetMTime()) { return; } mMTime = mTexture->GetMTime(); //vtkgl::ActiveTexture(getGLTextureForVolume(textureUnitIndex)); //TODO is this OK? GLenum size,internalType; boost::uint32_t dimx = mTexture ->GetDimensions( )[0]; boost::uint32_t dimy = mTexture ->GetDimensions( )[1]; boost::uint32_t dimz = mTexture ->GetDimensions( )[2]; mMemorySize = dimx * dimy * dimz; glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_3D ); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, textureId); report_gl_error(); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR ); switch (mTexture->GetScalarType()) { case VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: { size = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; internalType = GL_LUMINANCE; } break; //8UI_EXT; break; case VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { size = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; internalType = GL_LUMINANCE16; mMemorySize *= 2; } break; //16UI_EXT; break; default: size = 0; internalType = 0; std::cout << "Bit size not supported!" << std::endl; QString dataType(mTexture->GetScalarTypeAsString()); CX_LOG_ERROR() << QString("Attempt to update 3D GL texture from type %1 failed. Only unsigned types supported").arg(dataType); break; } if (mTexture->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()==1) { void* data = mTexture->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetVoidPointer(0); glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, internalType, dimx, dimy, dimz, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, size, data); } else if (mTexture->GetNumberOfScalarComponents()==3) { internalType = GL_RGB; void* data = mTexture->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetVoidPointer(0); glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, internalType, dimx, dimy, dimz, 0, GL_RGB, size, data); mMemorySize *= 3; } else { std::cout << "unsupported number of image components" << std::endl; } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_3D); report_gl_error(); }
bool VNNclAlgorithm::reconstruct(ProcessedUSInputDataPtr input, vtkImageDataPtr outputData, float radius, int nClosePlanes) { mMeasurementNames.clear(); int numBlocks = 10; // FIXME? needs to be the same as the number of input bscans to the voxel_method kernel // Split input US into blocks // Splits and copies data from the processed input in the way the kernel will processes it, which is per frameBlock frameBlock_t* inputBlocks = new frameBlock_t[numBlocks]; size_t nPlanes_numberOfInputImages = input->getDimensions()[2]; this->initializeFrameBlocks(inputBlocks, numBlocks, input); // Allocate CL memory for each frame block VECTOR_CLASS<cl::Buffer> clBlocks; report("Allocating OpenCL input block buffers"); for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { //TODO why does the context suddenly contain a "dummy" device? cl::Buffer buffer = mOulContex->createBuffer(mOulContex->getContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, inputBlocks[i].length, inputBlocks[i].data, "block buffer "+QString::number(i).toStdString()); clBlocks.push_back(buffer); } // Allocate output memory int *outputDims = outputData->GetDimensions(); size_t outputVolumeSize = outputDims[0] * outputDims[1] * outputDims[2] * sizeof(unsigned char); report(QString("Allocating CL output buffer, size %1").arg(outputVolumeSize)); cl_ulong globalMemUse = 10 * inputBlocks[0].length + outputVolumeSize + sizeof(float) * 16 * nPlanes_numberOfInputImages + sizeof(cl_uchar) * input->getDimensions()[0] * input->getDimensions()[1]; if(isUsingTooMuchMemory(outputVolumeSize, inputBlocks[0].length, globalMemUse)) return false; cl::Buffer outputBuffer = mOulContex->createBuffer(mOulContex->getContext(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, outputVolumeSize, NULL, "output volume buffer"); // Fill the plane matrices float *planeMatrices = new float[16 * nPlanes_numberOfInputImages]; //4x4 (matrix) = 16 this->fillPlaneMatrices(planeMatrices, input); cl::Buffer clPlaneMatrices = mOulContex->createBuffer(mOulContex->getContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, nPlanes_numberOfInputImages * sizeof(float) * 16, planeMatrices, "plane matrices buffer"); // US Probe mask cl::Buffer clMask = mOulContex->createBuffer(mOulContex->getContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_uchar) * input->getMask()->GetDimensions()[0] * input->getMask()->GetDimensions()[1], input->getMask()->GetScalarPointer(), "mask buffer"); double *out_spacing = outputData->GetSpacing(); float spacings[2]; float f_out_spacings[3]; f_out_spacings[0] = out_spacing[0]; f_out_spacings[1] = out_spacing[1]; f_out_spacings[2] = out_spacing[2]; spacings[0] = input->getSpacing()[0]; spacings[1] = input->getSpacing()[1]; //TODO why 4? because float4 is used?? size_t planes_eqs_size = sizeof(cl_float)*4*nPlanes_numberOfInputImages; // Find the optimal local work size size_t local_work_size; unsigned int deviceNumber = 0; cl::Device device = mOulContex->getDevice(deviceNumber); mKernel.getWorkGroupInfo(device, CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE, &local_work_size); size_t close_planes_size = this->calculateSpaceNeededForClosePlanes(mKernel, device, local_work_size, nPlanes_numberOfInputImages, nClosePlanes); this->setKernelArguments( mKernel, outputDims[0], outputDims[1], outputDims[2], f_out_spacings[0], f_out_spacings[1], f_out_spacings[2], input->getDimensions()[0], input->getDimensions()[1], spacings[0], spacings[1], clBlocks, outputBuffer, clPlaneMatrices, clMask, planes_eqs_size, close_planes_size, radius); report(QString("Using %1 as local workgroup size").arg(local_work_size)); // We will divide the work into cubes of CUBE_DIM^3 voxels. The global work size is the total number of voxels divided by that. int cube_dim = 4; int cube_dim_pow3 = cube_dim * cube_dim * cube_dim; // Global work items: size_t global_work_size = (((outputDims[0] + cube_dim) * (outputDims[1] + cube_dim) * (outputDims[2] + cube_dim)) / cube_dim_pow3); // = number of cubes = number of kernels to run // Round global_work_size up to nearest multiple of local_work_size if (global_work_size % local_work_size) global_work_size = ((global_work_size / local_work_size) + 1) * local_work_size; // ceil(...) unsigned int queueNumber = 0; cl::CommandQueue queue = mOulContex->getQueue(queueNumber); this->measureAndExecuteKernel(queue, mKernel, global_work_size, local_work_size, mKernelMeasurementName); this->measureAndReadBuffer(queue, outputBuffer, outputVolumeSize, outputData->GetScalarPointer(), "vnncl_read_buffer"); setDeepModified(outputData); // Cleaning up report(QString("Done, freeing GPU memory")); this->freeFrameBlocks(inputBlocks, numBlocks); delete[] inputBlocks; inputBlocks = NULL; return true; }
void IGTLinkConversionFixture::setValue(vtkImageDataPtr data, int x, int y, int z, unsigned char val) { *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data->GetScalarPointer(x,y,z)) = val; }
vtkImageDataPtr USFrameData::useAngio(vtkImageDataPtr inData, vtkImageDataPtr grayFrame, int frameNum) const { // Some of the code here is borrowed from the vtk examples: //*checkout*/Examples/Build/vtkMy/Imaging/vtkImageFoo.cxx?root=VTK&content-type=text/plain if (inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() != 3) { if(frameNum == 0) //Only report warning once reportWarning("Angio requested for grayscale ultrasound"); return grayFrame; } vtkImageDataPtr outData = vtkImageDataPtr::New(); outData->DeepCopy(grayFrame); // outData->Update(); // updates whole extent. // printStuff("Clipped color in", inData); // printStuff("Grayscale in", outData); // int* inExt = inData->GetWholeExtent(); int* outExt = outData->GetExtent(); // Remember that the input might (and do due to vtkImageClip) contain leaps. // This means that the wholeextent might be larger than the extent, thus // we must use a startoffset and leaps between lines. unsigned char *inPtr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (inData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(inData->GetExtent())); unsigned char *outPtr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (outData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(outData->GetExtent())); int maxX = outExt[1] - outExt[0]; int maxY = outExt[3] - outExt[2]; int maxZ = outExt[5] - outExt[4]; Eigen::Array<vtkIdType,3,1> inInc; inData->GetContinuousIncrements(inData->GetExtent(), inInc[0], inInc[1], inInc[2]); CX_ASSERT(inInc[0]==0); // we assume (wholeextent == extent) for the outData in the algorithm below. assert here. Eigen::Array<vtkIdType,3,1> outInc; outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outData->GetExtent(), outInc[0], outInc[1], outInc[2]); CX_ASSERT(outInc[0]==0); CX_ASSERT(outInc[1]==0); CX_ASSERT(outInc[2]==0); for (int z=0; z<=maxZ; z++) { for (int y=0; y<=maxY; y++) { for (int x=0; x<=maxX; x++) { //Look at 3 scalar components at the same time (RGB), //if color is grayscale or close to grayscale: set to zero. if (((*inPtr) == (*(inPtr + 1))) && ((*inPtr) == (*(inPtr + 2)))) { (*outPtr) = 0; } else { // strong check: look for near-gray values and remove them. double r = inPtr[0]; double g = inPtr[1]; double b = inPtr[2]; int metric = (fabs(r-g) + fabs(r-b) + fabs(g-b)) / 3; // average absolute diff must be less than or equal to this // std::cout << QString(" %1,%2,%3 \t %4, %5 -- %6").arg(int(inPtr[0])).arg(int(inPtr[1])).arg(int(inPtr[2])).arg(idxR).arg(idxY).arg(metric) << std::endl; if (metric <= 3) (*outPtr) = 0; } //Assume the outVolume is treated with the luminance filter first outPtr++; inPtr += 3; } inPtr += inInc[1]; } inPtr += inInc[2]; } return outData; }