예제 #1
template<typename scalartype> static int getRGBMax(vtkImageDataPtr image)
	int max = 0;
	vtkImageIterator<scalartype> iter(image, image->GetExtent());
	while (!iter.IsAtEnd())
		typename vtkImageIterator<scalartype>::SpanIterator siter = iter.BeginSpan();
		while (siter != iter.EndSpan())
			int value = *siter;
			value += *siter;
			value += *siter;
			if (value > max)
				max = value;
	return max/3;
예제 #2
vtkImageDataPtr USFrameData::useAngio(vtkImageDataPtr inData, vtkImageDataPtr grayFrame, int frameNum) const
	// Some of the code here is borrowed from the vtk examples:
	// http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/Examples/Build/vtkMy/Imaging/vtkImageFoo.cxx?root=VTK&content-type=text/plain

	if (inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents() != 3)
		if(frameNum == 0) //Only report warning once
			reportWarning("Angio requested for grayscale ultrasound");
		return grayFrame;

	vtkImageDataPtr outData = vtkImageDataPtr::New();
//	outData->Update(); // updates whole extent.

//	printStuff("Clipped color in", inData);
//	printStuff("Grayscale in", outData);

//	int* inExt = inData->GetWholeExtent();
	int* outExt = outData->GetExtent();

	// Remember that the input might (and do due to vtkImageClip) contain leaps.
	// This means that the wholeextent might be larger than the extent, thus
	// we must use a startoffset and leaps between lines.

	unsigned char *inPtr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (inData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(inData->GetExtent()));
	unsigned char *outPtr = static_cast<unsigned char*> (outData->GetScalarPointerForExtent(outData->GetExtent()));

	int maxX = outExt[1] - outExt[0];
	int maxY = outExt[3] - outExt[2];
	int maxZ = outExt[5] - outExt[4];

	Eigen::Array<vtkIdType,3,1> inInc;
	inData->GetContinuousIncrements(inData->GetExtent(), inInc[0], inInc[1], inInc[2]);
	// we assume (wholeextent == extent) for the outData in the algorithm below. assert here.
	Eigen::Array<vtkIdType,3,1> outInc;
	outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outData->GetExtent(), outInc[0], outInc[1], outInc[2]);

	for (int z=0; z<=maxZ; z++)
		for (int y=0; y<=maxY; y++)
			for (int x=0; x<=maxX; x++)
				//Look at 3 scalar components at the same time (RGB),
				//if color is grayscale or close to grayscale: set to zero.

				if (((*inPtr) == (*(inPtr + 1))) && ((*inPtr) == (*(inPtr + 2))))
					(*outPtr) = 0;
					// strong check: look for near-gray values and remove them.
					double r = inPtr[0];
					double g = inPtr[1];
					double b = inPtr[2];
					int metric = (fabs(r-g) + fabs(r-b) + fabs(g-b)) / 3; // average absolute diff must be less than or equal to this
//					std::cout << QString("  %1,%2,%3 \t %4, %5 -- %6").arg(int(inPtr[0])).arg(int(inPtr[1])).arg(int(inPtr[2])).arg(idxR).arg(idxY).arg(metric) << std::endl;
					if (metric <= 3)
						(*outPtr) = 0;

				//Assume the outVolume is treated with the luminance filter first
				inPtr += 3;
			inPtr += inInc[1];
		inPtr += inInc[2];

	return outData;