/* * Displays a list of filtered components found in libraries for selection, * Keys is a list of keywords to filter components which do not match these keywords * If Keys is empty, list components that match BufName mask (with * and?) * * Returns the name of the selected component, or an empty string */ wxString DataBaseGetName( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame, wxString& Keys, wxString& BufName ) { std::vector<wxArrayString> nameList; wxString msg; #ifndef KICAD_KEEPCASE BufName.MakeUpper(); #endif Keys.MakeUpper(); /* Review the list of libraries for counting. */ BOOST_FOREACH( CMP_LIBRARY& lib, CMP_LIBRARY::GetLibraryList() ) { lib.SearchEntryNames( nameList, BufName, Keys ); }
bool CDummyRepeaterFrame::processRpt2(wxString& rpt2) { if (!rpt2.IsSameAs(UNUSED)) { rpt2.MakeUpper(); // Check for the right length size_t len = rpt2.Length(); if (len > LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH) { error(_("The RPT2 callsign is too long")); return false; } // Check for invalid characters size_t pos = rpt2.find_first_not_of(wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789/ ")); if (pos != wxString::npos) { error(_("Invalid character in the RPT2 callsign")); return false; } // Add the RPT2 callsign to the list int index = m_rpt2->FindString(rpt2); if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) m_rpt2->Insert(rpt2, 0U); // Insert at the top // Replace value with possibly modified versions m_rpt2->SetValue(rpt2); } ::wxGetApp().setRpt2(rpt2); return true; }
bool CDummyRepeaterFrame::processYour(wxString& your) { your.MakeUpper(); // Check for the right length size_t len = your.Length(); if (len > LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH) { error(_("The YOUR callsign is too long")); return false; } // Check for invalid characters size_t pos = your.find_first_not_of(wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789/ ")); if (pos != wxString::npos) { error(_("Invalid character in the YOUR callsign")); return false; } // Add the Your callsign to the list if (!your.IsSameAs(CQCQCQ)) { int index = m_your->FindString(your); if (index == wxNOT_FOUND) m_your->Insert(your, 0U); // Insert at the top } // Replace value with possibly modified versions m_your->SetValue(your); ::wxGetApp().setYour(your); return true; }
int mxVarWindow::GetVarType (int &line, wxString var_name) { if (var_name.Contains("[")) var_name=var_name.BeforeFirst('['); var_name.MakeUpper(); wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; wxTreeItemId it = tree->GetFirstChild(tree->GetRootItem(),cookie); while (it.IsOk()) { range *r=(range*)tree->GetItemData(it); if (/*r && */line>=r->from && line<=r->to) { line = r->from; break; } it = tree->GetNextSibling(it); } if (!it.IsOk()) return -1; it = tree->GetFirstChild(it,cookie); while (it.IsOk()) { wxString it_text = tree->GetItemText(it); if (it_text.Contains("[")) { if (it_text.BeforeFirst('[').Upper()==var_name) return GetVarType(it); } else { if (it_text.Upper()==var_name) return GetVarType(it); } it = tree->GetNextSibling(it); } return -1; }
// 10個のプルダウン全て調べる void WxSQLiteTest::ColumnPullDownSearcher(wxString& dataType, wxString& value) { // それぞれのカラムを調べる if (!dataType.IsEmpty() && !value.IsEmpty()) { if (!dataType.Cmp(wxT("カラムを作らない")) == 0 && ColumnValidator(value)) { columnArray->Add(dataType); columnArray->Add(value.MakeUpper()); wxMessageBox(dataType); wxMessageBox(value); } } }
/* * Displays a list of filtered components found in libraries for selection, * Keys is a list of keywords to filter components which do not match these keywords * If Keys is empty, list components that match BufName mask (with * and?) * * Returns the name of the selected component, or an empty string */ wxString DataBaseGetName( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame, wxString& Keys, wxString& BufName ) { std::vector<wxArrayString> nameList; wxString msg; // BufName.MakeUpper(); Keys.MakeUpper(); /* Review the list of libraries for counting. */ BOOST_FOREACH( PART_LIB& lib, PART_LIB::GetLibraryList() ) { lib.SearchEntryNames( nameList, BufName, Keys ); }
static wxFontWeight ParseWeightString(wxString s) { s.MakeUpper(); if (s == "THIN") return wxFONTWEIGHT_THIN; if (s == "EXTRALIGHT" || s == "ULTRALIGHT") return wxFONTWEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT; if (s == "LIGHT") return wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT; if (s == "NORMAL") return wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL; if (s == "MEDIUM") return wxFONTWEIGHT_MEDIUM; if (s == "DEMIBOLD" || s == "SEMIBOLD") return wxFONTWEIGHT_SEMIBOLD; if (s == "BOLD") return wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD; if (s == "EXTRABOLD" || s == "ULTRABOLD") return wxFONTWEIGHT_EXTRABOLD; if (s == "BLACK" || s == "HEAVY") return wxFONTWEIGHT_HEAVY; if (s == "EXTRAHEAVY") return wxFONTWEIGHT_EXTRAHEAVY; return wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL; }
inline int format::isKeyword(wxString kw) { kw=kw.MakeUpper(); unsigned int kwlen=kw.Len(); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { int keywcount=(int)keyw[i].Count()-1; for(int j=0;j<keywcount-1;j++) { //check the lenght of the kw and keyw, if matxhes then //check first char as well. if (keyw[i][j].Len()==kwlen) { if(keyw[i][j].GetChar(0)==kw.GetChar(0)) { if(keyw[i][j]==kw) return i+1; } } } } return 0; }
// This routine loads cheats from *.pnach files // Returns number of cheats loaded // Note: Should be called after InitPatches() int LoadCheats(wxString name, const wxDirName& folderName, const wxString& friendlyName) { int loaded = 0; int numberFoundCheatsFiles; wxString filespec = name + L"*.pnach"; loaded += LoadCheatsFiles(folderName, filespec, friendlyName, numberFoundCheatsFiles); // This message _might_ be buggy. This function (LoadCheats) loads from an explicit folder. // This folder can be cheats or cheats_ws at either the default location or a custom one. // This check only tests the default cheats folder, so the message it produces is possibly misleading. if (folderName.ToString().IsSameAs(PathDefs::GetCheats().ToString()) && numberFoundCheatsFiles == 0) { wxString pathName = Path::Combine(folderName, name.MakeUpper() + L".pnach"); PatchesCon->WriteLn(Color_Gray, L"Not found %s file: %s", WX_STR(friendlyName), WX_STR(pathName)); } PatchesCon->WriteLn((loaded ? Color_Green : Color_Gray), L"Overall %d %s loaded", loaded, WX_STR(friendlyName)); return loaded; }
// This routine loads cheats from a zip file // Returns number of cheats loaded // Note: Should be called after InitPatches() // Note: only load cheats from the root folder of the zip int LoadCheatsFromZip(wxString gameCRC, const wxString& cheatsArchiveFilename) { gameCRC.MakeUpper(); int before = cheatnumber; std::auto_ptr<wxZipEntry> entry; wxFFileInputStream in(cheatsArchiveFilename); wxZipInputStream zip(in); while (entry.reset(zip.GetNextEntry()), entry.get() != NULL) { wxString name = entry->GetName(); name.MakeUpper(); if (name.Find(gameCRC) == 0 && name.Find(L".PNACH")+6u == name.Length()) { PatchesCon->WriteLn(Color_Green, L"Loading patch '%s' from archive '%s'", WX_STR(entry->GetName()), WX_STR(cheatsArchiveFilename)); wxTextInputStream pnach(zip); while (!zip.Eof()) { inifile_processString(pnach.ReadLine()); } } } return cheatnumber - before; }
int wxGISAcceleratorTable::GetKeyCode(wxString sKeyCode) { sKeyCode.MakeUpper(); int Key; if(sKeyCode.Len() == 1) Key = (int)sKeyCode.GetChar(0); else { if(sKeyCode.Find(wxT("WXK_F")) != wxNOT_FOUND) { int num = wxAtoi(sKeyCode.Right(sKeyCode.Len() - 5)) - 1; Key = WXK_F1 + num; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_DELETE"))) { Key = WXK_DELETE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE"))) { Key = WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_ESCAPE"))) { Key = WXK_ESCAPE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_SPACE"))) { Key = WXK_SPACE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_NUMPAD_SPACE"))) { Key = WXK_NUMPAD_SPACE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_RETURN"))) { Key = WXK_RETURN; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_EXECUTE"))) { Key = WXK_EXECUTE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_PAUSE"))) { Key = WXK_PAUSE; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_END"))) { Key = WXK_END; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_NUMPAD_END"))) { Key = WXK_NUMPAD_END; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_HOME"))) { Key = WXK_HOME; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_NUMPAD_HOME"))) { Key = WXK_NUMPAD_HOME; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_INSERT"))) { Key = WXK_INSERT; } else if(sKeyCode == wxString(wxT("WXK_NUMPAD_INSERT"))) { Key = WXK_NUMPAD_INSERT; } } return Key; }