bool LIB_POLYLINE::Load( LINE_READER& aLineReader, wxString& aErrorMsg ) { char* p; int i, ccount = 0; wxPoint pt; char* line = (char*) aLineReader; i = sscanf( line + 2, "%d %d %d %d", &ccount, &m_Unit, &m_Convert, &m_Width ); m_Fill = NO_FILL; if( i < 4 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( _( "Polyline only had %d parameters of the required 4" ), i ); return false; } if( ccount <= 0 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( _( "Polyline count parameter %d is invalid" ), ccount ); return false; } strtok( line + 2, " \t\n" ); // Skip field strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ); // Skip field strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ); // Skip field strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ); for( i = 0; i < ccount; i++ ) { p = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ); if( p == NULL || sscanf( p, "%d", &pt.x ) != 1 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( _( "Polyline point %d X position not defined" ), i ); return false; } p = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ); if( p == NULL || sscanf( p, "%d", &pt.y ) != 1 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( _( "Polyline point %d Y position not defined" ), i ); return false; } AddPoint( pt ); } if( ( p = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ) ) != NULL ) { if( p[0] == 'F' ) m_Fill = FILLED_SHAPE; if( p[0] == 'f' ) m_Fill = FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR; } return true; }
wxInt32 CViewTransfers::FormatSize(double fBytesSent, double fFileSize, wxString& strBuffer) const { double xTera = 1099511627776.0; double xGiga = 1073741824.0; double xMega = 1048576.0; double xKilo = 1024.0; if (fFileSize != 0) { if (fFileSize >= xTera) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f TB"), fBytesSent/xTera, fFileSize/xTera); } else if (fFileSize >= xGiga) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f GB"), fBytesSent/xGiga, fFileSize/xGiga); } else if (fFileSize >= xMega) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f MB"), fBytesSent/xMega, fFileSize/xMega); } else if (fFileSize >= xKilo) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f KB"), fBytesSent/xKilo, fFileSize/xKilo); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f/%0.0f bytes"), fBytesSent, fFileSize); } } else { if (fBytesSent >= xTera) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f TB"), fBytesSent/xTera); } else if (fBytesSent >= xGiga) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f GB"), fBytesSent/xGiga); } else if (fBytesSent >= xMega) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f MB"), fBytesSent/xMega); } else if (fBytesSent >= xKilo) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f KB"), fBytesSent/xKilo); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f bytes"), fBytesSent); } } return 0; }
/** Receive the size of file and devolve your respective string in bytes, Kbytes, MBytes or GBytes. * @param[in] size. File Size. * @param[out] label. String containing the size in format described above. * Private method. */ void ReceiveFilesFrame::SizeToSizeLabel(unsigned long size, wxString &label) { // show in GBytes if((size/1073741824) > 0) { label.Printf(wxT("%d.%d GB"), size/1073741824, ((size*100)/1073741824)%100); return; } // show in MBytes if((size/1048576) > 0) { label.Printf(wxT("%d.%d MB"), size/1048576, ((size*100)/1048576)%100); return; } // show in KBytes if((size/1024) > 0) { label.Printf(wxT("%d.%d kB"), size/1024, ((size*10)/1024)%10); return; } // show in bytes label.Printf(wxT("%d Bytes"), size); return; }
void NETLIST_EXPORTER::sprintPinNetName( wxString& aResult, const wxString& aNetNameFormat, NETLIST_OBJECT* aPin, bool aUseNetcodeAsNetName ) { int netcode = aPin->GetNet(); // Not wxString::Clear(), which would free memory. We want the worst // case wxString memory to grow to avoid reallocation from within the // caller's loop. aResult.Empty(); if( netcode != 0 && aPin->GetConnectionType() == PAD_CONNECT ) { if( aUseNetcodeAsNetName ) { aResult.Printf( wxT("%d"), netcode ); } else { aResult = aPin->GetNetName(); if( aResult.IsEmpty() ) // No net name: give a name from net code aResult.Printf( aNetNameFormat.GetData(), netcode ); } } }
bool SCH_LABEL::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg ) { char Name1[256]; char Name2[256]; char Name3[256]; int thickness = 0, size = 0, orient = 0; Name1[0] = 0; Name2[0] = 0; Name3[0] = 0; char* sline = (char*) aLine; while( ( *sline != ' ' ) && *sline ) sline++; // sline points the start of parameters int ii = sscanf( sline, "%s %d %d %d %d %s %s %d", Name1, &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y, &orient, &size, Name2, Name3, &thickness ); if( ii < 4 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file label load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); return false; } if( !aLine.ReadLine() ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file label load error atline %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); return false; } if( size == 0 ) size = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT; char* text = strtok( (char*) aLine, "\n\r" ); if( text == NULL ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file label load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); return false; } m_Text = FROM_UTF8( text ); m_Size.x = m_Size.y = size; SetOrientation( orient ); if( isdigit( Name3[0] ) ) { thickness = atol( Name3 ); m_Bold = ( thickness != 0 ); m_Thickness = m_Bold ? GetPenSizeForBold( size ) : 0; } if( stricmp( Name2, "Italic" ) == 0 ) m_Italic = 1; return true; }
void CreateDigitFormatStr() { if (range > 1) digits = (int)ceil(log10(range-1.0)); else digits = 5; // hack: default if (zeropad && range>1) formatStr.Printf(wxT("%%0%dd"), digits); // ex. "%03d" if digits is 3 else { formatStr.Printf(wxT("%%0%dd"), digits); } }
/** * Doku see wxFileSystemHandler */ wxString wxChmFSHandler::FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags) { wxString right = GetRightLocation(spec); wxString left = GetLeftLocation(spec); wxString nativename = wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(left).GetFullPath(); if ( GetProtocol(left) != _T("file") ) { wxLogError(_("CHM handler currently supports only local files!")); return wxEmptyString; } m_chm = new wxChmTools(wxFileName(nativename)); m_pattern = right.AfterLast(_T('/')); wxString m_found = m_chm->Find(m_pattern); // now fake around hhp-files which are not existing in projects... if (m_found.empty() && m_pattern.Contains(_T(".hhp")) && !m_pattern.Contains(_T(".hhp.cached"))) { m_found.Printf(_T("%s#chm:%s.hhp"), left.c_str(), m_pattern.BeforeLast(_T('.')).c_str()); } return m_found; }
/** * Function GetBuildVersion * Return the build date and version */ wxString GetBuildVersion() { static wxString msg; msg.Printf( wxT("%s-%s"), wxT( KICAD_BUILD_VERSION ), wxT( VERSION_STABILITY )); return msg; }
void SjLogGui::ExplodeMessage(const wxString& all___, unsigned long& severity, unsigned long& time, wxString& msg, wxString& scope) { wxString temp; // get and strip severity temp = all___.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')); temp.ToULong(&severity); msg = all___.AfterFirst(wxT('|')); // get and strip time temp = msg.BeforeFirst(wxT('|')); temp.ToULong(&time); msg = msg.AfterFirst(wxT('|')); // now "msg" is message and optional scope enclosured by "[]" scope.Empty(); int p = msg.Find(wxT('['), true/*from end*/); if( p!=-1 ) { scope = msg.Mid(p+1); if( scope.Len()>=1 && scope.Last()==wxT(']') ) { scope = scope.Left(scope.Len()-1); msg = msg.Left(p).Trim(); } } // some finalizing translations (some stuff is logged before the translation system is available) if( msg.StartsWith(wxT("Loading "), &temp) ) { msg.Printf(_("Loading %s"), temp.c_str()); } }
void CALLBACK serviceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv) { serviceName.Printf(wxT("%s"), (const char *)argv[0]); serviceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE; serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; serviceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 15000; serviceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(serviceName.c_str(), serviceHandler); if (serviceStatusHandle) { SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); if (initService()) { serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 1000; } else serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; SetServiceStatus(serviceStatusHandle, &serviceStatus); } }
wxInt32 CViewTransfersGrid::FormatProgress(wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer) const { float fBytesSent = 0; float fFileSize = 0; FILE_TRANSFER* transfer = wxGetApp().GetDocument()->file_transfer(item); if (transfer) { fBytesSent = transfer->bytes_xferred; fFileSize = transfer->nbytes; } // Curl apparently counts the HTTP header in byte count. // Prevent this from causing > 100% display // if (fBytesSent > fFileSize) { fBytesSent = fFileSize; } if ( 0.0 == fFileSize ) { strBuffer = wxT("0%"); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%.2f%%"), floor((fBytesSent / fFileSize) * 10000)/100); } return 0; }
void cguid::toString( wxString& strGUID ) { strGUID.Printf( _( "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" ), m_id[0], m_id[1], m_id[2], m_id[3], m_id[4], m_id[5], m_id[6], m_id[7], m_id[8], m_id[9], m_id[10], m_id[11], m_id[12], m_id[13], m_id[14], m_id[15] ); }
void ExtentDlg::FormatExtent(wxString &str, double value) { if (m_bDMS) { bool sign = value > 0; value = fabs(value); int degrees = (int) value; value = (value - degrees) * 60; int minutes = (int) value; value = (value - minutes) * 60; double seconds = value; str.Printf(_T("%s%d %d %.2lf"), sign?"":"-", degrees, minutes, seconds); } else str.Printf(m_fs, value); }
wxInt32 CViewResources::FormatDiskSpace(double bytes, wxString& strBuffer) const { double xTera = 1099511627776.0; double xGiga = 1073741824.0; double xMega = 1048576.0; double xKilo = 1024.0; if (bytes >= xTera) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f TB"), bytes/xTera); } else if (bytes >= xGiga) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f GB"), bytes/xGiga); } else if (bytes >= xMega) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f MB"), bytes/xMega); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f KB"), bytes/xKilo); } return 0; }
void DirManager::MakeBlockFileName(wxString inProjDir, wxString &outFileName, wxString &outPathName) { do { outFileName.Printf("b%05d.auf", fileIndex++); outPathName = inProjDir + pathChar + outFileName; } while (wxFileExists(outPathName)); }
wxInt32 CViewTransfersGrid::FormatSize(wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer) const { float fBytesSent = 0; float fFileSize = 0; double xTera = 1099511627776.0; double xGiga = 1073741824.0; double xMega = 1048576.0; double xKilo = 1024.0; FILE_TRANSFER* transfer = wxGetApp().GetDocument()->file_transfer(item); if (transfer) { fBytesSent = transfer->bytes_xferred; fFileSize = transfer->nbytes; } if (fFileSize != 0) { if (fFileSize >= xTera) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f TB"), fBytesSent/xTera, fFileSize/xTera); } else if (fFileSize >= xGiga) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f GB"), fBytesSent/xGiga, fFileSize/xGiga); } else if (fFileSize >= xMega) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f MB"), fBytesSent/xMega, fFileSize/xMega); } else if (fFileSize >= xKilo) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f/%0.2f KB"), fBytesSent/xKilo, fFileSize/xKilo); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f/%0.0f bytes"), fBytesSent, fFileSize); } } else { if (fBytesSent >= xTera) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f TB"), fBytesSent/xTera); } else if (fBytesSent >= xGiga) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f GB"), fBytesSent/xGiga); } else if (fBytesSent >= xMega) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f MB"), fBytesSent/xMega); } else if (fBytesSent >= xKilo) { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.2f KB"), fBytesSent/xKilo); } else { strBuffer.Printf(wxT("%0.0f bytes"), fBytesSent); } } strBuffer = wxT(" ") + strBuffer; return 0; }
void WinEDA_PlotHPGLFrame::SetPenSpeed(wxSpinEvent& event) /*********************************************************/ { g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed = m_ButtPenSpeed->GetValue(); if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed > 40 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed = 40; if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed < 1 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed = 1; m_Buff_Speed.Printf( wxT("%d"), g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Speed); m_ButtPenSpeed->SetValue(m_Buff_Speed); }
void WinEDA_PlotHPGLFrame::SetPenNum(wxSpinEvent& event) /*******************************************************/ { g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num = m_ButtPenNum->GetValue(); if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num > 8 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num = 8; if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num < 1 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num = 1; m_Buff_PenNum.Printf( wxT("%d"), g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Num); m_ButtPenNum->SetValue(m_Buff_PenNum); }
void WinEDA_PlotHPGLFrame::SetPenWidth(wxSpinEvent & event) /************************************************************/ { g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam = m_ButtPenWidth->GetValue(); if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam > 100 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam = 100; if ( g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam < 1 ) g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam = 1; m_Buff_Width.Printf( wxT("%d"), g_HPGL_Pen_Descr.m_Pen_Diam); m_ButtPenWidth->SetValue(m_Buff_Width); }
bool CParameter::GetName(wxString &str) { const char *name = m_pInput->GetParamName(m_index); if(NULL != name) { str.Printf(_T("%s"), name); return true; } return false; }
void checkFieldFrm::makeGUI(wxString text){ switch(field_index){ case 1: index++; lblField[index] = new wxStaticText(this, ID_WXSTATICTEXT1, text, wxPoint(Xpos,Ypos), wxDefaultSize, 0, wxT("WxStaticText1")); Xpos +=60; break; case 2: if(text=="CHAR" || text=="INT"){ txtInput[index] = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_WXEDIT1, wxT(""), wxPoint(Xpos,Ypos), wxSize(121, 19), 0, wxDefaultValidator); a.Printf("%d",index); txtInput[index]->SetValue(a); txtInput[index]->Enable(false); Ypos+=30; Xpos=30; } else{ txtInput[index] = new wxTextCtrl(this, ID_WXMEMO1, wxT(""), wxPoint(Xpos, Ypos), wxSize(185, 89), wxTE_MULTILINE, wxDefaultValidator, wxT("WxMemo1")); a.Printf("%d",index); txtInput[index]->SetValue(a); txtInput[index]->SetMaxLength(0); txtInput[index]->SetFocus(); txtInput[index]->SetInsertionPointEnd(); txtInput[index]->Enable(false); Ypos+=100; Xpos=30; } break; case 3: int length=0,integer,i=0; while(text[i]!='\0'){ if((integer = ((int)text[i]-48))<10) //checking for number length=length*10+integer; i++; } txtInput[index]->SetMaxLength(length); break; } }
bool SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg, SCH_ITEM **out ) { char Name1[256]; char Name2[256]; char* line = (char*) aLine; *out = NULL; while( (*line != ' ' ) && *line ) line++; if( sscanf( line, "%255s %255s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file bus entry load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine ); return false; } SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE *this_new; if( Name1[0] == 'B' ) this_new = new SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY; else this_new = new SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY; *out = this_new; if( !aLine.ReadLine() || sscanf( (char*) aLine, "%d %d %d %d ", &this_new->m_pos.x, &this_new->m_pos.y, &this_new->m_size.x, &this_new->m_size.y ) != 4 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file bus entry load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine ); return false; } this_new->m_size.x -= this_new->m_pos.x; this_new->m_size.y -= this_new->m_pos.y; return true; }
void valeur_param(int valeur,wxString & buf_texte) /*************************************************/ /* Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres suivie de " ou mm */ { extern bool UnitMetric; if ( UnitMetric ) { buf_texte.Printf( wxT("%3.3f "),(float) valeur * 0.00254); buf_texte << wxT("mm") ; } else { buf_texte.Printf( wxT("%2.4f "),(float) valeur * 0.0001); buf_texte << wxT("\" "); } }
void ExportMultiple::MakeNameUnique(wxArrayString &otherNames, wxString &newName) { if (otherNames.Index(newName, false) >= 0) { int i=2; wxString orig = newName; do { newName.Printf(wxT("%s-%d"), orig.c_str(), i); i++; } while (otherNames.Index(newName, false) >= 0); } otherNames.Add(newName); }
const wxString& tcNumberEditControl::GetEditValue() const { static wxString convertedValue; convertedValue = ""; double x = 0; if (editValue.ToDouble(&x)) { x *= displayToDatabase; convertedValue.Printf("%f", x); } return convertedValue; }
bool LIB_ARC::Load( LINE_READER& aLineReader, wxString& aErrorMsg ) { int startx, starty, endx, endy, cnt; char tmp[256]; char* line = (char*) aLineReader; cnt = sscanf( line + 2, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d", &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y, &m_Radius, &m_t1, &m_t2, &m_Unit, &m_Convert, &m_Width, tmp, &startx, &starty, &endx, &endy ); if( cnt < 8 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( _( "arc only had %d parameters of the required 8" ), cnt ); return false; } if( tmp[0] == 'F' ) m_Fill = FILLED_SHAPE; if( tmp[0] == 'f' ) m_Fill = FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR; NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( m_t1 ); NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( m_t2 ); // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are read from file if( cnt >= 13 ) { m_ArcStart.x = startx; m_ArcStart.y = starty; m_ArcEnd.x = endx; m_ArcEnd.y = endy; } else { // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are not read from file // (old library), calculate them m_ArcStart.x = m_Radius; m_ArcStart.y = 0; m_ArcEnd.x = m_Radius; m_ArcEnd.y = 0; RotatePoint( &m_ArcStart.x, &m_ArcStart.y, -m_t1 ); m_ArcStart.x += m_Pos.x; m_ArcStart.y += m_Pos.y; RotatePoint( &m_ArcEnd.x, &m_ArcEnd.y, -m_t2 ); m_ArcEnd.x += m_Pos.x; m_ArcEnd.y += m_Pos.y; } return true; }
bool SCH_BUS_ENTRY::Load( LINE_READER& aLine, wxString& aErrorMsg ) { char Name1[256]; char Name2[256]; char* line = (char*) aLine; while( (*line != ' ' ) && *line ) line++; if( sscanf( line, "%s %s", Name1, Name2 ) != 2 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file bus entry load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine ); return false; } m_Layer = LAYER_WIRE; if( Name1[0] == 'B' ) m_Layer = LAYER_BUS; if( !aLine.ReadLine() || sscanf( (char*) aLine, "%d %d %d %d ", &m_pos.x, &m_pos.y, &m_size.x, &m_size.y ) != 4 ) { aErrorMsg.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema file bus entry load error at line %d" ), aLine.LineNumber() ); aErrorMsg << wxT( "\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( (char*) aLine ); return false; } m_size.x -= m_pos.x; m_size.y -= m_pos.y; return true; }
wxInt32 CViewTransfersGrid::FormatSpeed(wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer) const { float fTransferSpeed = 0; FILE_TRANSFER* transfer = wxGetApp().GetDocument()->file_transfer(item); if (transfer) { if (transfer->xfer_active) fTransferSpeed = transfer->xfer_speed / 1024; else fTransferSpeed = 0.0; } strBuffer.Printf(wxT(" %.2f KBps"), fTransferSpeed); return 0; }
void CViewWork::GetDocApplicationName(wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer) const { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); RESULT* result = wxGetApp().GetDocument()->result(item); RESULT* state_result = NULL; wxString strAppBuffer = wxEmptyString; wxString strClassBuffer = wxEmptyString; wxASSERT(pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); if (result) { state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name); if (!state_result) { pDoc->ForceCacheUpdate(); state_result = pDoc->state.lookup_result(result->project_url, result->name); } if (!state_result) return; WORKUNIT* wup = state_result->wup; if (!wup) return; APP* app = wup->app; if (!app) return; APP_VERSION* avp = state_result->avp; if (!avp) return; if (strlen(app->user_friendly_name)) { strAppBuffer = HtmlEntityDecode(wxString(state_result->app->user_friendly_name, wxConvUTF8)); } else { strAppBuffer = HtmlEntityDecode(wxString(state_result->avp->app_name, wxConvUTF8)); } if (strlen(avp->plan_class)) { strClassBuffer.Printf( wxT(" (%s)"), wxString(avp->plan_class, wxConvUTF8).c_str() ); } strBuffer.Printf( wxT(" %s%s %d.%02d %s"), state_result->project->anonymous_platform?_("Local: "):wxT(""), strAppBuffer.c_str(), state_result->avp->version_num / 100, state_result->avp->version_num % 100, strClassBuffer.c_str() ); } }
void WinEDA_PrintFrame::SetPenWidth(wxSpinEvent& event) /*********************************************************/ { PenMinWidth = m_ButtPenWidth->GetValue(); if ( PenMinWidth > WIDTH_MAX_VALUE ) { PenMinWidth = WIDTH_MAX_VALUE; wxBell(); } if ( PenMinWidth < WIDTH_MIN_VALUE ) { PenMinWidth = WIDTH_MIN_VALUE; wxBell(); } m_Buff_Width.Printf(wxT("%d"), PenMinWidth); m_ButtPenWidth->SetValue(m_Buff_Width); }