void HttpClientApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mBytesRead = 0; mContentLength = 0; mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mHost = ""; mIndex = 0; mHttpRequest = HttpRequest( "GET", "/", HttpVersion::HTTP_1_1 ); mHttpRequest.setHeader( "Host", mHost ); mHttpRequest.setHeader( "Accept", "*/*" ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 150 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addParam( "Image index", &mIndex, "min=0 max=3 step=1 keyDecr=i keyIncr=I" ); mParams->addParam( "Host", &mHost ); mParams->addButton( "Write", [ & ]() { write(); }, "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", [ & ]() { quit(); }, "key=q" ); mClient = TcpClient::create( io_service() ); mClient->connectConnectEventHandler( &HttpClientApp::onConnect, this ); mClient->connectErrorEventHandler( &HttpClientApp::onError, this ); mClient->connectResolveEventHandler( &HttpClientApp::onResolve, this ); }
void ServerApp::setup() { mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mMessage = "Hello, client!"; gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 80 ); mSize = Vec2f( getWindowSize() ); mText = "Listening..."; mTextPrev = ""; mServer.addConnectCallback( &ServerApp::onConnect, this ); mServer.addDisconnectCallback( &ServerApp::onDisconnect, this ); mServer.addErrorCallback( &ServerApp::onError, this ); mServer.addInterruptCallback( &ServerApp::onInterrupt, this ); mServer.addPingCallback( &ServerApp::onPing, this ); mServer.addReadCallback( &ServerApp::onRead, this ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "SERVER", Vec2i( 200, 100 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Fullscreen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addParam( "Message", &mMessage ); mParams->addButton( "Write", bind( &ServerApp::write, this ), "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &ServerApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); mServer.listen( 9002 ); }
void WebClientApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mHost = "libcinder.org"; mPort = 80; mHttpRequest = HttpRequest( "GET", "/", HttpVersion::HTTP_1_0 ); mHttpRequest.setHeader( "Host", mHost ); mHttpRequest.setHeader( "Accept", "*/*" ); mHttpRequest.setHeader( "Connection", "close" ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 150 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addParam( "Host", &mHost ); mParams->addParam( "Port", &mPort, "min=0 max=65535 step=1 keyDecr=p keyIncr=P" ); mParams->addButton( "Write", bind( &WebClientApp::write, this ), "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &WebClientApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); mClient = TcpClient::create( io_service() ); mClient->connectConnectEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onConnect, this ); mClient->connectErrorEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onError, this ); mClient->connectResolveEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onResolve, this ); }
void BasicApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mDevice = Kinect2::Device::create(); mDevice->start(); mDevice->connectBodyIndexEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::BodyIndexFrame& frame ) { mChannelBodyIndex = frame.getChannel(); } ); mDevice->connectColorEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::ColorFrame& frame ) { mSurfaceColor = frame.getSurface(); } ); mDevice->connectDepthEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::DepthFrame& frame ) { mChannelDepth = frame.getChannel(); } ); mDevice->connectInfraredEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::InfraredFrame& frame ) { mChannelInfrared = frame.getChannel(); } ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 100 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", [ & ]() { quit(); } , "key=q" ); }
void MultiUdpClientApp::setup() { gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mHost = ""; mPortLocal = 0; mPortRemote = 2000; mRequest = "Hello, server!"; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 150 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addParam( "Host", &mHost ); mParams->addParam( "Port", &mPortRemote, "min=0 max=65535 step=1 keyDecr=p keyIncr=P" ); mParams->addParam( "Request", &mRequest ); mParams->addButton( "Write", bind( &MultiUdpClientApp::write, this ), "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &MultiUdpClientApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); mClient = UdpClient::create( io_service() ); mServer = UdpServer::create( io_service() ); mClient->connectConnectEventHandler( &MultiUdpClientApp::onConnect, this ); mClient->connectErrorEventHandler( &MultiUdpClientApp::onError, this ); mClient->connectResolveEventHandler( &MultiUdpClientApp::onResolve, this ); mServer->connectAcceptEventHandler( &MultiUdpClientApp::onAccept, this ); mServer->connectErrorEventHandler( &MultiUdpClientApp::onError, this ); }
void FaceApp::setup() { gl::enableAlphaBlending(); mEnabledFace2d = true; mEnabledFace3d = true; mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mDevice = Kinect2::Device::create(); mDevice->start(); mDevice->enableFaceMesh(); mDevice->connectBodyEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::BodyFrame frame ) { } ); mDevice->connectColorEventHandler( [ & ]( const Kinect2::ColorFrame frame ) { mSurface = frame.getSurface(); } ); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", Vec2i( 230, 130 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addParam( "2d face tracking", &mEnabledFace2d ).key( "2" ); mParams->addParam( "3d face tracking", &mEnabledFace3d ).key( "3" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", [ & ]() { quit(); } , "key=q" ); }
void ClientApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 80 ); mSize = Vec2f( getWindowSize() ); mText = ""; mTextPrev = mText; mClient.addConnectCallback( &ClientApp::onConnect, this ); mClient.addDisconnectCallback( &ClientApp::onDisconnect, this ); mClient.addErrorCallback( &ClientApp::onError, this ); mClient.addInterruptCallback( &ClientApp::onInterrupt, this ); mClient.addPingCallback( &ClientApp::onPing, this ); mClient.addReadCallback( &ClientApp::onRead, this ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mMessage = "Hello, server!"; mPing = false; mPingTime = getElapsedSeconds(); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "CLIENT", Vec2i( 200, 160 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Fullscreen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addParam( "Ping enabled", &mPing, "key=p" ); mParams->addParam( "Message", &mMessage ); mParams->addButton( "Connect", bind( &ClientApp::connect, this ), "key=c" ); mParams->addButton( "Disconnect", bind( &ClientApp::disconnect, this ), "key=d" ); mParams->addButton( "Write", bind( &ClientApp::write, this ), "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &ClientApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); connect(); }
void UdpServerApp::setup() { gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mPort = 2000; mPortPrev = mPort; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 110 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addParam( "Port", &mPort, "min=0 max=65535 step=1 keyDecr=p keyIncr=P" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &UdpServerApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); // Initialize a server by passing a boost::asio::io_service to it. // ci::App already has one that it polls on update, so we'll use that. // You can use your own io_service, but you will have to manage it // manually (i.e., call poll(), poll_one(), run(), etc). mServer = UdpServer::create( io_service() ); // Add callbacks to work with the server asynchronously. mServer->connectAcceptEventHandler( &UdpServerApp::onAccept, this ); mServer->connectErrorEventHandler( &UdpServerApp::onError, this ); // Start listening. accept(); }
void CameraComponent::loadGUI(const ci::params::InterfaceGlRef &gui) { gui->addSeparator(); gui->addText( mContext->getName() +" : "+ getName()); auto updateFn = std::bind(&CameraComponent::updateCameraParams, this); gui->addParam( mContext->getName() +" : FOV", &mFov).updateFn(updateFn); gui->addParam( mContext->getName() +" : Far", &mFar).updateFn(updateFn); gui->addParam( mContext->getName() +" : Near", &mNear).updateFn(updateFn); gui->addParam( mContext->getName() +" : Interest Point", &mInterestPoint); }
void FtpClientApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", ivec2( 200, 120 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", [ & ]() { quit(); }, "key=q" ); mConnectionControl = TcpClientConnection::create( io_service() ); mConnectionControl->connect( "www.bantherewind.com", 21 ); }
void LeapApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH ); glHint( GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST ); gl::enable( GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH ); glHint( GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST ); mCamera = CameraPersp( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 60.0f, 1.0f, 1000.0f ); mCamera.lookAt( Vec3f( 0.0f, 250.0f, 500.0f ), Vec3f( 0.0f, 250.0f, 0.0f ) ); mDevice = Device::create(); mDevice->connectEventHandler( &LeapApp::onFrame, this ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", Vec2i( 200, 105 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addButton( "Screen shot", bind( &LeapApp::screenShot, this ), "key=space" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &LeapApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); }
void TcpClientApp::setup() { gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mFont = Font( "Georgia", 24 ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mHost = "localhost"; mPort = 2000; mRequest = "echo"; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", Vec2i( 200, 150 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addParam( "Host", &mHost ); mParams->addParam( "Port", &mPort, "min=0 max=65535 step=1 keyDecr=p keyIncr=P" ); mParams->addParam( "Request", &mRequest ); mParams->addButton( "Write", bind( &TcpClientApp::write, this ), "key=w" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &TcpClientApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); // Initialize a client by passing a boost::asio::io_service to it. // ci::App already has one that it polls on update, so we'll use that. // You can use your own io_service, but you will have to manage it // manually (i.e., call poll(), poll_one(), run(), etc). mClient = TcpClient::create( io_service() ); // Add callbacks to work with the client asynchronously. // Note that you can use lambdas. mClient->connectConnectEventHandler( &TcpClientApp::onConnect, this ); mClient->connectErrorEventHandler( &TcpClientApp::onError, this ); mClient->connectResolveEventHandler( [ & ]() { mText.push_back( "Endpoint resolved" ); } ); }
void ImageApp::setup() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mDevice = Device::create(); mDevice->connectEventHandler( [ & ]( Leap::Frame frame ) { mFrame = frame; } ); mFrameRate = 0.0f; mFullScreen = false; mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", Vec2i( 200, 105 ) ); mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen ).key( "f" ); mParams->addButton( "Screen shot", [ & ]() { screenShot(); }, "key=space" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", [ & ]() { quit(); }, "key=q" ); }
void ImageFileBasicApp::setup() { m_params = params::InterfaceGl::create("Params", ivec2(210, 210)); m_params->addParam<bool>("Full Screen", [&](bool b)->void { setFullScreen(b); }, [&]()->bool { return isFullScreen(); }).key("g"); // Fails m_params->addParam("full screen", &m_bFullscreen).updateFn([this] { setFullScreen(m_bFullscreen); CI_LOG_I("m_bFullscreen: " << m_bFullscreen); }).key("h"); try { fs::path path = getOpenFilePath( "", ImageIo::getLoadExtensions() ); if( ! path.empty() ) { mTexture = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( path ) ); } } catch( Exception &exc ) { CI_LOG_EXCEPTION( "failed to load image.", exc ); } }
void OSCComponent::loadGUI(const ci::params::InterfaceGlRef &gui) { gui->addSeparator(); gui->addText( mContext->getName() +" : "+ getName()); auto updateFn = [&]{ mListener.setup(mListenPort); }; gui->addParam("listen port", &mListenPort).updateFn(updateFn); ///TODO:: change osc sender gui update // auto loadFn = [&]{ // auto tree = ec::ConfigManager::get()->retreiveComponent(ec::Controller::get()->scene().lock()->getName(), mContext->getName(), getName() ); // auto ip = tree["send_ip"].getValue(); // auto port = tree["send_port"].getValue<int>(); // mSendPort = port; // mSendIp = ip; // mSender.setup(mSendIp, mSendPort); // }; // gui->addButton("reload osc sender", loadFn ); }
void SegmentationApp::initInterface() { interface->clear(); if (guiMode == GUI_MODE::LOAD_IMAGE) { interface->addButton( "Open Image", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::openImage, this ) ); } else if (guiMode == GUI_MODE::LOAD_GROUNDTRUTH) { interface->addButton( "Open Ground Truth", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::openGroundTruth, this ) ); //interface->addButton( "Open Doctor Image", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::openDoctorImage, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("filter radius", &filterRadius).min(0).max(10).step(1); interface->addButton( "Mean Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::meanFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Median Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::medianFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Min Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::minFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Max Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::maxFilter, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Get Hue", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::getHue, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("hue threshold", &hueThreshold).min(0).max(PI).step(.005).updateFn([this] () { thresholdHue(); });; interface->addParam("angle", &hueAngle).min(-PI).max(PI).step(.005).updateFn([this] () { thresholdHue(); });; interface->addButton( "threshold hue", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::thresholdHue, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("green weight", &greenWeight).min(0).max(5).step(.01).updateFn([this] () { experimentalColorDistance(); });; interface->addParam("blue weight", &blueWeight).min(0).max(5).step(.01).updateFn([this] () { experimentalColorDistance(); });; interface->addButton( "experimental threshold", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::experimentalColorDistance, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("otsus Iterations", &otsusIterations).min(1).max(5).step(1); interface->addButton( "otsus red", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::redOtsusThreshold, this ) ); interface->addButton( "otsus green", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::greenOtsusThreshold, this ) ); interface->addButton( "otsus blue", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::blueOtsusThreshold, this ) ); interface->addButton( "otsus gray", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::grayOtsusThreshold, this ) ); interface->addButton( "otsus best", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::multiImageOtsusThreshold, this ) ); //interface->addButton( "otsus binary mask", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::otsusBinaryMask, this ) ); //interface->addButton( "otsus color union", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::otsusColorUnion, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "erode", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::erode, this ) ); interface->addButton( "dilate", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::dilate, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "get largest component", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::getLargestComponents, this ) ); interface->addButton( "fill holes", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::fillHoles, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "show result", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::showResult, this ) ); //interface->addButton( "otsus edge intersection", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::otsusEdgeIntersection, this ) ); //interface->addSeparator(); //interface->addButton( "color gradient", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::getColorGradient, this ) ); //interface->addButton( "thin edges", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::edgeThinColorGradient, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "autoSegment", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::autoSegment, this ) ); interface->addText( "Dice Coeddicient : " + std::to_string(diceCoefficientResult) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Reset", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::reset, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Save Input", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::saveInputImage, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Save Segmentation", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::saveSegmentedImage, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Save Result", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::saveResultImage, this ) ); } else if (guiMode == GUI_MODE::DO_TRAINING) { interface->addParam("filter radius", &filterRadius).min(0).max(10).step(1); interface->addButton( "Mean Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::meanFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Median Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::medianFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Min Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::minFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Max Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::maxFilter, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Open Doctor Image", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::openDoctorImage, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Train", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::trainImage, this ) ); } else if (guiMode == GUI_MODE::DO_DOCTOR_TRAINING) { interface->addParam("filter radius", &filterRadius).min(0).max(10).step(1); interface->addButton( "Mean Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::meanFilter, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Median Filter", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::medianFilter, this ) ); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Doctor Training", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::trainDoctorImage, this ) ); } else if (guiMode == GUI_MODE::THRESHOLD) { interface->addButton( "Show Mean Distance", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::getColorDistance, this ) ); interface->addButton( "Threshold Color", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::thresholdColor, this ) ); interface->addParam("color distance", &colorThreshold).min(0.f).max(255.f).step(1).updateFn([this] () { thresholdColor(); }); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addButton( "Threshold Mahalonobis", std::bind( &SegmentationApp::thresholdMahalonobis, this ) ); interface->addParam("mahalonobis distance", &mahalonobisThreshold).min(0.f).max(255.f).step(1); } interface->addSeparator(); }
void GpGpuApp::setup() { // Load shaders try { mGlslProgDraw = gl::GlslProg::create( loadResource( RES_GLSL_DRAW_VERT ), loadResource( RES_GLSL_DRAW_FRAG ) ); } catch ( gl::GlslProgCompileExc ex ) { console() << ex.what() << "\n"; quit(); } try { mGlslProgGpGpu0 = gl::GlslProg::create( loadResource( RES_GLSL_GPGPU_VERT ), loadResource( RES_GLSL_GPGPU0_FRAG ) ); } catch ( gl::GlslProgCompileExc ex ) { console() << ex.what() << "\n"; quit(); } try { mGlslProgGpGpu1 = gl::GlslProg::create( loadResource( RES_GLSL_GPGPU_VERT ), loadResource( RES_GLSL_GPGPU1_FRAG ) ); } catch ( gl::GlslProgCompileExc ex ) { console() << ex.what() << "\n"; quit(); } // Define all properties mArcball = Arcball( getWindowSize() ); mBrushSize = 0.1f; mCamera = CameraPersp( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight(), 60.0f, 1.0f, 100000.0f ); mEyePoint = Vec3f( 0.0f, 20.0f, 256.0f ); mFullScreen = isFullScreen(); mFullScreenPrev = mFullScreen; mLightAmbient = ColorAf::gray( 0.1f ); mLightAttenuationConstant = 0.1f; mLightAttenuationLinear = 0.01f; mLightAttenuationQuadratic = 0.001f; mLightDiffuse = ColorAf( 0.9f, 0.3f, 0.667f ); mLightPosition = Vec3f( 11.38f, -1.39f, 59.74f ); mLightSpecular = ColorAf::white(); mLightShine = 1.0f; mMaterialAmbient = 1.0f; mMaterialDiffuse = 1.0f; mMaterialEmissive = 0.0f; mMaterialSpecular = 1.0f; mMesh = gl::VboMesh::create( MeshHelper::createCube() ); mMouseDown = false; mMouse = Vec2f::zero(); mMouseVelocity = Vec2f::zero(); mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create( "Params", Vec2i( 250, 400 ) ); mSize = Vec2i( 512, 512 ); mSizePrev = Vec2i::zero(); mTextureBrush = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadResource( RES_PNG_BRUSH ) ) ); // Set up arcball mArcball.setRadius( (float)getWindowHeight() * 0.5f ); // Set up parameters mParams->addParam( "Frame rate", &mFrameRate, "", true ); mParams->addParam( "Full screen", &mFullScreen, "key=f" ); mParams->addButton( "Quit", bind( &GpGpuApp::quit, this ), "key=q" ); mParams->addSeparator( "" ); mParams->addParam( "Brush size", &mBrushSize, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); mParams->addParam( "Size X", &mSize.x, "min=1 max=1024 step=1" ); mParams->addParam( "Size Y", &mSize.y, "min=1 max=1024 step=1" ); mParams->addSeparator( "" ); mParams->addParam( "Light ambient", &mLightAmbient ); mParams->addParam( "Light att const", &mLightAttenuationConstant, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); mParams->addParam( "Light att line", &mLightAttenuationLinear, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.0001" ); mParams->addParam( "Light att quad", &mLightAttenuationQuadratic, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.00001" ); mParams->addParam( "Light diffuse", &mLightDiffuse ); mParams->addParam( "Light position", &mLightPosition ); mParams->addParam( "Light specular", &mLightSpecular ); mParams->addParam( "Light shine", &mLightShine, "min=0.0 max=100000.0 step=1.0" ); mParams->addSeparator( "" ); mParams->addParam( "Material ambient", &mMaterialAmbient, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); mParams->addParam( "Material diffuse", &mMaterialDiffuse, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); mParams->addParam( "Material emissive", &mMaterialEmissive, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); mParams->addParam( "Material specular", &mMaterialSpecular, "min=0.0 max=1.0 step=0.001" ); }
void SpherePrimitive::AddParams(ci::params::InterfaceGlRef _params) { Primitive::AddParams(_params); _params->addParam(GetName() + "::Center", &mCenter, "group=" + GetName() + " label='Center'"); _params->addParam(GetName() + "::Radius", &mRadius, "group=" + GetName() + " label='Radius'"); }