예제 #1
UoClientListener::UoClientListener( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) :
  port( elem.remove_ushort( "PORT" ) ),
  aosresist( elem.remove_bool( "AOSRESISTANCES", false ) ),
  sticky( elem.remove_bool( "KeepClients", false ) )

  CalculateCryptKeys( elem.remove_string( "ENCRYPTION", "none" ), encryption );
예제 #2
	JusticeRegion::JusticeRegion( Clib::ConfigElem& elem, RegionId id ) :
	  Region( elem, id ),
	  guarded_( elem.remove_bool( "Guarded", false ) ),
	  nocombat_( elem.remove_bool( "NoCombat", false ) ),
	  region_name_( elem.rest() ),
	  entertext_( elem.remove_string( "EnterText", "" ) ),
	  leavetext_( elem.remove_string( "LeaveText", "" ) ),
	  enter_script_( elem.remove_string( "EnterScript", "" ) ),
	  leave_script_( elem.remove_string( "LeaveScript", "" ) )
예제 #3
void set_watch_vars()
  Clib::ConfigFile cf;
  Clib::ConfigElem elem;
  if ( Clib::FileExists( "config/watch.cfg" ) )
    cf.open( "config/watch.cfg" );
    cf.readraw( elem );
  else if ( Plib::systemstate.config.loglevel > 1 )
    INFO_PRINT << "File config/watch.cfg not found, skipping.\n";

  settingsManager.watch.combat = elem.remove_bool( "COMBAT", false );
  settingsManager.watch.profile_scripts = elem.remove_bool( "ProfileScripts", false );
예제 #4
	void UCorpse::readProperties( Clib::ConfigElem& elem )
	  // corpses can be the same color as mobiles
	  u16 savecolor = elem.remove_ushort( "COLOR", 0 );

	  base::readProperties( elem );

	  color = savecolor;

	  elem.remove_prop( "CorpseType", &corpsetype );
	  elem.remove_prop( "OwnerSerial", &ownerserial );
	  take_contents_to_grave = elem.remove_bool( "TakeContentsToGrave", false );
	  movable_ = false;
예제 #5
Attribute::Attribute( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) :
  pkg( pkg ),
  name( elem.rest() ),
  attrid( 0 ),
  next( NULL ),
  getintrinsicmod_func( nullptr ),
  delay_seconds( elem.remove_ushort( "DELAY", 0 ) ),
  unhides( elem.remove_bool( "UNHIDES", true ) ),
  disable_core_checks( elem.remove_bool( "DisableCoreChecks", false ) ),
  default_cap( elem.remove_ushort( "DefaultCap", Core::settingsManager.ssopt.default_attribute_cap ) ),
  script_( elem.remove_string( "SCRIPT", "" ), pkg, "scripts/skills/" )
  aliases.push_back( name );
  std::string tmp;
  while ( elem.remove_prop( "Alias", &tmp ) )
    aliases.push_back( tmp );

  if ( elem.remove_prop( "GetIntrinsicModFunction", &tmp ) )
    getintrinsicmod_func = Core::FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, tmp, 1 );
예제 #6
파일: cmbtcfg.cpp 프로젝트: byterj/POL_099b
	void CombatConfig::read_combat_config()
      Clib::ConfigFile cf;
      Clib::ConfigElem elem;
      if ( Clib::FileExists( "config/combat.cfg" ) )
		cf.open( "config/combat.cfg" );
		cf.readraw( elem );
	  else if ( Plib::systemstate.config.loglevel > 1 )
		INFO_PRINT << "File config/combat.cfg not found, skipping.\n";

	  settingsManager.combat_config.display_parry_success_messages = elem.remove_bool( "DisplayParrySuccessMessages", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.warmode_inhibits_regen = elem.remove_bool( "WarmodeInhibitsRegen", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.attack_self = elem.remove_bool( "SingleCombat", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.warmode_delay = elem.remove_ulong( "WarModeDelay", 1 );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.core_hit_sounds = elem.remove_bool( "CoreHitSounds", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.scripted_attack_checks = elem.remove_bool( "ScriptedAttackChecks", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.reset_swing_onturn = elem.remove_bool( "ResetSwingOnTurn", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.send_swing_packet = elem.remove_bool( "SendSwingPacket", true );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.send_damage_packet = elem.remove_bool( "SendDamagePacket", false );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.attack_while_frozen = elem.remove_bool( "AttackWhileFrozen", true );
	  settingsManager.combat_config.send_attack_msg = elem.remove_bool( "SendAttackMsg", true );
예제 #7
	void Account::readfrom( Clib::ConfigElem& elem )
	  if ( elem.has_prop( "Password" ) )
        std::string temppass = elem.remove_string("Password");
		if ( Plib::systemstate.config.retain_cleartext_passwords )
		  password_ = temppass;
		if ( !Clib::MD5_Encrypt( name_ + temppass, passwordhash_ ) )	//MD5
		  elem.throw_error( "Failed to encrypt password for " + name_ );
		Plib::systemstate.accounts_txt_dirty = true;
	  else if ( elem.has_prop( "PasswordHash" ) )
		passwordhash_ = elem.remove_string( "PasswordHash" );
		elem.throw_error( "Failed password reads for account " + name_ );

	  enabled_ = elem.remove_bool( "ENABLED", true );
	  banned_ = elem.remove_bool( "BANNED", false );
	  uo_expansion_ = convert_uo_expansion( elem.remove_string( "UOExpansion", "T2A" ) );

	  default_privs_.readfrom( elem.remove_string( "DefaultPrivs", "" ) );

	  std::string cmdaccstr = elem.remove_string( "DefaultCmdLevel", "player" );
	  Core::CmdLevel* cmdlevel_search = Core::find_cmdlevel( cmdaccstr.c_str( ) );
	  if ( cmdlevel_search != NULL )
		default_cmdlevel_ = cmdlevel_search->cmdlevel;
		elem.throw_error( "Didn't understand cmdlevel of '" + cmdaccstr + "'" );

	  props_.readProperties( elem );
예제 #8
RealmDescriptor::RealmDescriptor(const std::string& realm_name, const std::string& realm_path, Clib::ConfigElem& elem) :
  name( realm_name ),
  file_path( realm_path ),
  width( elem.remove_ushort( "width" ) ),
  height( elem.remove_ushort( "height" ) ),
  uomapid( elem.remove_unsigned( "uomapid", 0 ) ),
  uodif( elem.remove_bool( "uodif", false ) ),
  num_map_patches( elem.remove_unsigned( "num_map_patches", 0 ) ),
  num_static_patches( elem.remove_unsigned( "num_static_patches", 0 ) ),
  season( elem.remove_unsigned( "season", 1 ) ),
  mapserver_type( Clib::strlower( elem.remove_string( "mapserver", "memory" ) ) ),
예제 #9
파일: vital.cpp 프로젝트: gtozzi/polserver
Vital::Vital( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) :
  pkg( pkg ),
  name( elem.rest() ),
  vitalid( 0 ),
  next( NULL ),
  get_regenrate_func( FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, elem.remove_string( "RegenRateFunction" ), 1 ) ),
  get_maximum_func( FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, elem.remove_string( "MaximumFunction" ), 1 ) ),
  underflow_func( NULL ),
  regen_while_dead( elem.remove_bool( "RegenWhileDead", false ) )
  aliases.push_back( name );
  std::string tmp;
  while ( elem.remove_prop( "Alias", &tmp ) )
    aliases.push_back( tmp );

  if ( elem.remove_prop( "UnderflowFunction", &tmp ) )
    underflow_func = FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, tmp, 2 );
예제 #10
	unsigned int readflags( Clib::ConfigElem& elem )
	  bool flag_moveland = elem.remove_bool( "MoveLand", false );
	  bool flag_movesea = elem.remove_bool( "MoveSea", false );
	  bool flag_blocksight = elem.remove_bool( "BlockSight", false );
	  bool flag_overflight = elem.remove_bool( "OverFlight", true );
	  bool flag_allowdropon = elem.remove_bool( "AllowDropOn", false );
	  bool flag_gradual = elem.remove_bool( "Gradual", false );
	  bool flag_stackable = elem.remove_bool( "Stackable", false );
	  bool flag_blocking = elem.remove_bool( "Blocking", false );
	  bool flag_movable = elem.remove_bool( "Movable", false );
	  bool flag_equippable = elem.remove_bool( "Equippable", false );
	  bool flag_prepend_a = elem.remove_bool( "DescPrependA", false );
	  bool flag_prepend_an = elem.remove_bool( "DescPrependAn", false );
	  unsigned int flags = 0;

	  if ( flag_moveland )      flags |= FLAG::MOVELAND;
	  if ( flag_movesea )       flags |= FLAG::MOVESEA;
	  if ( flag_blocksight )    flags |= FLAG::BLOCKSIGHT;
	  if ( flag_overflight )    flags |= FLAG::OVERFLIGHT;
	  if ( flag_allowdropon )   flags |= FLAG::ALLOWDROPON;
	  if ( flag_gradual )       flags |= FLAG::GRADUAL;
	  if ( flag_stackable )     flags |= FLAG::STACKABLE;
	  if ( flag_blocking )      flags |= FLAG::BLOCKING;
	  if ( flag_movable )       flags |= FLAG::MOVABLE;
	  if ( flag_equippable )    flags |= FLAG::EQUIPPABLE;
	  if ( flag_prepend_a )     flags |= FLAG::DESC_PREPEND_A;
	  if ( flag_prepend_an )    flags |= FLAG::DESC_PREPEND_AN;

	  return flags;
예제 #11
void load_protocol_entry( const Plib::Package* /*pkg*/, Clib::ConfigElem& elem )
  networkManager.uoclient_protocol.EnableFlowControlPackets = elem.remove_bool( "EnableFlowControlPackets" );