virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.add("ignore", 'i', "Do nothing and don't warn about Vulkan layer issues."); parser.add( "system", '\0', "Install layer registration to /etc instead of $HOME/.local (requires root privileges)"); }
virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.add("ignore", 'i', "Do nothing and don't warn about Vulkan layer issues."); parser.add( "system", '\0', "Install layer registration to /etc instead of $HOME/.local (requires root privileges)"); parser.add("dry-run", 'n', "Don't perform any actions, instead print what would happen."); }
virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.add("daemon", 'd', "Go into the background."); parser.add<string>( "host", 'h', "The interface to listen on. By default listens on all interfaces", false, ""); parser.add<uint32_t>("port", 'p', "The port to listen on.", false, RENDERDOC_GetDefaultRemoteServerPort()); }
void specifyCommandLineParameters(cmdline::parser &cmdOpt) { cmdOpt.add<std::string>(CFG, 'c', "configuration file", true, ""); cmdOpt.add<std::string>(IN, 'i', "dataset input file", true, ""); cmdOpt.add<std::string>(OUT, 'o', "cluster output file", false, ""); cmdOpt.add<std::string>(LOGF, 'l', "log file", false, ""); cmdOpt.add<char>(SEP, 's', "separator in output file", false, ','); cmdOpt.add(SKIP, 'S', "skip faulty records"); }
void init_cmdline(cmdline::parser& cmd) { #ifdef __X86 #define LOADER_DLL_NAME "loader32.dll" #else #define LOADER_DLL_NAME "loader64.dll" #endif cmd.add<string>("type", 't', "inject type (start, open or hook)", true, "", cmdline::oneof<string>("start", "open", "hook")); cmd.add<string>("file", 'f', "path of executable file (when start)", false, ""); cmd.add<string>("file-param", '\0', "parameters of executable (when start)", false, ""); cmd.add<int>("pid", 'p', "process id (when open)", false, 0); cmd.add<string>("injectee", 'i', "path of injectee, dll or so", true, ""); cmd.add<string>("loader-dll-name", '\0', "name of the loader dll", false, LOADER_DLL_NAME); cmd.add<string>("hook-type", 'h', "Windows hook type (when hook)", false, "", cmdline::oneof<string>("keyboard", "msg", "callback")); cmd.add("no-eustia", '\0', "only inject the module"); }