virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.set_footer("<capture.rdc>"); parser.add<uint32_t>("width", 'w', "The preview window width.", false, 1280); parser.add<uint32_t>("height", 'h', "The preview window height.", false, 720); parser.add<string>("remote-host", 0, "Instead of replaying locally, replay on this host over the network.", false); parser.add<uint32_t>("remote-port", 0, "If --remote-host is set, use this port.", false, RENDERDOC_GetDefaultRemoteServerPort()); }
virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.set_footer("<filename.rdc>"); parser.add<string>("out", 'o', "The output filename to save the file to", true, "filename.jpg"); parser.add<string>("format", 'f', "The format of the output file. If empty, detected from filename", false, "", cmdline::oneof<string>("jpg", "png", "bmp", "tga")); parser.add<uint32_t>( "max-size", 's', "The maximum dimension of the thumbnail. Default is 0, which is unlimited.", false, 0); }
virtual void AddOptions(cmdline::parser &parser) { parser.set_footer("<executable> [program arguments]"); parser.stop_at_rest(true); }