예제 #1
// Evaluates a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth SIGMA for all relative shifts between input images X and Y, which must both be MxN. They must    also be periodic (ie., pre-processed with a cosine window).
cv::Mat KCFTracker::gaussianCorrelation(cv::Mat x1, cv::Mat x2)
    using namespace FFTTools;
    cv::Mat c = cv::Mat( cv::Size(size_patch[1], size_patch[0]), CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0) );
    // HOG features
    if (_hogfeatures) {
        cv::Mat caux;
        cv::Mat x1aux;
        cv::Mat x2aux;
        for (int i = 0; i < size_patch[2]; i++) {
            x1aux = x1.row(i);   // Procedure do deal with cv::Mat multichannel bug
            x1aux = x1aux.reshape(1, size_patch[0]);
            x2aux = x2.row(i).reshape(1, size_patch[0]);
            cv::mulSpectrums(fftd(x1aux), fftd(x2aux), caux, 0, true); 
            caux = fftd(caux, true);
            c = c + real(caux);
    // Gray features
    else {
        cv::mulSpectrums(fftd(x1), fftd(x2), c, 0, true);
        c = fftd(c, true);
        c = real(c);
    cv::Mat d; 
    cv::max(( (cv::sum(x1.mul(x1))[0] + cv::sum(x2.mul(x2))[0])- 2. * c) / (size_patch[0]*size_patch[1]*size_patch[2]) , 0, d);

    cv::Mat k;
    cv::exp((-d / (sigma * sigma)), k);
    return k;
예제 #2
// Ridgeness operator: F_vv.
//	REF [book] >> section 9.1.2 (p. 254) in "Digital and Medical Image Processing", 2005.
//	REF [book] >> Figure 9.10 & 9.11 (p. 260) in "Digital and Medical Image Processing", 2005.
cv::Mat ImageFilter::RidgenessOperator::operator()(const cv::Mat& img, const std::size_t apertureSize, const double sigma) const
	cv::Mat Fx, Fy, Fxx, Fyy, Fxy;
	ImageFilter::computeDerivativesOfImage(img, apertureSize, sigma, Fx, Fy, Fxx, Fyy, Fxy);

	// Compute Fvv.
	// REF [book] >> p. 255 ~ 256 in "Digital and Medical Image Processing", 2005.
	const cv::Mat Fx2(Fx.mul(Fx)), Fy2(Fy.mul(Fy));
	return (Fy2.mul(Fxx) - 2 * Fx.mul(Fy).mul(Fxy) + Fx2.mul(Fyy)) / (Fx2 + Fy2);
예제 #3
파일: denseSift.cpp 프로젝트: cmkyec/ScSPM
static void magnitude(const cv::Mat& I_X, const cv::Mat& I_Y, cv::Mat& I_mag)
	CV_Assert(I_X.type() == CV_64F && I_X.type() == I_Y.type());

	I_mag = I_X.mul(I_X) + I_Y.mul(I_Y);
	int s = I_mag.rows * I_mag.cols;
	double* p = (double*)I_mag.data;
	for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
		*p = cv::sqrt(*p);
예제 #4
// Isophote curvature operator: -F_vv / F_w.
//	REF [book] >> Figure 9.12 (p. 261) in "Digital and Medical Image Processing", 2005.
cv::Mat ImageFilter::IsophoteCurvatureOperator::operator()(const cv::Mat& img, const std::size_t apertureSize, const double sigma) const
	cv::Mat Fx, Fy, Fxx, Fyy, Fxy;
	ImageFilter::computeDerivativesOfImage(img, apertureSize, sigma, Fx, Fy, Fxx, Fyy, Fxy);

	// Compute FvvFw.
	// REF [book] >> p. 255 ~ 256 in "Digital and Medical Image Processing", 2005.
	const cv::Mat Fx2(Fx.mul(Fx)), Fy2(Fy.mul(Fy));
	cv::Mat den;
	cv::pow(Fx2 + Fy2, 1.5, den);
	return -(Fy2.mul(Fxx) - 2 * Fx.mul(Fy).mul(Fxy) + Fx2.mul(Fyy)) / den;
예제 #5
cv::Mat GuidedFilterMono::filterSingleChannel(const cv::Mat &p) const
    cv::Mat mean_p = boxfilter(p, r);
    cv::Mat mean_Ip = boxfilter(I.mul(p), r);
    cv::Mat cov_Ip = mean_Ip - mean_I.mul(mean_p); // this is the covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.

    cv::Mat a = cov_Ip / (var_I + eps); // Eqn. (5) in the paper;
    cv::Mat b = mean_p - a.mul(mean_I); // Eqn. (6) in the paper;

    cv::Mat mean_a = boxfilter(a, r);
    cv::Mat mean_b = boxfilter(b, r);

    return mean_a.mul(I) + mean_b;
예제 #6
void computeWeights(const cv::Mat &imagePatch, const spatiogram &qTarget, const spatiogram &pCurrent,
                    const cv::Mat &w, cv::Mat &weights){

    cv::Mat sqco;
    cv::sqrt(sqco, sqco);
    cv::Mat rel = w.mul( sqco );
    std::vector<cv::Mat> weightC;
    cv::Mat tc =cv::Mat::zeros(imagePatch.rows, imagePatch.cols, CV_64FC1);

    int n = 256/qTarget.bins;
    std::vector<double> bins;
    linspace(bins, 0, 256, n);
    int m = pCurrent.bins/imagePatch.channels();
    for (int l=0; l<imagePatch.channels(); l++){
        for (int j=0; j<m; j++){
            cv::Mat temp;
            binelements(imagePatch, bins, l, j, temp);
            tc = tc + (rel.at<double>(0,l*m+j))*temp;
    mat3min( weightC, weights );
예제 #7
double Matrix::Frobenius(cv::Mat A) {
  CV_Assert(A.size != 0);
  double frobenius;
  cv::Mat square_A;
  square_A = A.mul(A);
  frobenius = sqrt(cv::sum(square_A)[0]);
  return frobenius;
예제 #8
double Descriptor::bhattacharyya(cv::Mat k, cv::Mat q)
    cv::normalize(k, k, 1, 0, cv::NORM_L1);
    cv::normalize(q, q, 1, 0, cv::NORM_L1);
    cv::Mat temp = k.mul(q);
    sqrt(temp, temp);
    return (double)sqrt(1 - cv::sum(temp)[0]);
    // sqrt(1-sum(sqrt(k.*q)))
// Compute 3D object (shape/texture/expression) from weights, given 3DMM basis (MU, PCs, EV). Ouput size Vx3.
//       The input vector "weight" is vertical, with float numbers
cv::Mat BaselFaceEstimator::coef2object(cv::Mat weight, cv::Mat MU, cv::Mat PCs, cv::Mat EV){
	int M = weight.rows;
	Mat tmpShape;
	if (M == 0) 
		tmpShape = MU.clone();
	else {
		Mat subPC = PCs(Rect(0,0,M,PCs.rows));
		Mat subEV = EV(Rect(0,0,1,M));
		tmpShape = MU + subPC * weight.mul(subEV);
	return tmpShape.reshape(1,tmpShape.rows/3);
예제 #10
// The bhattacharyya distance between vector and vector q;
float ReidDescriptor::bhattacharyya(cv::Mat k, cv::Mat q)
	cv::normalize(k, k, 1, 0, cv::NORM_L1);
	cv::normalize(q, q, 1, 0, cv::NORM_L1);

	//show the histograms
	//drawHist("hist1", k);
	//drawHist("hist2", q);

	cv::Mat temp = k.mul(q);
	sqrt(temp, temp);

	return (float)sqrt(1 - cv::sum(temp)[0]); // sqrt(1-sum(sqrt(k.*q)))
예제 #11
void Metric::si_filter(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& si_filtered, cv::Mat& hfiltered,  cv::Mat& vfiltered, int len){
	float filterMask[len];
	float filterA [len][len];

	getFilterMask(len, filterMask);
	for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
		for(int j=0; j<len; j++){
			filterA[i][j] = filterMask[i];
	cv::Mat kernel = cv::Mat(len, len, CV_32F, &filterA);
	cv::Mat tmp;

	cv::filter2D(src, hfiltered, -1, kernel);
	cv::filter2D(src, vfiltered, -1, kernel.t());

	cv::Mat h2 = hfiltered.mul(hfiltered);
	cv::Mat v2 = vfiltered.mul(vfiltered);

	cv::add(h2,v2, tmp); 
	cv::sqrt(tmp, si_filtered);	 
예제 #12
void MPatch::Response(cv::Mat &im,cv::Mat &resp)
  assert((im.type() == CV_32F) && (resp.type() == CV_64F));
  assert((im.rows >= _h) && (im.cols >= _w));
  int h = im.rows - _h + 1, w = im.cols - _w + 1;
  if(resp.rows != h || resp.cols != w)resp.create(h,w,CV_64F);
  if(res_.rows != h || res_.cols != w)res_.create(h,w,CV_64F);
  if(_p.size() == 1){_p[0].Response(im,resp); sum2one(resp);}
    resp = cvScalar(1.0);
    for(int i = 0; i < (int)_p.size(); i++){
      _p[i].Response(im,res_); sum2one(res_); resp = resp.mul(res_);
예제 #13
        void apply(const cv::Mat& A, cv::Mat &B)
            Sobel(A, grad_x, ddepth, 1, 0, kernel, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
            Sobel(A, grad_y, ddepth, 0, 1, kernel, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);

            Sobel(grad_x, d_xx, ddepth, 1, 0, kernel, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
            Sobel(grad_x, d_xy, ddepth, 0, 1, kernel, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
            Sobel(grad_y, d_yy, ddepth, 0, 1, kernel, scale, delta, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);

            diskr = (((d_xx - d_yy) / 2.0).mul(((d_xx - d_yy) / 2.0)) + d_xy.mul(d_xy));
            sqrt(diskr, root);
            largeC = (d_xx + d_yy) / 2.0 + root;
            smallC = (d_xx + d_yy) / 2.0 - root;

            switch (output)
                case picDx:
                    normalize(grad_x, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picDy:
                    normalize(grad_y, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picDxx:
                    normalize(d_xx, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picDxy:
                    normalize(d_xy, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picDyy:
                    normalize(d_yy, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picEVSmall:
                    normalize(smallC, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picEVLarge:
                    normalize(largeC, B, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
                case picDerivInput:
                    B = A;
예제 #14
void Triangulator::triangulateFromVp(cv::Mat &vp, cv::Mat &xyz){

    // Solve for xyzw using determinant tensor
    cv::Mat C = determinantTensor;
    std::vector<cv::Mat> xyzw(4);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++){
//        xyzw[i].create(vp.size(), CV_32F);
        xyzw[i] = C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,0,1,1)) - C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,2,1,1))*uc - C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,0,2,1))*vc -
                C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,0,1,2))*vp + C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,2,1,2))*vp.mul(uc) + C.at<float>(cv::Vec4i(i,0,2,2))*vp.mul(vc);

    // Convert to non homogenous coordinates
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
        xyzw[i] /= xyzw[3];

    // Merge
    cv::merge(std::vector<cv::Mat>(xyzw.begin(), xyzw.begin()+3), xyz);

예제 #15
 * Interpolate D19 pixel values
void CalibrationFilter::interpolate()
    // Gaussian interpolation mask
    float coeff[9] = {
        .707,  1.0, .707,
         1.0,  0.0,  1.0,
        .707,  1.0, .707 };
    const cv::Mat mask(3, 3, CV_32F, coeff);

    for(int i=1; i<mFrame32F_big.rows-1; ++i)
        for(int j=1; j<mFrame32F_big.cols-1; ++j)
            // Check if pixel is dead
            if(mAlive_big.at<unsigned char>(i, j) == 0)
                // Dead pixel: build interpolation matrix
                cv::Mat neighbor( 3, 3, CV_32F );
                mAlive_big( cv::Range(i-1, i+2), cv::Range(j-1, j+2) ).convertTo( neighbor, CV_32F );

                //QLOG_DEBUG() << TAG << "neighbor sum" << cv::sum( neighbor )[0];

                // Compute interpolated value
                // 'M' is the same as 'mask' but with 0-coefficient over dead pixels
                const cv::Mat M = mask.mul( neighbor, 1.0 );

                // 'roi' Region of interest is the 3x3 region centered on the dead pixel
                const cv::Mat roi = mFrame32F_big( cv::Range(i-1, i+2), cv::Range(j-1, j+2) );
                double sum = cv::sum( M )[0];
                if(sum >= 1.0)
                    mFrame32F_big.at<float>(i, j) = M.dot( roi ) / sum;
                    mFrame32F_big.at<float>(i, j) = 0;
예제 #16
파일: MyLib.cpp 프로젝트: jgmao/MTC
double mylib::WeightedSum(const cv::Mat& A, const cv::Mat& W)
	if (A.size() != W.size())
	//int a = A.type();
	//int b = W.type();
	double result=0.0;
	cv::Scalar s;
	vector<Mat> Wv;
	Mat W3;
	for (int i=0; i< A.channels(); i++)
	W3 = A.mul(W3);
	s = cv::sum(W3);
	for (int i=0; i<A.channels(); i++)
		result += s[i];
	return result / A.channels();

void GeneralTransform::Rejection(cv::Mat& diff, cv::Mat& filtered_diff, cv::Mat& query_cloud, cv::Mat& filtered_query_cloud, double threshold)
    if(threshold != 0 && diff.rows > 10)
        cv::Mat dist, idx, tmp_diff;
        tmp_diff = diff.mul(diff);
        cv::reduce(tmp_diff, dist, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
        cv::sqrt(dist, dist);
        cv::sortIdx(dist, idx, CV_SORT_EVERY_COLUMN + CV_SORT_ASCENDING);
        int count = (int)(dist.rows * (1 - threshold));
        /*while(count < dist.rows && dist.at<double>(idx.at<int>(count, 0), 0) < threshold)
        // std::cout << "original: " << diff.rows << " filtered: " << count << std::endl;
        filtered_diff = cv::Mat::zeros(count, diff.cols, CV_64F);
        filtered_query_cloud = cv::Mat::zeros(count, query_cloud.cols, CV_64F);
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)      
            // diff
            for(int m = 0; m < diff.cols; m++)
                filtered_diff.at<double>(i, m) = diff.at<double>(idx.at<int>(i, 0), m);
            // query_cloud      
            for(int n = 0; n < query_cloud.cols; n++)
                filtered_query_cloud.at<double>(i, n) = query_cloud.at<double>(idx.at<int>(i, 0), n);       
        filtered_diff = cv::Mat::zeros(diff.rows, diff.cols, CV_64F);
        filtered_query_cloud = cv::Mat::zeros(query_cloud.rows, query_cloud.cols, CV_64F);

 * @brief This function computes the Perona and Malik conductivity coefficient g2
 * g2 = 1 / (1 + dL^2 / k^2)
 * @param Lx First order image derivative in X-direction (horizontal)
 * @param Ly First order image derivative in Y-direction (vertical)
 * @param dst Output image
 * @param k Contrast factor parameter
void pm_g2(const cv::Mat &Lx, const cv::Mat& Ly, cv::Mat& dst, float k) {
    dst = 1./(1. + (Lx.mul(Lx) + Ly.mul(Ly))/(k*k));
예제 #19
 * @fn  DrawTransPinP
 * @brief   透過画像を重ねて描画する
 * @param[out] img_dst
 * @param[in ] transImg 前景画像。アルファチャンネル付きであること(CV_8UC4)
 * @param[in ] baseImg  背景画像。アルファチャンネル不要(CV_8UC3)
 void DrawTransPinP(cv::Mat &img_dst, const cv::Mat transImg, const cv::Mat baseImg, vector<cv::Point2f> tgtPt)
    cv::Mat img_rgb, img_aaa, img_1ma;
    vector<cv::Mat>planes_rgba, planes_rgb, planes_aaa, planes_1ma;
    int maxVal = pow(2, 8*baseImg.elemSize1())-1;
    //透過画像はRGBA, 背景画像はRGBのみ許容。ビット深度が同じ画像のみ許容
    if(transImg.data==NULL || baseImg.data==NULL || transImg.channels()<4 ||baseImg.channels()<3 || (transImg.elemSize1()!=baseImg.elemSize1()) )
        img_dst = cv::Mat(100,100, CV_8UC3);
        img_dst = cv::Scalar::all(maxVal);
        int ltx = (baseImg.cols - transImg.cols)/2;
        int lty = (baseImg.rows - transImg.rows)/2;
        int ww  = transImg.cols;
        int hh  = transImg.rows;
        tgtPt.push_back(cv::Point2f(ltx   , lty));
        tgtPt.push_back(cv::Point2f(ltx+ww, lty));
        tgtPt.push_back(cv::Point2f(ltx+ww, lty+hh));
        tgtPt.push_back(cv::Point2f(ltx   , lty+hh));
    srcPt.push_back( cv::Point2f(0, 0) );
    srcPt.push_back( cv::Point2f(transImg.cols-1, 0) );
    srcPt.push_back( cv::Point2f(transImg.cols-1, transImg.rows-1) );
    srcPt.push_back( cv::Point2f(0, transImg.rows-1) );
    cv::Mat mat = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(srcPt, tgtPt);
    cv::Mat alpha0(baseImg.rows, baseImg.cols, transImg.type() );
    alpha0 = cv::Scalar::all(0);
    cv::warpPerspective(transImg, alpha0, mat,alpha0.size(), cv::INTER_CUBIC, cv::BORDER_TRANSPARENT);
    cv::split(alpha0, planes_rgba);
    merge(planes_rgb, img_rgb);
    merge(planes_aaa, img_aaa);
    merge(planes_1ma, img_1ma);
    img_dst = img_rgb.mul(img_aaa, 1.0/(double)maxVal) + baseImg.mul(img_1ma, 1.0/(double)maxVal);
예제 #20
 * @brief This function computes the Perona and Malik conductivity coefficient g2
 * g2 = 1 / (1 + dL^2 / k^2)
 * @param Lx First order image derivative in X-direction (horizontal)
 * @param Ly First order image derivative in Y-direction (vertical)
 * @param dst Output image
 * @param k Contrast factor parameter
void pm_g2(const cv::Mat& Lx, const cv::Mat& Ly, cv::Mat& dst, const float& k) {
  dst = 1.0/(1.0+(Lx.mul(Lx)+Ly.mul(Ly))/(k*k));
예제 #21
 * @brief This function computes the Perona and Malik conductivity coefficient g1
 * g1 = exp(-|dL|^2/k^2)
 * @param Lx First order image derivative in X-direction (horizontal)
 * @param Ly First order image derivative in Y-direction (vertical)
 * @param dst Output image
 * @param k Contrast factor parameter
void pm_g1(const cv::Mat& Lx, const cv::Mat& Ly, cv::Mat& dst, const float& k) {
예제 #22
 * @brief This function computes Charbonnier conductivity coefficient gc
 * gc = 1 / sqrt(1 + dL^2 / k^2)
 * @param Lx First order image derivative in X-direction (horizontal)
 * @param Ly First order image derivative in Y-direction (vertical)
 * @param dst Output image
 * @param k Contrast factor parameter
 * @note For more information check the following paper: J. Weickert
 * Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision,
 * Proceedings of Algorithmy 2000
void charbonnier_diffusivity(const cv::Mat& Lx, const cv::Mat& Ly, cv::Mat& dst, const float& k) {
  Mat den;
  dst = 1.0/ den;
예제 #23
 * @brief This function computes Weickert conductivity coefficient gw
 * @param Lx First order image derivative in X-direction (horizontal)
 * @param Ly First order image derivative in Y-direction (vertical)
 * @param dst Output image
 * @param k Contrast factor parameter
 * @note For more information check the following paper: J. Weickert
 * Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision,
 * Proceedings of Algorithmy 2000
void weickert_diffusivity(const cv::Mat& Lx, const cv::Mat& Ly, cv::Mat& dst, const float& k) {
  Mat modg;
  pow((Lx.mul(Lx) + Ly.mul(Ly))/(k*k),4,modg);
  cv::exp(-3.315/modg, dst);
  dst = 1.0 - dst;
예제 #24
static cv::Mat dequantize(const cv::Mat& m, int step) {
	return m.mul(cv::Scalar::all(step));
예제 #25
// [ref] undistort_images_using_formula() in ${CPP_RND_HOME}/test/machine_vision/opencv/opencv_image_undistortion.cpp
void KinectSensor::computeHomogeneousImageCoordinates(const cv::Size &imageSize, const cv::Mat &K, const cv::Mat &distCoeffs, cv::Mat &IC_homo, cv::Mat &IC_homo_undist)
	// [ref] "Joint Depth and Color Camera Calibration with Distortion Correction", D. Herrera C., J. Kannala, & J. Heikkila, TPAMI, 2012

	// homogeneous image coordinates: zero-based coordinates
	cv::Mat(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar::all(1)).copyTo(IC_homo);
	//IC_homo = cv::Mat::ones(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1);
#if 0
		// 0 0 0 ...   0 1 1 1 ...   1 ... 639 639 639 ... 639
		// 0 1 2 ... 479 0 1 2 ... 479 ...   0   1   2 ... 479

		cv::Mat arr(1, imageSize.height, CV_64FC1);
		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.height; ++i)
			arr.at<double>(0, i) = (double)i;

		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.width; ++i)
			IC_homo(cv::Range(0, 1), cv::Range(i * imageSize.height, (i + 1) * imageSize.height)).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(i));
			arr.copyTo(IC_homo(cv::Range(1, 2), cv::Range(i * imageSize.height, (i + 1) * imageSize.height)));
		// 0 1 2 ... 639 0 1 2 ... 639 ...   0   1   2 ... 639
		// 0 0 0 ...   0 1 1 1 ...   1 ... 479 479 479 ... 479

		cv::Mat arr(1, imageSize.width, CV_64FC1);
		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.width; ++i)
			arr.at<double>(0, i) = (double)i;

		for (int i = 0; i < imageSize.height; ++i)
			arr.copyTo(IC_homo(cv::Range(0, 1), cv::Range(i * imageSize.width, (i + 1) * imageSize.width)));
			IC_homo(cv::Range(1, 2), cv::Range(i * imageSize.width, (i + 1) * imageSize.width)).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(i));

	// homogeneous normalized camera coordinates
	const cv::Mat CC_norm(K.inv() * IC_homo);

	// apply distortion
		//const cv::Mat xn(CC_norm(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()));
		const cv::Mat xn(CC_norm(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()) / CC_norm(cv::Range(2,3), cv::Range::all()));
		//const cv::Mat yn(CC_norm(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()));
		const cv::Mat yn(CC_norm(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()) / CC_norm(cv::Range(2,3), cv::Range::all()));

		const cv::Mat xn2(xn.mul(xn));
		const cv::Mat yn2(yn.mul(yn));
		const cv::Mat xnyn(xn.mul(yn));
		const cv::Mat r2(xn2 + yn2);
		const cv::Mat r4(r2.mul(r2));
		const cv::Mat r6(r4.mul(r2));

		const double &k1 = distCoeffs.at<double>(0);
		const double &k2 = distCoeffs.at<double>(1);
		const double &k3 = distCoeffs.at<double>(2);
		const double &k4 = distCoeffs.at<double>(3);
		const double &k5 = distCoeffs.at<double>(4);

		const cv::Mat xg(2.0 * k3 * xnyn + k4 * (r2 + 2.0 * xn2));
		const cv::Mat yg(k3 * (r2 + 2.0 * yn2) + 2.0 * k4 * xnyn);

		const cv::Mat coeff(1.0 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4 + k5 * r6);
		cv::Mat xk(3, imageSize.height * imageSize.width, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar::all(1));
		cv::Mat(coeff.mul(xn) + xg).copyTo(xk(cv::Range(0,1), cv::Range::all()));
		cv::Mat(coeff.mul(yn) + yg).copyTo(xk(cv::Range(1,2), cv::Range::all()));

		IC_homo_undist = K * xk;
예제 #26
cv::Mat GuidedFilterColor::filterSingleChannel(const cv::Mat &p) const
    cv::Mat mean_p = boxfilter(p, r);

    cv::Mat mean_Ip_r = boxfilter(Ichannels[0].mul(p), r);
    cv::Mat mean_Ip_g = boxfilter(Ichannels[1].mul(p), r);
    cv::Mat mean_Ip_b = boxfilter(Ichannels[2].mul(p), r);

    // covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.
    cv::Mat cov_Ip_r = mean_Ip_r - mean_I_r.mul(mean_p);
    cv::Mat cov_Ip_g = mean_Ip_g - mean_I_g.mul(mean_p);
    cv::Mat cov_Ip_b = mean_Ip_b - mean_I_b.mul(mean_p);

    cv::Mat a_r = invrr.mul(cov_Ip_r) + invrg.mul(cov_Ip_g) + invrb.mul(cov_Ip_b);
    cv::Mat a_g = invrg.mul(cov_Ip_r) + invgg.mul(cov_Ip_g) + invgb.mul(cov_Ip_b);
    cv::Mat a_b = invrb.mul(cov_Ip_r) + invgb.mul(cov_Ip_g) + invbb.mul(cov_Ip_b);

    cv::Mat b = mean_p - a_r.mul(mean_I_r) - a_g.mul(mean_I_g) - a_b.mul(mean_I_b); // Eqn. (15) in the paper;

    return (boxfilter(a_r, r).mul(Ichannels[0])
          + boxfilter(a_g, r).mul(Ichannels[1])
          + boxfilter(a_b, r).mul(Ichannels[2])
          + boxfilter(b, r));  // Eqn. (16) in the paper;