예제 #1
bool StackPromoter::canPromoteAlloc(SILInstruction *AI,
                                    SILInstruction *&AllocInsertionPoint,
                                    SILInstruction *&DeallocInsertionPoint) {
  AllocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  DeallocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  auto *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(AI, EA);
  if (!Node)
    return false;

  // The most important check: does the object escape the current function?
  if (Node->escapes())
    return false;

  // Now we have to determine the lifetime of the allocated object in its
  // function.

  // Get all interesting uses of the object (e.g. release instructions). This
  // includes uses of objects where the allocation is stored to.
  int NumUsePointsToFind = ConGraph->getNumUsePoints(Node);
  if (NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
    // There should always be at least one release for an allocated object.
    // But in case all paths from this block end in unreachable then the
    // final release of the object may be optimized away. We bail out in this
    // case.
    return false;

  // Try to find the point where to insert the deallocation.
  // This might need more than one try in case we need to move the allocation
  // out of a stack-alloc-dealloc pair. See findDeallocPoint().
  SILInstruction *StartInst = AI;
  for (;;) {
    SILInstruction *RestartPoint = nullptr;
    DeallocInsertionPoint = findDeallocPoint(StartInst, RestartPoint, Node,
    if (DeallocInsertionPoint)
      return true;

    if (!RestartPoint)
      return false;

    // Moving a buffer allocation call is not trivial because we would need to
    // move all the parameter calculations as well. So we just don't do it.
    if (!isa<AllocRefInst>(AI))
      return false;

    // Retry with moving the allocation up.
    AllocInsertionPoint = RestartPoint;
    StartInst = RestartPoint;
예제 #2
bool StackPromoter::canPromoteAlloc(SILInstruction *AI,
                                    SILInstruction *&AllocInsertionPoint,
                                    SILInstruction *&DeallocInsertionPoint) {
  AllocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  DeallocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  auto *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(AI, EA);
  if (!Node)
    return false;

  // The most important check: does the object escape the current function?
  if (Node->escapes())
    return false;

  // Now we have to determine the lifetime of the allocated object in its
  // function.

  // Get all interesting uses of the object (e.g. release instructions). This
  // includes uses of objects where the allocation is stored to.
  int NumUsePointsToFind = ConGraph->getNumUsePoints(Node);
  if (NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
    // There should always be at least one release for an allocated object.
    // But in case all paths from this block end in unreachable then the
    // final release of the object may be optimized away. We bail out in this
    // case.
    return false;

  // In the following we check two requirements for stack promotion:
  // 1) Are all uses in the same control region as the alloc? E.g. if the
  //    allocation is in a loop then there may not be any uses of the object
  //    outside the loop.
  // 2) We need to find an insertion place for the deallocation so that it
  //    preserves a properly nested stack allocation-deallocation structure.
  SILBasicBlock *StartBlock = AI->getParent();

  // The block where we assume we can insert the deallocation.
  SILBasicBlock *EndBlock = StartBlock;

  // We visit all instructions starting at the allocation instruction.
  WorkListType WorkList;
  // It's important that the EndBlock is at the head of the WorkList so that
  // we handle it after all other blocks.
  WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
  WorkList.insert(StartBlock, 0);

  for (;;) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    int StackDepth = 0;
    SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
    if (BB == StartBlock) {
      // In the first block we start at the allocation instruction and not at
      // the begin of the block.
      Iter = AI->getIterator();
    } else {
      // Track all uses in the block arguments.
      for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB->getBBArgs()) {
        if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(BBArg, Node))
      // Make sure that the EndBlock is not inside a loop (which does not
      // contain the StartBlock).
      // E.g.:
      //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
      //     br loop
      //   loop:
      //     the_only_use_of_obj(%obj)
      //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
      //   exit:
      //     ... // this is the new EndBlock
      for (SILBasicBlock *Pred : BB->getPreds()) {
        // Extend the lifetime region until the EndBlock post dominates the
        // StartBlock.
        while (!strictlyPostDominates(EndBlock, Pred)) {
          EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
          if (!EndBlock)
            return false;
      Iter = BB->begin();
      StackDepth = WorkList.getStackDepth(BB);
    // Visit all instructions of the current block.
    while (Iter != BB->end()) {
      SILInstruction &I = *Iter++;
      if (BB == EndBlock && StackDepth == 0 && NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
        // We found a place to insert the stack deallocation.
        DeallocInsertionPoint = &I;
        return true;
      if (I.isAllocatingStack()) {
      } else if (I.isDeallocatingStack()) {
        if (StackDepth == 0) {
          // The allocation is inside a stack alloc-dealloc region and we are
          // now leaving this region without having found a place for the
          // deallocation. E.g.
          // E.g.:
          //     %1 = alloc_stack
          //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
          //     dealloc_stack %1
          //     use_of_obj(%obj)
          // In this case we can move the alloc_ref before the alloc_stack
          // to fix the nesting.
          if (!isa<AllocRefInst>(AI))
            return false;
          auto *Alloc = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(I.getOperand(0));
          if (!Alloc)
            return false;
          // This should always be the case, but let's be on the safe side.
          if (!PDT->dominates(StartBlock, Alloc->getParent()))
            return false;
          AllocInsertionPoint = Alloc;
      // Track a use.
      if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(&I, Node) != 0)
    if (WorkList.empty()) {
      if (EndBlock == BB) {
        // We reached the EndBlock but didn't find a place for the deallocation
        // so far (because we didn't find all uses yet or we entered another
        // stack alloc-dealloc region). Let's extend our lifetime region.
        // E.g.:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     %1 = alloc_stack
        //     use_of_obj(%obj) // can't insert the deallocation in this block
        //     cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
        //   bb1:
        //     ...
        //     br bb2
        //   bb2:
        //     dealloc_stack %1 // this is the new EndBlock
        EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
        if (!EndBlock)
          return false;
      // Again, it's important that the EndBlock is the first in the WorkList.
      WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
    // Push the successor blocks to the WorkList.
    for (SILBasicBlock *Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
      if (!strictlyDominates(StartBlock, Succ)) {
        // The StartBlock is inside a loop but we couldn't find a deallocation
        // place in this loop, e.g. because there are uses outside the loop.
        // E.g.:
        //     %container = alloc_ref
        //     br loop
        //   loop:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     store %obj to %some_field_in_container
        //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
        //   exit:
        //     use(%container)
        return false;
      WorkList.insert(Succ, StackDepth);
예제 #3
SILInstruction *StackPromoter::findDeallocPoint(SILInstruction *StartInst,
                                                SILInstruction *&RestartPoint,
                                                EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *Node,
                                                int NumUsePointsToFind) {
  // In the following we check two requirements for stack promotion:
  // 1) Are all uses in the same control region as the alloc? E.g. if the
  //    allocation is in a loop then there may not be any uses of the object
  //    outside the loop.
  // 2) We need to find an insertion place for the deallocation so that it
  //    preserves a properly nested stack allocation-deallocation structure.
  SILBasicBlock *StartBlock = StartInst->getParent();

  // The block where we assume we can insert the deallocation.
  SILBasicBlock *EndBlock = StartBlock;

  // We visit all instructions starting at the allocation instruction.
  WorkListType WorkList;
  // It's important that the EndBlock is at the head of the WorkList so that
  // we handle it after all other blocks.
  WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
  WorkList.insert(StartBlock, 0);

  for (;;) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    int StackDepth = 0;
    SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
    if (BB == StartBlock) {
      // In the first block we start at the allocation instruction and not at
      // the begin of the block.
      Iter = StartInst->getIterator();
    } else {
      // Track all uses in the block arguments.
      for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB->getArguments()) {
        if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(BBArg, Node))
      // Make sure that the EndBlock is not inside a loop (which does not
      // contain the StartBlock).
      // E.g.:
      //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
      //     br loop
      //   loop:
      //     the_only_use_of_obj(%obj)
      //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
      //   exit:
      //     ... // this is the new EndBlock
      EndBlock = updateEndBlock(BB, EndBlock, WorkList);
      if (!EndBlock)
        return nullptr;
      Iter = BB->begin();
      StackDepth = WorkList.getStackDepth(BB);
    // Visit all instructions of the current block.
    while (Iter != BB->end()) {
      SILInstruction &I = *Iter++;
      if (BB == EndBlock && StackDepth == 0 && NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
        // We found a place to insert the stack deallocation.
        return &I;
      if (I.isAllocatingStack()) {
      } else if (I.isDeallocatingStack()) {
        if (StackDepth == 0) {
          // The allocation is inside a stack alloc-dealloc region and we are
          // now leaving this region without having found a place for the
          // deallocation. E.g.
          // E.g.:
          //     %1 = alloc_stack
          //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
          //     dealloc_stack %1
          //     use_of_obj(%obj)
          // In this case we can move the alloc_ref before the alloc_stack
          // to fix the nesting.
          auto *Alloc = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(I.getOperand(0));
          if (!Alloc)
            return nullptr;

          // This should always be the case, but let's be on the safe side.
          if (!postDominates(StartBlock, Alloc->getParent()))
            return nullptr;

          // Trigger another iteration with a new start point;
          RestartPoint = Alloc;
          return nullptr;
      // Track a use.
      if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(&I, Node) != 0)
    if (WorkList.empty()) {
      if (EndBlock == BB) {
        // We reached the EndBlock but didn't find a place for the deallocation
        // so far (because we didn't find all uses yet or we entered another
        // stack alloc-dealloc region). Let's extend our lifetime region.
        // E.g.:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     %1 = alloc_stack
        //     use_of_obj(%obj) // can't insert the deallocation in this block
        //     cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
        //   bb1:
        //     ...
        //     br bb2
        //   bb2:
        //     dealloc_stack %1 // this is the new EndBlock
        EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
        if (!EndBlock)
          return nullptr;
      // Again, it's important that the EndBlock is the first in the WorkList.
      WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
    // Push the successor blocks to the WorkList.
    for (SILBasicBlock *Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
      if (!strictlyDominates(StartBlock, Succ)) {
        // The StartBlock is inside a loop but we couldn't find a deallocation
        // place in this loop, e.g. because there are uses outside the loop.
        // E.g.:
        //     %container = alloc_ref
        //     br loop
        //   loop:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     store %obj to %some_field_in_container
        //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
        //   exit:
        //     use(%container)
        return nullptr;
      WorkList.insert(Succ, StackDepth);