// Initialize the scene structures and get everything going void initialize() { OSG::TextFaceFactory::the()->getFontFamilies(mFamilies); // Get list of all families mRootNode = OSG::Node::create(); mTextGeom = OSG::Geometry::create(); mTextMat = OSG::ChunkMaterial::create(); mTextureObjChunk = OSG::TextureObjChunk::create(); mTextureEnvChunk = OSG::TextureEnvChunk::create(); mBlendChunk = OSG::BlendChunk::create(); // XXX: Setup a default face to use // Setup defaults for the texture OSG::ImageRefPtr img = OSG::Image::create(); // Temporary image for now OSG::UChar8 data[] = {0,0,0, 50,50,50, 100,100,100, 255,255,255}; img->set( OSG::Image::OSG_RGB_PF, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, data); // -- Setup texture and materials -- // mTextureObjChunk->setImage(img); mTextureObjChunk->setWrapS(GL_CLAMP); mTextureObjChunk->setWrapT(GL_CLAMP); mTextureObjChunk->setMagFilter(GL_LINEAR); mTextureObjChunk->setMinFilter(GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); mTextureEnvChunk->setEnvMode(GL_MODULATE); OSG::MaterialChunkRefPtr mat_chunk = OSG::MaterialChunk::create(); mat_chunk->setAmbient (OSG::Color4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); mat_chunk->setDiffuse (OSG::Color4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); mat_chunk->setEmission(OSG::Color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); mat_chunk->setSpecular(OSG::Color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); mat_chunk->setShininess(0); mat_chunk->setColorMaterial(GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); mBlendChunk->setSrcFactor(GL_SRC_ALPHA); mBlendChunk->setDestFactor(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); mTextMat->addChunk(mTextureObjChunk); mTextMat->addChunk(mTextureEnvChunk); mTextMat->addChunk(mBlendChunk); mTextMat->addChunk(mat_chunk); mTextGeom->setMaterial(mTextMat); mRootNode->setCore(mTextGeom); }
// Load texture into memory void LoadGLTextures(void) { OSG::ImageRefPtr image = OSG::Image::create(); if(!image->read("./Data/worldground.jpg")) { printf("Could not read ./Data/worldground.jpg!!\n"); exit(1); } // create Texture glGenTextures(1, &texture[0]); // texture 2 (linear scaling) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]); // 2d texture (x and y size) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // scale linearly when image bigger than texture glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // scale linearly when image smalled than texture glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image->getData()); }
OSG::LabelTransitPtr createIconLabel(void) { OSG::IconLabelRefPtr iconLabel = OSG::IconLabel::create(); #if 0 iconLabel->setSize(OSG::Vec2f(64,64)); #else iconLabel->setSize(OSG::Vec2f(0.2,0.2)); #endif #if 0 // FIXME: find better image example + check that in... iconLabel->setFilename("/home/spindler/Projects/Tonky/Data/paul.jpg"); #else std::cerr << "specify IcoenLabel.image" << std::endl; OSG::ImageRefPtr img = OSG::Image::create(); img->read("/home/spindler/Projects/Tonky/Data/paul.jpg"); iconLabel->setImage(img); #endif return OSG::LabelTransitPtr(iconLabel); }
void update_render_GrabForeGround(void) { // Setup the GrabForeground _grabber = OSG::GrabForeground::create(); OSG::ImageRefPtr img = OSG::Image::create(); img->set(GL_RGBA,_w,_h); _grabber->setImage(img); _grabber->setAutoResize(false); _grabber->setActive(false); // Putting it to the viewport _window->getPort(0)->editMFForegrounds()->push_back(_grabber); // We toggle the switch material so as to render identification colors. switchToIDbuffer(); _grabber->setActive(true); OSG::commitChanges(); // We render to the grabber _window->render(_ID_renderAction); _grabber->setActive(false); // We get the data back if(_grabber->getImage()->getData() != NULL) _ID_buffer = _grabber->getImage()->getData(); // We toggle to standard materials switchToNormal(); // we remove the Grabber _window->getPort(0)->removeObjFromForegrounds(_grabber); }
void key(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { switch(key) { case 27: planeRoot = static_cast<OSG::Node *>(NULL); animRoot = static_cast<OSG::Node *>(NULL); cam_transScene = static_cast<OSG::Node *>(NULL); sceneXform = static_cast<OSG::Node *>(NULL); tx1o = NULL; tx1e = NULL; #ifdef USE_DEPTH_TEXTURE txDepth = NULL; #endif pFBO = NULL; pTexBuffer = NULL; pVisit = static_cast<OSG::Node *>(NULL); mgr = NULL; OSG::osgExit(); exit(0); case 'a': glDisable( GL_LIGHTING ); std::cerr << "Lighting disabled." << std::endl; break; case 's': glEnable( GL_LIGHTING ); std::cerr << "Lighting enabled." << std::endl; break; case 'z': glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); std::cerr << "PolygonMode: Point." << std::endl; break; case 'x': glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); std::cerr << "PolygonMode: Line." << std::endl; break; case 'c': glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); std::cerr << "PolygonMode: Fill." << std::endl; break; case 'd': std::cerr << "Wrote out scene file." << std::endl; OSG::SceneFileHandler::the()->write(planeRoot, "simple_stage_dump.osb"); break; case 'b': bBoxActive = !bBoxActive; if(bBoxActive == true) { pVisit->setSubTreeTravMask(0xFFFFFFFF); } else { pVisit->setSubTreeTravMask(0xFFFFFFFE); } break; case 'B': { OSG::ImageRefPtr pImg = tx1o->getImage(); pImg->set(OSG::Image::OSG_RGB_PF, 512, 512); // tx1o->imageContentChanged(); // Window::reinitializeGLObject(tx1o->getGLId()); pFBO->setSize(512, 512); } break; case 'S': { OSG::ImageRefPtr pImg = tx1o->getImage(); pImg->set(OSG::Image::OSG_RGB_PF, 256, 256); // tx1o->imageContentChanged(); // Window::reinitializeGLObject(tx1o->getGLId()); pFBO->setSize(256, 256); } break; case 'r': { fprintf(stderr, "enable readback\n"); bReadBack = true; pFBO->setPostProcessOnDeactivate(true); } break; case 'R': { fprintf(stderr, "disable readback\n"); bReadBack = false; pFBO->setPostProcessOnDeactivate(false); } } }
// Initialize GLUT & OpenSG and set up the scene int main(int argc, char **argv) { // OSG init OSG::osgInit(argc,argv); // GLUT init int winid = setupGLUT(&argc, argv); { // the connection between GLUT and OpenSG OSG::GLUTWindowRefPtr gwin = OSG::GLUTWindow::create(); gwin->setGlutId(winid); gwin->init(); // create the scene OSG::NodeRefPtr torus = OSG::makeTorus( .5, 2, 16, 32 ); OSG::NodeRefPtr scene = OSG::Node::create(); trans = OSG::Transform::create(); scene->setCore(trans); scene->addChild(torus); // Create the parts needed for the video background OSG::UInt32 width = 640; OSG::UInt32 height = 480; // get the desired size from the command line if(argc >= 3) { width = atoi(argv[1]); height = atoi(argv[2]); } // To check OpenGL extensions, the Window needs to have run through // frameInit at least once. This automatically happens when rendering, // but we can't wait for that here. gwin->activate (); gwin->frameInit(); // Now we can check for OpenGL extensions hasNPOT = gwin->hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); // Print what we've got SLOG << "Got " << (isPOT?"":"non-") << "power-of-two images and " << (hasNPOT?"can":"cannot") << " use NPOT textures, changing " << (changeOnlyPart?"part":"all") << " of the screen" << std::endl; // Ok, now for the meat of the code... // first we need an Image to hold the picture(s) to show image = OSG::Image::create(); // set the image's size and type, and allocate memory // this example uses RGB. On some systems (e.g. Windows) BGR // or BGRA might be faster, it depends on how the images are // acquired image->set(OSG::Image::OSG_RGB_PF, width, height); // Now create the texture to be used for the background texObj = OSG::TextureObjChunk::create(); // Associate image and texture texObj->setImage(image); // Set filtering modes. LINEAR is cheap and good if the image size // changes very little (i.e. the window is about the same size as // the images). texObj->setMinFilter(GL_LINEAR); texObj->setMagFilter(GL_LINEAR); // Set the wrapping modes. We don't need repetition, it might actually // introduce artifactes at the borders, so switch it off. texObj->setWrapS(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texObj->setWrapT(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // Newer versions of OpenGL can handle NPOT textures directly. // OpenSG will do that internally automatically. // // Older versions need POT textures. By default OpenSG // will scale an NPOT texture to POT while defining it. // For changing textures that's too slow. // So tell OpenSG not to scale the image and adjust the texture // coordinates used by the TextureBackground (see below). texObj->setScale(false); // Create the background OSG::TextureBackgroundRefPtr back = OSG::TextureBackground::create(); // Set the texture to use back->setTexture(texObj); // if the image is NPOT and we don't have hardware support for it // adjust the texture coordinates. if(isPOT == false && hasNPOT == false) { OSG::UInt32 potWidth = OSG::osgNextPower2(width ); OSG::UInt32 potHeight = OSG::osgNextPower2(height); OSG::Real32 tcRight = OSG::Real32(width ) / OSG::Real32(potWidth ); OSG::Real32 tcTop = OSG::Real32(height) / OSG::Real32(potHeight); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f( 0.f, 0.f)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f(tcRight, 0.f)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f(tcRight, tcTop)); back->editMFTexCoords()->push_back(OSG::Vec2f( 0.f, tcTop)); } OSG::commitChanges(); // create the SimpleSceneManager helper mgr = OSG::SimpleSceneManager::create(); // tell the manager what to manage mgr->setWindow(gwin ); mgr->setRoot (scene); mgr->setStatistics(true); // replace the background // This has to be done after the viewport has been created, which the // SSM does in setRoot(). OSG::ViewportRefPtr vp = gwin->getPort(0); vp->setBackground(back); } // show the whole scene mgr->showAll(); // GLUT main loop glutMainLoop(); return 0; }