void ForelleVisualAppApp::showClusterBar() { bShowClusterBar = !bShowClusterBar; clusterBar.isVisible(bShowClusterBar); if(bShowClusterBar) menueBar.setOptions("Show ClusterBar" , "label='Hide ClusterBar'"); else menueBar.setOptions("Show ClusterBar" , "label='Show ClusterBar'"); }
void SpriteSheetGeneratorApp::setup() { mParams = params::InterfaceGl( "SpriteSheet Generator", Vec2i( 200, 200 ) ); mParams.setOptions( "", "position='50 450'" ); mParams.addParam( "Preview scaling", &mWindowScaling, "min=0.1 max=2.0 step=0.05"); mParams.addParam( "Preview offset", &mPreviewOffset.y ); mParams.addParam( "Output name", &mFilename ); mParams.addButton( "Save sheet", [this](){ saveSpriteSheet(); } ); }
void FolApp::toggleRecording() { if ( mNI.isRecording() ) { mNI.stopRecording(); mParams.setOptions( "Stop recording", " label='Start recording' " ); } else { string path = getAppPath().string(); #ifdef CINDER_MAC path += "/../"; #endif path += "rec-" + timeStamp() + ".oni"; fs::path oniPath(path); mNI.startRecording( oniPath ); mParams.setOptions( "Start recording", " label='Stop recording' " ); } }
void ForelleVisualAppApp::setup() { loadSettings(); // Setup the parameters clusterBar = ClusterBar( "Cluster Window", Vec2i( 200, 400 ) ); //Setup menueBar menueBar = params::InterfaceGl( "Menue Window", Vec2i(300, 400 ), ColorA(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.1) ); menueBar.setOptions("", "text=light position='724 0' valueswidth=100 contained=true"); menueBar.addButton("Clear Scene ", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::clearScene, this ) ); menueBar.addButton("Delete Selected Cluster", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::deleteCluster, this ) ); menueBar.addParam("Draw Grid" , &drawGrid,""); menueBar.addParam("Read Pixel" , &readPixels, "true=reading false='not reading'"); menueBar.addButton("Refresh ClusterBar", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::refreshClusterBar, this ) ); menueBar.addParam("Update Cluster" , &updateCluster,"true=updating false='not updating'"); menueBar.addParam("Send only Selected Cluster" , &selectedClusterOn,""); menueBar.addSeparator(); menueBar.addButton("Load Scene ", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::loadScene, this ) ); menueBar.addButton("Load Cluster to Universe ", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::loadClusterToUniverse, this ) ); menueBar.addParam(" Load to Universe" , &templateUniverse,"min=0 max=3 step=1"); menueBar.addButton("Save as Cluster", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::saveAsCluster, this ) ); menueBar.addButton("Save as Scene", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::saveAsScene, this ) ); menueBar.addButton("Save as Standart Scene", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::saveAsStandartScene, this ) ); menueBar.addParam("Send Data" , &sendData,"true=sending false='not sending'"); menueBar.addSeparator(); menueBar.addSeparator(); menueBar.addParam("All On" , &bAllOn,""); menueBar.addParam("All Off" , &bAllOff,""); menueBar.addButton("Show ClusterBar", std::bind( &ForelleVisualAppApp::showClusterBar, this ) ); menueBar.show(false); for (int i=0; i < Const::MAX_DMX_CHANNELS ; i++) { data1[i]= 0; data2[i]= 0; data3[i]= 0; data4[i]= 0; } //setup boolean variables readPixels = true; sendData = true; drawGrid = true; updateCluster = true; bAllOn = false; bAllOff = false; bShowClusterBar = false; selectedClusterOn = false; //default load out templates to universe 0 templateUniverse = 0; // set our pointer to the last added cluster if(!clusters.empty()) selectedCluster = clusters.end()-1; controller.printClusters(clusters); //Setup Artnetnode if(ipAdress.empty() ) ipAdress = ""; //if it isn´t initalised already node = CinderArtnet("Art-Net Test", "LongName", ipAdress); node.setNodeTypeAsServer(); node.setSubnetAdress(0); node.enableDMXPortAsInputAndSetAdress(0,1); node.enableDMXPortAsInputAndSetAdress(1, 2); node.enableDMXPortAsInputAndSetAdress(2, 3); node.enableDMXPortAsInputAndSetAdress(3, 4); node.printConfig(); node.startNode(); // initalize start our Syphone Client client.setup(Vec2i(60,60)); pos = Vec2i(0,0); scale = 9; mLogo = gl::Texture( loadImage( loadResource(RES_LOGO) ) ); }