XnCallbackHandle HandsGenerator_RegisterHandCallbacks_wrapped(xn::HandsGenerator& self, BP::object create, BP::object update, BP::object destroy) { checkValid(self); XnCallbackHandle handle; BP::object* cookie = new BP::object [3]; //FIXME: fix cookie cookie[0] = create; cookie[1] = update; cookie[2] = destroy; check( self.RegisterHandCallbacks(&Create_callback, &Update_callback, &Destroy_callback, cookie, handle) ); return handle; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Start VideoCapture capture (CV_CAP_OPENNI); if(!capture.isOpened()) { int error = -1; return 1; } namedWindow( "Color Image", 1 ); //namedWindow( "Depth Map", 1); Mat view; bool blink = false; // NITE + openni XnStatus rc = XN_STATUS_OK; Context context; rc = context.Init(); rc = g_GestureGenerator.Create(context); rc = g_HandsGenerator.Create(context); XnCallbackHandle hcb1,hcb2; g_GestureGenerator.RegisterGestureCallbacks(Gesture_Recognized, Gesture_Process, NULL, hcb1); g_HandsGenerator.RegisterHandCallbacks(handCreate, handUpdate, handDestroy, NULL, hcb2); rc = context.StartGeneratingAll(); rc = g_GestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); double d = 1.0; double angle = 0.0; double angleZ = 0.0; Mat result; Mat orig = imread("crocus.jpg"); result.create(750, 750, CV_8UC3); double centerX = orig.cols/2; double centerY = orig.rows/2; warpPerspective(orig, orig, getScaleMatrix(1.0), orig.size(), INTER_CUBIC, BORDER_TRANSPARENT); while( capture.isOpened() ) { rc = context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); d = getZoom(); angle = getAngle(); angleZ = getAngle3D(); if (abs(d - oldZoom) > 0.009) { //printf("angle = %f \n",angle); oldAngle += angle; //create the transformation to be passed to warp Mat openCVTransform = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(centerX, centerY), oldAngle, d); //warp image to apply transformation result.setTo(Scalar(0)); warpAffine(orig, result, openCVTransform, result.size(), INTER_CUBIC, BORDER_TRANSPARENT); oldZoom = d; } imshow("Result", result); Mat bgrImage; capture.grab(); capture.retrieve( bgrImage, CV_CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE ); if (hand1ID != -1) { circle(bgrImage,Point(hand1.back().X + bgrImage.rows/2, bgrImage.cols/2 - hand1.back().Y),2,CV_RGB(0,255,0),3); } if (hand2ID != -1) { circle(bgrImage,Point(hand2.back().X + bgrImage.rows/2, bgrImage.cols/2 - hand2.back().Y),2,CV_RGB(0,255,0),3); } flip(bgrImage,bgrImage,1); imshow("Color Image", bgrImage); result.create(750, 750, CV_8UC3); if(waitKey(33) == 'q') { break; } } context.Shutdown(); return 0; }