/** * Parser for VOCAB commands. It is called by virtual bool respond(). * @param command the bottle containing the user command * @param reply the bottle which will be returned to the RPC client * @return true if the command was successfully parsed */ bool parse_respond_vocab(const yarp::os::Bottle& command, yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { int request = command.get(1).asVocab(); if (request == VOCAB_NAV_GET_CURRENT_POS) { //plannerThread->setNewAbsTarget(loc); reply.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); reply.addString(m_localization_data.map_id); reply.addDouble(m_localization_data.x); reply.addDouble(m_localization_data.y); reply.addDouble(m_localization_data.theta); } else if (request == VOCAB_NAV_SET_INITIAL_POS) { yarp::dev::Map2DLocation loc; loc.map_id = command.get(2).asString(); loc.x = command.get(3).asDouble(); loc.y = command.get(4).asDouble(); loc.theta = command.get(5).asDouble(); initializeLocalization(loc); reply.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); } else { reply.addVocab(VOCAB_ERR); } return true; }
bool WorldRpcInterface::handler( const yarp::os::Bottle& command, yarp::os::Bottle& reply ) { int n = 0; // identifier of the current bottle element int cmd; // the command (see command vocabs in header) yarp::os::ConstString prefix = command.get(n).asString(); if ( prefix=="help" ) { reply.addVocab(yarp::os::Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("\nMoBeE world interface, arguments within brackets: \n"); reply.addString( "ls: list objects"); reply.addString( "mk sph [radius] [xpos] [ypos] [zpos]: create sphere"); reply.addString( "mk cyl [radius] [height] [xpos] [ypos] [zpos]: create sphere"); reply.addString( "mk box [xsize] [ysize] [zsize] [xpos] [ypos] [zpos]: create sphere"); reply.addString( "set [objectname] [xpos] [ypos] [zpos]: set object location (m)"); reply.addString( "def [objectname] [targ/obs]: set object class to target or obstacle"); reply.addString( "get [objectname]: return object state"); reply.addString( "rot [objectname] [xrot] [yrot] [zrot]: set object rotation (degrees)"); reply.addString( "rot [objectname] [1*9 rotation matrix]: set object rotation cosine matrix"); reply.addString( "rm [objectname]: remove object (persistent objects cannot be removed)"); reply.addString( "clr: remove all but persistent objects from the world, and reset object counters"); reply.addString( "grab [objectname] [robotname] [markername]: attach object to robot marker"); reply.addString( "grab [objectname] [robotname]: detach object from robot"); reply.addString("\niCub simulator synchronization commands:"); reply.addString( "sim [objectname] [xpos] [ypos] [zpos] [xrot] [yrot] [zrot]: set rototranslation as returned in iCubSim coordinates"); reply.addString( "srun [period]: run iCubSim synchronization thread"); reply.addString( "sstp: stop iCubSim synchronization thread"); reply.addString( "sync: do one iCubSim synchronization step"); return true; } else if ( prefix == "ls, mk (sph, cyl, box), set, def (obs/tgt), get, rot, rm, clr, grab, sim, srun, sstp, sync" ) { n++; } cmd = command.get(n).asVocab(); n++; switch (cmd) { case VOCAB_LS: getList(reply); break; case VOCAB_MK: make(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_SET: set(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_DEF: respClass(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_GET: getState(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_ROT: setRot(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_REM: removeObject(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_GRAB: grabObject(command,reply,n); break; case VOCAB_SIM: setRTfromSim(command, reply, n); break; case VOCAB_SIMSYNC_RUN: startSimSyncer(command, reply, n); break; case VOCAB_SIMSYNC_STOP: model->getSimSyncer().stop(); reply.addString("ok"); break; case VOCAB_SIMSYNC_NOW: model->getSimSyncer().step(); reply.addString("ok"); break; case VOCAB_CLEAR: printf("CLEARING THE WORLD\n"); model->clearTheWorld(); s = 0; c = 0; b = 0; ss = 0; sc = 0; sb = 0; // set counters to 0, for icub simulator compatibility reply.addString("Removed all world objects"); printf("FINISHED CLEARING THE WORLD\n"); break; default: reply.addString("Unknown RPC command"); return false; } return true; }
/** * Parser for user command received from the RPC port * @param command the bottle containing the user command * @param reply the bottle which will be returned to the RPC client * @return true if the command was successfully parsed */ virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& command,yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { yarp::os::LockGuard lock(m_mutex); reply.clear(); //parser for VOCAB commands if (command.get(0).isVocab()) { if(command.get(0).asVocab() == VOCAB_INAVIGATION && command.get(1).isVocab()) { parse_respond_vocab(command,reply); } else { yError() << "Invalid vocab received"; reply.addVocab(VOCAB_ERR); } } //parser for string commands else if (command.get(0).isString()) { if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands are:"); reply.addString("getLoc"); reply.addString("initLoc <map_name> <x> <y> <angle in degrees>"); } else if (command.get(0).isString()) { parse_respond_string(command, reply); } } //unknown/invalid command received else { yError() << "Invalid command type"; reply.addVocab(VOCAB_ERR); } return true; }
virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle &command, yarp::os::Bottle &reply) { reply.clear(); if (command.get(0).isString()) { if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands:"); reply.addString("currently nothing"); return true; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="***") { return true; } } reply.addString("Unknown command"); return true; }
bool Implement_DepthVisualParams_Parser::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response) { bool ret = false; response.clear(); if(!iDepthVisual) { yError() << "Depth Visual parameter Parser has not been correctly configured. IDepthVisualParams interface is not valid"; response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); return false; } int code = cmd.get(0).asVocab(); if(code != VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS) { yError() << "Depth Visual Params Parser received a command not belonging to this interface. Required interface was " << yarp::os::Vocab::decode(code); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); return false; } switch (cmd.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_GET: { switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_HEIGHT: { response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_HEIGHT); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addInt(iDepthVisual->getDepthHeight()); } break; case VOCAB_WIDTH: { response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_WIDTH); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addInt(iDepthVisual->getDepthWidth()); } break; case VOCAB_FOV: { double hFov, vFov; ret = iDepthVisual->getDepthFOV(hFov, vFov); if(ret) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FOV); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addDouble(hFov); response.addDouble(vFov); } else response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); } break; case VOCAB_INTRINSIC_PARAM: { yarp::os::Property params; ret = iDepthVisual->getDepthIntrinsicParam(params); if(ret) { yarp::os::Bottle params_b; response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_INTRINSIC_PARAM); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); Property::copyPortable(params, params_b); // will it really work?? response.append(params_b); } else { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); } } break; case VOCAB_ACCURACY: { response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_ACCURACY); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addDouble(iDepthVisual->getDepthAccuracy()); } break; case VOCAB_CLIP_PLANES: { double nearPlane, farPlane; iDepthVisual->getDepthClipPlanes(nearPlane, farPlane); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_CLIP_PLANES); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addDouble(nearPlane); response.addDouble(farPlane); } break; case VOCAB_MIRROR: { bool mirror; ret = iDepthVisual->getDepthMirroring(mirror); if(ret) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_MIRROR); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addInt(mirror); } else response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); } break; default: { yError() << "Depth Visual Parameter interface parser received am unknown GET command. Command is " << cmd.toString(); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); ret = false; } break; } } break; case VOCAB_SET: { switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_RESOLUTION: { ret = iDepthVisual->setDepthResolution(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asInt()); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_SET); response.addInt(ret); } break; case VOCAB_FOV: { ret = iDepthVisual->setDepthFOV(cmd.get(3).asDouble(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_SET); response.addInt(ret); } break; case VOCAB_ACCURACY: { ret = iDepthVisual->setDepthAccuracy(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_SET); response.addInt(ret); } break; case VOCAB_CLIP_PLANES: { ret = iDepthVisual->setDepthClipPlanes(cmd.get(3).asDouble(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_SET); response.addInt(ret); } break; case VOCAB_INTRINSIC_PARAM: { yarp::os::Property params; ret = iDepthVisual->getDepthIntrinsicParam(params); if(ret) { yarp::os::Bottle params_b; response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_INTRINSIC_PARAM); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); Property::copyPortable(params, params_b); // will it really work?? response.append(params_b); } else response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); } break; case VOCAB_MIRROR: { ret = iDepthVisual->setDepthMirroring(cmd.get(3).asBool()); response.addVocab(VOCAB_DEPTH_VISUAL_PARAMS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_SET); response.addInt(ret); } break; default: { yError() << "Rgb Visual Parameter interface parser received am unknown SET command. Command is " << cmd.toString(); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); ret = false; } break; } } break; default: { yError() << "Rgb Visual parameter interface Parser received a malformed request. Command should either be 'set' or 'get', received " << cmd.toString(); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); ret = false; } break; } return ret; }
bool ServerFrameGrabber::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response) { int code = cmd.get(0).asVocab(); IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394* fgCtrlDC1394=dynamic_cast<IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394*>(fgCtrl); //printf("%s\n",cmd.toString().c_str()); switch (code) { case VOCAB_SET: printf("set command received\n"); switch(cmd.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_BRIGHTNESS: response.addInt(int(setBrightness(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_EXPOSURE: response.addInt(int(setExposure(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_SHARPNESS: response.addInt(int(setSharpness(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_WHITE: response.addInt(int(setWhiteBalance(cmd.get(2).asDouble(),cmd.get(3).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_HUE: response.addInt(int(setHue(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_SATURATION: response.addInt(int(setSaturation(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_GAMMA: response.addInt(int(setGamma(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_SHUTTER: response.addInt(int(setShutter(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_GAIN: response.addInt(int(setGain(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_IRIS: response.addInt(int(setIris(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; /* case VOCAB_TEMPERATURE: response.addInt(int(setTemperature(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_WHITE_SHADING: response.addInt(int(setWhiteShading(cmd.get(2).asDouble(),cmd.get(3).asDouble(),cmd.get(4).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_OPTICAL_FILTER: response.addInt(int(setOpticalFilter(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_CAPTURE_QUALITY: response.addInt(int(setCaptureQuality(cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; */ } return DeviceResponder::respond(cmd,response); case VOCAB_GET: printf("get command received\n"); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.add(cmd.get(1)); switch(cmd.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_BRIGHTNESS: response.addDouble(getBrightness()); return true; case VOCAB_EXPOSURE: response.addDouble(getExposure()); return true; case VOCAB_SHARPNESS: response.addDouble(getSharpness()); return true; case VOCAB_WHITE: { double b=0.0; double r=0.0; getWhiteBalance(b,r); response.addDouble(b); response.addDouble(r); } return true; case VOCAB_HUE: response.addDouble(getHue()); return true; case VOCAB_SATURATION: response.addDouble(getSaturation()); return true; case VOCAB_GAMMA: response.addDouble(getGamma()); return true; case VOCAB_SHUTTER: response.addDouble(getShutter()); return true; case VOCAB_GAIN: response.addDouble(getGain()); return true; case VOCAB_IRIS: response.addDouble(getIris()); return true; /* case VOCAB_CAPTURE_QUALITY: response.addDouble(getCaptureQuality()); return true; case VOCAB_OPTICAL_FILTER: response.addDouble(getOpticalFilter()); return true; */ case VOCAB_WIDTH: // normally, this would come from stream information response.addInt(width()); return true; case VOCAB_HEIGHT: // normally, this would come from stream information response.addInt(height()); return true; } return DeviceResponder::respond(cmd,response); ////////////////// // DC1394 COMMANDS ////////////////// default: if (fgCtrlDC1394) switch(code) { case VOCAB_DRHASFEA: // VOCAB_DRHASFEA 00 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->hasFeatureDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETVAL: // VOCAB_DRSETVAL 01 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setFeatureDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt(),cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETVAL: // VOCAB_DRGETVAL 02 response.addDouble(fgCtrlDC1394->getFeatureDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt())); return true; case VOCAB_DRHASACT: // VOCAB_DRHASACT 03 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->hasOnOffDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETACT: // VOCAB_DRSETACT 04 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setActiveDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt(),(cmd.get(2).asInt()!=0)))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETACT: // VOCAB_DRGETACT 05 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getActiveDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRHASMAN: // VOCAB_DRHASMAN 06 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->hasManualDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRHASAUT: // VOCAB_DRHASAUT 07 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->hasAutoDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRHASONP: // VOCAB_DRHASONP 08 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->hasOnePushDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETMOD: // VOCAB_DRSETMOD 09 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setModeDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt(),(cmd.get(2).asInt()!=0)))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETMOD: // VOCAB_DRGETMOD 10 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getModeDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETONP: // VOCAB_DRSETONP 11 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setOnePushDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETMSK: // VOCAB_DRGETMSK 12 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getVideoModeMaskDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETVMD: // VOCAB_DRGETVMD 13 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getVideoModeDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETVMD: // VOCAB_DRSETVMD 14 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setVideoModeDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETFPM: // VOCAB_DRGETFPM 15 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getFPSMaskDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETFPS: // VOCAB_DRGETFPS 16 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getFPSDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETFPS: // VOCAB_DRSETFPS 17 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setFPSDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETISO: // VOCAB_DRGETISO 18 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getISOSpeedDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETISO: // VOCAB_DRSETISO 19 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setISOSpeedDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETCCM: // VOCAB_DRGETCCM 20 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getColorCodingMaskDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETCOD: // VOCAB_DRGETCOD 21 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->getColorCodingDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETCOD: // VOCAB_DRSETCOD 22 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setColorCodingDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETWHB: // VOCAB_DRSETWHB 23 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setWhiteBalanceDC1394(cmd.get(1).asDouble(),cmd.get(2).asDouble()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETWHB: // VOCAB_DRGETWHB 24 { double b,r; fgCtrlDC1394->getWhiteBalanceDC1394(b,r); response.addDouble(b); response.addDouble(r); } return true; case VOCAB_DRGETF7M: // VOCAB_DRGETF7M 25 { unsigned int xstep,ystep,xdim,ydim,xoffstep,yoffstep; fgCtrlDC1394->getFormat7MaxWindowDC1394(xdim,ydim,xstep,ystep,xoffstep,yoffstep); response.addInt(xdim); response.addInt(ydim); response.addInt(xstep); response.addInt(ystep); response.addInt(xoffstep); response.addInt(yoffstep); } return true; case VOCAB_DRGETWF7: // VOCAB_DRGETWF7 26 { unsigned int xdim,ydim; int x0,y0; fgCtrlDC1394->getFormat7WindowDC1394(xdim,ydim,x0,y0); response.addInt(xdim); response.addInt(ydim); response.addInt(x0); response.addInt(y0); } return true; case VOCAB_DRSETWF7: // VOCAB_DRSETWF7 27 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setFormat7WindowDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt(),cmd.get(2).asInt(),cmd.get(3).asInt(),cmd.get(4).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETOPM: // VOCAB_DRSETOPM 28 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setOperationModeDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()!=0))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETOPM: // VOCAB_DRGETOPM 29 response.addInt(fgCtrlDC1394->getOperationModeDC1394()); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETTXM: // VOCAB_DRSETTXM 30 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setTransmissionDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()!=0))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETTXM: // VOCAB_DRGETTXM 31 response.addInt(fgCtrlDC1394->getTransmissionDC1394()); return true; /* case VOCAB_DRSETBAY: // VOCAB_DRSETBAY 32 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setBayerDC1394(bool(cmd.get(1).asInt())))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETBAY: // VOCAB_DRGETBAY 33 response.addInt(fgCtrlDC1394->getBayerDC1394()); return true; */ case VOCAB_DRSETBCS: // VOCAB_DRSETBCS 34 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setBroadcastDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()!=0))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETDEF: // VOCAB_DRSETDEF 35 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setDefaultsDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETRST: // VOCAB_DRSETRST 36 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setResetDC1394())); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETPWR: // VOCAB_DRSETPWR 37 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setPowerDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()!=0))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETCAP: // VOCAB_DRSETCAP 38 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setCaptureDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()!=0))); return true; case VOCAB_DRSETBPP: // VOCAB_DRSETCAP 39 response.addInt(int(fgCtrlDC1394->setBytesPerPacketDC1394(cmd.get(1).asInt()))); return true; case VOCAB_DRGETBPP: // VOCAB_DRGETTXM 40 response.addInt(fgCtrlDC1394->getBytesPerPacketDC1394()); return true; } } return DeviceResponder::respond(cmd,response); }
virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle &command, yarp::os::Bottle &reply) { reply.clear(); yDebug("receiving command from port\n"); int index = 0; int cmdSize = command.size(); while(cmdSize>0) { switch(command.get(index).asVocab()) { case VOCAB4('s','u','s','p'): reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->halt(); cmdSize--; index++; break; case VOCAB3('r','u','n'): reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->go(); cmdSize--; index++; break; //this set current position reference case VOCAB3('s','e','t'): if (command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double pos=command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setRef(i, pos); index +=3; cmdSize-=3; } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set message, ignoring\n"); } reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); break; //this set maximum velocity (limiter) case VOCAB4('s','v','e','l'): if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double vel = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setVel(i,vel); index += 3; cmdSize-=3;; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set vel message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; case VOCAB4('g','a','i','n'): if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double gain = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setGain(i,gain); index+=3; cmdSize-=3; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; yError("Invalid set gain message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; case VOCAB4('h','e','l','p'): fprintf(stdout,"VelocityControl module, valid commands are:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [susp] suspend the controller (command zero velocity)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [run] start (and resume after being suspended) the controller\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [quit] quit the module (exit)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [set] <j> <p> move joint j to p (degrees)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [svel] <j> <v> set maximum speed for joint j to v (deg/sec)\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [gain] <j> <k> set P gain for joint j to k\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- [help] to get this help\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n typical commands:\n gain 0 10\n svel 0 10\n run\n set 0 x\n\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); reply.addString("VelocityControl module, valid commands are:"); reply.addString("- [susp] suspend the controller (command zero velocity)"); reply.addString("- [run] start (and resume after being suspended) the controller"); reply.addString("- [quit] quit the module (exit)"); reply.addString("- [set] <j> <p> move joint j to p (degrees)"); reply.addString("- [svel] <j> <v> set maximum speed for joint j to v (deg/sec)"); reply.addString("- [gain] <j> <k> set P gain for joint j to k"); reply.addString("- [help] to get this help"); reply.addString("\n typical commands:\n gain 0 10\n svel 0 10\n run\n set 0 x\n\n"); break; default: yError("Invalid command, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); //cmdSize--; //index++; //return respond(command, reply); // call default break; } return true; } return false; }
void handleImpedanceMsg(IImpedanceControl *iimp, const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response, bool *rec, bool *ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Handling IImpedance messages\n"); if (!iimp) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, I do not have a valid IImpedance interface\n"); *ok=false; return; } int controlledJoints; iimp->getAxes(&controlledJoints); int code = cmd.get(1).asVocab(); switch (code) { case VOCAB_SET: { *rec = true; switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_IMP_PARAM: { *ok = iimp->setImpedance(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble(),cmd.get(5).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET: { *ok = iimp->setImpedanceOffset (cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); } break; } } break; case VOCAB_GET: { *rec = true; int tmp = 0; double dtmp0 = 0.0; double dtmp1 = 0.0; double dtmp2 = 0.0; response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.add(cmd.get(1)); switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_IMP_PARAM: { *ok = iimp->getImpedance(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp0, &dtmp1); response.addDouble(dtmp0); response.addDouble(dtmp1); } break; case VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET: { *ok = iimp->getImpedanceOffset(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp0); response.addDouble(dtmp0); } break; } } break; } //rec --> true se il comando e' riconosciuto //ok --> contiene il return value della chiamata all'interfaccia // ...*ok=torque->setPid(); //torque-> }
void handleTorqueMsg(ITorqueControl *torque, const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response, bool *rec, bool *ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Handling ITorque messages\n"); if (!torque) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, I do not have a valid ITorque interface\n"); *ok=false; return; } int controlledJoints; torque->getAxes(&controlledJoints); int code = cmd.get(1).asVocab(); switch (code) { case VOCAB_SET: { *rec = true; switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_REF: { *ok = torque->setRefTorque(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_REFS: { Bottle& b = *(cmd.get(3).asList()); int i; const int njs = b.size(); if (njs==controlledJoints) { double *p = new double[njs]; // LATER: optimize to avoid allocation. for (i = 0; i < njs; i++) p[i] = b.get(i).asDouble(); *ok = torque->setRefTorques (p); delete[] p; } } break; case VOCAB_LIM: { *ok = torque->setTorqueErrorLimit (cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_LIMS: { Bottle& b = *(cmd.get(3).asList()); int i; const int njs = b.size(); if (njs==controlledJoints) { double *p = new double[njs]; // LATER: optimize to avoid allocation. for (i = 0; i < njs; i++) p[i] = b.get(i).asDouble(); *ok = torque->setTorqueErrorLimits (p); delete[] p; } } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid p; int j = cmd.get(3).asInt(); Bottle& b = *(cmd.get(4).asList()); p.kp = b.get(0).asDouble(); p.kd = b.get(1).asDouble(); p.ki = b.get(2).asDouble(); p.max_int = b.get(3).asDouble(); p.max_output = b.get(4).asDouble(); p.offset = b.get(5).asDouble(); p.scale = b.get(6).asDouble(); *ok = torque->setTorquePid(j, p); } break; case VOCAB_PIDS: { Bottle& b = *(cmd.get(3).asList()); int i; const int njs = b.size(); if (njs==controlledJoints) { Pid *p = new Pid[njs]; for (i = 0; i < njs; i++) { Bottle& c = *(b.get(i).asList()); p[i].kp = c.get(0).asDouble(); p[i].kd = c.get(1).asDouble(); p[i].ki = c.get(2).asDouble(); p[i].max_int = c.get(3).asDouble(); p[i].max_output = c.get(4).asDouble(); p[i].offset = c.get(5).asDouble(); p[i].scale = c.get(6).asDouble(); } *ok = torque->setTorquePids(p); delete[] p; } } break; case VOCAB_RESET: { *ok = torque->resetTorquePid (cmd.get(3).asInt()); } break; case VOCAB_DISABLE: { *ok = torque->disableTorquePid (cmd.get(3).asInt()); } break; case VOCAB_ENABLE: { *ok = torque->enableTorquePid (cmd.get(3).asInt()); } break; case VOCAB_TORQUE_MODE: { *ok = torque->setTorqueMode(); } break; } } break; case VOCAB_GET: { *rec = true; int tmp = 0; double dtmp = 0.0; response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.add(cmd.get(1)); switch(cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int tmp; *ok = torque->getAxes(&tmp); response.addInt(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_TRQ: { *ok = torque->getTorque(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp); response.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_TRQS: { double *p = new double[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getTorques(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) b.addDouble(p[i]); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_ERR: { *ok = torque->getTorqueError(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp); response.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_ERRS: { double *p = new double[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getTorqueErrors(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) b.addDouble(p[i]); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUT: { *ok = torque->getTorquePidOutput(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp); response.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUTS: { double *p = new double[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getTorquePidOutputs(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) b.addDouble(p[i]); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid p; *ok = torque->getTorquePid(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); b.addDouble(p.kp); b.addDouble(p.kd); b.addDouble(p.ki); b.addDouble(p.max_int); b.addDouble(p.max_output); b.addDouble(p.offset); b.addDouble(p.scale); } break; case VOCAB_PIDS: { Pid *p = new Pid[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getTorquePids(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) { Bottle& c = b.addList(); c.addDouble(p[i].kp); c.addDouble(p[i].kd); c.addDouble(p[i].ki); c.addDouble(p[i].max_int); c.addDouble(p[i].max_output); c.addDouble(p[i].offset); c.addDouble(p[i].scale); } delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCE: { *ok = torque->getRefTorque(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp); response.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCES: { double *p = new double[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getRefTorques(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) b.addDouble(p[i]); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_LIM: { *ok = torque->getTorqueErrorLimit(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &dtmp); response.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_LIMS: { double *p = new double[controlledJoints]; *ok = torque->getTorqueErrorLimits(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < controlledJoints; i++) b.addDouble(p[i]); delete[] p; } break; } } break; } //rec --> true se il comando e' riconosciuto //ok --> contiene il return value della chiamata all'interfaccia // ...*ok=torque->setPid(); //torque-> }
void handleInteractionModeMsg(IInteractionMode *iInteract, const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response, bool *rec, bool *ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Handling IInteractionMode message %s\n", cmd.toString().c_str()); if (!iInteract) { fprintf(stderr, "Error I do not have a valid interface\n"); *ok=false; return; } int code = cmd.get(1).asVocab(); *ok=true; switch(code) { case VOCAB_SET: { int axis = cmd.get(3).asInt(); yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum mode = (yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum) cmd.get(2).asVocab(); *ok = iInteract->setInteractionMode(axis, mode); *rec=true; //or false } break; case VOCAB_GET: { int which = cmd.get(2).asVocab(); switch(which) { case VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE: { int axis = cmd.get(3).asInt(); yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum mode; *ok = iInteract->getInteractionMode(axis, &mode); // create response if(*ok) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addInt(axis); response.addVocab(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE); response.addVocab(mode); *rec=true; } else { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); *rec = false; } } break; case VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES: { int axis = cmd.get(3).asInt(); yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes; modes = new yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum[jnts]; *ok = iInteract->getInteractionMode(axis, modes); // create response if(*ok) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES); for(int i=0; i<jnts; i++) response.addVocab(modes[i]); *rec=true; } else { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); *rec = false; } } break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "get command not understood"); *rec=false; break; } break; } } break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "type of command not understood"); *rec=false; } break; } }
void handleControlModeMsg(IControlMode2 *iMode, const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response, bool *rec, bool *ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Handling IControlMode message %s\n", cmd.toString().c_str()); if (!iMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Error I do not have a valid interface\n"); *ok=false; return; } int code = cmd.get(1).asVocab(); *ok=true; switch(code) { case VOCAB_SET: { int axis = cmd.get(3).asInt(); int mode=cmd.get(2).asVocab(); switch (mode) { case VOCAB_CM_POSITION: *ok = iMode->setPositionMode(axis); break; case VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT); break; case VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY: *ok = iMode->setVelocityMode(axis); break; case VOCAB_CM_MIXED: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_MIXED); break; case VOCAB_CM_TORQUE: *ok = iMode->setTorqueMode(axis); break; case VOCAB_CM_OPENLOOP: *ok = iMode->setOpenLoopMode(axis); break; case VOCAB_CM_IDLE: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_IDLE); break; case VOCAB_CM_FORCE_IDLE: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_FORCE_IDLE); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL: *ok = iMode->setControlMode(axis, VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL); break; default: *ok = false; break; } *rec=true; //or false } break; case VOCAB_GET: { if (cmd.get(2).asVocab()==VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE) { int p=-1; int axis = cmd.get(3).asInt(); fprintf(stderr, "Calling getControlMode\n"); *ok = iMode->getControlMode(axis, &p); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); response.addInt(axis); response.addVocab(VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE); response.addVocab(p); //fprintf(stderr, "Returning %d\n", p); *rec=true; } } break; default: { *rec=false; } break; } }
// Callback handler for RPC commands (?) bool RpcMsgHandler::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { bool ok = true; bool commandUnderstood = true; // is the command recognized? if (caller->verbose()) printf("command received: %s\n", cmd.toString().c_str()); int code = cmd.get(0).asVocab(); switch (code) { case VOCAB_GET: { double dtmp = 0.0; double dtmp2 = 0.0; reply.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); reply.add(cmd.get(1)); switch(cmd.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int axes; caller->getAxes(axes); reply.addInt(axes); } break; case VOCAB_DEBUG_PARAMETER: { int j = cmd.get(2).asInt(); int index = cmd.get(3).asInt(); ok = caller->getDebugParameter(j, index, &dtmp); reply.addInt(j); reply.addInt(index); reply.addDouble(dtmp); } break; case VOCAB_GENERIC_PARAMETER: { int j = cmd.get(2).asInt(); int param = cmd.get(3).asInt(); ok = caller->getParameter(j, param, &dtmp); reply.addInt(j); reply.addInt(param); reply.addDouble(dtmp); } break; default: { commandUnderstood = false; std::cout << "Debug Interface 1: command not understood! received " << cmd.toString().c_str() << std::endl; } break; } } break; // case VOCAB_GET case VOCAB_SET: { switch(cmd.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_GENERIC_PARAMETER: { int j = cmd.get(2).asInt(); int param = cmd.get(3).asInt(); double val = cmd.get(4).asDouble(); ok = caller->setParameter(j, param, val); } break; case VOCAB_DEBUG_PARAMETER: { int j = cmd.get(2).asInt(); int index = cmd.get(3).asInt(); double val = cmd.get(4).asDouble(); ok = caller->setDebugParameter(j, index, val); } break; default: { commandUnderstood = false; std::cout << "Debug Interface 2: command not understood! received " << cmd.toString().c_str() << std::endl; } break; } } break; // case VOCAB_SET default: { commandUnderstood = false; std::cout << "Debug Interface 3: command not understood! received " << cmd.toString().c_str() << std::endl; } break; } //switch code if (!commandUnderstood) { ok = DeviceResponder::respond(cmd,reply); } if (!ok) { // failed thus send only a VOCAB back. reply.clear(); reply.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); } else reply.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); return ok; }
bool FrameGrabberControls2_Parser::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response) { bool ok = false; int action = cmd.get(1).asVocab(); int param = cmd.get(2).asVocab(); // yTrace() << "cmd received\n\t" << cmd.toString().c_str(); if(!fgCtrl2) { yError() << " Selected camera device has no IFrameGrabberControl2 interface"; return false; } response.clear(); switch (action) { case VOCAB_HAS: { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FRAMEGRABBER_CONTROL2); response.addVocab(VOCAB_HAS); response.addVocab(VOCAB_FEATURE); response.addInt(param); switch (param) { case VOCAB_FEATURE: { bool _hasFeat; ok = fgCtrl2->hasFeature(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_hasFeat); response.addInt(_hasFeat); } break; case VOCAB_ONOFF: { bool _hasOnOff; ok = fgCtrl2->hasOnOff(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_hasOnOff); response.addInt(_hasOnOff); } break; case VOCAB_AUTO: { bool _hasAuto; ok = fgCtrl2->hasAuto(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_hasAuto); response.addInt(_hasAuto); } break; case VOCAB_MANUAL: { bool _hasManual; ok = fgCtrl2->hasManual(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_hasManual); response.addInt(_hasManual); } break; case VOCAB_ONEPUSH: { bool _hasOnePush; ok = fgCtrl2->hasOnePush(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_hasOnePush); response.addInt(_hasOnePush); } break; default: { yError() << "Unknown command 'HAS " << Vocab::decode(param) << "' received on IFrameGrabber2 interface"; response.clear(); ok = false; } break; } break; // end switch (param) } break; // end VOCAB_HAS case VOCAB_SET: { switch (param) { case VOCAB_FEATURE: { ok = fgCtrl2->setFeature(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_FEATURE2: { ok = fgCtrl2->setFeature(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asDouble(), cmd.get(5).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_ACTIVE: { ok = fgCtrl2->setActive(cmd.get(3).asInt(), cmd.get(4).asInt()); } break; case VOCAB_MODE: { ok = fgCtrl2->setMode(cmd.get(3).asInt(), (FeatureMode) cmd.get(4).asInt()); } break; case VOCAB_ONEPUSH: { ok = fgCtrl2->setOnePush(cmd.get(3).asInt()); } break; default: { yError() << "Unknown command 'SET " << Vocab::decode(param) << "' received on IFrameGrabber2 interface"; response.clear(); ok = false; } } break; // end switch (param) } break; // end VOCAB_SET case VOCAB_GET: { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FRAMEGRABBER_CONTROL2); response.addVocab(param); response.addVocab(VOCAB_IS); switch (param) { case VOCAB_CAMERA_DESCRIPTION: { CameraDescriptor camera; ok = fgCtrl2->getCameraDescription(&camera); response.addInt(camera.busType); response.addString(camera.deviceDescription); yDebug() << "Response is " << response.toString(); } break; case VOCAB_FEATURE: { double value; ok = fgCtrl2->getFeature(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &value); response.addDouble(value); } break; case VOCAB_FEATURE2: { double value1, value2; ok = fgCtrl2->getFeature(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &value1, &value2); response.addDouble(value1); response.addDouble(value2); } break; case VOCAB_ACTIVE: { bool _isActive; ok = fgCtrl2->getActive(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_isActive); response.addInt(_isActive); } break; case VOCAB_MODE: { FeatureMode _mode; ok = fgCtrl2->getMode(cmd.get(3).asInt(), &_mode); response.addInt(_mode); } break; default: { yError() << "Unknown command 'GET " << Vocab::decode(param) << "' received on IFrameGrabber2 interface"; response.clear(); ok = false; } } break; // end switch (param) } break; // end VOCAB_GET } // yTrace() << "response is\n\t" << response.toString().c_str(); return ok; }
bool JoypadCtrlParser::respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& cmd, yarp::os::Bottle& response) { bool ret; ret = false; if(cmd.get(0).asVocab() != VOCAB_IJOYPADCTRL || !cmd.get(1).isVocab() || !cmd.get(2).isVocab() || !cmd.get(3).isVocab()) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); return ret; } if(cmd.get(1).asVocab() == VOCAB_GET) { int toGet; toGet = cmd.get(2).asVocab(); if(cmd.get(3).asVocab() == VOCAB_COUNT) { if(countGetters.find(toGet) != countGetters.end()) { unsigned int count; getcountmethod getter; getter = countGetters[toGet]; if((device->*getter)(count)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addInt32(count); ret = true; } } else if (toGet == VOCAB_STICKDOF && cmd.get(4).isInt32()) { unsigned int count; if (device->getStickDoF(cmd.get(4).asInt32(), count)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addInt32(count); ret = true; } else { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); ret = false; } } else { response.addVocab(VOCAB_FAILED); ret = false; } } else if(cmd.get(3).asVocab() == VOCAB_VALUE) { switch (cmd.get(2).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_BUTTON: { float value; if(cmd.get(4).isInt32() && device->getButton(cmd.get(4).asInt32(), value)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addFloat64(value); ret = true; } break; } case VOCAB_AXIS: { double value; if(cmd.get(4).isInt32() && device->getAxis(cmd.get(4).asInt32(), value)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addFloat64(value); ret = true; } break; } case VOCAB_STICK: { if(cmd.get(4).isVocab()) { yarp::sig::Vector frame; auto mode = cmd.get(4).asVocab() == VOCAB_CARTESIAN ? yarp::dev::IJoypadController::JypCtrlcoord_CARTESIAN : yarp::dev::IJoypadController::JypCtrlcoord_POLAR; if(cmd.get(5).isInt32() && device->getStick(cmd.get(5).asInt32(), frame, mode)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); for(size_t i = 0; i < frame.size(); ++i) { response.addFloat64(frame[i]); } ret = true; } } break; } case VOCAB_STICKDOF: { unsigned int dofCount; if(cmd.get(5).isInt32() && device->getStickDoF(cmd.get(5).asInt32(), dofCount)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addInt32(dofCount); ret = true; } break; } case VOCAB_TOUCH: { yarp::sig::Vector pos; unsigned int id; id = cmd.get(4).asInt32(); if(cmd.get(4).isInt32() && device->getTouch(id, pos)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); for(size_t i = 0; i < pos.size(); ++i) { response.addFloat64(pos[i]); } ret = true; } break; } case VOCAB_TRACKBALL: { yarp::sig::Vector axes; unsigned int id; id = cmd.get(4).asInt32(); if(cmd.get(4).isInt32() && device->getTrackball(id, axes)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); for(size_t i = 0; i < axes.size(); ++i) { response.addFloat64(axes[i]); } ret = true; } break; } case VOCAB_HAT: { unsigned char value; if(cmd.get(4).isInt32() && device->getHat(cmd.get(4).asInt32(), value)) { response.addVocab(VOCAB_OK); response.addInt32(value); ret = true; } break; } default: break; } } } return ret; }
virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle &command, yarp::os::Bottle &reply) { fprintf(stderr,"receiving command from port\n"); int index = 0; int cmdSize = command.size(); while(cmdSize>0) { switch(command.get(index).asVocab()) { case VOCAB4('s','u','s','p'): { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->halt(); cmdSize--; index++; break; } case VOCAB3('r','u','n'): { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); vc->go(); cmdSize--; index++; break; } case VOCAB3('s','e','t'): { if (command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double pos=command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setRef(i, pos); index +=3; cmdSize-=3; } else { cmdSize--; index++; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid set message, ignoring\n"); } reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); break; } case VOCAB4('s','v','e','l'): { if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double vel = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setVel(i,vel); index += 3; cmdSize-=3;; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; fprintf(stderr,"Invalid set vel message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; } case VOCAB4('g','a','i','n'): { if(command.size()>=3) { int i=command.get(index+1).asInt(); double gain = command.get(index+2).asDouble(); vc->setGain(i,gain); index+=3; cmdSize-=3; reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("ack")); } else { cmdSize--; index++; fprintf(stderr,"Invalid set gain message, ignoring\n"); reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("fail")); } break; } default: { cmdSize--; index++; return RFModule::respond(command, reply); // call default } } return true; } return false; }
virtual bool respond(const yarp::os::Bottle& command,yarp::os::Bottle& reply) { reply.clear(); gotoThread->mutex.wait(); if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") { gotoThread->mutex.post(); return false; } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") { reply.addVocab(Vocab::encode("many")); reply.addString("Available commands are:"); reply.addString("gotoAbs <x> <y> <angle>"); reply.addString("gotoRel <x> <y> <angle>"); reply.addString("stop"); reply.addString("pause"); reply.addString("resume"); reply.addString("quit"); reply.addString("set linear_tol <m>"); reply.addString("set linear_ang <deg>"); reply.addString("set max_lin_speed <m/s>"); reply.addString("set max_ang_speed <deg/s>"); reply.addString("set min_lin_speed <m/s>"); reply.addString("set min_ang_speed <deg/s>"); reply.addString("set obstacle_stop"); reply.addString("set obstacle_avoidance"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="gotoAbs") { yarp::sig::Vector v; v.push_back(command.get(1).asDouble()); v.push_back(command.get(2).asDouble()); if (command.size()==4) v.push_back(command.get(3).asDouble()); gotoThread->setNewAbsTarget(v); reply.addString("new absolute target received"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="gotoRel") { yarp::sig::Vector v; v.push_back(command.get(1).asDouble()); v.push_back(command.get(2).asDouble()); if (command.size()==4) v.push_back(command.get(3).asDouble()); gotoThread->setNewRelTarget(v); reply.addString("new relative target received"); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="linear_tol") { gotoThread->goal_tolerance_lin=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("linear_tol set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="angular_tol") { gotoThread->goal_tolerance_ang=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("angular_tol set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="max_lin_speed") { gotoThread->max_lin_speed=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("max_lin_speed set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="max_ang_speed") { gotoThread->max_ang_speed=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("max_ang_speed set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="min_lin_speed") { gotoThread->min_lin_speed=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("min_lin_speed set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="min_ang_speed") { gotoThread->min_ang_speed=command.get(2).asDouble(); reply.addString("min_ang_speed set."); } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="obstacle_avoidance") { if (gotoThread->enable_obstacles_avoidance) { reply.addString("enable_obstacles_avoidance=false"); gotoThread->enable_obstacles_avoidance=false; } else { gotoThread->enable_obstacles_avoidance=true; reply.addString("enable_obstacles_avoidance=true"); } } else if (command.get(1).asString()=="obstacle_stop") { if (gotoThread->enable_obstacles_avoidance) { reply.addString("enable_obstacle_stop=false"); gotoThread->enable_obstacles_emergency_stop=false; } else { gotoThread->enable_obstacles_emergency_stop=true; reply.addString("enable_obstacle_stop=true"); } } else { reply.addString("Unknown set."); } } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="get") { if (command.get(1).asString()=="navigation_status") { string s = gotoThread->getNavigationStatus(); reply.addString(s.c_str()); } else { reply.addString("Unknown get."); } } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="stop") { gotoThread->stopMovement(); reply.addString("Stopping movement."); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="pause") { double time = -1; if (command.size() > 1) time = command.get(1).asDouble(); gotoThread->pauseMovement(time); reply.addString("Pausing."); } else if (command.get(0).asString()=="resume") { gotoThread->resumeMovement(); reply.addString("Resuming."); } else { reply.addString("Unknown command."); } gotoThread->mutex.post(); return true; }