Exemplo n.º 1
void LLWLParamSet::updateCloudScrolling(void) 
	static LLTimer s_cloud_timer;

	F64 delta_t = s_cloud_timer.getElapsedTimeAndResetF64();

		mCloudScrollXOffset += F32(delta_t * (getCloudScrollX() - 10.f) / 100.f);
		mCloudScrollYOffset += F32(delta_t * (getCloudScrollY() - 10.f) / 100.f);
Exemplo n.º 2
QuatF & Quat16::getQuatF( QuatF * q ) const
   q->x = F32( x ) / F32(MAX_VAL);
   q->y = F32( y ) / F32(MAX_VAL);
   q->z = F32( z ) / F32(MAX_VAL);
   q->w = F32( w ) / F32(MAX_VAL);
   return *q;
void GFXD3D9Device::setClipRect( const RectI &inRect ) 
	// We transform the incoming rect by the view 
   // matrix first, so that it can be used to pan
   // and scale the clip rect.
   // This is currently used to take tiled screenshots.
	Point3F pos( inRect.point.x, inRect.point.y, 0.0f );
   Point3F extent( inRect.extent.x, inRect.extent.y, 0.0f );
   getViewMatrix().mulP( pos );
   getViewMatrix().mulV( extent );  
   RectI rect( pos.x, pos.y, extent.x, extent.y );

   // Clip the rect against the renderable size.
   Point2I size = mCurrentRT->getSize();

   RectI maxRect(Point2I(0,0), size);

   mClipRect = rect;

   F32 l = F32( mClipRect.point.x );
   F32 r = F32( mClipRect.point.x + mClipRect.extent.x );
   F32 b = F32( mClipRect.point.y + mClipRect.extent.y );
   F32 t = F32( mClipRect.point.y );

   // Set up projection matrix, 
   static Point4F pt;   
   pt.set(2.0f / (r - l), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(0, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 2.0f/(t - b), 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(1, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(2, pt);

   pt.set((l+r)/(l-r), (t+b)/(b-t), 1.0f, 1.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(3, pt);

   setProjectionMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   // Set up world/view matrix
   setWorldMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   setViewport( mClipRect );
Exemplo n.º 4
QuatF & QuatF::interpolate( const QuatF & q1, const QuatF & q2, F32 t )
   // Calculate the cosine of the angle:

   double cosOmega = q1.dot( q2 );

   // adjust signs if necessary:

   F32 sign2;
   if ( cosOmega < 0.0 )
      cosOmega = -cosOmega;
      sign2 = -1.0f;
      sign2 = 1.0f;

   // calculate interpolating coeffs:

   double scale1, scale2;
   if ( (1.0 - cosOmega) > 0.00001 )
      // standard case
      double omega = mAcos(cosOmega);
      double sinOmega = mSin(omega);
      scale1 = mSin((1.0 - t) * omega) / sinOmega;
      scale2 = sign2 * mSin(t * omega) / sinOmega;
      // if quats are very close, just do linear interpolation
      scale1 = 1.0 - t;
      scale2 = sign2 * t;

   // actually do the interpolation:

   x = F32(scale1 * q1.x + scale2 * q2.x);
   y = F32(scale1 * q1.y + scale2 * q2.y);
   z = F32(scale1 * q1.z + scale2 * q2.z);
   w = F32(scale1 * q1.w + scale2 * q2.w);
   return *this;
bool Win32RedBookDevice::getVolume(F32 * volume)
      setLastError("Device has not been acquired");

      setLastError("Volume failed to initialize");

   U32 vol = 0;
      mixerGetControlDetails(mVolumeDeviceId, &mMixerVolumeDetails, MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE);
      vol = mMixerVolumeValue.dwValue;
      auxGetVolume(mAuxVolumeDeviceId, (unsigned long *)&vol);

   vol &= 0xffff;
   *volume = F32(vol) / 65535.f;

Exemplo n.º 6
void LLMediaDataClient::Responder::error(U32 status, const std::string& reason)
		F32 retry_timeout = mRequest->getRetryTimerDelay();
		if (mRequest->getRetryCount() < mRequest->getMaxNumRetries()) 
			LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " got SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE...retrying in " << retry_timeout << " seconds" << LL_ENDL;
			// Start timer (instances are automagically tracked by
			// InstanceTracker<> and LLEventTimer)
			new RetryTimer(F32(retry_timeout/*secs*/), this);
		else {
			LL_INFOS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " got SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE...retry count " 
				<< mRequest->getRetryCount() << " exceeds " << mRequest->getMaxNumRetries() << ", not retrying" << LL_ENDL;
	else {
		std::string msg = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(status) + ": " + reason;
		LL_WARNS("LLMediaDataClient") << *mRequest << " http error(" << msg << ")" << LL_ENDL;
Exemplo n.º 7
// GetNearbyWalls
// Get walls within link distance of the given position
void WallObjType::GetNearbyWalls(Team *team, const Vector &p, WallObjList &list, WallObj *filter)
  ASSERT(WorldCtrl::MetreOnMap(p.x, p.z))

  // What range should we search in
  F32 range = F32(GetRangeStraight() + 1) * WorldCtrl::CellSize();

  // Generate a unit iterator
  UnitObjIter::Tactical i(NULL, UnitObjIter::FilterData(team, Relation::ALLY, p, range));

  UnitObj *obj;

  // Check each unit
  while ((obj = i.Next()) != NULL)
    // Is this a wall
    if (WallObj *wall = Promote::Object<WallObjType, WallObj>(obj))
      // Should we add it
      if (wall != filter)
Exemplo n.º 8
void PGRAPH::ClearSurface(U32 mask) {
    // Avoid clearing empty surfaces
    if (surface.width == 0 || surface.height == 0) {
    const F32 color[4] = {
        ((clear_color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, // Red
        ((clear_color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, // Green
        ((clear_color >>  8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, // Blue
        ((clear_color >>  0) & 0xFF) / 255.0f, // Alpha
    const F32 depth = clear_depth / F32(0xFFFFFF);
    const U08 stencil = clear_stencil;

    if (mask & RSX_CLEAR_BIT_COLOR) {
        auto* colorTarget = getColorTarget(surface.colorOffset[0]);
        cmdBuffer->cmdClearColor(colorTarget, color);
        // TODO: Depth-exclusive or stencil-exclusive clears are unimplemented
        auto* depthTarget = getDepthStencilTarget(surface.depthOffset);
        cmdBuffer->cmdClearDepthStencil(depthTarget, depth, stencil);

    // TODO: Check if cmdBuffer is empty
    cmdQueue->submit(cmdBuffer, fence);
Exemplo n.º 9
// Return a measure of a player's strength.
// Right now this is roughly a kill - death / kill + death ratio
// Better might be: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Elo_rating_system
F32 Statistics::getCalculatedRating()
   // Total kills = mKills + mFratricides (but we won't count mFratricides)
   // Counted deaths = mDeaths - mSuicides (mSuicides are included in mDeaths and we want to ignore them)
   // Use F32 here so we don't underflow with U32 math; probably not necessary
   F32 deathsDueToEnemyAction   = F32(mTotalDeaths) - F32(mTotalSuicides);
   F32 totalTotalKillsAndDeaths = F32(mTotalKills) + deathsDueToEnemyAction;

   // Initial case: you haven't killed or died -- go out and prove yourself, lad!
   if(totalTotalKillsAndDeaths == 0)
      return 0;

   // Standard case
      return ((F32)mTotalKills - deathsDueToEnemyAction) / totalTotalKillsAndDeaths;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool StdClientProcessList::advanceTime( SimTime timeDelta )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( StdClientProcessList_AdvanceTime );

   if ( doBacklogged( timeDelta ) )
      return false;
   bool ret = Parent::advanceTime( timeDelta );
   ProcessObject *obj = NULL;

   AssertFatal( mLastDelta >= 0.0f && mLastDelta <= 1.0f, "mLastDelta is not zero to one.");
   obj = mHead.mProcessLink.next;
   while ( obj != &mHead )
      if ( obj->isTicking() )
         obj->interpolateTick( mLastDelta );

      obj = obj->mProcessLink.next;

   for (U32 i = 0; i < UpdateInterface::all.size(); i++)
      Component *comp = dynamic_cast<Component*>(UpdateInterface::all[i]);

      if (!comp->isClientObject() || !comp->isActive())


   // Inform objects of total elapsed delta so they can advance
   // client side animations.
   F32 dt = F32(timeDelta) / 1000;

   // Update camera FX.
   gCamFXMgr.update( dt );

   obj = mHead.mProcessLink.next;
   while ( obj != &mHead )
      obj->advanceTime( dt );
      obj = obj->mProcessLink.next;
   for (U32 i = 0; i < UpdateInterface::all.size(); i++)
      Component *comp = dynamic_cast<Component*>(UpdateInterface::all[i]);

      if (comp)
         if (!comp->isClientObject() || !comp->isActive())


   return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
// Adjust resource display
void ResourceObj::AdjustResource()
  if (Mesh().curCycle)
    Mesh().SetFrame((Mesh().curCycle->maxFrame - 1) * (1.0f - (F32(resource) * ResourceType()->GetResourceMaxInv())));
Exemplo n.º 12
   AppIfl::AppIfl(const char * fullPath)
      mIflFile = strnew(fullPath);

      // load in duration and names

      std::ifstream is;

      char buffer[256];
      char name[256];
      S32 duration;
      while (is.good() && !is.eof())
         S32 num = sscanf(buffer,"%s %i",name,&duration);
         if (num==1)
         else if (num==2)
Exemplo n.º 13
void EnergyGaugeRenderer::render(S32 energy)
   // Create fade
   static const F32 colors[] = {
      Colors::blue.r, Colors::blue.g, Colors::blue.b, 1,   // Fade from
      Colors::blue.r, Colors::blue.g, Colors::blue.b, 1,
      Colors::cyan.r, Colors::cyan.g, Colors::cyan.b, 1,   // Fade to
      Colors::cyan.r, Colors::cyan.g, Colors::cyan.b, 1,

   GaugeRenderer::render(energy, Ship::EnergyMax, colors, GaugeBottomMargin, GaugeHeight, Ship::EnergyCooldownThreshold);

   ServerGame *serverGame = GameManager::getServerGame();

   if((serverGame && serverGame->getClientInfo(0)->getConnection()->getControlObject()))
      S32 actDiff = static_cast<Ship *>(serverGame->getClientInfo(0)->getConnection()->getControlObject())->getEnergy();
      S32 p = F32(actDiff) / Ship::EnergyMax * GaugeWidth;
      drawVertLine(xul + p, yul - SafetyLineExtend - 1, yul + GaugeHeight + SafetyLineExtend);

      //Or, perhaps, just this:
      //renderGauge(energy, Ship::EnergyMax, Colors::blue, Colors::cyan, GaugeBottomMargin, GaugeHeight);
  // Process the recycler
  void Base::Recycler::Process()
    // Work out how much resource is pending from refunds
    U32 refund = 0;
    for (UnitObjList::Iterator u(&state.GetBase().GetManager().GetRefunds()); *u; ++u)
      refund += U32(F32((**u)->GetResourceValue() * (**u)->UnitType()->GetRecyclePercentage()));

    Object &object = state.GetBase().GetObject();
    Team *team = object.GetTeam();
    U32 resource = team->GetResourceStore();

    // Do we have less cash now than the limit ?
    if ((resource + refund) < cash)
      for (NList<Type>::Iterator t(&types); *t; ++t)
        const NList<UnitObj> *units = team->GetUnitObjects((*t)->type->GetNameCrc());

        if (units && units->GetCount() > (*t)->minimum)
          // Order this unit to be recycled
          UnitObj *unit = units->GetHead();
          Orders::Game::AddSelected::Generate(object, unit);

Exemplo n.º 15
// strait twisty beam
void BeamRenderPlain::Setup()
  // get beam rendering class
  BeamRenderPlainClass * sc = (BeamRenderPlainClass *)proto;

  F32 t = paramAnim.Current().scale;
  if (t <= 1)
    offset = sc->data.vector * t;
  Quaternion r = angle * rotation;

  const Vector & p0 = particle->matrix.posit;
  Vector * p = points.data, * pe = points.data + points.count - 1;
  *p++ = p0;
  Vector dof = offset * (1.0f / F32(points.count - 1)), off = dof;

  //LOG_DIAG(("p: %f,%f,%f", p->x, p->y, p->z));
  for (F32 h = 0; p < pe; p++, off += dof, r *= twist)
    *p = p0 + off + r.GetRight() * sc->distance;
    //LOG_DIAG(("p: %f,%f,%f", p->x, p->y, p->z));
  *p = p0 + off;
  //LOG_DIAG(("p: %f,%f,%f", p->x, p->y, p->z));
Exemplo n.º 16
bool ReadJoystick(F32 axes[MaxJoystickAxes], U32 &buttonMask, U32 &hatMask)
      return false;

   S32 i;
   for(i = 0; i < MaxJoystickAxes; i++)
      ControllerElement *e = &gController.axes[i];
      S32 elementValue = getElementValue(e);
      S32 diff = e->maxValue - e->minValue;
      if(diff != 0)
         axes[i] = (elementValue - e->minValue) * 2 / F32(diff);
         axes[i] -= 1;
         axes[i] = 0;

   buttonMask = 0;
   for(i = 0; i < gController.buttons.size(); i++)
      ControllerElement *e = &gController.buttons[i];
      S32 value = getElementValue(e);
         buttonMask |= (1 << i);
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
SFXBuffer* SFXProfile::_createBuffer()
   SFXBuffer* buffer = 0;
   // Try to create through SFXDevie.
   if( !mFilename.isEmpty() && SFX )
      buffer = SFX->_createBuffer( mFilename, mDescription );
      if( buffer )
         #ifdef TORQUE_DEBUG
         const SFXFormat& format = buffer->getFormat();
         Con::printf( "%s SFX: %s (%i channels, %i kHz, %.02f sec, %i kb)",
            mDescription->mIsStreaming ? "Streaming" : "Loaded", mFilename.c_str(),
            format.getSamplesPerSecond() / 1000,
            F32( buffer->getDuration() ) / 1000.0f,
            format.getDataLength( buffer->getDuration() ) / 1024 );
   // If that failed, load through SFXResource.
   if( !buffer )
      Resource< SFXResource >& resource = getResource();
      if( resource != NULL && SFX )
         #ifdef TORQUE_DEBUG
         const SFXFormat& format = resource->getFormat();
         Con::printf( "%s SFX: %s (%i channels, %i kHz, %.02f sec, %i kb)",
            mDescription->mIsStreaming ? "Streaming" : "Loading", resource->getFileName().c_str(),
            format.getSamplesPerSecond() / 1000,
            F32( resource->getDuration() ) / 1000.0f,
            format.getDataLength( resource->getDuration() ) / 1024 );

         ThreadSafeRef< SFXStream > sfxStream = resource->openStream();
         buffer = SFX->_createBuffer( sfxStream, mDescription );

   return buffer;
Exemplo n.º 18
    // Image::Notify
    void Image::Notify(U32 crc)
      switch (crc)
        case 0xC3AC47E6: // "Render::PostIFace2"
          F32 curr = Simulate();

          // Calculate screen rectangle
          const ClipRect &rc = cineViewPort;
          ClipRect newRc;

          if (absolute)
            if (absPos.x < 0)
              newRc.p0.x = rc.p1.x - absSize.x + absPos.x;
              newRc.p0.x = rc.p0.x + absPos.x;

            if (absPos.y < 0)
              newRc.p0.y = rc.p1.y - absSize.y + absPos.y;
              newRc.p0.y = rc.p0.y + absPos.y;

            newRc.p1 = newRc.p0 + absSize;
            newRc.p0.x = rc.p0.x + Utils::FtoL(pos.x * F32(rc.Width()));
            newRc.p0.y = rc.p0.y + Utils::FtoL(pos.y * F32(rc.Height()));
            newRc.p1.x = rc.p0.x + Utils::FtoL((pos.x + size.x) * F32(rc.Width()));
            newRc.p1.y = rc.p0.y + Utils::FtoL((pos.y + size.y) * F32(rc.Height()));
          IFace::RenderRectangle(newRc, clr, &texture, curr * IFace::data.alphaScale);

Exemplo n.º 19
void AtlasOldMesher::updateBounds()
   // Reset our bounds!
   mBounds.minExtents.set(F32_MAX, F32_MAX, F32_MAX);
   mBounds.maxExtents.set(-F32_MAX, -F32_MAX, -F32_MAX);

   // First, iterate over our verts and our bounds.
   for(S32 i=0; i<mVerts.size(); i++)
      S16 z;
         z = mVerts[i].z;
         z = mHeight->sampleRead(mVerts[i].pos);

      Point3F v(  mVerts[i].pos.x * mHeight->mSampleSpacing,
                  mVerts[i].pos.y * mHeight->mSampleSpacing,
                  z * mHeight->mVerticalScale);


         if(z < mMinZ) mMinZ = z;
         if(z > mMaxZ) mMaxZ = z;
         mMaxZ = mMinZ = z;
         mBounds.maxExtents = mBounds.minExtents = v;

   // Calculate quantization for compression.
   Point3F boxExtents(mBounds.len_x() / 2.f, mBounds.len_y() / 2.f, mBounds.len_z() / 2.f);
   boxExtents.setMax(Point3F(1, 1, 1)); // Make sure we don't bottom out...

   // Use (1 << 14) values in both positive and negative
   // directions.  Wastes just under 1 bit, but the total range
   // is [-2^14, 2^14], which is 2^15+1 values.  This is good --
   // fits nicely w/ 2^N+1 dimensions of binary-triangle-tree
   // vertex locations.
   mCompressionFactor.x = F32(1<<14) / boxExtents.x;
   mCompressionFactor.y = F32(1<<14) / boxExtents.y;
   mCompressionFactor.z = F32(1<<14) / boxExtents.z;
Exemplo n.º 20
// Create ring
SplashRing Splash::createRing()
   SplashRing ring;
   U32 numPoints = mDataBlock->numSegments + 1;

   Point3F ejectionAxis( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

   Point3F axisx;
   if (mFabs(ejectionAxis.z) < 0.999f)
      mCross(ejectionAxis, Point3F(0, 0, 1), &axisx);
      mCross(ejectionAxis, Point3F(0, 1, 0), &axisx);

   for( U32 i=0; i<numPoints; i++ )
      F32 t = F32(i) / F32(numPoints);

      AngAxisF thetaRot( axisx, mDataBlock->ejectionAngle * (M_PI / 180.0));
      AngAxisF phiRot(   ejectionAxis, t * (M_PI * 2.0));

      Point3F pointAxis = ejectionAxis;

      MatrixF temp;

      Point3F startOffset = axisx;
      temp.mulV( startOffset );
      startOffset *= mDataBlock->startRadius;

      SplashRingPoint point;
      point.position = getPosition() + startOffset;
      point.velocity = pointAxis * mDataBlock->velocity;

      ring.points.push_back( point );

   ring.color = mDataBlock->colors[0];
   ring.lifetime = mDataBlock->ringLifetime;
   ring.elapsedTime = 0.0;
   ring.v = mDataBlock->texFactor * mFmod( mElapsedTime, 1.0 );

   return ring;
Exemplo n.º 21
/// Function to draw a set of boxes blending throughout an array of colors
void GuiColorPickerCtrl::drawBlendRangeBox(RectI &bounds, bool vertical, U8 numColors, ColorI *colors)

   S32 l = bounds.point.x, r = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x + 4;
   S32 t = bounds.point.y, b = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y + 4;
   // Calculate increment value
   S32 x_inc = int(mFloor((r - l) / F32(numColors-1)));
   S32 y_inc = int(mFloor((b - t) / F32(numColors-1)));

   for( U16 i = 0;i < numColors - 1; i++ ) 
      // This is not efficent, but then again it doesn't really need to be. -pw
      PrimBuild::begin( GFXTriangleFan, 4 );

      if (!vertical)  // Horizontal (+x)
         // First color
         PrimBuild::color( colors[i] );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l, t );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l, b );

         // Second color
         PrimBuild::color( colors[i+1] );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l + x_inc, b );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l + x_inc, t );
         l += x_inc;
      else  // Vertical (+y)
         // First color
         PrimBuild::color( colors[i] );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l, t );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( r, t );

         // Second color
         PrimBuild::color( colors[i+1] );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( r, t + y_inc );
         PrimBuild::vertex2i( l, t + y_inc );
         t += y_inc;
Exemplo n.º 22
F32 CameraSpline::advanceTime(F32 t, S32 delta_ms)
   Knot k;
   value(t, &k, false);
   F32 dist = getDistance(t) + k.mSpeed * (F32(delta_ms) / 1000.0f);
   return getTime(dist);
Exemplo n.º 23
void GuiSliderCtrl::onMouseDown(const GuiEvent &event)
   if ( !mActive || !mAwake || !mVisible )

   mDepressed = true;

   Point2I curMousePos = globalToLocalCoord( event.mousePoint );
   F32 value;
   if (getWidth() >= getHeight())
      value = F32(curMousePos.x-mShiftPoint) / F32(getWidth()-mShiftExtent)*(mRange.y-mRange.x) + mRange.x;
      value = F32(curMousePos.y) / F32(getHeight())*(mRange.y-mRange.x) + mRange.x;
   _updateThumb( value, mSnap || ( event.modifier & SI_SHIFT ) );
Exemplo n.º 24
    // Letterbox::Notify
    void Letterbox::Notify(U32 crc)
      switch (crc)
        case 0xF530E366: // "Render::PreRender"
          F32 curr = Simulate();

          // Modify the viewport
          S32 x = Vid::backBmp.Width();
          S32 y = Vid::backBmp.Height();
          S32 viewY = (x * 9) >> 4;
          S32 bordY = (y - viewY) >> 1;

          currPixels = bordY - Utils::FtoLNearest(F32(bordY) * curr);

          if (bordY > 0)
            // Enter letterbox mode
            viewport.SetSize(0, currPixels, x, y - (currPixels << 1));
            Vid::CurCamera().Setup( viewport);
            viewport.SetSize(0, 0, Vid::backBmp.Width(), Vid::backBmp.Height());

          //LOG_DIAG(("viewport=%d,%d,%d,%d", viewport.p0.x, viewport.p0.z, viewport.p1.x, viewport.p1.z))

          // cineViewPort should reflect current view inside borders
          cineViewPort = viewport;

          // Setup full viewport parameters
          fullvp.Set(0, 0, x, y);

          ClipRect rc;

        case 0xCEEF613F: // "Render::PostIFace1"
          Vid::ClipScreen();    // full screen clipping

          // Draw border
          ClipRect rc;

          rc.Set(0, 0, fullvp.p1.x, currPixels);
          Vid::RenderRectangle( rc, 0xff000000, NULL, RS_BLEND_DEF, Vid::sortNORMAL0, 0, 1, TRUE);

          rc.Set(0, fullvp.p1.y - currPixels, fullvp.p1.x, fullvp.p1.y);
          Vid::RenderRectangle( rc, 0xff000000, NULL, RS_BLEND_DEF, Vid::sortNORMAL0, 0, 1, TRUE);

          Vid::ClipRestore();   // restore letterbox clipping
Exemplo n.º 25
 // SetVolume
 // Sets the current redbook audio volume
 void SetVolume(F32 volume)
   if (initialized && driver)
       driver, Clamp<S32>(MIN_VOLUME, S32((volume * F32(MAX_VOLUME)) + 0.5F), MAX_VOLUME)
Exemplo n.º 26
   bool isEqualQ16(const Quaternion & a, const Quaternion &b)
      U16 MAX_VAL = 0x7fff;

      // convert components to 16 bit, then test for equality
      S16 x, y, z, w;
      x = ((S16)(a.x() * F32(MAX_VAL))) - ((S16)(b.x() * F32(MAX_VAL)));
      y = ((S16)(a.y() * F32(MAX_VAL))) - ((S16)(b.y() * F32(MAX_VAL)));
      z = ((S16)(a.z() * F32(MAX_VAL))) - ((S16)(b.z() * F32(MAX_VAL)));
      w = ((S16)(a.w() * F32(MAX_VAL))) - ((S16)(b.w() * F32(MAX_VAL)));
      return (x==0) && (y==0) && (z==0) && (w==0);
Exemplo n.º 27
/// \brief  Called when the mouse is moved while a particular mouse button is
///         pressed.
/// \details Updates the active object's rotation so that it appears rotated
///         relative to start position of the drag.
///         Right and left mouse button dragging both have the same effect.
///         Drag to the left or up to rotate CCW or right or down to rotate
///         CW.
/// \param  button The mouse button that is pressed.
///         start  The position of the mouse when the drag operation started.
///         end    The current position of the mouse.}
void RotateEditorMode::onDragUpdate(I32 button, const vec2& start, const vec2& end)
    EditorMode::onDragUpdate(button, start, end);

    if (active_entity_ && (button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT || button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT))
        vec2 delta = end - start;
        active_entity_->getTransform().setRotation(original_rotation_ + F32(3 * (delta.x + delta.y) / editor_.getZoom()));
Exemplo n.º 28
  // Render a spline curve
  void Spline(CubicSpline &curve, Color c, Bool normals, U32 normalMesh)
    const U32 STEPS = 10;

    if (curve.length < 1e-4F)

    F32 step = curve.length / F32(STEPS);
    Vector v0 = curve.Step(0.0F);
    Vector v1, tangent;

    for (U32 i = 1; i <= STEPS; i++)
      v1 = curve.Step(F32(i) * step, &tangent);

      // Draw the line
      FatLine(v0, v1, c, 0.15F);

      // Draw normals
      if (normals)
        F32 veloc = tangent.Magnitude();

        Matrix m = Matrix::I;
        m.posit = v1;

        // Normalize
        if (veloc > 1e-4)
          tangent *= 1.0F / veloc;

        Common::Display::Mesh(normalMesh, m, c); // "TerrainMarker"

      // Swap points
      v0 = v1;
Exemplo n.º 29
// Constructor
SpyObjType::SpyObjType(const char *name, FScope *fScope) : UnitObjType(name, fScope)
  // Get specific config scope
  fScope = fScope->GetFunction(SCOPE_CONFIG);

  // Resources to steal per second, convert to per cycle
  resourceRate = Utils::FtoL(StdLoad::TypeF32(fScope, "ResourceRate", F32(GameTime::CYCLESPERSECOND), Range<F32>::positive) * GameTime::INTERVAL);

  // Level to reduce power to
  powerLevel = StdLoad::TypeF32(fScope, "PowerLevel", 0.5F, Range<F32>::percentage);

  // Power units to steal per second, convert to per cycle
  powerRate = Utils::FtoL(StdLoad::TypeF32(fScope, "PowerRate", F32(GameTime::CYCLESPERSECOND), Range<F32>::positive) * GameTime::INTERVAL);

  // Time delay from being compromised to being executed
  surrenderCycles = Utils::FtoL(StdLoad::TypeF32(fScope, "SurrenderDelay", 6.0F, Range<F32>::positive) * F32(GameTime::CYCLESPERSECOND));

  // Load the morphing properties
  properties.Load(fScope, "Properties", FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 30
// Emit rings
void Splash::emitRings( F32 dt )
   mTimeSinceLastRing += dt;

   S32 numNewRings = (S32) (mTimeSinceLastRing * F32(mDataBlock->ejectionFreq));

   mTimeSinceLastRing -= numNewRings / mDataBlock->ejectionFreq;

   for( S32 i=numNewRings-1; i>=0; i-- )
      F32 t = F32(i) / F32(numNewRings);
      t *= dt;
      t += mTimeSinceLastRing;

      SplashRing ring = createRing();
      updateRing( ring, t );

      ringList.pushBack( ring );