Exemplo n.º 1
            /*			else if (*pitch <= -PI/2)// limit to 90 deg
            				*pitch = -PI/2;
            */			else if (*pitch <= - 0.75f*PI)	// limit to 135deg
                *pitch = - 0.75f*PI;

            missedFrameCount = 0;
            if ((isActive == false) && (g_bTrackIRon))
                OTWDriver.SetHeadTracking(TRUE);	// Retro 26/09/03
                isActive = true;

            FrameSignature = tid.wPFrameSignature;

            FILE* fp = fopen("TIR_Debug.txt","at");
            fprintf(fp,"Yaw %f\t Pitch %f\n",tid.fNPYaw,tid.fNPPitch);
            fprintf(fp,"Yaw %f\t Pitch %f\n",*yaw,*pitch);
            if (missedFrameCount > 100)
                isActive = false;
                OTWDriver.SetHeadTracking(FALSE);	// Retro 26/09/03
            FILE* fp = fopen("TIR_Debug.txt","at");
            fprintf(fp,"Missed frame # %i, FrameSig %i, NPFrameSig %i\n",missedFrameCount,FrameSignature,tid.wPFrameSignature);
            // yaw and pitch values stay unchanged so that looking via POV hat works

//	Name:		GetDllLocation
//	Authors:	wk, Retro
//	Date:		26. Feb 2003
//	Update:
//	Description:Look in the registry for the path to the NPClient.dll..
//				Taken form the NaturalPoint sample code
char* GetDllLocation(char* loc)
    unsigned char *szValue;
    char* retval = NULL;
    DWORD dwSize;
    HKEY pKey = NULL;

    //open the registry key
    if (RegOpenKeyEx(	HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
                        "Software\\NaturalPoint\\NATURALPOINT\\NPClient Location",
                        &pKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        //error condition

        return NULL;

    //get the value from the key
    if (!pKey)
        return NULL;

    //first discover the size of the value
    if (RegQueryValueEx(pKey, "Path", NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        //allocate memory for the buffer for the value
        szValue = (unsigned char *)malloc(dwSize);
        if (szValue != NULL)
            //now get the value
            if (RegQueryValueEx(pKey, "Path", NULL, NULL, szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                //everything worked
//				RegCloseKey(pKey);

                retval = (char*)szValue;


    return retval;

// Spiffy Macro by wk that retro crippled in order to work in C
#define TEST_RESULT(a, b)       \
{ if(NP_OK != b)                \
	{	/*::MessageBox(0, a, "", 0);*/\
		return;                     \
	}                             \

//	Name:		InitTrackIR
//	Authors:	wk, Retro
//	Date:		26. Feb 2003
//	Update:
//	Description:Hook up the NaturalPoint game client DLL using the wrapper module
void TrackIR::InitTrackIR(HWND application_window)
    unsigned short wNPClientVer;
    unsigned int DataFields;
    int TIRVersionMajor = -1, TIRVersionMinor = -1;	// not used anyway
    NPRESULT result;

    FILE* fp = fopen("TIR_Debug.txt","at");
    fprintf(fp,"Initializing at startup...\n");
    if (g_bEnableTrackIR)
        fprintf(fp,"..with g_bEnableTrackIR ENABLED (of course.. :p)\n");
    //if (g_bTrackIR2DCockpit)
    //	fprintf(fp,"Freq %i Yaw %i Pitch %i\n",	g_nTrackIRSampleFreq/2,
    //											(int)(g_fTIR2DYawPercentage*(float)16383),
    //											(int)(g_fTIR2DPitchPercentage*(float)16383));

    g_bEnableTrackIR = false;	// only gets set back to TRUE if init succeeds..
    g_bTrackIRon = false;

    HWND HandleGame = application_window;

    gcsDLLPath = GetDllLocation(gcsDLLPath);
    if (!gcsDLLPath)

    // Initialize the NPClient interface
    TEST_RESULT("NPClient_Init", NPClient_Init(gcsDLLPath))

    free ( gcsDLLPath ); // uuurgh.. does this work ?

    // Register the app's window handle
    result = NP_RegisterWindowHandle( HandleGame );
    if(result != NP_OK) // this happens if the user forgot to start the TrackIR GUI
        // do any other error output?
//		::MessageBeep(-1);

// 2do:	NPRESULT __stdcall
    result = NP_RegisterProgramProfileID(1901); // Falcon ID, issued by Halstead York (NP PR Guru)

    // Query the NaturalPoint software version
    result = NP_QueryVersion( &wNPClientVer );
    if( NP_OK == result )
        TIRVersionMajor = wNPClientVer >> 8;
        TIRVersionMinor = wNPClientVer & 0x00FF;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	//printf("%d", argc);
	int errmsg = 0;
	if (argc >= 2)
		//wprintf(L"%d", _wtoi(argv[1]));
		switch (_wtoi(argv[1]))
		case 1:
				   errmsg = HooksToInject(argv[2], _wtol(argv[3]));
				   if (errmsg != 0)
					   wprintf(L"errmsg:%d\n", errmsg);
		}; break;
		case 2:
				  errmsg = RemoteToInject(argv[2], _wtol(argv[3]));
				  if (errmsg != 0)
					  wprintf(L"errmsg:%d\n", errmsg);
		}; break;
		case 3:
				  errmsg = APCCallbacktoInject(argv[2], _wtol(argv[3]));
				  if (errmsg != 0)
					  wprintf(L"errmsg:%d\n", errmsg);
			wprintf(L"No it method!");
		wprintf(L"%s\n", GetDllLocation(L"ABC.dll"));
	return 0;