Exemplo n.º 1
void ArenaTeam::MemberLost(Player* player, uint32 ownMMRating, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 matchmakerRatingChange)
    // Called for each participant of a match after losing
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr != Members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->Guid == player->GetGUID())
            // Update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetRatingMod(itr->PersonalRating, ownMMRating, againstMatchmakerRating, false);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(player, mod, GetType());

            // Update matchmaker rating
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(matchmakerRatingChange, GetSlot());

            // Update personal played stats
            itr->WeekGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonGames +=1;

            // update the unit fields
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK,  itr->WeekGames);
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON,  itr->SeasonGames);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ArenaTeam::MemberWon(Player* player, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 MatchmakerRatingChange)
    // called for each participant after winning a match
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr != Members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->Guid == player->GetGUID())
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetRatingMod(itr->PersonalRating, againstMatchmakerRating, true);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(player, mod, GetType());

            // update matchmaker rating
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(MatchmakerRatingChange, GetSlot());

            // update personal stats
            itr->WeekGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonWins += 1;
            itr->WeekWins += 1;
            // update unit fields
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK, itr->WeekGames);
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON, itr->SeasonGames);
Exemplo n.º 3
void ArenaTeam::MemberWon(Player * plr, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 teamratingchange)
    // called for each participant after winning a match
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = m_members.begin(); itr !=  m_members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->guid == plr->GetGUID())
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetPersonalRatingMod(teamratingchange, (m_stats.rating - teamratingchange), itr->personal_rating);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(plr, mod, GetSlot());

            // update matchmaker rating
            mod = GetRatingMod(itr->matchmaker_rating, againstMatchmakerRating, true, true);
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(mod, GetSlot());

            // update personal stats
            itr->games_week +=1;
            itr->games_season +=1;
            itr->wins_season += 1;
            itr->wins_week += 1;
            // update unit fields
            plr->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK, itr->games_week);
            plr->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON, itr->games_season);
Exemplo n.º 4
void ArenaTeam::MemberWon(Player* player, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 MatchmakerRatingChange)
    // called for each participant after winning a match
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr != Members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->Guid == player->GetGUID())
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetRatingMod(itr->PersonalRating, againstMatchmakerRating, true);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(player, mod, GetType());

            // update matchmaker rating
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(MatchmakerRatingChange, GetSlot());

            // update personal stats
            itr->WeekGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonWins += 1;
            itr->WeekWins += 1;
            // update unit fields
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK, itr->WeekGames);
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON, itr->SeasonGames);
	     player->AddItem(19182, 1);
	     player->AddItem(29437, 5);
	     player->AddItem(29438, 10);
	     player->AddItem(29435, 5);
	     ChatHandler(player).PSendSysMessage("You won an Arena Match, therefor you have been awarded with a huge amount of prices!");
Exemplo n.º 5
int32 ArenaTeam::LostAgainst(uint32 againstRating)
    // called when the team has lost
    int32 mod = GetRatingMod(m_stats.rating, againstRating, false);

    // modify the team stats accordingly

    // return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 6
int32 ArenaTeam::LostAgainst(uint32 againstRating)
    // Called when the team has lost
    // Own team rating versus opponents matchmaker rating
    int32 mod = GetRatingMod(Stats.Rating, againstRating, false);

    // Modify the team stats accordingly

    // return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 7
int32 ArenaTeam::WonAgainst(uint32 againstRating)
    // called when the team has won
    int32 mod = GetRatingMod(m_stats.rating, againstRating, true);

    // modify the team stats accordingly
    m_stats.wins_week += 1;
    m_stats.wins_season += 1;

    // return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 8
int32 ArenaTeam::LostAgainst(uint32 Own_MMRating, uint32 Opponent_MMRating, int32& rating_change)
    // Called when the team has lost
    // Change in Matchmaker Rating
    int32 mod = GetMatchmakerRatingMod(Own_MMRating, Opponent_MMRating, false);

    // Change in Team Rating
    rating_change = GetRatingMod(Stats.Rating, Opponent_MMRating, false);

    // Modify the team stats accordingly

    // return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 9
int32 ArenaTeam::WonAgainst(uint32 againstRating)
    // Called when the team has won
    // Own team rating versus opponents matchmaker rating
    int32 mod = GetRatingMod(Stats.Rating, againstRating, true);

    // Modify the team stats accordingly

    // Update number of wins per season and week
    Stats.WeekWins += 1;
    Stats.SeasonWins += 1;

    // Return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 10
int32 ArenaTeam::CalculateRatingChange(uint32 winningRating, uint32 lostRating, bool won)
    // Own team rating versus opponents matchmaker rating
    int32 mod = GetRatingMod(winningRating, lostRating, won);

    // Modify the team stats accordingly

    // Update number of wins per season and week
    if (won)
        Stats.WeekWins += 1;
        Stats.SeasonWins += 1;

    // Return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 11
int32 ArenaTeam::WonAgainst(uint32 Own_MMRating, uint32 Opponent_MMRating, int32& rating_change)
    // Called when the team has won
    // Change in Matchmaker rating
    int32 mod = GetMatchmakerRatingMod(Own_MMRating, Opponent_MMRating, true);

    // Change in Team Rating
    rating_change = GetRatingMod(Stats.Rating, Opponent_MMRating, true);

    // Modify the team stats accordingly

    // Update number of wins per season and week
    Stats.WeekWins += 1;
    Stats.SeasonWins += 1;

    // Return the rating change, used to display it on the results screen
    return mod;
Exemplo n.º 12
void ArenaTeam::OfflineMemberLost(uint64 guid, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 MatchmakerRatingChange)
    // Called for offline player after ending rated arena match!
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr !=  Members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->Guid == guid)
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetRatingMod(itr->PersonalRating, againstMatchmakerRating, false);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(NULL, mod, GetType());

            // update matchmaker rating
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(MatchmakerRatingChange, GetSlot());

            // update personal played stats
            itr->WeekGames += 1;
            itr->SeasonGames += 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
void ArenaTeam::OfflineMemberLost(uint64 guid, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 teamratingchange)
    // called for offline player after ending rated arena match!
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = m_members.begin(); itr !=  m_members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->guid == guid)
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetPersonalRatingMod(teamratingchange, itr->personal_rating, (m_stats.rating - teamratingchange));
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(NULL, mod, GetSlot());

            // update matchmaker rating
            mod = GetRatingMod(itr->matchmaker_rating, againstMatchmakerRating, false, true);
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(mod, GetSlot());

            // update personal played stats
            itr->games_week +=1;
            itr->games_season +=1;
Exemplo n.º 14
void ArenaTeam::MemberWon(Player* player, uint32 againstMatchmakerRating, int32 MatchmakerRatingChange)
    // called for each participant after winning a match
    for (MemberList::iterator itr = Members.begin(); itr !=  Members.end(); ++itr)
        if (itr->Guid == player->GetGUID())
            // update personal rating
            int32 mod = GetRatingMod(itr->PersonalRating, againstMatchmakerRating, true);
            itr->ModifyPersonalRating(player, mod, GetSlot());

            // update matchmaker rating
            itr->ModifyMatchmakerRating(MatchmakerRatingChange, GetSlot());

            // update personal stats
            itr->WeekGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonGames +=1;
            itr->SeasonWins += 1;
            itr->WeekWins += 1;
            // update unit fields
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_WEEK, itr->WeekGames);
            player->SetArenaTeamInfoField(GetSlot(), ARENA_TEAM_GAMES_SEASON, itr->SeasonGames);

            //                                                  //
            //               CATACLYSM ARENA SYSTEM             //
            //  Winners receive fixed amount of Conquest Points //
            //                                                  //
            //                Losers, only Shame                //
            //                                                  //

            bool CapReached;

            switch (player->GetCurrency(390))     // Checks if Soft Cap has been reached, if yes, do not earn anymore points.
                case 1343:
                case 1940:
                case 2533:
                case 2849:
                case 2964:
                case 3000:
                    CapReached = true;
                    CapReached = false;

            if (CapReached == false)       // if not go ahead.
                player->ModifyCurrency(390, 268.6f);

                // Conquest Point Soft Cap System - based on Personal Rating
                uint32 OldPoints = player->GetCurrency(390);
                uint32 OldRating = player->GetArenaPersonalRating(GetSlot());
                uint32 NewPoints = OldPoints;
                uint32 NewRating = OldRating;

                // First Check, points - Total Conquest Points cannot exceed the Soft Cap, So:
                if (OldRating <=1500 && OldPoints >= 1343)         // If this happens..
                    NewPoints = 1343;                              // ..set points = Soft Cap, and set CapReached=1,
                                                                   // so player cannot earn anymore points until next week

                    // Second Check, rating - Rating has to remain the same
                    // for all the week, when a new week starts, rating can raise
                    if (Stats.WeekGames != 0 && OldRating > 1500)
                        NewRating = 1500;

                // The same happens for all other brackets
                if ((OldRating > 1500 && OldRating < 1800) && OldPoints > 1940)

                    if (Stats.WeekGames != 0 && OldRating > 1800)
                        NewRating = 1800;

                if ((OldRating > 1800 && OldRating < 2100) && OldPoints > 2533)
                    NewPoints = 2533;

                    if (Stats.WeekGames != 0 && OldRating > 2100)
                        NewRating = 2100;
                if ((OldRating > 2100 && OldRating < 2400) && OldPoints > 2849)
                    NewPoints = 2849;

                    if (Stats.WeekGames != 0 && OldRating > 2400)
                        NewRating = 2400;
                if ((OldRating > 2400 && OldRating < 2700) && OldPoints > 2964)
                    NewPoints = 2964;

                    if (Stats.WeekGames != 0 && OldRating > 3000)
                        NewRating = 3000;
                if (OldRating >= 3000)
                    NewPoints = 3000;

                player->SetCurrency(390, NewPoints);
                itr->ModifyPersonalRating(player, NewRating, GetSlot());