Exemplo n.º 1
static void L2()
{register object *base=vs_base;
	register object *sup=base+VM2; VC2
	{object V3;
	goto TTL;
	base[7]= (base[5]->c.c_car);
	base[8]= (base[6]->c.c_car);
Exemplo n.º 2
    _unknown_ __eax,                       // r0
    _unknown_ __ebx,                       // r1
    signed int __edx                       // r3
{// addr = 0x08048388
    intOrPtr _v8;                          // _cfa_fffffff8
    _unknown_ _v12;                        // _cfa_fffffff4
    _unknown_ __ebp;                       // r6
    _unknown_ _t7;                         // _t7
    signed int _t9;                        // _t9
    signed int _t11;                       // _t11
    intOrPtr _t12;                         // _t12
    _unknown_ _t13;                        // _t13
    _unknown_ _t14;                        // _t14
    _unknown_ _t15;                        // _t15
    _unknown_ _t16;                        // _t16

    __edx = __edx;
    _t9 = 0 >> 2;
    _t11 = _t9 - 1;
    if(_t9 != 0) {
        while(1) {
             *((intOrPtr*)(134517780 + _t11 * 4))();
            __edx = _t11;
            _t11 = _t11 - 1;
            if(__edx == 0) {
    _t12 = _v8;
    __esp = _t15;
Exemplo n.º 3
	virtual FP Generate()
		nsArch::nsx86::Cx86HLAIntrinsics& HLA( *( dynamic_cast< nsArch::nsx86::Cx86HLAIntrinsics* >( m_pHLA ) ) );
		nsArch::nsx86::CCPU& CPU = dynamic_cast< nsArch::nsx86::CCPU& >( TheMachine()->Logic().CPU() );

		//static const Cmp_unsigned__int32 PAGESIZE = 4096;


		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L1( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L2( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L3( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L4( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L5( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L6( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L7( CPU.newLabel() );
		nsArch::nsx86::CLabel L8( CPU.newLabel() );

		CPU.push( CPU.reg_ebx() );
		CPU.push( CPU.reg_edi() );

		CPU.xor_( CPU.reg_edi(), CPU.reg_edi() );									//result sign assumed positive
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ) );			//Hi Word of dividend
		CPU.or_( CPU.reg_eax(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//test to see if signed
		CPU.jge( L1 );																//skip rest if a is already positive

		CPU.inc( CPU.reg_edi() );													//complement result sign flag bit
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ) );			//Lo Word of dividend
		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_eax() );													//make a positive
		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_edx() );
		CPU.sbb( CPU.reg_eax(), 0 );
		CPU.mov( nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ), CPU.reg_eax() );			//save positive value
		CPU.mov( nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ), CPU.reg_edx() );

	CPU.bind( L1 );

		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 24 ) );			//hi word of b
		CPU.or_( CPU.reg_eax(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//test to see if signed
		CPU.jge( L2 );																//skip rest if b is already positive
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ) );			//lo word of b
		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_eax() );													//make b positive
		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_edx() );
		CPU.sbb( CPU.reg_eax(), 0 );
		CPU.mov( nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 24 ), CPU.reg_eax() );
		CPU.mov( nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ), CPU.reg_edx() );			//save positive value

	CPU.bind( L2 );

		CPU.or_( CPU.reg_eax(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//check to see if divisor < 4194304K
		CPU.jnz( L3 );																//nope, gotta do this the hard way

		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_ecx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ) );			//load divisor
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ) );			//load high word of dividend

		CPU.xor_( CPU.reg_edx(), CPU.reg_edx() );
		CPU.div( CPU.reg_ecx() );													//edx <- remainder

		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ) );			//edx:eax <- remainder:lo word of dividend
		CPU.div( CPU.reg_ecx() );													//edx <- final remainder
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), CPU.reg_edx() );									//edx:eax <- remainder
		CPU.xor_( CPU.reg_edx(), CPU.reg_edx() );									
		CPU.dec( CPU.reg_edi() );													//check result sign flag
		CPU.jns( L4 );																//negate result, restore stack and return
		CPU.jmp( L8 );																//result sign ok, restore stack and return

	CPU.bind( L3 );

		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_ebx(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//ebx:ecx <- divisor
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_ecx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ) );			//load low word of divisor
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ) );			//load high word of dividend
		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ) );			//load low word of dividend

	CPU.bind( L5 );

		CPU.shr( CPU.reg_ebx(), 1 );												//shift divisor right one bit
		CPU.rcr( CPU.reg_ecx(), 1 );
		CPU.shr( CPU.reg_edx(), 1 );												//shift dividend right one bit
		CPU.rcr( CPU.reg_eax(), 1 );
		CPU.or_( CPU.reg_ebx(), CPU.reg_ebx() );
		CPU.jnz( L5 );																//loop until divisor < 4194304K

		CPU.div( CPU.reg_ecx() );													//now divide, ignore remainder

		CPU.mov( CPU.reg_ecx(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//save a copy of quotient in ECX

		CPU.mul( nsArch::nsx86::dword_ptr( CPU.reg_esp(), 24 ) );
		CPU.xchg( CPU.reg_ecx(), CPU.reg_eax() );									//save product, get quotient in EAX
		CPU.mul( nsArch::nsx86::dword_ptr( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ) );
		CPU.add( CPU.reg_edx(), CPU.reg_ecx() );									//EDX:EAX = QUOT * DVSR
		CPU.jc( L6 );																//carry means Quotient is off by 1

		CPU.cmp( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ) );			//compare hi words of result and original
		CPU.ja( L6 );																//if result > original, do subtract
		CPU.jb( L7 );																//if result < original, we are ok
		CPU.cmp( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ) );			// hi words are equal, compare lo words
		CPU.jbe( L7 );																//if less or equal we are ok, else subtract

	CPU.bind( L6 );

		CPU.sub( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 20 ) );			//subtract divisor from result
		CPU.sbb( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 24 ) );

	CPU.bind( L7 );

		CPU.sub( CPU.reg_eax(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 12 ) );			//subtract dividend from result
		CPU.sbb( CPU.reg_edx(), nsArch::nsx86::CMem( CPU.reg_esp(), 16 ) );

		CPU.dec( CPU.reg_edi() );													//check result sign flag
		CPU.jns( L8 );																//result is ok, restore stack and return

	CPU.bind( L4 );

		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_edx() );													//otherwise, negate the result
		CPU.neg( CPU.reg_eax() );
		CPU.sbb( CPU.reg_edx(), 0 );

	CPU.bind( L8 );

		CPU.pop( CPU.reg_edi() );
		CPU.pop( CPU.reg_ebx() );

		CPU.ret( nsArch::nsx86::CImm( 16 ) );

		// Make JIT function.
		FP fn = reinterpret_cast< FP >( CPU.make() );

		// Ensure that everything is ok and write the launchpad
		if( fn )
			m_bGenerated = true;
			if( m_pLaunchPad )
				HLA.WriteLaunchPad( (byte*)fn, m_pLaunchPad );

		return fn;
Exemplo n.º 4

	each symbol is 3x5 => 15 bits
	a-z		offset 0	length 26
	0-9		offset 26	length 10
	#		offset 36	length 1
unsigned short f3x5[] = {
	// A
	L1(011) |
	L2(101) |
	L3(101) |
	L4(111) |
	// B
	L1(110) |
	L2(101) |
	L3(110) |
	L4(101) |
	// C
	L1(011) |
	L2(101) |
	L3(100) |
	L4(100) |