Exemplo n.º 1
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Sample_L(const Scene *scene, float u1, float u2,
		float u3, float u4, Ray *ray, float *pdf) const {
	ray->o = lightPos;
	ray->d = UniformSampleSphere(u1, u2);
	*pdf = UniformSpherePdf();
	return Intensity * Scale(ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 2
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Sample_L(const Scene *scene, const LightSample &ls,
        float u1, float u2, float time, Ray *ray, Normal *Ns, float *pdf) const {
    *ray = Ray(lightPos, UniformSampleSphere(ls.uPos[0], ls.uPos[1]), 0.f, INFINITY, time);
    *Ns = (Normal)ray->d;
    *pdf = UniformSpherePdf();
    return Intensity * Scale(ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 3
Point Sphere::Sample(Float u1, Float u2, Normal *Ns) const {
	Point p = Point(0, 0, 0) + mRad * UniformSampleSphere(u1, u2);
	*Ns = Normalize((*localToWorld)(Normal(p.x, p.y, p.z))); //TODO 这样转换法线正确吗?
	if (ReverseOrientation)
		*Ns *= -1.f;
	return (*localToWorld)(p);
Exemplo n.º 4
void AggregateTest::Render(const Scene *scene) {
    RNG rng;
    ProgressReporter prog(nIterations, "Aggregate Test");
    // Compute bounding box of region used to generate random rays
    BBox bbox = scene->WorldBound();
    bbox.Expand(bbox.pMax[bbox.MaximumExtent()] -
    Point lastHit;
    float lastEps = 0.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
        // Choose random rays, _rayAccel_ and _rayAll_ for testing

        // Choose ray origin for testing accelerator
        Point org(Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.x, bbox.pMax.x),
                  Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.y, bbox.pMax.y),
                  Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.z, bbox.pMax.z));
        if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 4) == 0) org = lastHit;

        // Choose ray direction for testing accelerator
        Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
        if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.x = dir.y = 0.f;
        else if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.x = dir.z = 0.f;
        else if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.y = dir.z = 0.f;

        // Choose ray epsilon for testing accelerator
        float eps = 0.f;
        if (rng.RandomFloat() < .25) eps = lastEps;
        else if (rng.RandomFloat() < .25) eps = 1e-3f;
        Ray rayAccel(org, dir, eps);
        Ray rayAll = rayAccel;

        // Compute intersections using accelerator and exhaustive testing
        Intersection isectAccel, isectAll;
        bool hitAccel = scene->Intersect(rayAccel, &isectAccel);
        bool hitAll = false;
        bool inconsistentBounds = false;
        for (u_int j = 0; j < primitives.size(); ++j) {
            if (bboxes[j].IntersectP(rayAll))
                hitAll |= primitives[j]->Intersect(rayAll, &isectAll);
            else if (primitives[j]->Intersect(rayAll, &isectAll))
                inconsistentBounds = true;

        // Report any inconsistencies between intersections
        if (!inconsistentBounds &&
            ((hitAccel != hitAll) || (rayAccel.maxt != rayAll.maxt)))
            Warning("Disagreement: t accel %.16g [%a] t exhaustive %.16g [%a]\n"
                    "Ray: org [%a, %a, %a], dir [%a, %a, %a], mint = %a",
                    rayAccel.maxt, rayAll.maxt, rayAccel.maxt, rayAll.maxt,
                    rayAll.o.x, rayAll.o.y, rayAll.o.z,
                    rayAll.d.x, rayAll.d.y, rayAll.d.z, rayAll.mint);
        if (hitAll) {
            lastHit = rayAll(rayAll.maxt);
            lastEps = isectAll.RayEpsilon;
Exemplo n.º 5
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Sample_L(const Scene *scene, const LightSample &ls,
        float u1, float u2, Ray *ray, Normal *Ns, float *pdf) const {
    ray->o = lightPos;
    ray->d = UniformSampleSphere(ls.uPos[0], ls.uPos[1]);
    *Ns = (Normal)ray->d;
    *pdf = UniformSpherePdf();
    return Intensity * Scale(ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 6
bool Sphere::Sample(const Point2f &sample, Interaction *it) const {
    Point3f pObj = Point3f(0, 0, 0) + radius * UniformSampleSphere(sample);
    it->n = Normalize((*ObjectToWorld)(Normal3f(pObj.x, pObj.y, pObj.z)));
    if (ReverseOrientation) it->n *= -1.f;
    Vector3f pObjError =
        16.f * MachineEpsilon * Vector3f(radius, radius, radius);
    it->p = (*ObjectToWorld)(pObj, pObjError, &it->pError);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Sample_L(const Point2f &sample1,
                                         const Point2f &sample2, Float time,
                                         Ray *ray, Normal3f *Ns, Float *pdfPos,
                                         Float *pdfDir) const {
    *ray = Ray(pLight, UniformSampleSphere(sample1), Infinity, time, 0, medium);
    *Ns = (Normal3f)ray->d;
    *pdfPos = 1.f;
    *pdfDir = UniformSpherePdf();
    return intensity * Scale(ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 8
Spectrum PointLight::Sample_Le(const Point2f &u1, const Point2f &u2, Float time,
                               Ray *ray, Normal3f *nLight, Float *pdfPos,
                               Float *pdfDir) const {
    *ray = Ray(pLight, UniformSampleSphere(u1), Infinity, time,
    *nLight = (Normal3f)ray->d;
    *pdfPos = 1;
    *pdfDir = UniformSpherePdf();
    return I;
Exemplo n.º 9
Spectrum AreaLight::Sample_L(const Scene *scene, float u1,
		float u2, float u3, float u4,
		Ray *ray, float *pdf) const {
	Normal ns;
	ray->o = shape->Sample(u1, u2, &ns);
	ray->d = UniformSampleSphere(u3, u4);
	if (Dot(ray->d, ns) < 0.) ray->d *= -1;
	*pdf = shape->Pdf(ray->o) * INV_TWOPI;
	return L(ray->o, ns, ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 10
Interaction Sphere::Sample(const Point2f &u) const {
    Interaction it;
    Point3f pObj = Point3f(0, 0, 0) + radius * UniformSampleSphere(u);
    it.n = Normalize((*ObjectToWorld)(Normal3f(pObj.x, pObj.y, pObj.z)));
    if (reverseOrientation) it.n *= -1.f;
    // Reproject _pObj_ to sphere surface and compute _pObjError_
    pObj *= radius / Distance(pObj, Point3f(0, 0, 0));
    Vector3f pObjError = gamma(5) * Abs((Vector3f)pObj);
    it.p = (*ObjectToWorld)(pObj, pObjError, &it.pError);
    return it;
Exemplo n.º 11
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Sample_Le(const Point2f &u1, const Point2f &u2,
                                          Float time, Ray *ray,
                                          Normal3f *nLight, Float *pdfPos,
                                          Float *pdfDir) const {
    *ray = Ray(pLight, UniformSampleSphere(u1), Infinity, time, 0,
    *nLight = (Normal3f)ray->d;
    *pdfPos = 1.f;
    *pdfDir = UniformSpherePdf();
    return intensity * Scale(ray->d);
Exemplo n.º 12
Spectrum InfiniteAreaLightIS::Sample_L(const Scene *scene,
		float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4,
		Ray *ray, float *pdf) const {
	// Choose two points _p1_ and _p2_ on scene bounding sphere
	Point worldCenter;
	float worldRadius;
	worldRadius *= 1.01f;
	Point p1 = worldCenter + worldRadius *
		UniformSampleSphere(u1, u2);
	Point p2 = worldCenter + worldRadius *
		UniformSampleSphere(u3, u4);
	// Construct ray between _p1_ and _p2_
	ray->o = p1;
	ray->d = Normalize(p2-p1);
	// Compute _InfiniteAreaLightIS_ ray weight
	Vector to_center = Normalize(worldCenter - p1);
	float costheta = AbsDot(to_center,ray->d);
	*pdf =
		costheta / ((4.f * M_PI * worldRadius * worldRadius));
	return Le(RayDifferential(ray->o, -ray->d));
// AmbientOcclusionIntegrator Method Definitions
Spectrum AmbientOcclusionIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene, const Renderer *renderer,
        const RayDifferential &ray, const Intersection &isect,
        const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena, int wavelength) const {

    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena, wavelength);
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    Normal n = Faceforward(isect.dg.nn, -ray.d);

    uint32_t scramble[2] = { rng.RandomUInt(), rng.RandomUInt() };
    float u[2];
    int nClear = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
        Sample02(i, scramble, u);
        Vector w = UniformSampleSphere(u[0], u[1]);
        if (Dot(w, n) < 0.) w = -w;
        Ray r(p, w, .01f, maxDist);
        if (!scene->IntersectP(r)) ++nClear;
    return Spectrum(float(nClear) / float(nSamples));
Exemplo n.º 14
// sample a ray from light
Spectrum PointLight::sample_l( const LightSample& ls , Ray& r , float* pdfW , float* pdfA , float* cosAtLight ) const
    // sample a new ray
	r.m_fMin = 0.0f;
	r.m_fMax = FLT_MAX;
	r.m_Ori = light_pos;
	r.m_Dir = UniformSampleSphere( ls.u , ls.v );

    // product of pdf of sampling a point w.r.t surface area and a direction w.r.t direction
	if( pdfW )
        *pdfW = UniformSpherePdf();
    // pdf w.r.t surface area
	if( pdfA )
        *pdfA = 1.0f;
    if( cosAtLight )
        *cosAtLight = 1.0f;

	return intensity;
Exemplo n.º 15
Point Sphere::Sample(float u1, float u2, Normal *ns) const {
    Point p = Point(0,0,0) + radius * UniformSampleSphere(u1, u2);
    *ns = Normalize((*ObjectToWorld)(Normal(p.x, p.y, p.z)));
    if (ReverseOrientation) *ns *= -1.f;
    return (*ObjectToWorld)(p);
Exemplo n.º 16
void SurfacePointTask::Run() {
    // Declare common variables for _SurfacePointTask::Run()_
    RNG rng(37 * taskNum);
    MemoryArena arena;
    vector<SurfacePoint> candidates;
    while (true) {
        int pathsTraced, raysTraced = 0;
        for (pathsTraced = 0; pathsTraced < 20000; ++pathsTraced) {
            // Follow ray path and attempt to deposit candidate sample points
            Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
            Ray ray(origin, dir, 0.f, INFINITY, time);
            while (ray.depth < 30) {
                // Find ray intersection with scene geometry or bounding sphere
                bool hitOnSphere = false;
                auto optIsect = scene.Intersect(ray);
                if (!optIsect) {
                    optIsect = sphere.Intersect(ray);
                    if (!optIsect)
                    hitOnSphere = true;
                DifferentialGeometry &hitGeometry = optIsect->dg;
                hitGeometry.nn = Faceforward(hitGeometry.nn, -ray.d);

                // Store candidate sample point at ray intersection if appropriate
                if (!hitOnSphere && ray.depth >= 3 &&
                    optIsect->GetBSSRDF(RayDifferential(ray), arena) != NULL) {
                    float area = M_PI * (minSampleDist / 2.f) * (minSampleDist / 2.f);
                    candidates.push_back(SurfacePoint(hitGeometry.p, hitGeometry.nn,
                                                      area, optIsect->rayEpsilon));

                // Generate random ray from intersection point
                Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
                dir = Faceforward(dir, hitGeometry.nn);
                ray = Ray(hitGeometry.p, dir, ray, optIsect->rayEpsilon);
        // Make first pass through candidate points with reader lock
        vector<bool> candidateRejected;
        RWMutexLock lock(mutex, READ);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
            PoissonCheck check(minSampleDist, candidates[i].p);
            octree.Lookup(candidates[i].p, check);

        // Make second pass through points with writer lock and update octree
        if (repeatedFails >= maxFails)
        totalPathsTraced += pathsTraced;
        totalRaysTraced += raysTraced;
        int oldMaxRepeatedFails = maxRepeatedFails;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
            if (candidateRejected[i]) {
                // Update for rejected candidate point
                maxRepeatedFails = max(maxRepeatedFails, repeatedFails);
                if (repeatedFails >= maxFails)
            else {
                // Recheck candidate point and possibly add to octree
                SurfacePoint &sp = candidates[i];
                PoissonCheck check(minSampleDist, sp.p);
                octree.Lookup(sp.p, check);
                if (check.failed) {
                    // Update for rejected candidate point
                    maxRepeatedFails = max(maxRepeatedFails, repeatedFails);
                    if (repeatedFails >= maxFails)
                else {
                    repeatedFails = 0;
                    Vector delta(minSampleDist, minSampleDist, minSampleDist);
                    octree.Add(sp, BBox(sp.p-delta, sp.p+delta));
                    PBRT_SUBSURFACE_ADDED_POINT_TO_OCTREE(&sp, minSampleDist);

        // Stop following paths if not finding new points
        if (repeatedFails > oldMaxRepeatedFails) {
            int delta = repeatedFails - oldMaxRepeatedFails;
        if (totalPathsTraced > 50000 && numPointsAdded == 0) {
            Warning("There don't seem to be any objects with BSSRDFs "
                    "in this scene.  Giving up.");
        candidates.erase(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
Exemplo n.º 17
void CreateRadianceProbes::Render(const Scene *scene) {
    // Compute scene bounds and initialize probe integrators
    if (bbox.pMin.x > bbox.pMax.x)
        bbox = scene->WorldBound();
    surfaceIntegrator->Preprocess(scene, camera, this);
    volumeIntegrator->Preprocess(scene, camera, this);
    Sample *origSample = new Sample(NULL, surfaceIntegrator, volumeIntegrator,

    // Compute sampling rate in each dimension
    Vector delta = bbox.pMax - bbox.pMin;
    int nProbes[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        nProbes[i] = max(1, Ceil2Int(delta[i] / probeSpacing));

    // Allocate SH coefficient vector pointers for sample points
    int count = nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2];
    Spectrum **c_in = new Spectrum *[count];
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        c_in[i] = new Spectrum[SHTerms(lmax)];

    // Compute random points on surfaces of scene

    // Create scene bounding sphere to catch rays that leave the scene
    Point sceneCenter;
    float sceneRadius;
    scene->WorldBound().BoundingSphere(&sceneCenter, &sceneRadius);
    Transform ObjectToWorld(Translate(sceneCenter - Point(0,0,0)));
    Transform WorldToObject(Inverse(ObjectToWorld));
    Reference<Shape> sph = new Sphere(&ObjectToWorld, &WorldToObject,
        true, sceneRadius, -sceneRadius, sceneRadius, 360.f);
    Reference<Material> nullMaterial = Reference<Material>(NULL);
    GeometricPrimitive sphere(sph, nullMaterial, NULL);
    vector<Point> surfacePoints;
    uint32_t nPoints = 32768, maxDepth = 32;
    surfacePoints.reserve(nPoints + maxDepth);
    Point pCamera = camera->CameraToWorld(camera->shutterOpen,
                                          Point(0, 0, 0));
    RNG rng;
    while (surfacePoints.size() < nPoints) {
        // Generate random path from camera and deposit surface points
        Point pray = pCamera;
        Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
        float rayEpsilon = 0.f;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxDepth; ++i) {
            Ray ray(pray, dir, rayEpsilon, INFINITY, time);

            Intersection isect;
            if (!scene->Intersect(ray, &isect) &&
                !sphere.Intersect(ray, &isect))


            DifferentialGeometry &hitGeometry = isect.dg;
            pray = isect.dg.p;
            rayEpsilon = isect.rayEpsilon;
            hitGeometry.nn = Faceforward(hitGeometry.nn, -ray.d);

            dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
            dir = Faceforward(dir, hitGeometry.nn);

    // Launch tasks to compute radiance probes at sample points
    vector<Task *> tasks;
    ProgressReporter prog(count, "Radiance Probes");
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        tasks.push_back(new CreateRadProbeTask(i, nProbes, time,
                                   bbox, lmax, includeDirectInProbes,
                                   includeIndirectInProbes, nIndirSamples,
                                   prog, origSample, surfacePoints,
                                   scene, this, c_in[i]));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i)
        delete tasks[i];

    // Write radiance probe coefficients to file
    FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
    if (f) {
        if (fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", lmax, includeDirectInProbes?1:0, includeIndirectInProbes?1:0) < 0 ||
            fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", nProbes[0], nProbes[1], nProbes[2]) < 0 ||
            fprintf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", bbox.pMin.x, bbox.pMin.y, bbox.pMin.z,
                    bbox.pMax.x, bbox.pMax.y, bbox.pMax.z) < 0) {
            Error("Error writing radiance file \"%s\" (%s)", filename.c_str(),

        for (int i = 0; i < nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < SHTerms(lmax); ++j) {
                fprintf(f, "  ");
                if (c_in[i][j].Write(f) == false) {
                    Error("Error writing radiance file \"%s\" (%s)", filename.c_str(),
                fprintf(f, "\n");
            fprintf(f, "\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < nProbes[0] * nProbes[1] * nProbes[2]; ++i)
        delete[] c_in[i];
    delete[] c_in;
    delete origSample;