int declarewinner(chess *q) { int n; if(q->state == WHITE) { clear(); init_pair(13, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(13)); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 4, COLS /2 - 4, "BLACK WINS"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 2, COLS /2 - 6, "Want to resume?"); mvprintw(LINES / 2, COLS /2 - 5,"1. Yes 2. No"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 + 2, COLS /2 - 5, "Enter choice"); curs_set(1); mvscanw(LINES / 2 + 4, COLS /2, "%d", &n); curs_set(0); refresh(); display(stdscr, q); if(n == 1) { undoredo(q, "undo"); undoredo(q, "undo"); display(stdscr, q); return 0; } else { savefile(q); getch(); return 1; } } else { clear(); init_pair(13, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(13)); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 4, COLS /2 - 4, "WHITE WINS"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 2, COLS /2 - 6, "Want to resume?"); mvprintw(LINES / 2, COLS /2 - 5,"1. Yes 2. No"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 + 2, COLS /2 - 5, "Enter choice"); /* mvprintw(22, 110, "Want to resume?"); */ /* mvprintw(24, 110, "1. Yes 2. No"); */ /* mvprintw(26, 110, "Enter choice"); */ /* mvwaddch(win, 26, 123, ':'); */ curs_set(1); mvscanw(LINES / 2 + 4, COLS / 2, "%d", &n); curs_set(0); refresh(); display(stdscr, q); if(n == 1) { undoredo(q, "undo"); undoredo(q, "undo"); display(stdscr, q); return 0; } else { savefile(q); getch(); return 1; } } }
void intro() { clear(); init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); /*Setting backgrnd and foregrnd*/ bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); attron(A_BOLD); init_pair(2,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK); /*Setting borders*/ attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); border(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0); refresh(); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(2)); refresh(); init_pair(3,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK); attron(COLOR_PAIR(3)); refresh(); mvaddstr(2,60," ~*~*~*~*~* WELCOME *~*~*~*~*~"); /*Printing main menu*/ attroff(COLOR_PAIR(3)); refresh(); mvaddstr(5,48,"Please select an option"); mvaddstr(7,48,"1. Add books"); mvaddstr(9,48,"2. Display books"); mvaddstr(11,48,"3. Search a book"); mvaddstr(13,48,"4. Delete a record"); mvaddstr(15,48,"5. Edit a record"); mvaddstr(17,48,"6. Issue a book"); mvaddstr(19,48,"7. View issued books"); mvaddstr(21,48,"8. Return a book"); mvaddstr(23,48,"9. Close application"); refresh(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->menuButton->hide(); ui->mapList->hide(); ui->menuBar->hide(); ui->offset_box->hide(); ui->label->hide(); ui->delay->hide(); ui->label_2->hide(); QDir setting(QDir::currentPath()); setting.mkdir("songs"); QPixmap bkgd(":/images/images/title.png"); bkgd=bkgd.scaled(this->size(),Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); QPalette palette; palette.setBrush(QPalette::Background,bkgd); this->setPalette(palette); QDir dir_map; QString map_path=dir_map.currentPath()+"/songs"; dir_map.setPath(map_path); ui->mapList->addItems(dir_map.entryList(QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)); if(ui->mapList->count()>0) ui->mapList->setCurrentItem(ui->mapList->item(0)); }
//ncursesで色を使う初期化 void init_mycolor() { /* start_colorは色属性を使用するときは最初に必ず実行する. * initscrの直後に実行するのがよい習慣らしい. */ if(has_colors() == FALSE || start_color() == ERR){ endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "has_colors or start_color failure\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* 色のペアを作る */ // 黒 init_pair(PRINT_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); // 赤 init_pair(PRINT_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); // 黄色 init_pair(PRINT_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_WHITE); // 緑 init_pair(PRINT_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE); // 青 init_pair(PRINT_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE); // シアン init_pair(PRINT_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_WHITE); // 背景赤、文字黒 init_pair(BACK_RED, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); // デフォルト色設定 bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(PRINT_BLACK)); }
int declaredraw(chess *q, char *str) { int n; mvprintw(23, 110, "%s", str); getch(); clear(); init_pair(13, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(13)); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 4, COLS /2 - 1, "DRAW"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 - 2, COLS /2 - 6, "Want to resume?"); mvprintw(LINES / 2, COLS /2 - 5,"1. Yes 2. No"); mvprintw(LINES / 2 + 2, COLS /2 - 5, "Enter choice"); curs_set(1); mvscanw(LINES / 2 + 4, COLS /2, "%d", &n); curs_set(0); refresh(); if(n == 1) { undoredo(q, "undo"); undoredo(q, "undo"); display(stdscr, q); return 0; } else { q->enable = DISABLE; savefile(q); return 1; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { initScreen(); //初始化屏幕 initColor(); //初始化颜色 bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1));//给背景设定颜色 box(stdscr, 0, 0); //画边框 editWin = newwin(LINES-4, COLS-4, 3, 2); wbkgd(editWin, COLOR_PAIR(2)); wattron(editWin, COLOR_PAIR(3)); //当前使用该色彩 box(editWin, 0, 0); wattroff(editWin, COLOR_PAIR(3)); //不使用该色彩了 wattron(editWin,COLOR_PAIR(7)); initMenu(); //初始化菜单 draw_main_menu(stdscr); //画菜单 initList(); //初始化链表 while(isOn){ wnoutrefresh(stdscr); wnoutrefresh(editWin); doupdate(); drawMenuList(0, 0); touchwin(editWin); wrefresh(editWin); } exitScreen(); //退出函数 return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { WINDOW *sonny; initscr(); refresh(); start_color(); // remember to check for errors init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW); /* create subwindow */ sonny = subwin(stdscr, 5, 20, 10, 30); if(sonny == NULL) { addstr("Unable to create subwindow\n"); endwin(); return 1; } /* colour windows and splash some text */ bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); addstr("Hello, son."); wbkgd(sonny, COLOR_PAIR(2)); waddstr(sonny, "Hello, Dad."); refresh(); getch(); endwin(); return 0; }
void Controller::draw() { int max_y, max_x; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); clear(); std::string blank_line = String::get_padded_string("", max_x, ' '); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(0)); attron(COLOR_PAIR(HEADING_PAIR)); if (!timer.is_stopped() && !timer.is_done()) { mvprintw(max_y - 2, 0, blank_line.c_str()); std::string song_heading = + " Time: " + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(timer.get_time_remaining())); mvprintw(max_y - 2, 0, song_heading.c_str()); } mvprintw(0, 0, blank_line.c_str()); std::string heading = ! ? "In room " + : "OpenPlugServer"; mvprintw(0, 0, heading.c_str()); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(HEADING_PAIR)); attron(COLOR_PAIR(TEXT_PAIR)); messages.draw(1, 0, max_y - 2, max_x); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(HEADING_PAIR)); mvprintw(max_y - 1, 0, current_line.c_str()); refresh(); }
void help() { //Print da tela de ajuda ao jogador. FILE *help_file; char *line; int i; int op; line = (char*) malloc (COLUNAS * sizeof(char)); help_file = fopen("help.sprite", "r"); i = 0; clear(); init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); fgets(line, COLUNAS, help_file); while(!feof(help_file)) { mvprintw(i, 0, line); refresh(); i++; fgets(line, COLUNAS, help_file); } while(1) { op = getch(); if(op == 104 || op == 112) { break; } } }
int main() { WINDOW *menubar, *statusbar, *about; int key; init_scr(); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); menubar = subwin(stdscr, 1, 80, 0, 0); statusbar = subwin(stdscr, 1, 79, 23, 1); make_menubar(menubar); move(2, 1); printw("Press 'a' or 'h' to open the menus. "); printw("ESC or 'q' quits."); refresh(); while(1) { WINDOW **menu_items; int selected_item; key = getch(); werase(statusbar); wrefresh(statusbar); if (key == 'a') { menu_items=file_menu_list(0); selected_item = scroll_menu(menu_items, 4, 20, 0); delete_menu(menu_items, 5); if (selected_item < 0) wprintw(statusbar, "You haven't selected any item"); else wprintw(statusbar, "You have selected menu item %d.", selected_item); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); } if (key == 'h') { menu_items=help_menu_list(20); selected_item = scroll_menu(menu_items, 2, 0, 1); delete_menu(menu_items, 3); if (selected_item == 1) { about_window(); } if (selected_item < 0) wprintw(statusbar, "You haven't selected any item"); } if (key == ESCAPE || key == 'q') { if (check_quit() == 1) break; } touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); } endwin(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dj:m:o:t:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': d_option = TRUE; break; case 'j': j_value = atoi(optarg); if (j_value < NO_JUSTIFICATION || j_value > JUSTIFY_RIGHT) usage(); break; case 'm': m_value = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': o_value = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': t_value = optarg; break; default: usage(); } } initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); raw(); nonl(); /* lets us read ^M's */ intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); if (has_colors()) { start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); bkgd((chtype) COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); } demo_forms(); endwin(); ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void setupscreen() { bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); clear(); // poke the display so that it doesn't assume black bg... attron(COLOR_PAIR(4)); move(0, 0); addch(' '); // reset to 'normal' attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); }
void MainWindow::setbg() { QPixmap bkgd(":/images/images/title.png"); bkgd=bkgd.scaled(this->size(),Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); QPalette palette; palette.setBrush(QPalette::Background,bkgd); this->setPalette(palette); ui->label->show(); ui->label_2->show(); ui->offset_box->show(); ui->delay->show(); }
void render_init(void) { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); curs_set(FALSE); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); }
int init_terminal_ncurses(char *color, char *bcolor, int predefcol, int predefbgcol) { struct cols col, bgcol; initscr(); curs_set(0); timeout(0); noecho(); start_color(); use_default_colors(); double magic = 1000 / 255.0; int colp = 0, bgcolp = 0; col = parse_color(color); bgcol = parse_color(bcolor); if (col.col == -2) { init_color(1, (int)(col.R * magic), (int)(col.G * magic), (int)(col.B * magic)); } if (bgcol.col == -2) { init_color(2, (int)(bgcol.R * magic), (int)(bgcol.G * magic), (int)(bgcol.B * magic)); } switch (col.col) { case -2: colp = 1; break; case -1: colp = DEFAULTCOL; break; default: colp = predefcol; } switch (bgcol.col) { case -2: bgcolp = 2; break; case -1: bgcolp = DEFAULTBGCOL; break; default: bgcolp = predefbgcol; } init_pair(1, colp, bgcolp); if (bgcolp != -1) bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); // attron(A_BOLD); return 0; }
int main(void) { int flag=0; initscr(); atexit(quit); clear(); noecho(); curs_set(0); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, 1); start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(3, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW); win1 = newwin(10, 25, 5, 10); win2 = newwin(10, 25, 10, 15); box(win1, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); box(win2, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); pan1 = new_panel(win1); pan2 = new_panel(win2); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); wbkgd(win1, COLOR_PAIR(2)); wbkgd(win2, COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvaddstr(2,4, "F9 beendet das Programm"); mvwaddstr(win1, 2, 3, "Druecke eine Taste"); mvwaddstr(win2, 7, 3, "Druecke eine Taste"); update_panels(); doupdate(); while(getch() != KEY_F(9)) { if (flag==0) { top_panel(pan1); flag = 1; } else { top_panel(pan2); flag = 0; } update_panels(); doupdate(); } return (0); }
int main(void) { int ch; initscr(); atexit(quit); start_color(); clear(); noecho(); curs_set(0); cbreak(); nl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); //set stdscr red init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); // refresh(); loadConfig("config.cfg"); clear(); getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x); box(stdscr,0,0); if (y > 30 && configFile::getInstance()->getContents("printLogo") != "false") { titleWin = newwin(7,x-2,1,1); pluginWin = newwin(y-2-7,x-2,8,1); box(titleWin,0,0); printTitle(); } else pluginWin = stdscr; box(pluginWin,0,0); refresh(); if (titleWin != NULL) wrefresh(titleWin); wrefresh(pluginWin); listModules(); return (0); }
int init_terminal_ncurses(int col, int bgcol) { initscr(); curs_set(0); timeout(0); noecho(); start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1, col, bgcol); if(bgcol != -1) bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); // attron(A_BOLD); return 0; }
int main(void) { chtype ch,a; char bgchar; int bgcolor,x; short fore,back; char colors[8][8] = { "Black", "Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Blue", "Magenta", "Cyan", "White" }; char attribs[15][11] = { "Standout", "Underline", "Reverse", "Blink", "Dim", "Bold", "AltChar", "Invis", "Protect", "Horizontal", "Left", "Low", "Right", "Top", "Vertical" }; a = 0x10000; initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLUE); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD); ch = getbkgd(stdscr); bgchar = (ch & A_CHARTEXT); /* Read character */ bgcolor = (ch & A_COLOR) >> 8; /* Read color pair */ pair_content(bgcolor,&fore,&back); /* Read colors */ printw("Background chtype is 0x%04x\n",ch); printw("Background character is 0x%02x or '%c'\n",\ bgchar,bgchar); printw("Background color pair is %d\n",bgcolor); printw("\tForeground color is %s\n",colors[fore]); printw("\tBackground color is %s\n",colors[back]); addstr("Other attributes found:\n"); for(x=0; x<15; x++) { if(a & ch) printw("%s\n",attribs[x]); a <<= 1; } refresh(); getch(); endwin(); return 0; }
void readfromfile(chess *q) { int fdr; int i = 1, x, n; int j = 0; char c = '\t'; clear(); init_pair(11, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(11)); if(i == 1) { fdr = open("MovesList1.txt", O_RDONLY, S_IRWXU); if(fdr == -1) { printw("Error opening the file MovesList.txt\n"); exit(1); } } while(1) { x = read(fdr, &n, sizeof(int)); if(x == 0 || x == -1) { break; } printw("%d", n); x = read(fdr, &c, 1); if(x == 0 || x == -1) { break; } printw("%c", c); x = read(fdr, &c, 1); if(x == 0 || x == -1) { break; } while(c != '\0') { printw("%c", c); x = read(fdr, &c, 1); } x = read(fdr, &c, 1); if(x == 0 || x == -1) { break; } printw("%c", c); if(c == '+') { printw(" "); } } refresh(); getch(); display(stdscr, q); }
/* * Setup and run the interactive portion of the program. */ void screen_start(void) { if (initscr() == 0) /* should return a "WINDOW *" */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #if HAVE_KEYPAD keypad(stdscr, TRUE); #endif #if HAVE_DEFINE_KEY define_key("\033Ok", '+'); define_key("\033Ol", ','); define_key("\033Om", '-'); define_key("\033On", '.'); define_key("\033Op", '0'); define_key("\033Oq", '1'); define_key("\033Or", '2'); define_key("\033Os", '3'); define_key("\033Ot", '4'); define_key("\033Ou", '5'); define_key("\033Ov", '6'); define_key("\033Ow", '7'); define_key("\033Ox", '8'); define_key("\033Oy", '9'); define_key("\033OM", '\n'); #endif #if defined(COLOR_BLUE) && defined(COLOR_WHITE) && HAVE_COLOR_PAIR if (has_colors()) { start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); /* normal */ SetColors(1); #if HAVE_BKGD bkgd(CURRENT_COLOR); #endif } #endif #if HAVE_TYPEAHEAD typeahead(-1); /* disable typeahead */ #endif #if SYS_MSDOS && defined(F_GRAY) && defined(B_BLUE) wattrset(stdscr, F_GRAY | B_BLUE); /* patch for old PD-Curses */ #endif raw(); nonl(); noecho(); set_screensize(); }
void printgen() { /*Prints genre menu*/ int y, x; clear(); init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); attron(A_BOLD); for(x = 44; x < 100; x++) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); printw("*"); move(0, x); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } for(y = 0; y < 11; y++) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); printw("*"); move(y, 44); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } for(x = 44; x < 100; x++) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); printw("*"); move(11, x); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } for(y = 0; y < 11; y++) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); printw("*"); move(y, 100); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } init_pair(2,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK); attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); border(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0); refresh(); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(2)); refresh(); mvaddstr(2,60," ----- SELECT GENRES -----"); mvaddstr(4,48,"1. Fiction"); mvaddstr(5,48,"2. Non-fiction"); mvaddstr(6,48,"3. Reference"); mvaddstr(7,48,"4. Self-help"); mvaddstr(8,48,"5. Back to main menu"); mvaddstr(9,48,"Enter your choice:"); refresh(); }
void *reset(void *dummy) { while(1) { // waiting user input getchar(); split(); // reset black color bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(2)); refresh(); newmessage = 0; // mark all as read db_query(db, "UPDATE notifications SET read = 1"); } return dummy; }
static void init(t_game *game) { game->menubar = NULL; game->win = NULL; game->msgbar = NULL; game->menulist = NULL; game->scorelist = NULL; init_array(game); start_color(); curs_set(0); init_pair(1, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(4, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); refresh(); }
int main (void) { int tab[DIM_JEU][DIM_JEU], key, int_jeu_2048, score=0; char continuer='y'; srand(time(NULL)); init_curses(); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); affiche_menu(); key=getch(); while(key!=ESCAPE) { if(key == KEY_F(2)) { clear(); affiche_menu(); InitJeu(tab, &score); do { int_jeu_2048 = jeu_2048(tab, &score); if(int_jeu_2048 == 3) { move(4,0); printw(" Vous avez atteint l'objectif ! \n"); printw(" Vous voulez continuer? (y/n) "); continuer = SaisieOuiNon(); } } while (continuer == 'y' && int_jeu_2048 > 1); if(int_jeu_2048 == 0) printw(" Vouz avez perdu. \n"); if(int_jeu_2048 == 1) printw(" Vouz ne pouvez plus retasser. \n"); } key=getch(); } endwin(); return 0; }
int main(void) { WINDOW *bob; initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(2,COLOR_RED,COLOR_WHITE); bob = newwin(0,0,0,0); wbkgd(bob,COLOR_PAIR(2)); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); waddstr(bob,"Hello from the window bob!\n"); waddstr(bob,"I like long walks and romantic candlelit dinners.\n"); waddstr(bob,"Press Enter to return to the standard screen.\n"); addstr("This is the standard screen.\n"); addstr("To see the window bob, press the Enter key:\n"); refresh(); getch(); wrefresh(bob); getch(); addstr("Welcome back to the standard screen (kinda).\n"); addstr("To see the whole window bob, press Enter.\n"); refresh(); getch(); waddstr(bob,"Thanks!\n"); waddstr(bob,"Press Enter to see the whole standard screen.\n"); touchwin(bob); wrefresh(bob); getch(); touchwin(stdscr); refresh(); getch(); endwin(); return 0; }
void start_page() { //Inicio da pagina do game. FILE *start_game; char *line; int i; char load_start_game[] = "start_game.sprite"; line = (char*) malloc (COLUNAS * sizeof(char)); start_game = fopen(load_start_game, "r"); i = 0; init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); fgets(line, COLUNAS, start_game); while(!feof(start_game)) { mvwprintw(stdscr, i, 0, line); wrefresh(stdscr); i++; fgets(line, COLUNAS, start_game); } fclose(start_game); wgetch(stdscr); }
int main(void) { initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLUE); addstr("This is the standard screen as it normally appears.\n"); addstr("The cursor is synchronized ->"); refresh(); getch(); leaveok(stdscr,TRUE); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); addstr("\n\nThe cursor is now not being updated.\n"); addstr("This means that it's position could be anywhere.\n"); refresh(); getch(); endwin(); return 0; }
/* init_curses: Initializes curses and sets up the terminal properly. * ------------ * * Return Value: Zero on success, non-zero on failure. */ static int init_curses() { if (putenv("ESCDELAY=0") == -1) fprintf(stderr, "(%s:%d) putenv failed\r\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ if ((curses_colors = has_colors())) { start_color(); #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION use_default_colors(); #else bkgdset(0); bkgd(COLOR_WHITE); #endif } refresh(); /* Refresh the initial window once */ curses_initialized = 1; return 0; }
void gameover(char **tela, int score_global) { ///Finaliza o jogo mostrando o score. int op, i, count; FILE *score_file; char line[30]; score_t score; write_screen(tela, score_global); clear(); show_score(score_global); count = 0; init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW); bkgd(COLOR_PAIR(1)); score_file = fopen("score.sprite", "r"); while(!feof(score_file)) { fgets(line, COLUNAS, score_file); mvprintw(count, 0, "%s", line); count++; } fclose(score_file); score_file = fopen("score.txt", "r"); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { fgets(line, 30, score_file); sscanf(line, "%s %d %d %d %d", score.nome, &score.dia, &score.mes, &score.ano, &score.score); mvprintw(i + (count + 2), 0, "%d. %s %d/%d/%d %d ", (i + 1), score.nome, score.dia, score.mes, score.ano, score.score); } fclose(score_file); refresh(); while (1) { op = getch(); if(op == KEY_UP) { score_global = 0; tela = init_screen(COLUNAS, LINHAS); game_init(tela); } } }