Exemplo n.º 1
/// \brief  Prints out a string using this font, beginning with the baseline
///         at the origin.
/// \param  text The string to print.
/// \param  color The base color to modulate by the font texture.
void TextureFont::print(const std::string& text, const color4& color) const
    vec2 cursor; // where the current character should be drawn
    F32 scale_x = 1.0f / texture_.getDimensions().x;
    F32 scale_y = 1.0f / texture_.getDimensions().y;

    for (char c : text)
        const TextureFontCharacter& ch = (*this)[c];

        // vertices
        vec2 top_left(cursor + ch.character_offset);
        vec2 bottom_right(top_left.x + ch.texture_dimensions.x, top_left.y - ch.texture_dimensions.y);
        vec2 tex_top_left(ch.texture_offset);
        vec2 tex_bottom_right(tex_top_left + ch.texture_dimensions);
        tex_top_left.x *= scale_x; tex_bottom_right.x *= scale_x;
        tex_top_left.y *= scale_y; tex_bottom_right.y *= scale_y;

        cursor.x += ch.character_advance;



        glTexCoord2fv(glm::value_ptr(tex_top_left));        glVertex2fv(glm::value_ptr(top_left));
        glTexCoord2f(tex_top_left.x, tex_bottom_right.y);   glVertex2f(top_left.x, bottom_right.y);
        glTexCoord2fv(glm::value_ptr(tex_bottom_right));     glVertex2fv(glm::value_ptr(bottom_right));
        glTexCoord2f(tex_bottom_right.x, tex_top_left.y);   glVertex2f(bottom_right.x, top_left.y);

Exemplo n.º 2
void detectAndRecognize( Mat frame, Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model )
	std::vector<Rect> faces;
	Mat frame_gray;

	cvtColor( frame, frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );
	//equalizeHist( frame_gray, frame_gray );

	//-- Detect faces
	face_cascade.detectMultiScale( frame_gray, faces, 1.1, 2, 0|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, Size(30, 30) );
	for( size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++ )
		Point bottom_right(faces[i].x + faces[i].width,faces[i].y + faces[i].height);
		Point center( faces[i].x + faces[i].width*0.5, faces[i].y + faces[i].height*0.5 );
		ellipse( frame, center, Size( faces[i].width*0.5, faces[i].height*0.5), 0, 0, 360, Scalar( 255, 0, 255 ), 4, 8, 0 );

		Mat to_rec = frame_gray( faces[i] );

		Mat rgb_to_rec;
		cvtColor( to_rec, rgb_to_rec, CV_GRAY2BGR );

		int predictLabel=-1;
		double confidence=0.;
		//printf("confidence: %lf\n",confidence);

		if(predictLabel==-1) continue;
 		string class_name=g_trainer.label(predictLabel);

		Mat avatar=imread(string("data/")+class_name+"/"+class_name+".avatar");
#ifndef FACE_DEBUG
// 		if(!avatar.empty())
// 		{
// 			int w=min(max(frame.cols-1-bottom_right.x,0),avatar.cols),
// 				h=min(max(frame.rows-1-bottom_right.y,0),avatar.rows);
//  			cv::Rect avatar_roi( bottom_right, cv::Size(w,h));
//  			avatar(Rect(Point(0,0),Size(w,h))).copyTo( frame(avatar_roi) );
// 		}		
		putText(frame,class_name,bottom_right,FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, cvScalar(250,20,10),3);

	//-- Show what you got
	imshow( CAPTURE_WND_NAME, frame );
Exemplo n.º 3
worksheet::const_iterator worksheet::cend() const
    auto dimensions = calculate_dimension();
    auto past_end_row_index = dimensions.get_bottom_right().get_row() + 1;
    cell_reference bottom_left(dimensions.get_top_left().get_column_index(), past_end_row_index);
    cell_reference bottom_right(dimensions.get_bottom_right().get_column_index(), past_end_row_index);
    return const_iterator(*this, range_reference(bottom_left, bottom_right), major_order::row);
Exemplo n.º 4
// rotate_large constructs the containing bounding box of all 4
// corners after rotating them. It therefore guarantees that all
// original content is contained within, but also slightly enlarges the box.
void TBOX::rotate_large(const FCOORD& vec) {
  ICOORD top_left(bot_left.x(), top_right.y());
  ICOORD bottom_right(top_right.x(), bot_left.y());
  TBOX box2(top_left, bottom_right);
  *this += box2;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * From given list of configurations, convert them into affine matrices.
  * But filter out all the rectangles that are out of the given boundaries.
 vector<Mat> FAsTMatch::configsToAffine( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, vector<bool>& insiders ) {
     int no_of_configs = static_cast<int>(configs.size());
     vector<Mat> affines( no_of_configs );
     /* The boundary, between -10 to image size + 10 */
     Point2d top_left( -10., -10. );
     Point2d bottom_right( image.cols + 10, image.rows + 10 );
     /* These are for the calculations of affine transformed corners */
     int r1x  = 0.5 * ( templ.cols  - 1),
         r1y  = 0.5 * ( templ.rows - 1),
         r2x  = 0.5 * ( image.cols  - 1),
         r2y  = 0.5 * ( image.rows - 1);
     Mat corners = (Mat_<float>(3, 4) <<
                    1-(r1x+1), templ.cols-(r1x+1), templ.cols-(r1x+1),  1-(r1x+1),
                    1-(r1y+1), 1-(r1y+1)         , templ.rows-(r1y+1), templ.rows-(r1y+1),
                    1.0      , 1.0               , 1.0               , 1.0 );
     Mat transl = (Mat_<float>(4, 2) <<
                   r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
                   r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
                   r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
                   r2x + 1, r2y + 1 );
     insiders.assign( no_of_configs, false );
     /* Convert each configuration to corresponding affine transformation matrix */
     tbb::parallel_for( 0, no_of_configs, 1, [&](int i) {
         Mat affine = configs[i].getAffineMatrix();
         /* Check if our affine transformed rectangle still fits within our boundary */
         Mat affine_corners = (affine * corners).t();
         affine_corners =  affine_corners + transl;
         if( WITHIN( affine_corners.at<Point2f>(0), top_left, bottom_right) &&
             WITHIN( affine_corners.at<Point2f>(1), top_left, bottom_right) &&
             WITHIN( affine_corners.at<Point2f>(2), top_left, bottom_right) &&
             WITHIN( affine_corners.at<Point2f>(3), top_left, bottom_right) ) {
             affines[i]  = affine;
             insiders[i] = true;
     /* Filter out empty affine matrices (which initially don't fit within the preset boundary) */
     /* It's done this way, so that I could parallelize the loop */
     vector<Mat> result;
     for( int i = 0; i < no_of_configs; i++ ) {
         if( insiders[i] )
             result.push_back( affines[i] );
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * \brief Do one step in the progression of the item.
 * \param elapsed_time Elapsed time since the last call.
void bear::camera_on_object::progress_fit_items
( bear::universe::time_type elapsed_time )
  unsigned int nb_objects(0);
  bear::universe::position_type top_left(get_center_of_mass());
  bear::universe::position_type bottom_right(get_center_of_mass());

  handle_list::const_iterator it;
  handle_list remaining_objects;

  for ( it = m_objects.begin(); it != m_objects.end(); ++it )
    if ( (*it).get() != NULL )
        if ( (*it)->get_left() < top_left.x )
          top_left.x = (*it)->get_left();

        if ( (*it)->get_right() > bottom_right.x )
          bottom_right.x = (*it)->get_right();

        if ( (*it)->get_top() > top_left.y )
          top_left.y = (*it)->get_top();

        if ( (*it)->get_bottom() < bottom_right.y )
          bottom_right.y = (*it)->get_bottom();


  std::swap(m_objects, remaining_objects);

  if ( nb_objects != 0 )
      universe::position_type center((top_left + bottom_right) /2);
      adjust_position( center , elapsed_time );

      universe::size_type r_init = get_default_size().x / get_default_size().y;
      universe::coordinate_type w(bottom_right.x - top_left.x + 200);
      universe::coordinate_type h(top_left.y  - bottom_right.y + 200*r_init);

      if ( w > h*r_init )
        set_wanted_size(universe::size_box_type(w, w/r_init));
        set_wanted_size(universe::size_box_type(h*r_init, h));
} // camera_on_object::progress_fit_items()
Exemplo n.º 7
	void initialize() override
		const auto size = windowDimensions();
		linear_scale<float, float> window_scale(0, 1000, 0, size.x);
		linear_scale<float, float> lower_bottom(0, size.x, 5 * size.y / 6, 5 * size.y / 6);
		linear_scale<float, float> lower_top(0, size.x, 2 * size.y / 3, size.y / 6);
		linear_scale<float, float> upper_bottom(0, size.x, size.y / 3, 5 * size.y / 6);
		linear_scale<float, float> upper_top(0, size.x, size.y / 6, size.y / 6);
		linear_scale<float, float> x_scale(0, std::sqrt(size.x), 0, size.x);
		linear_color_scale<float> color_scale(0, size.x, sf::Color(128, 128, 128), sf::Color::Black);
		linear_scale<float, float> size_scale(0, size.x, 1, 6);

		const unsigned num_rects(15);
		sf::RectangleShape rect(sf::Vector2f(window_scale(100), window_scale(20)));
		rect.setOrigin(window_scale(50), window_scale(10));

		sf::Vector2f top_left(0, 0);
		sf::Vector2f bottom_right(std::sqrt(size.x), size.y);
		for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_rects; ++i)
			float x = x_scale(randuniform(0, std::sqrt(size.x)));
			float scale = size_scale(x);
			rect.setScale(scale, scale);
			float y = linear_scale<float, float>(0, size.y, upper_top(x), upper_bottom(x))(randuniform(0, size.y));
			rect.setPosition(x, y);
			y = linear_scale<float, float>(0, size.y, lower_top(x), lower_bottom(x))(randuniform(0, size.y));
			rect.setPosition(x, y);
		std::sort(rects.begin(), rects.end(), [](const sf::RectangleShape& lhs, const sf::RectangleShape& rhs)
			return lhs.getPosition().x > rhs.getPosition().x;

Exemplo n.º 8
glm::ivec2 MRegion::bottom_left() const
    return glm::ivec2(top_left().x, bottom_right().y);
void MyRendererTFEditor_TFE::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
	QPainter painter( this );
	painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false );

	int		s_w			= this->size().width();
	int		s_h			= this->size().height();
	std::vector < TFEMarker > mrks;

	// remove isomarker for convienence
	TFEMarkers tfe_markers = m_tfe_markers;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < tfe_markers.markers.size() ; )
		if( tfe_markers.markers.at( i ).b_iso )
			tfe_markers.delMarker( i );
		else i++;
	mrks = tfe_markers.markers;

	// paint tranfer function indirectly via tf markers
	for( int i = 0 ; i < mrks.size() - 1 ; i++ )
		QPoint bottom_left(		rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at( i ).x,		0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w, s_h );
		QPoint top_left(		rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at( i ).x,		0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w, ( 1 - mrks.at( i ).color_right.alphaF() ) * s_h );
		QPoint bottom_right(	rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at( i+1 ).x,	0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w, s_h );
		QPoint top_right(		rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at( i+1 ).x,	0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w, ( 1 - mrks.at( i+1 ).color_left.alphaF() ) * s_h );
		QPoint points[] = {	top_right,
							top_left };

		QLinearGradient gradient( bottom_left, bottom_right );
		gradient.setColorAt( 0,	mrks.at( i ).color_right );
		gradient.setColorAt( 1,	mrks.at( i+1 ).color_left );

		painter.setPen( Qt::transparent );
		painter.setBrush( gradient );
		painter.drawPolygon( points, 4 );

	// paint histogram
	//for( int i = 0 ; i < TF_SIZE ; i++ )
	//	int x_rescaled = int(rescale( 0, s_w - 1, i, m_display_min * ( TF_SIZE - 1 ), m_display_max * ( TF_SIZE - 1 ) ));
	//	// paint histogram
	//	painter.setPen( QColor( 185, 185, 185,  75 ) );
	//	painter.drawLine( QLineF(	i,
	//								s_h,
	//								i,
	//								s_h - m_histogram[x_rescaled] * s_h ) );
	painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
	mrks = m_tfe_markers.markers;

	// paint markers
	for( int i = 1 ; i < mrks.size() - 1 ; i++ )
		float rect_center_x = ( rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at(i).x, 0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w );
		float rect_center_y;
		QColor color_marker;
		int size_mark = 3;

		// paint vertical lines for iso marker
		if( mrks.at( i ).b_iso )
			painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false );
			painter.setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 50 ) );
			painter.drawLine( QLineF( rect_center_x - 1, s_h, rect_center_x - 1, 0 ) );
			painter.drawLine( QLineF( rect_center_x + 1, s_h, rect_center_x + 1, 0 ) );
			painter.setPen( mrks.at( i ).color_left );
			painter.drawLine( QLineF( rect_center_x, s_h, rect_center_x, 0 ) );
			painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
		// draw markers
		rect_center_y = ( s_h - mrks.at(i).color_left.alpha() * s_h / 255.0 );
		color_marker = mrks.at(i).color_left;
		color_marker.setAlpha( 255 );

		if( mrks.at(i).color_left == mrks.at(i).color_right )
			painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark - 1, rect_center_y - size_mark - 1, 2*size_mark + 3 , 2*size_mark + 3 ) );
			painter.setPen( color_marker );	painter.setBrush( QBrush( color_marker ) );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );
			painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark - 1, rect_center_y - size_mark - 1, 2*size_mark + 3 , 2*size_mark + 3 ) );
			painter.setPen( color_marker );	painter.setBrush( QBrush( color_marker ) );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );
			rect_center_y = ( s_h - mrks.at(i).color_right.alpha() * s_h / 255.0 );
			color_marker = mrks.at(i).color_right;
			color_marker.setAlpha( 255 );
			painter.setPen( Qt::black ); painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark - 1, rect_center_y - size_mark - 1, 2*size_mark + 3 , 2*size_mark + 3 ) );
			painter.setPen( color_marker );	painter.setBrush( QBrush( color_marker ) );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );

	// draw white circle around selected marker
	if( m_tfe_marker_selected != 0 )
		float rect_center_x = rescale( m_display_min, m_display_max, mrks.at(m_tfe_marker_selected).x, 0.0, 1.0 ) * s_w;
		float rect_center_y;
		int size_mark = 5;

		painter.setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 50 ) ); 
		painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );

		rect_center_y = s_h - mrks.at(m_tfe_marker_selected).color_left.alpha() * s_h / 255.0;

		if( mrks.at( m_tfe_marker_selected ).color_left == mrks.at( m_tfe_marker_selected ).color_right )
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );
			rect_center_y = s_h - mrks.at(m_tfe_marker_selected).color_right.alpha() * s_h / 255.0;
			painter.drawEllipse( QRectF( rect_center_x - size_mark, rect_center_y - size_mark, 2*size_mark + 1 , 2*size_mark + 1 ) );
	// draw translucent white divisions
	int count_divisions;

	count_divisions = 20;
	for( int i = 1; i < count_divisions; i++ )
		float tenth = s_w / float( count_divisions );
		painter.setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 65 ) );
		painter.drawLine( QLineF( tenth * i, 0, tenth * i, s_h ) );
		painter.drawText( QPoint( tenth* i + 4, s_h - 3 ), tr( "%1" ).arg( m_display_min + ( m_display_max - m_display_min ) * i / count_divisions, 0, 'f', 2 ) );

	count_divisions = 5;
	for( int i = 1; i < count_divisions; i++ )
		float fourth = s_h / float( count_divisions );
		painter.setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 65 ) );
		painter.drawLine( QLineF( 0, fourth * i, s_w, fourth * i ) );

	// paint black rectangular border
	painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false );
	painter.setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0, 50 ) );
	painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
	painter.drawRect( 0, 0, s_w - 1, s_h - 1 );
Exemplo n.º 10
osg::Node* createSubloadWall(osg::BoundingBox& bb)
    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group;
    // left hand side of bounding box.
    osg::Vec3 top_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 top_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());
    osg::Vec3 center((bb.xMax()+bb.xMin())*0.5f,bb.yMax(),(bb.zMin()+bb.zMax())*0.5f);    
    float height = bb.zMax()-bb.zMin();
    // create the geometry for the wall.
    osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;
    osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(4);
    (*vertices)[0] = top_left;
    (*vertices)[1] = bottom_left;
    (*vertices)[2] = bottom_right;
    (*vertices)[3] = top_right;
    osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);

    osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(1);
    osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);

    geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS,0,4));
    osg::Geode* geom_geode = new osg::Geode;
    // set up the texture state.    
    osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D;
    texture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); // protect from being optimized away as static state.
    osg::StateSet* stateset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
    // create the text label.
    osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;
    osg::Geode* text_geode = new osg::Geode;
    osg::StateSet* text_stateset = text_geode->getOrCreateStateSet();
    text_stateset->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::PolygonOffset(-1.0f,-1.0f),osg::StateAttribute::ON);

    // set the update callback to cycle through the various min and mag filter modes.
    group->setUpdateCallback(new ImageUpdateCallback(texture,text));
    return group;
Exemplo n.º 11
double Camera::bbToDetection(const Vector<double>& bbox, Vector<double>& pos3D, double ConvertScale, double& dist)
//    pos3D.clearContent();

    double x = bbox(0);
    double y = bbox(1);
    double w = bbox(2);
    double h = bbox(3);

    // bottom_left and bottom_right are the point of the BBOX
    Vector<double> bottom_left(3, 1.0);
    bottom_left(0) = x + w/2.0;
    bottom_left(1) = y + h;

    Vector<double> bottom_right(3, 1.0);
    bottom_right(0) = x + w;
    bottom_right(1) = y + h;

    Vector<double> ray_bot_left_1;
    Vector<double> ray_bot_left_2;

    Vector<double> ray_bot_right_1;
    Vector<double> ray_bot_right_2;

    // Backproject through base point
    getRay(bottom_left, ray_bot_left_1, ray_bot_left_2);
    getRay(bottom_right, ray_bot_right_1, ray_bot_right_2);

    Vector<double> gpPointLeft;
    Vector<double> gpPointRight;

    // Intersect with ground plane
    intersectPlane(GPN_, GPD_, ray_bot_left_1, ray_bot_left_2, gpPointLeft);
    intersectPlane(GPN_, GPD_, ray_bot_right_1, ray_bot_right_2, gpPointRight);

    // Find top point
    Vector<double> ray_top_1;
    Vector<double> ray_top_2;

    Vector<double> aux(3, 1.0);
    aux(0) = x;
    aux(1) = y;

    getRay(aux, ray_top_1, ray_top_2);

    // Vertical plane through base points + normal
    Vector<double> point3;
    point3 = gpPointLeft;
    point3 -= (GPN_);
    Vector<double> vpn(3,0.0);
    Vector<double> diffGpo1Point3;
    Vector<double> diffGpo2Point3;

    diffGpo1Point3 = gpPointLeft;
    diffGpo1Point3 -=(point3);

    diffGpo2Point3 = gpPointRight;
    diffGpo2Point3 -= point3;

    vpn = cross(diffGpo1Point3,diffGpo2Point3);
    double vpd = (-1.0)*DotProduct(vpn, point3);

    Vector<double> gpPointTop;
    intersectPlane(vpn, vpd, ray_top_1, ray_top_2, gpPointTop);

    // Results
    gpPointTop -= gpPointLeft;

    // Compute Size
    double dSize = gpPointTop.norm();

    // Compute Distance
    aux = t_;
    aux -= gpPointLeft;
    dist = aux.norm();

    dist = dist * ConvertScale;
    if(gpPointLeft(2) < t_(2)) dist = dist * (-1.0);
    // Compute 3D Position of BBOx
    double posX = gpPointLeft(0) * ConvertScale;
    double posY = gpPointLeft(1) * ConvertScale;
    double posZ = gpPointLeft(2) * ConvertScale;

    pos3D(0) = (posX);
    pos3D(1) = (posY);
    pos3D(2) = (posZ);

    return dSize * ConvertScale;

Exemplo n.º 12
 //!  Creates a bounding box encompassing the vector to \a p
 bounding_box (const point< T >& p)
   tl_ = top_left     (point< T > (), p);
   br_ = bottom_right (point< T > (), p);
Exemplo n.º 13
int MRegion::height() const {
    return top_left().y - bottom_right().y;
Exemplo n.º 14
int MRegion::width() const {
    return bottom_right().x - top_left().x;
Exemplo n.º 15

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Tiles.size(); ++i )
        Tile &tile( m_Tiles[ i ] );
        Ogre::Vector2   top_left ( tile.x, -tile.y );
        Ogre::Vector2   top_right( tile.x + tile.width, top_left.y );
        Ogre::Vector2   bottom_right( top_right.x, -( tile.y + tile.height ) );
        Ogre::Vector2   bottom_left( top_left.x, bottom_right.y );

        virtualScreenToWorldSpace( top_left );
        virtualScreenToWorldSpace( top_right );
        virtualScreenToWorldSpace( bottom_right );
        virtualScreenToWorldSpace( bottom_left );

        float new_x1 = top_left.x;
        float new_y1 = top_left.y;

        float new_x2 = top_right.x;
        float new_y2 = top_right.y;

        float new_x3 = bottom_right.x;
        float new_y3 = bottom_right.y;

        float new_x4 = bottom_left.x;
        float new_y4 = bottom_left.y;

        Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertex_buffer;

        if( m_Tiles[ i ].blending == QGears::B_ALPHA )
            vertex_buffer = m_AlphaVertexBuffer;
        else if( m_Tiles[ i ].blending == QGears::B_ADD )
            vertex_buffer = m_AddVertexBuffer;

        float* writeIterator = ( float* )vertex_buffer->lock( Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL );

        writeIterator += m_Tiles[ i ].start_vertex_index * TILE_VERTEX_INDEX_SIZE;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x1;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y1;
        writeIterator += 7;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x2;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y2;
        writeIterator += 7;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x3;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y3;
        writeIterator += 7;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x1;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y1;
        writeIterator += 7;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x3;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y3;
        writeIterator += 7;

        *writeIterator++ = new_x4;
        *writeIterator++ = new_y4;


Exemplo n.º 16
osg::Node* createRectangle(osg::BoundingBox& bb,
                           const std::string& filename)
    osg::Vec3 top_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 top_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());

    // create geometry
    osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;

    osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(4);
    (*vertices)[0] = top_left;
    (*vertices)[1] = bottom_left;
    (*vertices)[2] = bottom_right;
    (*vertices)[3] = top_right;

    osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);
    (*texcoords)[0].set(0.0f, 0.0f);
    (*texcoords)[1].set(1.0f, 0.0f);
    (*texcoords)[2].set(1.0f, 1.0f);
    (*texcoords)[3].set(0.0f, 1.0f);

    osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(1);
    geom->setNormalArray(normals, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

    osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);
    geom->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

    geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4));

    // disable display list so our modified tex coordinates show up

    // load image
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> img = osgDB::readRefImageFile(filename);

    // setup texture
    osg::TextureRectangle* texture = new osg::TextureRectangle(img);

    osg::TexMat* texmat = new osg::TexMat;

    // setup state
    osg::StateSet* state = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
    state->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
    state->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texmat, osg::StateAttribute::ON);

    // turn off lighting
    state->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);

    // install 'update' callback
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;
    geode->setUpdateCallback(new TexturePanCallback(texmat));

    return geode;
Exemplo n.º 17
Background2D::AddTile( const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, const float depth, const float u1, const float v1, const float u2, const float v2, const Blending blending )
    Ogre::RenderOperation render_op;
    Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertex_buffer;
    unsigned int max_vertex_count;

    if( blending == QGears::B_ALPHA )
        render_op = m_AlphaRenderOp;
        vertex_buffer = m_AlphaVertexBuffer;
        max_vertex_count = m_AlphaMaxVertexCount;
    else if( blending == QGears::B_ADD )
        render_op = m_AddRenderOp;
        vertex_buffer = m_AddVertexBuffer;
        max_vertex_count = m_AddMaxVertexCount;
        LOG_ERROR( "Unknown blending type." );

    if( render_op.vertexData->vertexCount + TILE_VERTEX_COUNT > max_vertex_count )
        LOG_ERROR( "Max number of tiles reached. Can't create more than " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString( max_vertex_count / TILE_VERTEX_COUNT ) + " tiles." );

    Tile tile;
    tile.x = x;
    tile.y = y;
    tile.width = width;
    tile.height = height;
    tile.start_vertex_index = render_op.vertexData->vertexCount;
    tile.blending = blending;
    size_t index( m_Tiles.size() );
    m_Tiles.push_back( tile );

    Ogre::Vector2   top_left ( x, -y );
    Ogre::Vector2   top_right( x + width, top_left.y );
    Ogre::Vector2   bottom_right( top_right.x, -( y + height ) );
    Ogre::Vector2   bottom_left( top_left.x, bottom_right.y );

    virtualScreenToWorldSpace( top_left );
    virtualScreenToWorldSpace( top_right );
    virtualScreenToWorldSpace( bottom_right );
    virtualScreenToWorldSpace( bottom_left );

    float new_x1 = top_left.x;
    float new_y1 = top_left.y;

    float new_x2 = top_right.x;
    float new_y2 = top_right.y;

    float new_x3 = bottom_right.x;
    float new_y3 = bottom_right.y;

    float new_x4 = bottom_left.x;
    float new_y4 = bottom_left.y;

    float* writeIterator = ( float* )vertex_buffer->lock( Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL );
    writeIterator += render_op.vertexData->vertexCount * TILE_VERTEX_INDEX_SIZE;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x1;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y1;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u1;
    *writeIterator++ = v1;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x2;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y2;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u2;
    *writeIterator++ = v1;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x3;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y3;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u2;
    *writeIterator++ = v2;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x1;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y1;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u1;
    *writeIterator++ = v1;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x3;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y3;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u2;
    *writeIterator++ = v2;

    *writeIterator++ = new_x4;
    *writeIterator++ = new_y4;
    *writeIterator++ = depth;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = 1;
    *writeIterator++ = u1;
    *writeIterator++ = v2;

    render_op.vertexData->vertexCount += TILE_VERTEX_COUNT;

Exemplo n.º 18
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_openscenegraph_osg_core_Geode_nativeGetTextureRectangle2(
		JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong cptr, jlong imagecptr,
		jfloat width, jfloat height)
	osg::Geode *geode = reinterpret_cast<osg::Geode *>(cptr);
	osg::Image *image = reinterpret_cast<osg::Image *>(imagecptr);

	osg::BoundingBox bb(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,width,height,0.0f);

	osg::Vec3 top_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());
	osg::Vec3 bottom_left(bb.xMin(),bb.yMin(),bb.zMax());
	osg::Vec3 bottom_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMin(),bb.zMax());
	osg::Vec3 top_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());

	// create geometry
	osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;

	osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(6);
	(*vertices)[0] = top_left;
	(*vertices)[1] = bottom_left;
	(*vertices)[2] = bottom_right;
	(*vertices)[3] = bottom_right;
	(*vertices)[4] = top_right;
	(*vertices)[5] = top_left;

	osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(6);
	(*texcoords)[0].set(0.0f, 0.0f);
	(*texcoords)[1].set(0.0f, 1.0f);
	(*texcoords)[2].set(1.0f, 1.0f);
	(*texcoords)[3].set(1.0f, 1.0f);
	(*texcoords)[4].set(1.0f, 0.0f);
	(*texcoords)[5].set(0.0f, 0.0f);

	osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(1);

	osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);

	geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6));

	// disable display list so our modified tex coordinates show up

	// setup texture
	osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D(image);


	/*/////////////////////kookmin start/////////////////////*/

	// setup state
		osg::StateSet* state = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
		state->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON);

	/*/////////////////////kookmin start/////////////////////*/

	// turn off lighting
	state->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);

Exemplo n.º 19
int MRegion::right() const {
    return bottom_right().x;
Exemplo n.º 20
 //!  Creates a bounding box encompassing the vector from \a p1 to \a p2
 bounding_box (const point< T >& p1, const point< T >& p2)
   tl_ = top_left     (p1, p2);
   br_ = bottom_right (p1, p2);
Exemplo n.º 21
int MRegion::bottom() const {
    return bottom_right().y;
Exemplo n.º 22
osg::Node* createWrapWall(osg::BoundingBox& bb,const std::string& filename)
    osg::Group* group = new osg::Group;

    // left hand side of bounding box.
    osg::Vec3 top_left(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMax());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_left(bb.xMax(),bb.yMax(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 bottom_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMin(),bb.zMin());
    osg::Vec3 top_right(bb.xMax(),bb.yMin(),bb.zMax());
    osg::Vec3 center(bb.xMax(),(bb.yMin()+bb.yMax())*0.5f,(bb.zMin()+bb.zMax())*0.5f);
    float height = bb.zMax()-bb.zMin();

    // create the geometry for the wall.
    osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;

    osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(4);
    (*vertices)[0] = top_left;
    (*vertices)[1] = bottom_left;
    (*vertices)[2] = bottom_right;
    (*vertices)[3] = top_right;

    osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);

    osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(1);
    geom->setNormalArray(normals, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

    osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);
    geom->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

    geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS,0,4));

    osg::Geode* geom_geode = new osg::Geode;

    // set up the texture state.
    osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D;
    texture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); // protect from being optimized away as static state.
    texture->setBorderColor(osg::Vec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.5f)); // only used when wrap is set to CLAMP_TO_BORDER

    osg::StateSet* stateset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();

    // create the text label.

    osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

    osg::Geode* text_geode = new osg::Geode;

    osg::StateSet* text_stateset = text_geode->getOrCreateStateSet();
    text_stateset->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::PolygonOffset(-1.0f,-1.0f),osg::StateAttribute::ON);


    // set the update callback to cycle through the various min and mag filter modes.
    group->setUpdateCallback(new WrapCallback(texture,text));

    return group;

Exemplo n.º 23
 virtual ng::vertex_list3 map() const
     auto r = bounding_box();
     return ng::vertex_list3{ r.top_left().to_vector3(), r.top_right().to_vector3(), r.bottom_right().to_vector3(), r.bottom_left().to_vector3() };
// Generates the clipping region for an element.
bool ElementUtilities::GetClippingRegion(Vector2i& clip_origin, Vector2i& clip_dimensions, Element* element)
	clip_origin = Vector2i(-1, -1);
	clip_dimensions = Vector2i(-1, -1);
	int num_ignored_clips = element->GetClippingIgnoreDepth();
	if (num_ignored_clips < 0)
		return false;

	// Search through the element's ancestors, finding all elements that clip their overflow and have overflow to clip.
	// For each that we find, we combine their clipping region with the existing clipping region, and so build up a
	// complete clipping region for the element.
	Element* clipping_element = element->GetParentNode();

	while (clipping_element != NULL)
		// Merge the existing clip region with the current clip region if we aren't ignoring clip regions.
		if (num_ignored_clips == 0 && clipping_element->IsClippingEnabled())
			// Ignore nodes that don't clip.
			if (clipping_element->GetClientWidth() < clipping_element->GetScrollWidth()
				|| clipping_element->GetClientHeight() < clipping_element->GetScrollHeight())
				Vector2f element_origin_f = clipping_element->GetAbsoluteOffset(Box::CONTENT);
				Vector2f element_dimensions_f = clipping_element->GetBox().GetSize(Box::CONTENT);
				Vector2i element_origin(Math::RealToInteger(element_origin_f.x), Math::RealToInteger(element_origin_f.y));
				Vector2i element_dimensions(Math::RealToInteger(element_dimensions_f.x), Math::RealToInteger(element_dimensions_f.y));
				bool clip_x = element->GetProperty(OVERFLOW_X)->Get< int >() != OVERFLOW_VISIBLE;
				bool clip_y = element->GetProperty(OVERFLOW_Y)->Get< int >() != OVERFLOW_VISIBLE;
				ROCKET_ASSERT(!clip_x || !clip_y || (clip_x && clip_y));
				if( !( clip_x && clip_y ) )
					clip_x = true;
					clip_y = true;
				//END TODO

				if (!clip_x)
					element_origin.x = 0;
					element_dimensions.x = clip_dimensions.x < 0 ? element->GetContext()->GetDimensions().x : clip_dimensions.x;
				else if (!clip_y)
					element_origin.y = 0;
					element_dimensions.y = clip_dimensions.y < 0 ? element->GetContext()->GetDimensions().y : clip_dimensions.y;
				if (clip_dimensions == Vector2i(-1, -1))
					clip_origin = element_origin;
					clip_dimensions = element_dimensions;
					Vector2i top_left(Math::Max(clip_origin.x, element_origin.x),
									  Math::Max(clip_origin.y, element_origin.y));
					Vector2i bottom_right(Math::Min(clip_origin.x + clip_dimensions.x, element_origin.x + element_dimensions.x),
										  Math::Min(clip_origin.y + clip_dimensions.y, element_origin.y + element_dimensions.y));
					clip_origin = top_left;
					clip_dimensions.x = Math::Max(0, bottom_right.x - top_left.x);
					clip_dimensions.y = Math::Max(0, bottom_right.y - top_left.y);

		// If this region is meant to clip and we're skipping regions, update the counter.
		if (num_ignored_clips > 0)
			if (clipping_element->IsClippingEnabled())

		// Determine how many clip regions this ancestor ignores, and inherit the value. If this region ignores all
		// clipping regions, then we do too.
		int clipping_element_ignore_clips = clipping_element->GetClippingIgnoreDepth();
		if (clipping_element_ignore_clips < 0)
		num_ignored_clips = Math::Max(num_ignored_clips, clipping_element_ignore_clips);

		// Climb the tree to this region's parent.
		clipping_element = clipping_element->GetParentNode();
	return clip_dimensions.x >= 0 && clip_dimensions.y >= 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
	vertex_list3 sprite::map() const
		auto r = bounding_box();
		return vertex_list3{{ r.top_left().to_vector3(), r.top_right().to_vector3(), r.bottom_right().to_vector3(), r.bottom_left().to_vector3() }};
Exemplo n.º 26
std::vector< std::vector<c_tikz_obj*> > c_polygon::split(const c_polygon& against) const {

    std::vector< std::vector<c_tikz_obj*> > ret(3);

    // Check each point individually

    char loc_a, loc_b, loc_c;

    loc_a = utils::is_located(a, against);
    loc_b = utils::is_located(b, against);
    loc_c = utils::is_located(c, against);

    // Check if we're above or below or inside
    if (loc_a == loc_b && loc_b == loc_c) {
        return ret;

    // Check if point a is barely touching
    if (loc_a == 1 && loc_b == loc_c) {
        return ret;

    // Check if point b is barely touching
    if (loc_b == 1 && loc_a == loc_c) {
        return ret;

    // Check if point c is barely touching
    if (loc_c == 1 && loc_b == loc_a) {
        return ret;

    // Check if a and b are barely touching
    if (loc_a == 1 && loc_b == 1) {
        return ret;

    // Check if a and c are barely touching
    if (loc_a == 1 && loc_c == 1) {
        return ret;

    // Check if b and c are barely touching
    if (loc_b == 1 && loc_c == 1) {
        return ret;

    // Check if 1 point touching, one above, one below
    if (loc_a == 1 || loc_b == 1 || loc_c == 1) {
        c_line line;
        c_point split1, split2;
        if (loc_a == 1) {
            split1 = b;
            split2 = c;
        if (loc_b == 1) {
            split1 = a;
            split2 = c;
        if (loc_c == 1) {
            split1 = a;
            split2 = b;

        line.set_points(split1, split2);

        // Split the line
        real split_pos = utils::get_split_point(line, against);

        c_point split_point = split1*split_pos + split2*(1-split_pos);

        c_polygon * polygon1 = (c_polygon*) this->clone();
        c_polygon * polygon2 = (c_polygon*) this->clone();

        if (loc_a == 1) {
            polygon1->a = a;
            polygon1->b = b;
            polygon1->c = split_point;
            polygon2->a = a;
            polygon2->b = c;
            polygon2->c = split_point;
        if (loc_b == 1) {
            polygon1->a = b;
            polygon1->b = c;
            polygon1->c = split_point;
            polygon2->a = b;
            polygon2->b = a;
            polygon2->c = split_point;
        if (loc_c == 1) {
            polygon1->a = c;
            polygon1->b = b;
            polygon1->c = split_point;
            polygon2->a = c;
            polygon2->b = a;
            polygon2->c = split_point;


        return ret;

    // Remaining cases: Two points above, one point below
    c_line line1, line2;
    bool two_above;

    if (loc_a == 0 && loc_b == 2 && loc_c == 2) {
        // Split ba and ca against the polygon
        line1.set_points(b, a);
        line2.set_points(c, a);
        two_above = true;

    if (loc_a == 2 && loc_b == 0 && loc_c == 2) {
        // Split ab and cb against the polygon
        line1.set_points(a, b);
        line2.set_points(c, b);
        two_above = true;

    if (loc_a == 2 && loc_b == 2 && loc_c == 0) {
        // Split ac and bc against the polygon
        line1.set_points(a, c);
        line2.set_points(b, c);
        two_above = true;

    if (loc_a == 2 && loc_b == 0 && loc_c == 0) {
        // Split ba and ca against the polygon
        line1.set_points(b, a);
        line2.set_points(c, a);
        two_above = false;

    if (loc_a == 0 && loc_b == 2 && loc_c == 0) {
        // Split ab and cb against the polygon
        line1.set_points(a, b);
        line2.set_points(c, b);
        two_above = false;

    if (loc_a == 0 && loc_b == 0 && loc_c == 2) {
        // Split ac and bc against the polygon
        line1.set_points(a, c);
        line2.set_points(b, c);
        two_above = false;

    std::vector< std::vector<c_tikz_obj*> > line1_split(3);
    std::vector< std::vector<c_tikz_obj*> > line2_split(3);

    line1_split = line1.split(against);
    line2_split = line2.split(against);

    int loc;
    if (two_above) {
        loc = 2;
    } else {
        loc = 0;

    c_point point_top(((c_line*)line1_split[loc][0])->ex,

    c_point point_left(((c_line*)line1_split[loc][0])->sx,

    c_point point_right(((c_line*)line2_split[loc][0])->sx,

    c_point bottom_left(((c_line*)line1_split[2-loc][0])->sx,

    c_point bottom_right(((c_line*)line2_split[2-loc][0])->sx,

    c_polygon * polygon1 = (c_polygon*) this->clone();
    c_polygon * polygon2 = (c_polygon*) this->clone();
    c_polygon * polygon3 = (c_polygon*) this->clone();

    polygon1->a = point_top;
    polygon1->b = point_left;
    polygon1->c = point_right;

    polygon2->a = bottom_left;
    polygon2->b = point_left;
    polygon2->c = point_right;

    polygon3->a = bottom_right;
    polygon3->b = bottom_left;
    polygon3->c = point_right;


    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 27
void TrajectoryCosts::CalculateLateralAndLongitudinalCosts(vector<TrajectoryCost>& trajectoryCosts,
		const vector<vector<vector<WayPoint> > >& rollOuts, const vector<vector<WayPoint> >& totalPaths,
		const WayPoint& currState, const vector<WayPoint>& contourPoints, const PlanningParams& params,
		const CAR_BASIC_INFO& carInfo, const VehicleState& vehicleState)
	double critical_lateral_distance =  carInfo.width/2.0 + params.horizontalSafetyDistancel;
	double critical_long_front_distance =  carInfo.wheel_base/2.0 + carInfo.length/2.0 + params.verticalSafetyDistance;
	double critical_long_back_distance =  carInfo.length/2.0 + params.verticalSafetyDistance - carInfo.wheel_base/2.0;
	int iCostIndex = 0;
	PlannerHNS::Mat3 rotationMat(-currState.pos.a);
	PlannerHNS::Mat3 translationMat(-currState.pos.x, -currState.pos.y);
	PlannerHNS::Mat3 invRotationMat(currState.pos.a-M_PI_2);
	PlannerHNS::Mat3 invTranslationMat(currState.pos.x, currState.pos.y);

	double corner_slide_distance = critical_lateral_distance/2.0;
	double ratio_to_angle = corner_slide_distance/carInfo.max_steer_angle;
	double slide_distance = vehicleState.steer * ratio_to_angle;

	GPSPoint bottom_left(-critical_lateral_distance ,-critical_long_back_distance,  currState.pos.z, 0);
	GPSPoint bottom_right(critical_lateral_distance, -critical_long_back_distance,  currState.pos.z, 0);

	GPSPoint top_right_car(critical_lateral_distance, carInfo.wheel_base/3.0 + carInfo.length/3.0,  currState.pos.z, 0);
	GPSPoint top_left_car(-critical_lateral_distance, carInfo.wheel_base/3.0 + carInfo.length/3.0, currState.pos.z, 0);

	GPSPoint top_right(critical_lateral_distance - slide_distance, critical_long_front_distance,  currState.pos.z, 0);
	GPSPoint top_left(-critical_lateral_distance - slide_distance , critical_long_front_distance, currState.pos.z, 0);

	bottom_left = invRotationMat*bottom_left;
	bottom_left = invTranslationMat*bottom_left;

	top_right = invRotationMat*top_right;
	top_right = invTranslationMat*top_right;

	bottom_right = invRotationMat*bottom_right;
	bottom_right = invTranslationMat*bottom_right;

	top_left = invRotationMat*top_left;
	top_left = invTranslationMat*top_left;

	top_right_car = invRotationMat*top_right_car;
	top_right_car = invTranslationMat*top_right_car;

	top_left_car = invRotationMat*top_left_car;
	top_left_car = invTranslationMat*top_left_car;

//	m_SafetyBox.clear();
//	m_SafetyBox.push_back(bottom_left);
//	m_SafetyBox.push_back(bottom_right);
//	m_SafetyBox.push_back(top_right);
//	m_SafetyBox.push_back(top_left);

	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(bottom_left) ;
	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(bottom_right) ;
	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(top_right_car) ;
	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(top_right) ;
	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(top_left) ;
	m_SafetyBorder.points.push_back(top_left_car) ;

	for(unsigned int il=0; il < rollOuts.size(); il++)
		if(rollOuts.at(il).size() > 0 && rollOuts.at(il).at(0).size()>0)
			RelativeInfo car_info;
			PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(totalPaths.at(il), currState, car_info);

			for(unsigned int it=0; it< rollOuts.at(il).size(); it++)
				for(unsigned int icon = 0; icon < contourPoints.size(); icon++)
					RelativeInfo obj_info;
					PlanningHelpers::GetRelativeInfo(totalPaths.at(il), contourPoints.at(icon), obj_info);
					double longitudinalDist = PlanningHelpers::GetExactDistanceOnTrajectory(totalPaths.at(il), car_info, obj_info);
					if(obj_info.iFront == 0 && longitudinalDist > 0)
						longitudinalDist = -longitudinalDist;

					double close_in_percentage = 1;
//					close_in_percentage = ((longitudinalDist- critical_long_front_distance)/params.rollInMargin)*4.0;
//					if(close_in_percentage <= 0 || close_in_percentage > 1) close_in_percentage = 1;

					double distance_from_center = trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).distance_from_center;

					if(close_in_percentage < 1)
						distance_from_center = distance_from_center - distance_from_center * (1.0-close_in_percentage);

					double lateralDist = fabs(obj_info.perp_distance - distance_from_center);

					if(longitudinalDist < -carInfo.length || lateralDist > 6)

					longitudinalDist = longitudinalDist - critical_long_front_distance;

					if(m_SafetyBorder.PointInsidePolygon(m_SafetyBorder, contourPoints.at(icon).pos) == true)
						trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).bBlocked = true;

					if(lateralDist <= critical_lateral_distance
							&& longitudinalDist >= -carInfo.length/1.5
							&& longitudinalDist < params.minFollowingDistance)
						trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).bBlocked = true;

					trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).lateral_cost += 1.0/lateralDist;
					trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).longitudinal_cost += 1.0/fabs(longitudinalDist);

					if(longitudinalDist >= -critical_long_front_distance && longitudinalDist < trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).closest_obj_distance)
						trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).closest_obj_distance = longitudinalDist;
						trajectoryCosts.at(iCostIndex).closest_obj_velocity = contourPoints.at(icon).v;

Exemplo n.º 28
// Generates the clipping region for an element.
bool ElementUtilities::GetClippingRegion(Vector2i& clip_origin, Vector2i& clip_dimensions, Element* element)
	clip_origin = Vector2i(-1, -1);
	clip_dimensions = Vector2i(-1, -1);
	int num_ignored_clips = element->GetClippingIgnoreDepth();
	if (num_ignored_clips < 0)
		return false;

	// Search through the element's ancestors, finding all elements that clip their overflow and have overflow to clip.
	// For each that we find, we combine their clipping region with the existing clipping region, and so build up a
	// complete clipping region for the element.
	Element* clipping_element = element->GetParentNode();

	while (clipping_element != NULL)
		// Merge the existing clip region with the current clip region if we aren't ignoring clip regions.
		if (num_ignored_clips == 0 && clipping_element->IsClippingEnabled())
			Vector2f element_origin_f = clipping_element->GetAbsoluteOffset(Box::CONTENT);
			Vector2f element_dimensions_f = clipping_element->GetBox().GetSize(Box::CONTENT);

			Vector2i element_origin(Math::RealToInteger(element_origin_f.x), Math::RealToInteger(element_origin_f.y));
			Vector2i element_dimensions(Math::RealToInteger(element_dimensions_f.x), Math::RealToInteger(element_dimensions_f.y));

			if (clip_dimensions == Vector2i(-1, -1))
				clip_origin = element_origin;
				clip_dimensions = element_dimensions;
				Vector2i top_left(Math::Max(clip_origin.x, element_origin.x),
								  Math::Max(clip_origin.y, element_origin.y));

				Vector2i bottom_right(Math::Min(clip_origin.x + clip_dimensions.x, element_origin.x + element_dimensions.x),
									  Math::Min(clip_origin.y + clip_dimensions.y, element_origin.y + element_dimensions.y));

				clip_origin = top_left;
				clip_dimensions.x = Math::Max(0, bottom_right.x - top_left.x);
				clip_dimensions.y = Math::Max(0, bottom_right.y - top_left.y);

		// If this region is meant to clip and we're skipping regions, update the counter.
		if (num_ignored_clips > 0)
			if (clipping_element->IsClippingEnabled())

		// Determine how many clip regions this ancestor ignores, and inherit the value. If this region ignores all
		// clipping regions, then we do too.
		int clipping_element_ignore_clips = clipping_element->GetClippingIgnoreDepth();
		if (clipping_element_ignore_clips < 0)
		num_ignored_clips = Math::Max(num_ignored_clips, clipping_element_ignore_clips);

		// Climb the tree to this region's parent.
		clipping_element = clipping_element->GetParentNode();
	return clip_dimensions.x >= 0 && clip_dimensions.y >= 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
osg::Node* createTestTexture2D(osg::Node* node, const std::string& filename)
	osg::BoundingBox bb;
	osg::ref_ptr<osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor> boundsVistor = new osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor();
	bb = boundsVistor->getBoundingBox();

	osg::Group* group = new osg::Group;
	// left hand side of bounding box.
	osg::Vec3 top_left(bb.xMin(), bb.yMin(), bb.zMax());
	osg::Vec3 bottom_left(bb.xMin(), bb.yMin(), bb.zMin());
	osg::Vec3 bottom_right(bb.xMin(), bb.yMax(), bb.zMin());
	osg::Vec3 top_right(bb.xMin(), bb.yMax(), bb.zMax());
	osg::Vec3 center(bb.xMin(), (bb.yMin() + bb.yMax())*0.5f, (bb.zMin() + bb.zMax())*0.5f);
	float height = bb.zMax() - bb.zMin();
	// create the geometry for the wall.
	osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry;
	osg::Vec3Array* vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(4);
	(*vertices)[0] = top_left;
	(*vertices)[1] = bottom_left;
	(*vertices)[2] = bottom_right;
	(*vertices)[3] = top_right;

	osg::Vec2Array* texcoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);
	(*texcoords)[0].set(0.0f, 1.0f);
	(*texcoords)[1].set(0.0f, 0.0f);
	(*texcoords)[2].set(1.0f, 0.0f);
	(*texcoords)[3].set(1.0f, 1.0f);
	geom->setTexCoordArray(0, texcoords);

	osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array(1);
	(*normals)[0].set(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	geom->setNormalArray(normals, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

	osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);
	(*colors)[0].set(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	geom->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL);

	geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4));

	osg::Geode* geom_geode = new osg::Geode;

	// set up the texture state.
	osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D;
	texture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); // protect from being optimized away as static state.

	osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << filename << std::endl;

	osg::Image* image = g_SystemContext._resourceLoader->getImageByFileName(filename);
	if (image == NULL)
		osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << filename << "--load faile!!!" << std::endl;
		texture->setImage(0, image);
	osg::StateSet* stateset = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
	stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
	osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "33333" << std::endl;
	// create the text label.

	osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;


	osg::Geode* text_geode = new osg::Geode;

	osg::StateSet* text_stateset = text_geode->getOrCreateStateSet();
	text_stateset->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::PolygonOffset(-1.0f, -1.0f), osg::StateAttribute::ON);
	// set the update callback to cycle through the various min and mag filter modes.
	//group->setUpdateCallback(new FilterCallback(texture,text));
	return group;