Exemplo n.º 1
int place_item(int x, int y)
    int group =  (userOperation->action == UserOperation::ACTION_BUILD)?userOperation->constructionGroup->group:-1;
    int size = 1;

    if (group < 0) {
        ok_dial_box("warning.mes", BAD,
                ("ERROR: group does not exist. This should not happen! Please consider filling a bug report to lincity-ng team, with the saved game and what you did :-) "));
        return -1000;

    if(userOperation->action == UserOperation::ACTION_BUILD)

        userOperation->constructionGroup->placeItem(x, y);
        size = userOperation->constructionGroup->size;

    desert_frontier(x - 1, y - 1, size + 2, size + 2);
    connect_transport(x - 2, y - 2, x + size + 1, y + size + 1);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void do_bulldoze_area(int x, int y) //arg1 was short fill

    if (world(x, y)->reportingConstruction)
        (   new ConstructionDeletionRequest(world(x, y)->reportingConstruction));
        if (world(x, y)->is_water())
            world(x, y)->type = CST_GREEN;
            world(x, y)->group = GROUP_BARE;
            world(x, y)->flags &= ~(FLAG_IS_RIVER);
            world(x, y)->flags |= FLAG_ALTERED;
            world(x, y)->type = CST_DESERT;
            world(x, y)->group = GROUP_DESERT;
        if (world(x, y)->construction)
        {   ok_dial_box("fire.mes", BAD, _("ups, Bulldozer found a dangling reportingConstruction"));}
        //Here size is always 1
        desert_frontier(x - 1, y - 1, 1 + 2, 1 + 2);
        connect_transport(x - 2, y - 2, x + 1 + 1, y + 1 + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
void do_daily_ecology() //should be going to MapTile:: und handled during simulation
    for (int y = 0; y < world.len(); y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < world.len(); x++)
        {   /* approximately 3 monthes needed to turn bulldoze area into green */
            if ((world(x, y)->getGroup() == GROUP_DESERT ||
                 world(x, y)->getGroup() == GROUP_POWER_LINE)
                && (world(x, y)->flags & FLAG_HAS_UNDERGROUND_WATER)
                && (rand() % 300 == 1))
                world(x, y)->setTerrain(CST_GREEN);
                desert_frontier(x - 1, y - 1, 1 + 2, 1 + 2);
    //TODO: depending on water, green can become trees
    //      pollution can make desert
    //      etc ...
    /*TODO incorporate do_daily_ecology to simulate_mappoints. */
Exemplo n.º 4
void load_city_2(char *cname)
    int i, x, y, p;
    int dumbint = 0;
    int num_pbars, pbar_data_size;
    int pbar_tmp;
    int dummy;
    gzFile gzfile;
    char s[512];


    gzfile = gzopen(cname, "rb");
    if (gzfile == NULL) {
        printf(_("Can't open <%s> (gzipped)"), cname);
        do_error("Can't open it!");

    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &ldsv_version);
    if (ldsv_version < WATERWELL_V2) {
        load_city_old( cname );
        /* Fix desert frontier for old saved games and scenarios */
        desert_frontier(0, 0, WORLD_SIDE_LEN, WORLD_SIDE_LEN);

    fprintf(stderr, " ldsv_version = %i \n", ldsv_version);
    use_waterwell = true;

    num_pbars = NUM_PBARS;
    pbar_data_size = PBAR_DATA_SIZE;


    // Easier debugging from saved game: #Line = 100 x + y + 1  (first line = ldsv_version)
    for (x = 0; x < WORLD_SIDE_LEN; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < WORLD_SIDE_LEN; y++) {
            gzgets(gzfile, s, 512);
            //         TY  po fl cr  or  i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 PL al ec ws gp wa wp ww wn g1 g2 g3 g4 DA TK AN d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9
            sscanf(s, "%hi %d %i %hu %hu %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d"
                    , &MP_TYPE(x, y)
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).population
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).flags
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).coal_reserve
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).ore_reserve
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_1
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_2
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_3
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_4
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_5
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_6
                    , &MP_INFO(x, y).int_7
                    , &MP_POL(x, y)
                    , &ground[x][y].altitude
                    , &ground[x][y].ecotable
                    , &ground[x][y].wastes
                    , &ground[x][y].pollution
                    , &ground[x][y].water_alt
                    , &ground[x][y].water_pol
                    , &ground[x][y].water_wast
                    , &ground[x][y].water_next
                    , &ground[x][y].int1
                    , &ground[x][y].int2
                    , &ground[x][y].int3
                    , &ground[x][y].int4
                    , &MP_DATE(x,y)   // d1 = date of built
                    , &MP_TECH(x,y)   // d2 = tech at build time
                    , &MP_ANIM(x,y)   // d3 = animation_time (see reset_animation_time mess :)
                    , &dumbint        // d4  could be         image index for smooth animation, cf windmill anim_tile
                    , &dumbint        // d5                   percentage of activity to choose family of pic
                    , &dumbint        // d6
                    , &dumbint        // d7
                    , &dumbint        // d8
                    , &dumbint        // d9
            if (get_group_of_type(MP_TYPE(x, y)) == GROUP_MARKET)
                inventory(x, y);

    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &main_screen_originx);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &main_screen_originy);

    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_time);

    for (x = 0; x < MAX_NUMOF_SUBSTATIONS; x++) {
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &substationx[x]);
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &substationy[x]);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &numof_substations);

    for (x = 0; x < MAX_NUMOF_MARKETS; x++) {
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &marketx[x]);
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &markety[x]);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &numof_markets);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &people_pool);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%o", &total_money);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &income_tax_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &coal_tax_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dole_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &transport_cost_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &goods_tax_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &export_tax);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &export_tax_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &import_cost);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &import_cost_rate);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &tech_level);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &tpopulation);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &tstarving_population);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &tunemployed_population);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &x);   /* waste_goods obsolete */
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &power_made);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &power_used);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &coal_made);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &coal_used);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &goods_made);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &goods_used);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &ore_made);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &ore_used);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dummy);       /* &diff_old_population */

    /* Update variables calculated from those above */
    housed_population = tpopulation / ((total_time % NUMOF_DAYS_IN_MONTH) + 1);

    /* Get size of monthgraph array */
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &i);
    for (x = 0; x < i; x++) {
        /* If more entries in file than will fit on screen, 
           then we need to skip past them. */
        if (x >= monthgraph_size) {
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dummy);       /* &monthgraph_pop[x] */
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dummy);       /* &monthgraph_starve[x] */
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dummy);       /* &monthgraph_nojobs[x] */
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &dummy);       /* &monthgraph_ppool[x] */
        } else {
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &monthgraph_pop[x]);
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &monthgraph_starve[x]);
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &monthgraph_nojobs[x]);
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &monthgraph_ppool[x]);
    /* If screen bigger than number of entries in file, pad with zeroes */
    while (x < monthgraph_size) {
        monthgraph_pop[x] = 0;
        monthgraph_starve[x] = 0;
        monthgraph_nojobs[x] = 0;
        monthgraph_ppool[x] = 0;
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &rockets_launched);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &rockets_launched_success);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &coal_survey_done);

    for (x = 0; x < pbar_data_size; x++) {
        for (p = 0; p < num_pbars; p++) {
            sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &(pbar_tmp));
            update_pbar(p, pbar_tmp, 1);

    for (p = 0; p < num_pbars; p++)
        pbars[p].data_size = pbar_data_size;

    for (p = 0; p < num_pbars; p++) {
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &(pbars[p].oldtot));
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &(pbars[p].diff));

    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &cheat_flag);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_pollution_deaths);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%f", &pollution_deaths_history);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_starve_deaths);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%f", &starve_deaths_history);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_unemployed_years);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%f", &unemployed_history);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &max_pop_ever);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_evacuated);
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &total_births);

    for (x = 0; x < NUMOF_MODULES; x++)
        sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%d", &(module_help_flag[x]));

    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%128s", given_scene);
    if (strncmp(given_scene, "dummy", 5) == 0 || strlen(given_scene) < 3)
        given_scene[0] = 0;
    sscanf(gzgets(gzfile, s, 256), "%128s", s);
    if (strncmp(given_scene, "dummy", 5) != 0)
        sscanf(s, "%d", &highest_tech_level);
        highest_tech_level = 0;

    gzgets(gzfile, s, 200);   
    if (sscanf
        (s, "sust %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &sust_dig_ore_coal_count, &sust_port_count, &sust_old_money_count,
         &sust_old_population_count, &sust_old_tech_count, &sust_fire_count, &sust_old_money, &sust_old_population,
         &sust_old_tech, &sustain_flag) == 10) {
        sust_dig_ore_coal_tip_flag = sust_port_flag = 1;
    } else
        sustain_flag = sust_dig_ore_coal_count = sust_port_count
            = sust_old_money_count = sust_old_population_count
            = sust_old_tech_count = sust_fire_count = sust_old_money = sust_old_population = sust_old_tech = 0;

    gzgets(gzfile, s, 80);
    sscanf(s, "arid %d %d", &global_aridity, &global_mountainity);


    /* FIXME: AL1 this is initialisation stuff, should go elsewhere */

    // Engine stuff
    if (tech_level > MODERN_WINDMILL_TECH)
        modern_windmill_flag = 1;

    numof_shanties = count_groups(GROUP_SHANTY);
    numof_communes = count_groups(GROUP_COMMUNE);

    /* set up the university intake. */
    x = count_groups(GROUP_UNIVERSITY);
    if (x > 0) {
        university_intake_rate = (count_groups(GROUP_SCHOOL) * 20) / x;
        if (university_intake_rate > 100)
            university_intake_rate = 100;
    } else
        university_intake_rate = 50;


    //get alt_min, alt_max
    alt_min = 2000000000;
    alt_max = -alt_min;
    for ( y = 0; y < WORLD_SIDE_LEN; y++){
        for ( x = 0; x < WORLD_SIDE_LEN; x++) {
            MP_ANIM(x,y) = 0;
            if (MP_GROUP(x, y) == GROUP_FIRE){
                MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 = 0;
            if (alt_min > ALT(x,y)){
                 alt_min = ALT(x,y);
            if (alt_max < ALT(x,y)){
                 alt_max = ALT(x,y);
    alt_step = (alt_max - alt_min) /10;

    map_power_grid(true);       /* WCK:  Is this safe to do here?
                                 * AL1: No, in NG_1.1
                                 * In case of error message with ok_dial_box
                                 *    the dialog cannot appear because the screen
                                 *    is not set up => crash.
                                 * FIXME: move all initialisation elsewhere, in 
                                 *    engine.cpp or simulate.cpp.
    // UI stuff
    if (main_screen_originx > WORLD_SIDE_LEN - getMainWindowWidth() / 16 - 1)
        main_screen_originx = WORLD_SIDE_LEN - getMainWindowWidth() / 16 - 1;

    if (main_screen_originy > WORLD_SIDE_LEN - getMainWindowHeight() / 16 - 1)
        main_screen_originy = WORLD_SIDE_LEN - getMainWindowHeight() / 16 - 1;

    selected_module = sbut[7];  /* 7 is track.  Watch out though! */
    connect_transport(1, 1, WORLD_SIDE_LEN - 2, WORLD_SIDE_LEN - 2);
    /* Fix desert frontier for old saved games and scenarios */
    desert_frontier(0, 0, WORLD_SIDE_LEN, WORLD_SIDE_LEN);
