Exemplo n.º 1
 * Load a Dalvik register into a physical register.  Take care when
 * using this routine, as it doesn't perform any bookkeeping regarding
 * register liveness.  That is the responsibility of the caller.
static void loadValueDirect(CompilationUnit *cUnit, RegLocation rlSrc,
                                int reg1)
    rlSrc = dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlSrc);
    if (rlSrc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
        genRegCopy(cUnit, reg1, rlSrc.lowReg);
    } else  if (rlSrc.location == kLocRetval) {
        loadWordDisp(cUnit, rGLUE, offsetof(InterpState, retval), reg1);
    } else {
        assert(rlSrc.location == kLocDalvikFrame);
        loadWordDisp(cUnit, rFP, dvmCompilerS2VReg(cUnit, rlSrc.sRegLow) << 2,
Exemplo n.º 2
static void storeValue(CompilationUnit *cUnit, RegLocation rlDest,
                       RegLocation rlSrc)
    LIR *defStart;
    LIR *defEnd;
    dvmCompilerKillNullCheckedLoc(cUnit, rlDest);
    rlSrc = dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlSrc);
    rlDest = dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlDest);
    if (rlSrc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
        if (dvmCompilerIsLive(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg) ||
            (rlDest.location == kLocPhysReg)) {
            // Src is live or Dest has assigned reg.
            rlDest = dvmCompilerEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, false);
            genRegCopy(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg, rlSrc.lowReg);
        } else {
            // Just re-assign the registers.  Dest gets Src's regs
            rlDest.lowReg = rlSrc.lowReg;
            dvmCompilerClobber(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg);
    } else {
        // Load Src either into promoted Dest or temps allocated for Dest
        rlDest = dvmCompilerEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, false);
        loadValueDirect(cUnit, rlSrc, rlDest.lowReg);

    // Dest is now live and dirty (until/if we flush it to home location)
    dvmCompilerMarkLive(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg, rlDest.sRegLow);
    dvmCompilerMarkDirty(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg);

    if (rlDest.location == kLocRetval) {
        storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rGLUE, offsetof(InterpState, retval),
                      rlDest.lowReg, kWord);
        dvmCompilerClobber(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg);
    } else {
        dvmCompilerResetDefLoc(cUnit, rlDest);
        if (dvmCompilerLiveOut(cUnit, rlDest.sRegLow)) {
            defStart = (LIR *)cUnit->lastLIRInsn;
            int vReg = dvmCompilerS2VReg(cUnit, rlDest.sRegLow);
            storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rFP, vReg << 2, rlDest.lowReg, kWord);
            dvmCompilerMarkClean(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg);
            defEnd = (LIR *)cUnit->lastLIRInsn;
            dvmCompilerMarkDef(cUnit, rlDest, defStart, defEnd);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Load a Dalvik register pair into a physical register[s].  Take care when
 * using this routine, as it doesn't perform any bookkeeping regarding
 * register liveness.  That is the responsibility of the caller.
static void loadValueDirectWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, RegLocation rlSrc,                 
                                int regLo, int regHi)
    rlSrc = dvmCompilerUpdateLocWide(cUnit, rlSrc);
    if (rlSrc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
        genRegCopyWide(cUnit, regLo, regHi, rlSrc.lowReg, rlSrc.highReg);
    } else if (rlSrc.location == kLocRetval) {
        loadBaseDispWide(cUnit, NULL, rGLUE, 8,
                         regLo, regHi, INVALID_SREG);
    } else {
        assert(rlSrc.location == kLocDalvikFrame);
            loadBaseDispWide(cUnit, NULL, rFP,
                             dvmCompilerS2VReg(cUnit, rlSrc.sRegLow) << 2,
                             regLo, regHi, INVALID_SREG);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Take the address of a Dalvik register and store it into rDest.
 * Clobber any live values associated either with the Dalvik value
 * or the target register and lock the target fixed register.
static void loadValueAddressDirect(CompilationUnit *cUnit, RegLocation rlSrc,
                                   int rDest)
     rlSrc = rlSrc.wide ? dvmCompilerUpdateLocWide(cUnit, rlSrc) :
                          dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlSrc);
     if (rlSrc.location == kLocPhysReg) {
         if (rlSrc.wide) {
             dvmCompilerFlushRegWideForV5TEVFP(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg,
         } else {
             dvmCompilerFlushRegForV5TEVFP(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg);
     dvmCompilerClobber(cUnit, rDest);
     dvmCompilerLockTemp(cUnit, rDest);
     opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rDest, rFP,
                 dvmCompilerS2VReg(cUnit, rlSrc.sRegLow) << 2);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void storeValue(CompilationUnit *cUnit, RegLocation rlDest, RegLocation rlSrc)
	LOG("rlDest.location is %d\nrlSrc.location is %d\n", rlDest.location, rlSrc.location);
	LIR *defStart;
	LIR *defEnd;
	//dvmCompilerKillNullCheckedLoc(cUnit, rlDest);   
	rlSrc = dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlSrc);    
	//eric:if the register is DalvikFrame, so change it to physical
	rlDest = dvmCompilerUpdateLoc(cUnit, rlDest);  
	LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>sRegLow is %d<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", rlDest.sRegLow);
	if (rlSrc.location == kLocPhysReg) {  
    	LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The function is %s<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", __func__);   
		LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the Src reg is phy<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");

        if (dvmCompilerIsLive(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg) || (rlDest.location == kLocPhysReg)) {
			// Src is live or Dest has assigned reg.
			rlDest = dvmCompilerEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, false); 
			genRegCopy(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg, rlSrc.lowReg);
		} else { 
			// Just re-assign the registers.  Dest gets Src's regs 
			rlDest.lowReg = rlSrc.lowReg;
			dvmCompilerClobber(cUnit, rlSrc.lowReg);  
	} else {
    	LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The function is %s<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", __func__);   
		LOG("the Src reg is not phy\n");

		// Load Src either into promoted Dest or temps allocated for Dest
		rlDest = dvmCompilerEvalLoc(cUnit, rlDest, kAnyReg, false);   
		loadValueDirect(cUnit, rlSrc, rlDest.lowReg);  

	LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>sRegLow is %d<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", rlDest.sRegLow);
	// Dest is now live and dirty (until/if we flush it to home location)
	dvmCompilerMarkLive(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg, rlDest.sRegLow); 
	dvmCompilerMarkDirty(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg); 

	if (rlDest.location == kLocRetval) { 
		//storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rGLUE, offsetof(InterpState, retval), rlDest.lowReg, kWord);
		storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rGLUE, 8, rlDest.lowReg, kWord);
		dvmCompilerClobber(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg); 
	} else {
		dvmCompilerResetDefLoc(cUnit, rlDest); 
		//if (dvmCompilerLiveOut(cUnit, rlDest.sRegLow)) { 
		if (true) {
		//	defStart = (LIR *)cUnit->lastLIRInsn;
			LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>sRegLow is %d<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", rlDest.sRegLow);
			int vReg = dvmCompilerS2VReg(cUnit, rlDest.sRegLow);
			LOG(">>>>>>>>>>>>>vReg is v%d<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n", vReg);
			storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rFP, vReg << 2, rlDest.lowReg, kWord);  
//			storeBaseDisp(cUnit, rFP, 20, rlDest.lowReg, kWord);  
			dvmCompilerMarkClean(cUnit, rlDest.lowReg); 
		//	defEnd = (LIR *)cUnit->lastLIRInsn; 
	//		dvmCompilerMarkDef(cUnit, rlDest, defStart, defEnd);	
