Exemplo n.º 1
/* any station allocated can be searched by hash list */
struct sta_info *r8712_get_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr)
	unsigned long	 irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	u32	index;

	if (hwaddr == NULL)
		return NULL;
	index = wifi_mac_hash(hwaddr);
	spin_lock_irqsave(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[index]);
	plist = phead->next;
	while (!end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) {
		psta = container_of(plist, struct sta_info, hash_list);
		if ((!memcmp(psta->hwaddr, hwaddr, ETH_ALEN))) {
			/* if found the matched address */
		psta = NULL;
		plist = plist->next;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	return psta;
Exemplo n.º 2
void free_recvframe_queue(_queue *pframequeue,  _queue *pfree_recv_queue)
	union	recv_frame 	*precvframe;
	_list	*plist, *phead;


	phead = get_list_head(pframequeue);
	plist = get_next(phead);

	while(end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) == _FALSE)
		precvframe = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, union recv_frame, u);

		plist = get_next(plist);
		//list_delete(&precvframe->u.hdr.list); // will do this in free_recvframe()
		free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);


void r8712_free_all_stainfo(struct _adapter *padapter)
	unsigned long irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	s32 index;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	struct	sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
	struct sta_info *pbcmc_stainfo = r8712_get_bcmc_stainfo(padapter);

	if (pstapriv->asoc_sta_count == 1)
	spin_lock_irqsave(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	for (index = 0; index < NUM_STA; index++) {
		phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[index]);
		plist = get_next(phead);
		while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == false) {
			psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist,
					      struct sta_info, hash_list);
			plist = get_next(plist);
			if (pbcmc_stainfo != psta)
				r8712_free_stainfo(padapter , psta);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
Exemplo n.º 4
void free_recvframe_queue(_queue *pframequeue,  _queue *pfree_recv_queue)
	union	recv_frame 	*precvframe;
	_list	*plist, *phead;


        unsigned long   flags;

        spin_lock_irqsave(&pframequeue->lock, flags);

    	phead = get_list_head(pframequeue);
    	plist = get_next(phead);
    	while(end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) == _FALSE)
    		precvframe = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, union recv_frame, u);
    		plist = get_next(plist);
    		//list_delete(&precvframe->u.hdr.list); // will do this in free_recvframe()
    		free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pframequeue->lock, flags);

struct sta_info *r8712_get_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr)
	unsigned long	 irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	u32	index;

	if (hwaddr == NULL)
		return NULL;
	index = wifi_mac_hash(hwaddr);
	spin_lock_irqsave(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[index]);
	plist = get_next(phead);
	while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == false) {
		psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info, hash_list);
		if ((!memcmp(psta->hwaddr, hwaddr, ETH_ALEN))) {
			/*                              */
		psta = NULL;
		plist = get_next(plist);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	return psta;
Exemplo n.º 6
// this function is used to free the memory of lock || sema for all stainfos
void mfree_all_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv )
	_irqL	 irqL;
	_list	*plist, *phead;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;

	_enter_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);

	phead = get_list_head(&pstapriv->free_sta_queue);
	plist = get_next(phead);
	while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == _FALSE)
		psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info ,list);
		plist = get_next(plist);

	_exit_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);


Exemplo n.º 7
/* any station allocated can be searched by hash list */
struct sta_info *get_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr)

	_irqL	 irqL;

	_list	*plist, *phead;

	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	u32	index;

	u8 *addr;

	u8 bc_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff};


		return NULL;
		addr = bc_addr;
		addr = hwaddr;

	index = wifi_mac_hash(addr);

	_enter_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);
	phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[index]);
	plist = get_next(phead);

	while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == _FALSE)
		psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info, hash_list);
		if ((_memcmp(psta->hwaddr, addr, ETH_ALEN))== _TRUE) 
		{ // if found the matched address
		plist = get_next(plist);

	_exit_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);
	return psta;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* this function is used to free the memory of lock || sema for all stainfos */
static void mfree_all_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv)
	unsigned long irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	phead = &pstapriv->free_sta_queue.queue;
	plist = phead->next;
	while (!end_of_queue_search(phead, plist))
		plist = plist->next;

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
static void mfree_all_stainfo(struct sta_priv *pstapriv)
	unsigned long irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
	phead = get_list_head(&pstapriv->free_sta_queue);
	plist = get_next(phead);
	while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == false) {
		psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info, list);
		plist = get_next(plist);

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, irqL);
Exemplo n.º 10
void r8712_free_xmitframe_queue(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
				struct  __queue *pframequeue)
	unsigned long irqL;
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	struct	xmit_frame	*pxmitframe;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&(pframequeue->lock), irqL);
	phead = &pframequeue->queue;
	plist = phead->next;
	while (!end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) {
		pxmitframe = container_of(plist, struct xmit_frame, list);
		plist = plist->next;
		r8712_free_xmitframe(pxmitpriv, pxmitframe);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(pframequeue->lock), irqL);
Exemplo n.º 11
static struct xmit_frame *dequeue_one_xmitframe(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
					 struct hw_xmit *phwxmit,
					 struct tx_servq *ptxservq,
					 struct  __queue *pframe_queue)
	struct list_head *xmitframe_plist, *xmitframe_phead;
	struct	xmit_frame *pxmitframe = NULL;

	xmitframe_phead = get_list_head(pframe_queue);
	xmitframe_plist = get_next(xmitframe_phead);
	if ((end_of_queue_search(xmitframe_phead, xmitframe_plist)) == false) {
		pxmitframe = LIST_CONTAINOR(xmitframe_plist,
			     struct xmit_frame, list);
Exemplo n.º 12
static struct xmit_frame *dequeue_one_xmitframe(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
					 struct hw_xmit *phwxmit,
					 struct tx_servq *ptxservq,
					 struct  __queue *pframe_queue)
	struct list_head *xmitframe_plist, *xmitframe_phead;
	struct	xmit_frame *pxmitframe = NULL;

	xmitframe_phead = &pframe_queue->queue;
	xmitframe_plist = xmitframe_phead->next;
	if (!end_of_queue_search(xmitframe_phead, xmitframe_plist)) {
		pxmitframe = container_of(xmitframe_plist,
					  struct xmit_frame, list);
Exemplo n.º 13
static void _free_network_queue(struct _adapter *padapter)
	unsigned long irqL;
	struct list_head *phead, *plist;
	struct wlan_network *pnetwork;
	struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
	struct  __queue *scanned_queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&scanned_queue->lock, irqL);
	phead = get_list_head(scanned_queue);
	plist = get_next(phead);
	while (end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) == false) {
		pnetwork = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
		plist = get_next(plist);
		_free_network(pmlmepriv, pnetwork);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&scanned_queue->lock, irqL);
Exemplo n.º 14
// free all stainfo which in sta_hash[all]
void free_all_stainfo(_adapter *padapter)
	_irqL	 irqL;
	_list	*plist, *phead;
	s32	index;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	struct	sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
	struct sta_info* pbcmc_stainfo =get_bcmc_stainfo( padapter);

		goto exit;

	_enter_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);

	for(index=0; index< NUM_STA; index++)
		phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[index]);
		plist = get_next(phead);
		while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == _FALSE)
			psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info ,hash_list);

			plist = get_next(plist);

				free_stainfo(padapter , psta);
	_exit_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);

Exemplo n.º 15
struct	wlan_network *r8712_get_oldest_wlan_network(
				struct  __queue *scanned_queue)
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;
	struct	wlan_network	*pwlan = NULL;
	struct	wlan_network	*oldest = NULL;

	phead = get_list_head(scanned_queue);
	plist = get_next(phead);
	while (1) {
		if (end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) ==  true)
		pwlan = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
		if (pwlan->fixed != true) {
			if (oldest == NULL ||
			    time_after((unsigned long)oldest->last_scanned,
			    (unsigned long)pwlan->last_scanned))
				oldest = pwlan;
		plist = get_next(plist);
	return oldest;
Exemplo n.º 16
int proc_get_all_sta_info(char *page, char **start,
			  off_t offset, int count,
			  int *eof, void *data)
	_irqL irqL;
	struct sta_info *psta;
	struct net_device *dev = data;
	_adapter *padapter = (_adapter *)netdev_priv(dev);
	struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
	int i, j;
	_list	*plist, *phead;
	struct recv_reorder_ctrl *preorder_ctrl;
	int len = 0;	

	len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "sta_dz_bitmap=0x%x, tim_bitmap=0x%x\n", pstapriv->sta_dz_bitmap, pstapriv->tim_bitmap);
	_enter_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);

	for(i=0; i< NUM_STA; i++)
		phead = &(pstapriv->sta_hash[i]);
		plist = get_next(phead);
		while ((end_of_queue_search(phead, plist)) == _FALSE)
			psta = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct sta_info, hash_list);

			plist = get_next(plist);

			//if(extra_arg == psta->aid)
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "sta's macaddr:" MACSTR "\n", MAC2STR(psta->hwaddr));
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "rtsen=%d, cts2slef=%d\n", psta->rtsen, psta->cts2self);
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "qos_en=%d, ht_en=%d, init_rate=%d\n", psta->qos_option, psta->htpriv.ht_option, psta->init_rate);	
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "state=0x%x, aid=%d, macid=%d, raid=%d\n", psta->state, psta->aid, psta->mac_id, psta->raid);	
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "bwmode=%d, ch_offset=%d, sgi=%d\n", psta->htpriv.bwmode, psta->htpriv.ch_offset, psta->htpriv.sgi);						
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "ampdu_enable = %d\n", psta->htpriv.ampdu_enable);									
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "agg_enable_bitmap=%x, candidate_tid_bitmap=%x\n", psta->htpriv.agg_enable_bitmap, psta->htpriv.candidate_tid_bitmap);
				len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "sleepq_len=%d\n", psta->sleepq_len);
					preorder_ctrl = &psta->recvreorder_ctrl[j];
						len += snprintf(page + len, count - len, "tid=%d, indicate_seq=%d\n", j, preorder_ctrl->indicate_seq);
	_exit_critical_bh(&pstapriv->sta_hash_lock, &irqL);

	*eof = 1;
	return len;

Exemplo n.º 17
int r8712_select_and_join_from_scan(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv)
	struct list_head *phead;
	unsigned char *dst_ssid, *src_ssid;
	struct _adapter *adapter;
	struct  __queue *queue = NULL;
	struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
	struct wlan_network *pnetwork_max_rssi = NULL;

	adapter = (struct _adapter *)pmlmepriv->nic_hdl;
	queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
	phead = get_list_head(queue);
	pmlmepriv->pscanned = get_next(phead);
	while (1) {
		if (end_of_queue_search(phead, pmlmepriv->pscanned) == true) {
			if ((pmlmepriv->assoc_by_rssi == true) &&
			    (pnetwork_max_rssi != NULL)) {
				pnetwork = pnetwork_max_rssi;
				goto ask_for_joinbss;
			return _FAIL;
		pnetwork = LIST_CONTAINOR(pmlmepriv->pscanned,
					  struct wlan_network, list);
		if (pnetwork == NULL)
			return _FAIL;
		pmlmepriv->pscanned = get_next(pmlmepriv->pscanned);
		if (pmlmepriv->assoc_by_bssid == true) {
			dst_ssid = pnetwork->network.MacAddress;
			src_ssid = pmlmepriv->assoc_bssid;
			if (!memcmp(dst_ssid, src_ssid, ETH_ALEN)) {
				if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) {
					if (is_same_network(&pmlmepriv->
					    &pnetwork->network)) {
						/*r8712_indicate_connect again*/
						return 2;
				goto ask_for_joinbss;
		} else if (pmlmepriv->assoc_ssid.SsidLength == 0)
			goto ask_for_joinbss;
		dst_ssid = pnetwork->network.Ssid.Ssid;
		src_ssid = pmlmepriv->assoc_ssid.Ssid;
		if ((pnetwork->network.Ssid.SsidLength ==
		    pmlmepriv->assoc_ssid.SsidLength) &&
		    (!memcmp(dst_ssid, src_ssid,
		     pmlmepriv->assoc_ssid.SsidLength))) {
			if (pmlmepriv->assoc_by_rssi == true) {
				/* if the ssid is the same, select the bss
				 *  which has the max rssi*/
				if (pnetwork_max_rssi) {
					if (pnetwork->network.Rssi >
						pnetwork_max_rssi = pnetwork;
				} else
					pnetwork_max_rssi = pnetwork;
			} else if (is_desired_network(adapter, pnetwork)) {
				if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) {
				goto ask_for_joinbss;
	return _FAIL;
	return r8712_joinbss_cmd(adapter, pnetwork);
Exemplo n.º 18
Caller must hold pmlmepriv->lock first.
static void update_scanned_network(struct _adapter *adapter,
			    struct ndis_wlan_bssid_ex *target)
	struct list_head *plist, *phead;

	u32 bssid_ex_sz;
	struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &adapter->mlmepriv;
	struct  __queue *queue = &pmlmepriv->scanned_queue;
	struct wlan_network *pnetwork = NULL;
	struct wlan_network *oldest = NULL;

	phead = get_list_head(queue);
	plist = get_next(phead);

	while (1) {
		if (end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) == true)

		pnetwork = LIST_CONTAINOR(plist, struct wlan_network, list);
		if (is_same_network(&pnetwork->network, target))
		if ((oldest == ((struct wlan_network *)0)) ||
		    time_after((unsigned long)oldest->last_scanned,
				(unsigned long)pnetwork->last_scanned))
			oldest = pnetwork;

		plist = get_next(plist);

	/* If we didn't find a match, then get a new network slot to initialize
	 * with this beacon's information */
	if (end_of_queue_search(phead, plist) == true) {
		if (_queue_empty(&pmlmepriv->free_bss_pool) == true) {
			/* If there are no more slots, expire the oldest */
			pnetwork = oldest;
			target->Rssi = (pnetwork->network.Rssi +
					target->Rssi) / 2;
			memcpy(&pnetwork->network, target,
			pnetwork->last_scanned = jiffies;
		} else {
			/* Otherwise just pull from the free list */
			/* update scan_time */
			pnetwork = alloc_network(pmlmepriv);
			if (pnetwork == NULL)
			bssid_ex_sz = r8712_get_ndis_wlan_bssid_ex_sz(target);
			target->Length = bssid_ex_sz;
			memcpy(&pnetwork->network, target, bssid_ex_sz);
			list_insert_tail(&pnetwork->list, &queue->queue);
	} else {
		/* we have an entry and we are going to update it. But
		 * this entry may be already expired. In this case we
		 * do the same as we found a new net and call the new_net
		 * handler
		update_network(&pnetwork->network, target, adapter);
		pnetwork->last_scanned = jiffies;