Exemplo n.º 1
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    m_tree = new TreeWidgetMine(ui->treeWidget);
    scene = Scene::Instance();

    connect(ui->attrButtonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonToggled(QAbstractButton*, bool)), this, SLOT(changShowFlag(QAbstractButton*, bool)));
    connect(ui->someNetBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), ui->view, SLOT(drawNetBySomeone(bool)));
    connect(ui->linkerNumSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(showItemByLinkerNum(int)));
    connect(ui->topLevelColorBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setTopLevelColor(bool)));
    connect(ui->fontSizeBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setFontSize(int)));
    connect(this,SIGNAL(routePointSIG(QString )),ui->view, SLOT(routePoint(QString)));
    connect(ui->nodeDisBOx, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this,SLOT(setNodeInterval(int)));

    connect(scene, SIGNAL(sendMsg(QString)), this, SLOT(showBarMsg(QString)));
    connect(ui->view, SIGNAL(sendMsg(QString)), this, SLOT(showBarMsg(QString)));
    //ui->page_1->setStyleSheet("font:75 9pt Aharoni;");
    ui->toolBox->setStyleSheet("QToolBox::tab:selected{font:12pt; color: rgb(2, 2, 124);}");

Exemplo n.º 2
void Mobius::render() {

    Matrix ma = Matrix();
    Matrix mb = Matrix();
    // create the generator matrices using Grandma's recipie

    grandmasRecipie(complex<double>(_taReal, _taImaginary), complex<double>(_tbReal, _tbImaginary), ma, mb);

    Matrix mA = ma.inv();
    Matrix mB = mb.inv();

    // skip [0] to keep indices in line with Indra Pearls alogrithm
    gen[0] = ma;
    gen[1] = mb;
    gen[2] = mA;
    gen[3] = mB;

    char print[4] = {'a', 'b', 'A', 'B'};
    // start at one of the fixed points

    oldPoint =  fixedPoint(ma * mb * mA * mB);

    // parabolic array holds fixed points for infinite worlds

    parabolics[0][0] = fixedPoint(mb * mA * mB *ma);
    parabolics[0][1] = fixedPoint(ma);
    parabolics[0][2] = fixedPoint(mB * mA * mb * ma);
    parabolics[1][0] = fixedPoint(mA * mB * ma * mb);
    parabolics[1][1] = fixedPoint(mb);
    parabolics[1][2] = fixedPoint(ma * mB * mA * mb);
    parabolics[2][0] = fixedPoint(mB * ma * mb * mA);
    parabolics[2][1] = fixedPoint(mA);
    parabolics[2][2] = fixedPoint(mb * ma * mB * mA);
    parabolics[3][0] = fixedPoint(ma * mb * mA * mB);
    parabolics[3][1] = fixedPoint(mB);
    parabolics[3][2] = fixedPoint(mA * mb * ma * mB);


//    cout << print[tag[level]] << endl;
    cout << "DEPTH: " << DEPTH << endl;

    _image = new QImage (_imageBuffer, _textureWidth, _textureHeight,  _textureWidth*4 , QImage::Format_RGB32);

    QPainter painter (_image);
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

    int minLevel = DEPTH + 1;

    while(1==1) {
//    for(int loop = 1; loop < 1000000; loop++) {

        while(!(branchTermination(painter))) {
//            tag[level] = ((tag[level-1] + 1) % 4 );
            tag[level] = ((tag[level-1] + 1) & 3 );
            word[level] = word[level-1] * gen[tag[level]];

        do  {
        } while( level >= 0 && (!availableTurn()) );

//        tag[level+1] = ((tag[level+1] + 3) % 4) ;
        tag[level+1] = ((tag[level+1] + 3) & 3) ;

        if(tag[0]==0 && level < 0) {
            cout << "Finished" << endl;

        if(level < 0) {
            word[0] = gen[tag[0]];

        } else {
            word[level+1] = word[level] * gen[tag[level+1]];


void FlemonsSpineModelGoal::setup(tgWorld& world)
    // This is basically a manual setup of a model.
    // There are things that do this for us
    /// @todo: reference the things that do this for us

    // Rod and Muscle configuration
    // Note: This needs to be high enough or things fly apart...
    const double density = 4.2/300.0;
    const double radius  = 0.5;
    const double friction = 0.5;
    const double rollFriction = 0.0;
    const double restitution = 0.0;
    const tgRod::Config rodConfig(radius, density, friction, rollFriction, restitution);
    const double elasticity = 1000.0;
    const double damping = 10.0;
    const double pretension = 0.0;
    const bool   history = true;
    const double maxTens = 7000.0;
    const double maxSpeed = 12.0;

    const double mRad = 1.0;
    const double motorFriction = 10.0;
    const double motorInertia = 1.0;
    const bool backDrivable = false;
    tgKinematicActuator::Config motorConfig(elasticity, damping, pretension,
                                            mRad, motorFriction, motorInertia, backDrivable,
                                            history, maxTens, maxSpeed);
    // Calculations for the flemons spine model
    double v_size = 10.0;
    // Create the tetrahedra
    tgStructure tetra;

    tetra.addNode(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);  // center
    tetra.addNode( v_size,  v_size,  v_size); // front
    tetra.addNode( v_size, -v_size, -v_size); // right
    tetra.addNode(-v_size,  v_size, -v_size); // back
    tetra.addNode(-v_size, -v_size,  v_size); // left
    tetra.addPair(0, 1, "front rod");
    tetra.addPair(0, 2, "right rod");
    tetra.addPair(0, 3, "back rod");
    tetra.addPair(0, 4, "left rod");

    // Move the first one so we can create a longer snake.
    // Or you could move the snake at the end, up to you. 

    // Create our snake segments
    tgStructure snake;
    /// @todo: there seems to be an issue with Muscle2P connections if the front
    /// of a tetra is inside the next one.
    btVector3 offset(0.0, 0.0, -v_size * 1.15);
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_segments; i++)
        /// @todo: the snake is a temporary variable -- 
        /// will its destructor be called?
        /// If not, where do we delete its children?
        tgStructure* const p = new tgStructure(tetra);
        p->addTags(tgString("segment num", i + 1));
        p->move((i + 1.0) * offset);
        snake.addChild(p); // Add a child to the snake
    //conditionally compile for debugging 
#if (1)
    // Add muscles that connect the segments
    // Tag the muscles with their segment numbers so CPGs can find
    // them.
    std::vector<tgStructure*> children = snake.getChildren();
    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < children.size(); i++)
        tgNodes n0 = children[i - 1]->getNodes();
        tgNodes n1 = children[i]->getNodes();
        snake.addPair(n0[1], n1[1],
              tgString("outer front muscle seg", i));
        snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[2],
              tgString("outer right muscle seg", i));
        snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[3],
              tgString("outer back muscle seg",  i));
        snake.addPair(n0[4], n1[4],
              tgString("outer top muscle seg",   i));
        snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[1],
              tgString("inner front muscle seg", i));
        snake.addPair(n0[2], n1[4],
              tgString("inner right muscle seg",  i));
        snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[1],
              tgString("inner left muscle seg",   i));
        snake.addPair(n0[3], n1[4],
              tgString("inner back muscle seg",   i));

    btVector3 fixedPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    btVector3 axis(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    snake.addRotation(fixedPoint, axis, m_startAngle);
    // Create the build spec that uses tags to turn the structure into a real model
    tgBuildSpec spec;
    spec.addBuilder("rod", new tgRodInfo(rodConfig));
#if (1)
    spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgKinematicContactCableInfo(motorConfig));
    spec.addBuilder("muscle", new tgBasicContactCableInfo(motorConfig));
    // Create your structureInfo
    tgStructureInfo structureInfo(snake, spec);

    // Use the structureInfo to build ourselves
    structureInfo.buildInto(*this, world);
    // Setup vectors for control
    m_allMuscles = tgCast::filter<tgModel, tgSpringCableActuator> (getDescendants());
    m_allSegments = this->find<tgModel> ("segment");
    //addMarkers(snake, *this, m_segments);
#if (0)
    // Debug printing
    std::cout << "StructureInfo:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << structureInfo << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Model: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << *this << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Spine Length: " << getSpineLength() << std::endl;

    std::vector<tgBaseRigid*> myRigids = this->getAllRigids();
#if (1)
		for (int i =0; i < myRigids.size(); i++)
			std::cout << myRigids[i]->mass() << " " <<myRigids[i]->getPRigidBody() << std::endl;

    // Actually setup the children, notify controller
	void ZoomPanElement::zoomOnPointInFrame(const Vector2d&point, double zoom)
		Vector2d fixedPoint((point.x-contentOffset.x)/zoom, (point.y-contentOffset.y)/zoom);
		zoomOnPoint(fixedPoint, zoom);
Exemplo n.º 5
 //! Solve the problem performing the fixed point scheme.
 virtual void solve ()
     fixedPoint ();