Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cgxmm.c Projeto: dsagal/dmd
code *orthxmm(elem *e, regm_t *pretregs)
{   elem *e1 = e->E1;
    elem *e2 = e->E2;
    regm_t retregs = *pretregs & XMMREGS;
    if (!retregs)
        retregs = XMMREGS;
    code *c = codelem(e1,&retregs,FALSE); // eval left leaf
    unsigned reg = findreg(retregs);
    regm_t rretregs = XMMREGS & ~retregs;
    code *cr = scodelem(e2, &rretregs, retregs, TRUE);  // eval right leaf

    unsigned op = xmmoperator(e1->Ety, e->Eoper);
    unsigned rreg = findreg(rretregs);

    // float + ifloat is not actually addition
    if ((e->Eoper == OPadd || e->Eoper == OPmin) &&
        ((tyreal(e1->Ety) && tyimaginary(e2->Ety)) ||
         (tyreal(e2->Ety) && tyimaginary(e1->Ety))))
        retregs |= rretregs;
        c = cat(c, cr);
        if (e->Eoper == OPmin)
            unsigned nretregs = XMMREGS & ~retregs;
            unsigned sreg; // hold sign bit
            unsigned sz = tysize[tybasic(e1->Ety)];
            c = cat(c,allocreg(&nretregs,&sreg,e2->Ety));
            targ_size_t signbit = 0x80000000;
            if (sz == 8)
                signbit = 0x8000000000000000LL;
            c = cat(c, movxmmconst(sreg, sz, signbit, 0));
            c = cat(c, getregs(nretregs));
            unsigned xop = (sz == 8) ? XORPD : XORPS;       // XORPD/S rreg,sreg
            c = cat(c, gen2(CNIL,xop,modregxrmx(3,rreg-XMM0,sreg-XMM0)));
        if (retregs != *pretregs)
            c = cat(c, fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));
        return c;

    /* We should take advantage of mem addressing modes for OP XMM,MEM
     * but we do not at the moment.
    code *cg;
    if (OTrel(e->Eoper))
        retregs = mPSW;
        cg = NULL;
        code *cc = gen2(CNIL,op,modregxrmx(3,rreg-XMM0,reg-XMM0));
        return cat4(c,cr,cg,cc);
        cg = getregs(retregs);

    code *co = gen2(CNIL,op,modregxrmx(3,reg-XMM0,rreg-XMM0));
    if (retregs != *pretregs)
        co = cat(co,fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));

    return cat4(c,cr,cg,co);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
        colossal::job_generator gen1(
		0.002616272, 5.009914, 2.174681, 3.394791,
		2.532164, 4.070759, 6.570099, 0.9067149, 1.843567);
        colossal::job_generator gen2(
		0.004299325, 2.562229, 1.038189, 2.600581,
		1.716938, 4.388895, 5.534811, 1.609197, 1.604422);
        gen2.seed(time(NULL) + 1);

	colossal::job j1 = gen1();
        colossal::job j2 = gen2();

	colossal::job_tracker jt(10000, 6000);

	colossal::pool &mod  = jt.add_pool("modeling", 1000, 1000, 1, 500, 5000, colossal::pool::SCHED_FAIR);
	colossal::pool &prod = jt.add_pool("prod",     1000, 1000, 1, 500, 5000, colossal::pool::SCHED_FAIR);



	printf("------------ WORKLOAD ------------\n");
	printf("%s\n", mod.to_str().c_str());
	printf("%s\n", prod.to_str().c_str());

        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: cg2.c Projeto: 8l/subc
void load(void) {
	if (A) gen("push A");
	switch (Qi) {
	case 'l': gen2("ll   _%c,A", Qx);
	case 'g': gen2("lg   _%c,A", Qx);
	Qi = 0;
	A = 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main()
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);	/* Make a 6502 */
  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;		/* PC for 'assembly' */

  /* Install the two callback functions defined above.
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call, WRCH, wrch);	/* Calling FFEE -> wrch() */
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,    0, done);	/* Calling 0 -> done() */

  /* A few macros that dump bytes into the 6502's memory.
# define gen1(X)	(mpu->memory[pc++]= (uint8_t)(X))
# define gen2(X,Y)	gen1(X); gen1(Y)
# define gen3(X,Y,Z)	gen1(X); gen2(Y,Z)

  /* Hand-assemble the program.
  gen2(0xA2, 'A'     );	// LDX #'A'
  gen1(0x8A          );	// TXA
  gen3(0x20,0xEE,0xFF);	// JSR FFEE
  gen1(0xE8          );	// INX
  gen2(0xE0, 'Z'+1   );	// CPX #'Z'+1
  gen2(0xD0, -9      );	// BNE 0x1002
  gen2(0xA9, '\n'    );	// LDA #'\n'
  gen3(0x20,0xEE,0xFF);	// JSR FFEE
  gen2(0x00,0x00     ); // BRK

  /* Just for fun: disssemble the program.
    char     insn[64];
    uint16_t ip= 0x1000;
    while (ip < pc)
	ip += M6502_disassemble(mpu, ip, insn);
	printf("%04X %s\n", ip, insn);

  /* Point the RESET vector at the first instruction in the assembled
   * program.
  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  /* Reset the 6502 and run the program.
  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: rng.cpp Projeto: TRIQS/triqs
TEST(Random, MersenneUniform) {

  int seed = 1352;

  std::mt19937 gen(seed);
  std::mt19937 gen2(seed);
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> generator;

  // Testing the uniform distribution of the std lib
  std::vector<double> result = {
     0.746232984169,   0.6214472531558, 0.07805054426756, 0.9452625723383,  0.6160979423092,  0.2418893501668,  0.6896814322311, 0.1373470451893,
     0.02127975324357, 0.8404690215785, 0.1431147904521,  0.80411805169,    0.6688147681812,  0.07062631205964, 0.2139421190067, 0.0518924846002,
     0.5659795153539,  0.56592779773,   0.4419607026389,  0.3359767584969,  0.04341421739118, 0.07708582345306, 0.3726266202966, 0.6364503066832,
     0.2849809223911,  0.8525376738432, 0.8231377376906,  0.2475516054916,  0.8801009460023,  0.6549141325375,  0.7337894224141, 0.6954526734387,
     0.808164487914,   0.6641562129444, 0.4412771960671,  0.03091718935819, 0.9461238559848,  0.00534980234488, 0.4507561386272, 0.7635721218473,
     0.7834604996263,  0.5841130671914, 0.8645133048538,  0.9714542920699,  0.5996237558528,  0.1320193635851,  0.7768479589041, 0.2323527694768,
     0.05463676004764, 0.408083587752,  0.6369825399466,  0.5685970584032,  0.1235360900372,  0.9202423981236,  0.7115838618262, 0.02983485111151,
     0.76981373137,    0.0867099417063, 0.07104946619888, 0.6242631153853,  0.9333818935535,  0.2555663074641,  0.5992051313843, 0.5401568983755,
     0.7769657207188,  0.1981726659902, 0.1661893182446,  0.834562142064,   0.9424356488108,  0.04133228686251, 0.4650720410434, 0.07820202766968,
     0.9884859219395,  0.1590063209914, 0.6488666015855,  0.7387352915971,  0.7585917578883,  0.5503377983743,  0.9244397353327, 0.6447530066677,
     0.6129745757522,  0.2542404394466, 0.2026888834774,  0.2527748172769,  0.6740506770768,  0.9107106919416,  0.6213113793034, 0.1554119577284,
     0.7805296694581,  0.660779124941,  0.7750959913801,  0.0938933767948,  0.6609784932051,  0.6148894861399,  0.4792942971708, 0.6545062197143,
     0.6110897641314,  0.3611626664627, 0.2771070578171,  0.5601750233273};

  //std::cout<< std::setprecision(13);
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    //std::cout  << ", "<<generator(gen);
    EXPECT_NEAR(result[i], generator(gen), 1.e-12);

  // boost
  boost::uniform_real<> dis;
  boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937, boost::uniform_real<>> gb(boost::mt19937(seed), dis);

  // the std uniform distrib takes one number over 2 ?!
  std::cout << std::setprecision(13);
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i, gb(), gen2()) {
    double x = gb();
    std::cout << result[i] - x << " " << x << "  " << x - double(gen2()) / (double(gen2.max()) + 1) << std::endl;
    //EXPECT_NEAR(result[i], gb(), 1.e-12);

  std::cout << "min " << gen.min() << " max " << gen.max() << std::endl;

  //triqs::mc_tools::RandomGenerators::RandMT RAN(seed);
  //for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(result[i], RAN());
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: cgxmm.c Projeto: dsagal/dmd
code *xmmneg(elem *e,regm_t *pretregs)
    tym_t tyml = tybasic(e->E1->Ety);
    int sz = tysize[tyml];

    regm_t retregs = *pretregs & XMMREGS;
    if (!retregs)
        retregs = XMMREGS;

    /* Generate:
     *    MOV reg,e1
     *    MOV rreg,signbit
     *    XOR reg,rreg
    code *cl = codelem(e->E1,&retregs,FALSE);
    cl = cat(cl,getregs(retregs));
    unsigned reg = findreg(retregs);
    regm_t rretregs = XMMREGS & ~retregs;
    unsigned rreg;
    cl = cat(cl,allocreg(&rretregs,&rreg,tyml));
    targ_size_t signbit = 0x80000000;
    if (sz == 8)
        signbit = 0x8000000000000000LL;
    code *c = movxmmconst(rreg, sz, signbit, 0);

    code *cg = getregs(retregs);
    unsigned op = (sz == 8) ? XORPD : XORPS;       // XORPD/S reg,rreg
    code *co = gen2(CNIL,op,modregxrmx(3,reg-XMM0,rreg-XMM0));
    co = cat(co,fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));
    return cat4(cl,c,cg,co);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(generator_test, engine_type, engines)
   typedef typename engine_type::result_type test_type;

   engine_type gen;
   test_type a = gen.min();
   test_type b = gen.max();
   BOOST_CHECK(a < b);
   a = gen();
   // This extracts 32-bit values for use in seeding other sequences,
   // not really applicable here, and not functional for signed types anyway.
   //gen.generate(&b, &b + 1);

   typename engine_type::base_type base(gen.base());

   std::stringstream ss;
   ss << gen;
   engine_type gen2;
   ss >> gen2;
   BOOST_CHECK(gen == gen2);
   BOOST_CHECK(gen != gen2);
   // construction and seeding:
   engine_type gen3(0);
Exemplo n.º 8
    // prepare some randomized (partly) move parameters for ball at reset
    // (after scoring or loosing a point)
    const short range = 2;
    float options[range + 1] = {0.7f, 1.0f, 1.4f};

    std::mt19937 gen((*rand)());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, range);
    float rndX = options[dist(gen)];
    float rndY = options[dist(gen)];
    std::mt19937 gen2((*rand)());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> trigger(0, 1);
    int opposite = 1;
    if (!trigger(gen)) opposite = -1;

    // starting speed is the same on both axes
    float defSpeed = StartSpeed[0];

    Speed[0] = defSpeed * rndX * opposite;
    Speed[1] = defSpeed * rndY * (opposite);

    Boost = 0;
    PrevBorCol = 0;
    PrevColHor = PrevColVert = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;
  unsigned saved_pc;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,       0, done  );
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xffee, oswrch);

  gen2(0xa2, 0xff      ); // LDX #&FF
  gen1(0x9a            ); // TXS
  gen2(0xa9, 'A'       ); // LDA #'A'

  // LDA #'B' is 0xa9, 0x42. So if we execute a JSR at 0x42a7, it will
  // push 0x42 and then 0xa9 onto the stack. Since the stack grows downwards
  // those bytes will be in the right order for execution.
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x42); // JMP &42A7
  pc = 0x42a7;
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x30); // JSR &3000
  saved_pc = pc;
  pc = 0x3000;
  gen3(0x4c, 0xfe, 0x01); // JMP &01FE
  pc = 0x200;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x60            ); // RTS
  pc = saved_pc;

  // Let's do the same thing again, but this time code has already been
  // executed from that address on the stack, so we're verifying the change
  // is picked up. We do LDA #'C' this time, so we execute the JSR from
  // 0x43a7.
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x43); // JMP &43A7
  pc = 0x43a7;
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x30); // JSR &3000

  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
int main() {
  for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) gen1(i);
  for (int i = 5; i <= 8; ++i) gen2(i);
  for (int i = 9; i <= 12; ++i) gen3(i);
  for (int i = 13; i <= 16; ++i) gen4(i);
  for (int i = 17; i <= 20; ++i) gen5(i);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    unsigned long seedv[4];

    boost::random::seed_seq ss({1ul, 2ul, 3ul, 4ul});

    boost::mt19937 gen2(ss);
int wr(M6502 *mpu, uint16_t address, uint8_t data)
    if (address != 0x42)

    unsigned pc = 0x6000;
    gen2(0xa9, data);       // LDA #data
    gen3(0x4c, 0x00, 0x20); // JMP &2000
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: cg2.c Projeto: 8l/subc
void synth(int i) {
	int	g;

	g = isupper(Qx);
	if (!Qi) gen("pop  X");
	switch (i) {
	case '+': if (!Qi)
			gen("addr X,A");
		  else if (g)
			gen2("addg _%c,A", Qx);
			gen2("addl _%c,A", Qx);
	case '*': if (!Qi)
			gen("mulr X,A");
		  else if (g)
			gen2("mulg _%c,A", Qx);
			gen2("mull _%c,A", Qx);
	case '-': if (!Qi) {
			gen("swap A,X");
			gen("subr X,A");
		  else if (g)
			gen2("subg _%c,A", Qx);
			gen2("subl _%c,A", Qx);
	case '/': if (!Qi) {
			gen("swap A,X");
			gen("divr X,A");
		  else if (g)
			gen2("divg _%c,A", Qx);
			gen2("divl _%c,A", Qx);
	Qi = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: mul.c Projeto: 8l/inferno
static int
gen1(int len)
	int i;

	for(shmax=1; shmax<30; shmax++) {
		valmax = 1<<shmax;
		if(valmax >= mulval)
	if(mulval == 1)
		return 1;

	for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++)
		if(gen2(len, 1<<i)) {
			*--mulcp = 'a'+i;
			return 1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: cgxmm.c Projeto: dsagal/dmd
code *movxmmconst(unsigned xreg, unsigned sz, targ_size_t value, regm_t flags)
    /* Generate:
     *    MOV reg,value
     *    MOV xreg,reg
     * Not so efficient. We should at least do a PXOR for 0.
    assert(mask[xreg] & XMMREGS);
    assert(sz == 4 || sz == 8);
    code *c;
    if (I32 && sz == 8)
        unsigned r;
        regm_t rm = ALLREGS;
        c = allocreg(&rm,&r,TYint);         // allocate scratch register
        union { targ_size_t s; targ_long l[2]; } u;
        u.l[1] = 0;
        u.s = value;
        targ_long *p = &u.l[0];
        c = movregconst(c,r,p[0],0);
        c = genfltreg(c,0x89,r,0);            // MOV floatreg,r
        c = movregconst(c,r,p[1],0);
        c = genfltreg(c,0x89,r,4);            // MOV floatreg+4,r

        unsigned op = xmmload(TYdouble);
        c = genfltreg(c,op,xreg - XMM0,0);     // MOVSD XMMreg,floatreg
        unsigned reg;
        c = regwithvalue(CNIL,ALLREGS,value,&reg,(sz == 8) ? 64 : 0);
        c = gen2(c,LODD,modregxrmx(3,xreg-XMM0,reg));     // MOVD xreg,reg
        if (sz == 8)
            code_orrex(c, REX_W);
    return c;
Exemplo n.º 16
void pgsTestSuite::test_generator_string(void)
	const int nb_iterations = 100;

	// Generate empty strings because of inconsistent arguments
		pgsStringGen gen1(0, 0, 10);
		pgsStringGen gen2(10, 20, 0);
		// pgsStringGen gen3(-10, -20, 10);
		// pgsStringGen gen4(10, 20, -10);
		TS_ASSERT(gen1.random() == wxT(""));
		TS_ASSERT(gen2.random() == wxT(""));
		// TS_ASSERT(gen3.random() == wxT(""));
		// TS_ASSERT(gen4.random() == wxT(""));

	// Generate strings with 'a' only
		pgsVectorChar chars;
		pgsStringGen gen(2, 2, 3, wxDateTime::GetTimeNow(), chars);
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			TS_ASSERT(gen.random() == wxT("aa aa aa"));

	// Test strings that are in fact numbers
	// Test the size of generated strings
		pgsVectorChar chars;
		pgsStringGen gen(5, 5, 1, wxDateTime::GetTimeNow(), chars);
		wxString result;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			long aux_res;
			TS_ASSERT(MAPM(result.mb_str()) == aux_res && result.Length() == 5);

	// Test the size of generated strings
		pgsStringGen gen(10, 11, 3, 123);
		pgsStringGen comparator(10, 11, 3, 123);
		wxString result;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == comparator.random());
			TS_ASSERT(result.Length() >= 32 && result.Length() <= 35);

	// Test copy constructor
		// Create a generator and generate values
		pgsStringGen gen(10, 11, 3, 123456789L);
		wxString result, res_cmp;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations / 2; i++)
			result = gen.random();
		// Copy this generator to a new one
		// Both generators must generate the same values
		pgsStringGen comparator(gen);
		for (int i = nb_iterations / 2; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == res_cmp);

	// Test assignment operator
		// Create two different generators and generate values
		pgsStringGen gen(20, 30, 20);
		pgsStringGen comparator(0, 0, 10);
		wxString result, res_cmp;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations / 2; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
		// Copy one of the generators to the other one
		// Both generators must generate the same values
		comparator = gen;
		for (int i = nb_iterations / 2; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == res_cmp);
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: cgxmm.c Projeto: dsagal/dmd
code *xmmcnvt(elem *e,regm_t *pretregs)
    code *c;
    unsigned op=0, regs;
    tym_t ty;
    unsigned char rex = 0;
    bool zx = false; // zero extend uint

    /* There are no ops for integer <-> float/real conversions
     * but there are instructions for them. In order to use these
     * try to fuse chained conversions. Be careful not to loose
     * precision for real to long.
    elem *e1 = e->E1;
    switch (e->Eoper)
    case OPd_f:
        if (e1->Eoper == OPs32_d)
        else if (I64 && e1->Eoper == OPs64_d)
            rex = REX_W;
        else if (I64 && e1->Eoper == OPu32_d)
        {   rex = REX_W;
            zx = true;
        {   regs = XMMREGS;
            op = CVTSD2SS;
            ty = TYfloat;
        // directly use si2ss
        regs = ALLREGS;
        e1 = e1->E1;
        op = CVTSI2SS;
        ty = TYfloat;

    case OPs32_d:              goto Litod;
    case OPs64_d: rex = REX_W; goto Litod;
    case OPu32_d: rex = REX_W; zx = true; goto Litod;
        regs = ALLREGS;
        op = CVTSI2SD;
        ty = TYdouble;

    case OPd_s32: ty = TYint;  goto Ldtoi;
    case OPd_u32: ty = TYlong; if (I64) rex = REX_W; goto Ldtoi;
    case OPd_s64: ty = TYlong; rex = REX_W; goto Ldtoi;
        regs = XMMREGS;
        switch (e1->Eoper)
        case OPf_d:
            e1 = e1->E1;
            op = CVTTSS2SI;
        case OPld_d:
            if (e->Eoper == OPd_s64)
                return cnvt87(e,pretregs); // precision
            /* FALL-THROUGH */
            op = CVTTSD2SI;

    case OPf_d:
        regs = XMMREGS;
        op = CVTSS2SD;
        ty = TYdouble;

    c = codelem(e1, &regs, FALSE);
    unsigned reg = findreg(regs);
    if (reg >= XMM0)
        reg -= XMM0;
    else if (zx)
    {   assert(I64);
        c = cat(c,getregs(regs));
        c = genregs(c,0x89,reg,reg); // MOV reg,reg to zero upper 32-bit

    unsigned retregs = *pretregs;
    if (tyxmmreg(ty)) // target is XMM
    {   if (!(*pretregs & XMMREGS))
            retregs = XMMREGS;
    else              // source is XMM
    {   assert(regs & XMMREGS);
        if (!(retregs & ALLREGS))
            retregs = ALLREGS;

    unsigned rreg;
    c = cat(c,allocreg(&retregs,&rreg,ty));
    if (rreg >= XMM0)
        rreg -= XMM0;

    c = gen2(c, op, modregxrmx(3,rreg,reg));
    assert(I64 || !rex);
    if (rex)
        code_orrex(c, rex);

    if (*pretregs != retregs)
        c = cat(c,fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));
    return c;
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: cgxmm.c Projeto: dsagal/dmd
code *xmmopass(elem *e,regm_t *pretregs)
{   elem *e1 = e->E1;
    elem *e2 = e->E2;
    tym_t ty1 = tybasic(e1->Ety);
    unsigned sz1 = tysize[ty1];
    regm_t rretregs = XMMREGS & ~*pretregs;
    if (!rretregs)
        rretregs = XMMREGS;

    code *cr = codelem(e2,&rretregs,FALSE); // eval right leaf
    unsigned rreg = findreg(rretregs);

    code cs;
    code *cl,*cg;

    regm_t retregs;
    unsigned reg;
    bool regvar = FALSE;
    if (config.flags4 & CFG4optimized)
        // Be careful of cases like (x = x+x+x). We cannot evaluate in
        // x if x is in a register.
        unsigned varreg;
        regm_t varregm;
        if (isregvar(e1,&varregm,&varreg) &&    // if lvalue is register variable
            doinreg(e1->EV.sp.Vsym,e2)          // and we can compute directly into it
        {   regvar = TRUE;
            retregs = varregm;
            reg = varreg;                       // evaluate directly in target register
            cl = NULL;
            cg = getregs(retregs);              // destroy these regs

    if (!regvar)
        cl = getlvalue(&cs,e1,rretregs);        // get EA
        retregs = *pretregs & XMMREGS & ~rretregs;
        if (!retregs)
            retregs = XMMREGS & ~rretregs;
        cg = allocreg(&retregs,&reg,ty1);
        cs.Iop = xmmload(ty1);                  // MOVSD xmm,xmm_m64
        code_newreg(&cs,reg - XMM0);
        cg = gen(cg,&cs);

    unsigned op = xmmoperator(e1->Ety, e->Eoper);
    code *co = gen2(CNIL,op,modregxrmx(3,reg-XMM0,rreg-XMM0));

    if (!regvar)
        cs.Iop = xmmstore(ty1);           // reverse operand order of MOVS[SD]

    if (e1->Ecount ||                     // if lvalue is a CSE or
        regvar)                           // rvalue can't be a CSE
        cl = cat(cl,getregs_imm(retregs));        // necessary if both lvalue and
                                        //  rvalue are CSEs (since a reg
                                        //  can hold only one e at a time)
        cssave(e1,retregs,EOP(e1));     // if lvalue is a CSE

    co = cat(co,fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));
    return cat4(cr,cl,cg,co);
Exemplo n.º 19
Csrc::gen_f1 ( float a[], int ntaps, int ncutoff, int nfilters, int m )
    int i, j;
    float x, alpha;
    float a0[64];
    int nt;
    int am, dk;

// build filter from linear interp of pair of filter;

    nt = ntaps; // ntaps should be even?
    if ( nfilters > 1 )
        nt--;   // ntaps should be even?
    if ( ncutoff > nt )
        ncutoff = nt;

    if ( ntaps <= 2 )
    {   // linear interpolation
        a0[0] = 0.0f;
        a0[1] = 1.0f;
        a0[2] = 0.0f;
        a0[ntaps] = a0[0] = 0.0f;
        //gen1(a0+1, nt, ncutoff, 0.0f, &x);
        gen2 ( a0 + 1, nt, ncutoff, 0.0f, &x ); // lbr using gen2
        //gen3(a0+1, nt, ncutoff, 0.0f);  // lbr using gen2
        fc_window ( a0 + 1, nt );
        norm ( a0 + 1, nt );    // ??

for(i=0;i<nfilters;i++) {
  //alpha = ((float)i + 0.5)/nfilters;
  alpha = ((float)i)/nfilters;
  for(j=0;j<ntaps;j++) a[j] = a0[j+1] + alpha*(a0[j]-a0[j+1]);

// in order used by filter
    am = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < nfilters; i++ )
        alpha = ( ( float ) am ) / nfilters;
        for ( j = 0; j < ntaps; j++ )
            a[j] = a0[j + 1] + alpha * ( a0[j] - a0[j + 1] );
        if ( ntaps == 1 )
            a[0] = alpha;       // compute as y = f0+alpha*f1-f0);
        //if( ntaps == 1 ) a[0] = alpha + 0.5/nfilters;  // compute as y = f0+alpha*f1-f0);
        a += ntaps;
        dk = src.k;     // sample delta for next filtered output
        am += m;
        if ( am >= nfilters )
            am = am - nfilters;

    return ntaps;
Exemplo n.º 20
static int
gen_f ( float a[], int ntaps, int ncutoff, int nfilters, int m )
    int i;
    float x, alpha;
    int am;

// linear interp in order used by filter
    if ( ntaps == 1 )
        am = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < nfilters; i++ )
            alpha = ( ( float ) am ) / nfilters;
            a[0] = alpha;       // compute as y = f0+alpha*f1-f0);
            am += m;
            if ( am >= nfilters )
                am = am - nfilters;
            a += ntaps;
        return 0;

    if ( ntaps == 2 )
    {   // linear interpolation
        am = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < nfilters; i++ )
            alpha = ( ( float ) am ) / nfilters;
            a[0] = 1.0f - alpha;
            a[1] = alpha;
            am += m;
            if ( am >= nfilters )
                am = am - nfilters;
            a += ntaps;
        return 0;

    am = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < nfilters; i++ )
        alpha = ( ( float ) am ) / nfilters;
        alpha = alpha + 0.5f / nfilters - 0.5f; // filter center = 0.0
        //gen1(a, ntaps, ncutoff, alpha, &x);  // lbr using gen2
        gen2 ( a, ntaps, ncutoff, alpha, &x );  // lbr using gen2
        //gen3(a, ntaps, ncutoff, alpha);    // never tested

        fc_window ( a, ntaps );
        norm ( a, ntaps );
        //fc_window2(a, ntaps, x);

        am += m;
        if ( am >= nfilters )
            am = am - nfilters;

//printf("\n alpha = %8.4f --------", alpha);
//outf4b(a, ntaps);

        a += ntaps;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;
  unsigned saved_pc;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xf000, done  );
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xffee, oswrch);

  gen2(0xa2, 0xff      ); // LDX #&FF
  gen1(0x9a            ); // TXS
  gen2(0xa9, 'A'       ); // LDA #'A'

  // LDA #'B' is 0xa9, 0x42. So if we execute a BRK at 0x42a7, it will
  // push 0x42, 0xa9 and the flags onto the stack. Since the stack grows
  // downwards those bytes will be in the right order for execution. We'll
  // additionally push an LDX immediate opcode so we can "execute" the flags
  // value. We can nearly force the flags to be whatever we like using PLP,
  // although the BRK will set the B and X bits in the stacked value. We
  // demonstrate this by explicitly masking off those bits in the values we
  // force into the flags.
  enum {
    flagX= (1<<5),	/* unused   	 */
    flagB= (1<<4) 	/* irq from brk  */
  uint8_t mask = ~(flagX | flagB);
  gen2(0xa0, '0' & mask); // LDY #('0' with B/X masked off)
  gen1(0x5a            ); // PHY
  gen1(0x28            ); // PLP
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x42); // JMP &42A7
  pc = 0x42a7;
  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK
  saved_pc = pc;
  pc = 0x0; // BRK vector
  gen2(0xa9, 0xa2      ); // LDA #<LDX # opcode>
  gen1(0x48            ); // PHA
  gen3(0x4c, 0xfc, 0x01); // JMP &01FC
  pc = 0x200;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x8a            ); // TXA
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x68            ); // PLA
  gen1(0x40            ); // RTI
  pc = saved_pc;

  // Let's do the same thing again, but this time code has already been
  // executed from that address on the stack, so we're verifying the change
  // is picked up. We do LDA #'C' this time, so we execute the BRK from
  // 0x43a7.
  gen2(0xa0, '1' & mask); // LDY #('1' with B/X masked off)
  gen1(0x5a            ); // PHY
  gen1(0x28            ); // PLP
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x43); // JMP &43A7
  pc = 0x43a7;
  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  gen3(0x4c, 0x00, 0xf0); // JMP &F000 (quit)

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,      0, done);
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call, 0xffee, oswrch);
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, write,  0x42, wr  );

  gen2(0xa9, '>'       ); // LDA #'>'
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen2(0xa2, 'A'       ); // LDX #'A'
  gen3(0x8e, 0x42, 0x00); // STX &0042
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x60); // JSR &6000
  gen1(0xe8            ); // INX
  gen2(0xe0, 'Z'+1     ); // CPX #('Z'+1)
  gen2(0x90, 0xf5      ); // BCC to STX

  gen2(0xa0, 0x05      ); // LDY #&05
  gen2(0xa9, '>'       ); // LDA #'>'
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen2(0xa2, 'A'       ); // LDX #'A'
  gen2(0x96, 0x42-0x05 ); // STX (&42-&05),Y
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x60); // JSR &6000
  gen1(0xe8            ); // INX
  gen2(0xe0, 'Z'+1     ); // CPX #('Z'+1)
  gen2(0x90, 0xf6      ); // BCC to STX

  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  pc = 0x2000;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x60            ); // RTS

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;