/** * @brief Entry point for docker_image_labels table. */ QueryData genImageLabels(QueryContext& context) { return getLabels(context, "image", // Docker object type "id", // Look for "id" column in context "Id", // Image primary key is "Id" "/images/json", // All images URL "", // Image array is at top level false, // Does not support "filters" query string false); // Does not support "all" query string }
/** * @brief Entry point for docker_volume_labels table. */ QueryData genVolumeLabels(QueryContext& context) { return getLabels(context, "volume", // Docker object type "name", // Look for "name" column in context "Name", // Volume primary key is "Name" "/volumes", // All volumes URL "Volumes", // Volume array is under "Volumes" child node true, // Supports "filters" in query string false); // Does not supports "all" in query string }
/** * @brief Entry point for docker_network_labels table. */ QueryData genNetworkLabels(QueryContext& context) { return getLabels(context, "network", // Docker object type "id", // Look for "id" column in context "Id", // Network primary key is "Id" "/networks", // All networks URL "", // Network array is at top level true, // Supports "filters" in query string false); // Does not supports "all" in query string }
/** * @brief Entry point for docker_container_labels table. */ QueryData genContainerLabels(QueryContext& context) { return getLabels(context, "container", // Docker object type "id", // Look for "id" column in context "Id", // Container primary key is "Id" "/containers/json", // All containers URL "", // Container array is at top level true, // Supports "filters" in query string true); // Supports "all" in query string }
int testpluginPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam) { bool handled = false; switch (msgId) { case MSG_INIT: init(); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_LABELS: getLabels((InputList*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_ID: getID((uint*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_NAME: getName((QString*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_RESULTS: getResults((InputList*) wParam, (QList<CatItem>*) lParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_CATALOG: getCatalog((QList<CatItem>*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_EXTEND_CATALOG: extendCatalog((SearchInfo*) wParam, (QList<CatItem>*)lParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_LAUNCH_ITEM: handled = launchItem((InputList*) wParam, (QList<CatItem>*) lParam); break; case MSG_HAS_DIALOG: handled = true; break; case MSG_DO_DIALOG: doDialog((QWidget*) wParam, (QWidget**) lParam); break; case MSG_END_DIALOG: endDialog((bool) wParam); break; case MSG_PATH: setPath((QString *) wParam); default: break; } return handled; }
vec1<optional<Permutation> > getTransversal() const { vec1<optional<int> > translabels(getTranslabels()); vec1<Permutation> labels(getLabels()); vec1<optional<Permutation> > p(translabels.size(), optional<Permutation>()); for(int i : range1(translabels.size())) { if(translabels[i]) { p[i] = labels[*(translabels[i])]; } } return p; }
int VerbyPlugin::msg(int msgId, void* wParam, void* lParam) { int handled = 0; switch (msgId) { case MSG_INIT: init(); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_ID: getID((uint*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_NAME: getName((QString*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_LABELS: getLabels((QList<InputData>*) wParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_GET_RESULTS: getResults((QList<InputData>*) wParam, (QList<CatItem>*) lParam); handled = true; break; case MSG_LAUNCH_ITEM: handled = launchItem((QList<InputData>*) wParam, (CatItem*) lParam); break; case MSG_HAS_DIALOG: handled = true; break; case MSG_DO_DIALOG: doDialog((QWidget*) wParam, (QWidget**) lParam); break; case MSG_END_DIALOG: endDialog(wParam != 0); break; case MSG_PATH: setPath((QString *) wParam); break; default: break; } return handled; }
void RoomPanel::updatePlayers(std::vector<std::string> &vector, int from) { (void)from; RenderWindow *window = RenderWindow::getInstance(); unsigned int i = 0; while (i < vector.size() - 2) { getPlayers().at(i)->setUsername(vector.at(i)); _backgrounds.at(i + 1).setTexture(*_spaceShipsTextures.at(i + 1)); getLabels().at(i + 2).setString(vector.at(i)); getLabels().at(i + 2).setOrigin(_labels.at(i + 2).getText().getGlobalBounds().width / 2, _labels.at(i + 2).getText().getGlobalBounds().height / 2); _nbPlayers++; i++; } i--; _players.at(i)->setCurrentClient(true); _currentPlayer = i + 1; switch (i) { case 0: getLabels().at(i + 2).setColor(Color::BLUE); break; case 1: getLabels().at(i + 2).setColor(Color::RED); break; case 2: getLabels().at(i + 2).setColor(Color::GREEN); break; case 3: getLabels().at(i + 2).setColor(Color::YELLOW); break; default: getLabels().at(i + 2).setColor(Color::WHITE); break; } _idRoom = vector.at(vector.size() - 2); _labels.at(6).setString(_idRoom); _labels.at(6).setOrigin(_labels.at(6).getText().getGlobalBounds().width / 2, _labels.at(6).getText().getGlobalBounds().height / 2); _labels.at(6).setPosition(Vector2(0.5 * window->getSize()._x, 0.95 * window->getSize()._y)); }
//// // Initialization Routine //// bool CGameLauncher::setupMenu() { m_mustquit = false; mDonePatchSelection = false; m_chosenGame = -1; m_ep1slot = -1; mLauncherDialog.initEmptyBackground(); mSelection = -1; bool gamesDetected = false; // TODO: Put that scanning into a separate so we can show a loading menu // Scan for games... m_DirList.clear(); m_Entries.clear(); gLogging.ftextOut("Game Autodetection Started<br>" ); // Process any custom labels getLabels(); // Scan VFS DIR_ROOT for exe's gamesDetected |= scanExecutables(DIR_ROOT); mGameScanner.setPermilage(100); // Recursivly scan into DIR_GAMES subdir's for exe's gamesDetected |= scanSubDirectories(DIR_GAMES, DEPTH_MAX_GAMES, 200, 900); mpSelList = new CGUITextSelectionList(); // Save any custom labels putLabels(); // Create an empty Bitmap control mLauncherDialog.addControl( new CGUIBitmap(), GsRect<float>(0.51f, 0.07f, 0.48f, 0.48f) ); mCurrentBmp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< CGUIBitmap > ( mLauncherDialog.getControlList().back() ); mpPrevievBmpVec.resize(m_Entries.size()); std::vector<GameEntry>::iterator it = m_Entries.begin(); unsigned int i=0; for( ; it != m_Entries.end() ; it++ ) { mpSelList->addText(it->name); // And try to add a preview bitmap std::string fullfilename = "preview.bmp"; fullfilename = getResourceFilename(fullfilename, it->path, false); fullfilename = GetFullFileName(fullfilename); if(IsFileAvailable(fullfilename)) { SDL_Surface *pPrimBmp = SDL_LoadBMP(GetFullFileName(fullfilename).c_str()); std::shared_ptr<SDL_Surface> bmpSfcPtr( pPrimBmp ); std::shared_ptr<GsBitmap> pBmp(new GsBitmap(bmpSfcPtr)); mpPrevievBmpVec[i] = pBmp; } i++; } mpSelList->setConfirmButtonEvent(new GMStart()); mpSelList->setBackButtonEvent(new GMQuit()); mLauncherDialog.addControl(new CGUIText("Pick a Game"), GsRect<float>(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f)); mLauncherDialog.addControl(new GsButton( "x", new GMQuit() ), GsRect<float>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.07f, 0.07f) ); mLauncherDialog.addControl(mpSelList, GsRect<float>(0.01f, 0.07f, 0.49f, 0.79f)); mLauncherDialog.addControl(new GsButton( "Start >", new GMStart() ), GsRect<float>(0.65f, 0.865f, 0.3f, 0.07f) ); #ifdef DBFUSION GsButton *fusionShellBtn = new GsButton( "DosFusion Shell >", new GMDBFusionStart() ); GsButton *fusionBtn = new GsButton( "DosFusion! >", new GMDosGameFusionStart() ); if(disallowDBFusion) { fusionShellBtn->enable(false); fusionBtn->enable(false); } mLauncherDialog.addControl( fusionShellBtn, GsRect<float>(0.01f, 0.865f, 0.3f, 0.07f) ); mLauncherDialog.addControl( fusionBtn, GsRect<float>(0.35f, 0.865f, 0.3f, 0.07f) ); #endif #ifdef DOWNLOADER GsButton *downloadBtn = new GsButton( "New Stuff", new GMDownloadDlgOpen() ); mLauncherDialog.addControl( downloadBtn, GsRect<float>(0.35f, 0.865f, 0.3f, 0.07f) ); #endif mpEpisodeText = new CGUIText("Game"); mpVersionText = new CGUIText("Version"); mLauncherDialog.addControl(mpEpisodeText, GsRect<float>(0.5f, 0.75f, 0.5f, 0.05f)); mLauncherDialog.addControl(mpVersionText, GsRect<float>(0.5f, 0.80f, 0.5f, 0.05f)); // This way it goes right to the selection list. mLauncherDialog.setSelection(2); mGameScanner.setPermilage(1000); gLogging.ftextOut("Game Autodetection Finished<br>" ); // Banner. TODO: Create a class for that... CGUIBanner *banner = new CGUIBanner("Commander Genius " CGVERSION "\n" "By Gerstrong,\n" "Hagel,\n" "Tulip,\n" "NY00123,\n" "Pelya,\n" "and the CG Contributors\n"); mLauncherDialog.addControl( banner, GsRect<float>(0.0f, 0.95f, 1.0f, 0.05f) ); if(!gamesDetected) return false; const std::string gameDir = gArgs.getValue("dir"); if(!gameDir.empty()) { int chosenGame = 0; bool found=false; // Check if the given parameter makes one game start. for( GameEntry &entry : m_Entries) { if(entry.path == gameDir) { // found! m_chosenGame = chosenGame; gLogging.textOut("Launching game from directory: \"" + gameDir + "\"\n"); gArgs.removeTag("dir"); setupModsDialog(); // Nothing else to do, break the loop found = true; break; } chosenGame++; } if(!found) { const std::string err = "The game from directory: \"" + gameDir + "\" cannot the launched." + "Maybe it's missing or not compatible. Please check if you can run that through the game launcher.\n"; gLogging.textOut(err); showMessageBox("Given path :\"" + gameDir + "\" unknown.\nPlease check the CGLog File!"); } } return true; }
void ColorHistogramLabelMatch::match( const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& image_msg, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& label_msg, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& mask_msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_); if (histogram_.empty()) { NODELET_DEBUG("no reference histogram is available"); return; } cv::Mat image = cv_bridge::toCvShare(image_msg, image_msg->encoding)->image; cv::Mat label = cv_bridge::toCvShare(label_msg, label_msg->encoding)->image; cv::Mat whole_mask = cv_bridge::toCvShare(mask_msg, mask_msg->encoding)->image; cv::Mat coefficient_image = cv::Mat::zeros( image_msg->height, image_msg->width, CV_32FC1); std::vector<int> labels; getLabels(label, labels); cv::Mat coefficients_heat_image = cv::Mat::zeros( image_msg->height, image_msg->width, CV_8UC3); // BGR8 int hist_size = histogram_.cols; float range[] = { min_value_, max_value_ }; const float* hist_range = { range }; double min_coef = DBL_MAX; double max_coef = - DBL_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) { int label_index = labels[i]; cv::Mat label_mask = cv::Mat::zeros(label.rows, label.cols, CV_8UC1); getMaskImage(label, label_index, label_mask); double coef = 0.0; // get label_mask & whole_mask and check is it all black or not cv::Mat masked_label; label_mask.copyTo(masked_label, whole_mask); if (isMasked(label_mask, masked_label)) { coef = masked_coefficient_; } else { cv::MatND hist; bool uniform = true; bool accumulate = false; cv::calcHist(&image, 1, 0, label_mask, hist, 1, &hist_size, &hist_range, uniform, accumulate); cv::normalize(hist, hist, 1, hist.rows, cv::NORM_L2, -1, cv::Mat()); cv::Mat hist_mat = cv::Mat::zeros(1, hist_size, CV_32FC1); for (size_t j = 0; j < hist_size; j++) { hist_mat.at<float>(0, j) = hist.at<float>(0, j); } //cv::Mat hist_mat = hist; coef = coefficients(hist_mat, histogram_); if (min_coef > coef) { min_coef = coef; } if (max_coef < coef) { max_coef = coef; } } std_msgs::ColorRGBA coef_color = jsk_topic_tools::heatColor(coef); for (size_t j = 0; j < coefficients_heat_image.rows; j++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < coefficients_heat_image.cols; i++) { if (label_mask.at<uchar>(j, i) == 255) { coefficients_heat_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(j, i) = cv::Vec3b(int(coef_color.b * 255), int(coef_color.g * 255), int(coef_color.r * 255)); coefficient_image.at<float>(j, i) = coef; } } } } NODELET_INFO("coef: %f - %f", min_coef, max_coef); pub_debug_.publish( cv_bridge::CvImage(image_msg->header, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, coefficients_heat_image).toImageMsg()); pub_coefficient_image_.publish( cv_bridge::CvImage(image_msg->header, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1, coefficient_image).toImageMsg()); // apply threshold operation cv::Mat threshold_image = cv::Mat::zeros( coefficient_image.rows, coefficient_image.cols, CV_32FC1); if (threshold_method_ == 0) { // smaller than cv::threshold(coefficient_image, threshold_image, coef_threshold_, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV); } else if (threshold_method_ == 1) { // greater than cv::threshold(coefficient_image, threshold_image, coef_threshold_, 1, cv::THRESH_BINARY); } else if (threshold_method_ == 2 || threshold_method_ == 3) { // convert image into 8UC to apply otsu' method cv::Mat otsu_image = cv::Mat::zeros( coefficient_image.rows, coefficient_image.cols, CV_8UC1); cv::Mat otsu_result_image = cv::Mat::zeros( coefficient_image.rows, coefficient_image.cols, CV_8UC1); coefficient_image.convertTo(otsu_image, 8, 255.0); cv::threshold(otsu_image, otsu_result_image, coef_threshold_, 255, cv::THRESH_OTSU); // convert it into float image again if (threshold_method_ == 2) { otsu_result_image.convertTo(threshold_image, 32, 1 / 255.0); } else if (threshold_method_ == 3) { otsu_result_image.convertTo(threshold_image, 32, - 1 / 255.0, 1.0); } } cv::Mat threshold_uchar_image = cv::Mat(threshold_image.rows, threshold_image.cols, CV_8UC1); threshold_image.convertTo(threshold_uchar_image, 8, 255.0); // convert image from float to uchar pub_result_.publish( cv_bridge::CvImage(image_msg->header, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8, threshold_uchar_image).toImageMsg()); }