Exemplo n.º 1
obj fn_on_tick (obj args)
  obj *argv = get_header (args) -> u.array_val;
  timeout = get_int_val (argv [1]);
  tick_action = argv [2];
  return (tick_action);
Exemplo n.º 2
obj fn_pin (obj args)
  obj *argv = get_header (args) -> u.array_val;
  uint32_t pin = get_int_val (argv [1]);
  uint8_t val = (argv [2] == obj_NIL) ? LOW : HIGH;
  digitalWrite (pin, val);
  return (argv [2]);
Exemplo n.º 3
int read_roi_infile(char *infile)
  FILE *fp = fopen(infile,"r");
  if (fp==NULL) {printf("ERROR: can't open %s ROI input file\n",infile); return(1); }
  char ctmp[256];
  int  itmp;
  double dtmp;
  int  i;
  						// DESCRIPTION							VALUE
  						// ----------------------------------------------------------	-----------------------------------------------
  get_string_val(fp,datfilename);		// First input data file					<infile>.dat				               
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// Second input data file  				        /dev/null
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);	        	// Output data file						<infile>.slc
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// Output amplitudes file					/dev/null
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// 8lk output file						8lk
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);	 		// debug flag							0
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// How many input bytes per line files 1 and 2		   	13680 13680
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// How many good bytes per line, including header		13680 13680
  get_int_val(fp,&start_line); 	   		// First line to read  (start at 0)  				1
  get_int_val(fp,&npatches);			// Enter # of range input patches				{Get nl from hdr values; patches = nl/11600}
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp); 			// First sample pair to use (start at zero)			0
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// Azimuth Patch Size (Power of 2)				16384
  get_int_val(fp,&patch_size);			// Number of valid points in azimuth				11600
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// Deskew the image						n

  printf("Reading %i caltone values\n",ncaltones);

  for (i=0;i<ncaltones;i++) 
      get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Caltone % of sample rate					0.25 0.25701904296875
  get_2int_vals(fp,&itmp,&ns);			// Start range bin, number of range bins to process		1 6840
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// Delta azimuth, range pixels for second file  		0 0
  get_3double_vals(fp,&dop1,&dop2,&dop3);	// Image 1 Doppler centroid quad coefs (Hz/prf) 		{calculated from dop_est - 3 parameters}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Image 2 Doppler centroid quad coefs (Hz/prf) 		{copy above 3 values}
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// 1 = use file 1 doppler, 2 = file 2, 3 = avg  		1
  get_double_val(fp,&earth_rad);		// Earth Radius (m)						{calculated from get_peg_info}
  get_double_val(fp,&sc_vel);			// Body Fixed S/C velocities 1,2 (m/s)  			{calculate from EBEF state vector - 2 parameters}
  get_double_val(fp,&sc_height);		// Spacecraft height 1,2 (m)					{calculated from get_peg_info - 2 parameters}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Planet GM							0
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Left, Right or Unknown Pointing				Right
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// SCH Velocity Vector 1					{calculated from get_peg_info - 3 parameters}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// SCH Velocity Vector 2					{copy above 3 values}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// SCH Acceleration Vector 1					{calculated from get_pef_info - 3 parameters}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// SCH Acceleration Vector 2					{copy above 3 values}
  get_double_val(fp,&srf);			// Range of first sample in raw data file 1,2 (m)		{calculate from the hdr infomation - 2 values}
  get_double_val(fp,&prf);			// PRF 1,2 (pps)						{calculate from the hdr information - 2 values}
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// i/q means, i1,q1, i2,q2					15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// Flip i/q (y/n)						s
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Desired azimuth resolution (m)				5  (what should this be???)
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Number of azimuth looks					4  (what should this be???)
  get_double_val(fp,&fs);			// Range sampling rate (Hz)					22765000
  get_double_val(fp,&chirp_slope);		// Chirp Slope (Hz/s)						5.62130178e11
  get_double_val(fp,&pulse_duration);		// Pulse Duration (s)						33.8e-6
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// Chirp extension points					0
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// Secondary range migration correction (y/n)			n
  get_double_val(fp,&wavelength);		// Radar Wavelength (m) 					0.235
  get_int_val(fp,&itmp);			// Range Spectral Weighting (1.=none, 0.54=Hamming)		1.0
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// Fraction of range bandwidth to remove			0 0
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// linear resampling coefs:  sloper, intr, slopea, inta 	0 0 0 0
  get_double_val(fp,&dtmp);			// linear resampling deltas: dsloper, dintr, dslopea, dinta	0 0 0 0
  get_string_val(fp,ctmp);			// AGC file							/dev/null
  get_string_val(fp,dwpfilename);		// DWP file							/dev/null or DWP file

  printf("start_line %i\n",start_line);
  printf("npatches %i\n",npatches);
  printf("patch_size %i\n",patch_size);
  printf("num samples %i\n",ns);