Exemplo n.º 1
void UserInit(void) {
    //Initialize all of the LED pins

    //Initialize the pushbuttons
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Function:        void UserInit(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine should take care of all of the demo code
 *                  initialization that is required.
 * Note:            
void UserInit(void)
    //Initialize all of the LED pins
    //Initialize all of the push buttons
    old_sw2 = sw2;
    old_sw3 = sw3;
    PORTBbits.RB4 = 0;	//Clear RB4 to a known value
	ANSELHbits.ANS10 = 1;	//make RB4 an analog I/O	
	TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1;	//set RB4 as an input

//Configure ADC as follows
//	Use AN10 or RB4 as the variable input
//	clear GODONE and turn on ADC module
    //ADCON1 = 0X00;	//use VDD and VSS as references
    //ADCON2=0x3F;  // left justified, 20Tad, Fosc/4

    //initialize the variable holding the handle for the last
    // transmission

    lastTransmission = 0;

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 3
void UserInit(void)
	old_sw2 = sw2;
	Pump1tris = 0;
	Pump2tris = 0;
	TRISVPP = 0; //output
	TRISVPP_RST=0; //output
	VPP_RUN=0;	//run = off
	TRISPGD_LOW=1; //LV devices disabled, high impedance / input
	TRISPGC_LOW=1; //LV devices disabled, high impedance / input
	VPP = 1; //VPP is low (inverted)
	VPP_RST=0; //No hard reset (inverted
	INTCON2bits.RBPU=1; //disable Portb pullup resistors
}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 4
void UserInit(void)

	blinkStatusValid = TRUE;	//Blink the normal USB state on the LEDs.
	// Enable Channel 0 and Channel 1 for ADC
	// Disable A/D first.
	ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;
	// Select channel as per user request. But default to AD0
	ADCON0 &= (0xF0);
	ADCON1bits.VCFG1 = 0; // Vss for Vref-
	ADCON1bits.VCFG0 = 0; // Vdd for Vref+
	// AN0 and AN1 are analog pins
	ADCON1bits.PCFG0 = 1;
	ADCON1bits.PCFG1 = 0;
	ADCON1bits.PCFG2 = 1;
	ADCON1bits.PCFG3 = 1;
	// A/D is little endian
	ADCON2bits.ADFM = 1;
	// Set aquisition time of 2 cycles.
	ADCON2bits.ACQT0 = 1;
	ADCON2bits.ACQT1 = 0;
	ADCON2bits.ACQT2 = 0;
	// Set conversion time of 64 clock cycles
	ADCON2bits.ADCS0 = 0;
	ADCON2bits.ADCS1 = 1;
	ADCON2bits.ADCS2 = 1;
	// Make RA0 and RA1 as input.
	TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 1;
	TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 1;
}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Function:        void UserInit(void)
 * Overview:        This routine should take care of all of the demo code
 *                  initialization that is required.
void UserInit(void)
	unsigned char i;

        unsigned char i;

        for (i=0; i<CDC_DATA_IN_EP_SIZE; i++) {
            USB_In_Buffer[i] = 0;
            USB_Out_Buffer[i] = 0;

    // RA8 == front/back sensor
    // config as input
    TRISAbits.TRISA8 = 1;
    // pull up on
    CNPUAbits.CNPUA8 = 1;

    // RB8 == shake sensor
    // config as input
    TRISBbits.TRISB8 = 1;
    // pull up off
    CNPUBbits.CNPUB8 = 0;

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Function:        InitializeDevice(void)
 * OverView:		Initialize Device Port, LED, Switches, ADC, PWM, TIMER, ETC..
 * Note:			None
void InitializeDevice(void)
	//Initialize all of the LED pins

    //Initialize all of the push buttons

	//initialize adc for ntc sensor

	//initialize lid heater

	//initialize fan

	//initialize pwm 	

	//initialize fan & heater control with timer0

	//pcr task tick
Exemplo n.º 7
void UserInit(void)

	blinkStatusValid = TRUE;	//Blink the normal USB state on the LEDs.

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Function:        static void InitializeSystem(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        InitializeSystem is a centralize initialization routine.
 *                  All required USB initialization routines are called from
 *                  here.
 *                  User application initialization routine should also be
 *                  called from here.                  
 * Note:            None
static void InitializeSystem(void)
//	The USB specifications require that USB peripheral devices must never source
//	current onto the Vbus pin.  Additionally, USB peripherals should not source
//	current on D+ or D- when the host/hub is not actively powering the Vbus line.
//	When designing a self powered (as opposed to bus powered) USB peripheral
//	device, the firmware should make sure not to turn on the USB module and D+
//	or D- pull up resistor unless Vbus is actively powered.  Therefore, the
//	firmware needs some means to detect when Vbus is being powered by the host.
//	A 5V tolerant I/O pin can be connected to Vbus (through a resistor), and
// 	can be used to detect when Vbus is high (host actively powering), or low
//	(host is shut down or otherwise not supplying power).  The USB firmware
// 	can then periodically poll this I/O pin to know when it is okay to turn on
//	the USB module/D+/D- pull up resistor.  When designing a purely bus powered
//	peripheral device, it is not possible to source current on D+ or D- when the
//	host is not actively providing power on Vbus. Therefore, implementing this
//	bus sense feature is optional.  This firmware can be made to use this bus
//	sense feature by making sure "USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" has been defined in the
//	usbcfg.h file.    
    #if defined(USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO)
        tris_usb_bus_sense = INPUT_PIN; // See io_cfg.h

//	If the host PC sends a GetStatus (device) request, the firmware must respond
//	and let the host know if the USB peripheral device is currently bus powered
//	or self powered.  See chapter 9 in the official USB specifications for details
//	regarding this request.  If the peripheral device is capable of being both
//	self and bus powered, it should not return a hard coded value for this request.
//	Instead, firmware should check if it is currently self or bus powered, and
//	respond accordingly.  If the hardware has been configured like demonstrated
//	on the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, an I/O pin can be polled to determine the
//	currently selected power source.  On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, "RA2" 
//	is used for	this purpose.  If using this feature, make sure "USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO"
//	has been defined in usbcfg.h, and that an appropriate I/O pin has been mapped
//	to it in io_cfg.h.    
    #if defined(USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO)
        tris_self_power = INPUT_PIN;
    //Initialize oscillator settings compatible with USB operation.  Note,
    //these may be application specific!
    #if defined(PIC18F4550_PICDEM_FS_USB_K50)
        OSCTUNE = 0x80; //3X PLL ratio mode selected
        OSCCON = 0x70;  //Switch to 16MHz HFINTOSC
        OSCCON2 = 0x10; //Enable PLL, SOSC, PRI OSC drivers turned off
        while(OSCCON2bits.PLLRDY != 1);   //Wait for PLL lock
        ACTCON = 0x90;  //Enable active clock tuning for USB operation
        //*((unsigned char*)0xFB5) = 0x90;  //Enable active clock tuning for USB operation
    mInitializeUSBDriver();         // See usbdrv.h
    UserInit();                     // See user.c & .h

    mInitAllLEDs();			//Init them off.

}//end InitializeSystem
Exemplo n.º 9
void FraiseInit(void)

	BAUDCON = 0x08;     // BRG16 = 1	

        // Initialize Timer2
            // The prescaler will be at 16
        T2CONbits.T2CKPS1 = 1;
        T2CONbits.T2CKPS0 = 1;
        // We want no TMR2 post scaler
        T2CONbits.T2OUTPS3 = 0;
        T2CONbits.T2OUTPS2 = 0;
        T2CONbits.T2OUTPS1 = 0;
        T2CONbits.T2OUTPS0 = 0;
 	// Set our reload value
	//PR2 = kPR2_RELOAD;
	PR2 = 255;
        T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1;

	// Initalize switchs and leds

	for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
	_PolledChild=1;_bit_PolledChild =2;

            // Set interrupt priorities
        PIE1bits.TMR2IE = 0;
        IPR1bits.TMR2IP = 1;
        IPR1bits.TXIP = 1;
        IPR1bits.RCIP = 1;

        INTCONbits.GIEH = 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
 *		Arduino風:	初期化処理
static	inline void setup()
	DDPCONbits.JTAGEN=0;	// PORTA is used as digital instead of JTAG
	io_setDigital();		// Analog から Digital I/Oに切り替えます.
	io_setRemap();          // RA4/RB4 をUARTに割り当てます.
	kbd_init();				// : 初期化
	NTSC_init();			// NTSC 表示初期化.
	// UART1 初期化 (NTSC_initのあと)
	Eint();					// 割り込み許可.
	gr_test();				// グラフィックテスト.
Exemplo n.º 11
 *	初期化.
void UserInit(void)
	timer2_interval(5);	// '-d5'
	poll_mode = 0;
	poll_addr = 0;
//	puts_ptr = 0;
	ToPcRdy = 0;

#if	TIMER2_INT_SAMPLE			// タイマー2割り込みでPORTサンプル.
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Function:        void UserInit(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine should take care of all of the demo code
 *                  initialization that is required.
 * Note:
void UserInit(void)
    unsigned char i;
// 	 Initialize the arrays
    for (i=0; i<sizeof(USB_Out_Buffer); i++)
        USB_Out_Buffer[i] = 0;

    NextUSBOut = 0;
    lastTransmission = 0;

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 13
void UserInit(void)
	mInitConversion();	// Initialise all the conversion values required for ISR maths
    mInitAllSwitches();	// Initislise the switches in accordance to the hardware profile
	mInitEEPROM();		// Read in any saved values from EEPROM
    mInitAllLEDs();		// Initialise the LEDs in acordance to the hardware profile	
	mLCD_power_init();	// initialise the LCD backlight
 	mInitDAQ();			// Initialise the Data Acquisition parameters (AN inputs etc)
	if (debug==FALSE)
		mInitLCD();			// Must comment this out when testing as LCD will never initialise...
	mInitSPI();			// Initialise the SPI interface for talking to the LED driver (must be after the LCD)
    mInitInterrupts();	// Initialise the interrupts/timers etc
		LCD_ramp_up=TRUE;		// turn on the LCD back light
}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 14
void UserInit(void)
    old_sw2 = sw2;
    old_sw3 = sw3;
    temp_mode = TEMP_REAL_TIME;
    #if defined(__18CXX)
    /* Init Timer0 for data logging interval (every 1 second) */
    T0CON = 0b10010111;
    /* Timer0 is already enabled by default */
    #elif defined(__C30__) || defined __XC16__
}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 15
void UserInit(void)
		unsigned char c;
  	    //ANSELHbits.ANS11 = 0;	// Make RB5 digital so USART can use pin for Rx

        UART_TRISRx=1;				// RX
        UART_TRISTx=1;				// TX
        TXSTA = 0b00100000;       	// TX enable BRGH=1
        RCSTA = 0b10110000;// 0x90;       	// Single Character RX
        SPBRG = 38;
        SPBRGH = 0;      	// 259 for 48MHz -> 19200 baud
        BAUDCON = 0;     	// BRG16 = 0
        c = RCREG;				// read 

	blinkStatusValid = TRUE;	//Blink the normal USB state on the LEDs.

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Function:        void UserInit(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine should take care of all of the demo code
 *                  initialization that is required.
 * Note:
void UserInit(void)
    //Initialize all of the debouncing variables
    buttonCount = 0;
    buttonPressed = FALSE;
    stringPrinted = TRUE;

    //Initialize all of the LED pins

    //Initialize the pushbuttons

    // Initialize UART

    // Disable all unused peripherals

    // Sleep until UART interrupt

}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Function:        void UserInit(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine should take care of all of the demo code
 *                  initialization that is required.
 * Note:
void UserInit(void)
    //Initialize all of the LED pins

    //Initialize all of the push buttons
    old_sw2 = sw2;
    old_sw3 = sw3;

    //Initialize all of the mouse data to 0,0,0 (no movement)

    //enable emulation mode.  This means that the mouse data
    //will be send to the PC causing the mouse to move.  If this is
    //set to FALSE then the demo board will send 0,0,0 resulting
    //in no mouse movement
    emulate_mode = TRUE;

    //initialize the variable holding the handle for the last
    // transmission
    lastTransmission = 0;
}//end UserInit
Exemplo n.º 18
void InitializeSystem(void) {
  ADCON1 |= 0x0F;  // Default all pins to digital
  INTCON2 = 0;

  g_blink_status_valid = TRUE;
  g_usb_handle_in = 0;
  g_usb_handle_out = 0;

  // Reset TX queue and read config from the EEPROM.
  memset(g_tx_queue, 0, sizeof(g_tx_queue));
  EEADR = 0;
  EECON1bits.EEPGD = 0;
  EECON1bits.CFGS = 0;
  EECON1bits.RD = 1;
  g_lgtm_strings_idx = EEDATA;
  if (g_lgtm_strings_idx >= NUM_LGTM_STRINGS)
    g_lgtm_strings_idx = 0;
  g_lgtm_ascii_ptr = LGTM_STRINGS[g_lgtm_strings_idx];

  USBDeviceInit();  // usb_device.c.  Initializes USB module SFRs and firmware
                    // variables to known states.
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Function:        static void InitializeSystem(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        InitializeSystem is a centralize initialization routine.
 *                  All required USB initialization routines are called from
 *                  here.
 *                  User application initialization routine should also be
 *                  called from here.                  
 * Note:            None
static void InitializeSystem(void)
	OSCCON = 0x60;	//Clock switch to primary clock source.  May not have been running
					//from this if the bootloader is called from the application firmware.

	//On the PIC18F46J50 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled
	//by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL).
	//This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be
	//advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 48MHz
	//operation.  On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the OSCTUNE<PLLEN> bit to
	//power up the PLL.
	#if defined(__18F24J50)||defined(__18F25J50)|| \
    	defined(__18F26J50)||defined(__18F44J50)|| \
    	defined(__18F45J50)||defined(__18F46J50)|| \
		defined(__18LF24J50)||defined(__18LF44J50)|| \
		defined(__18LF25J50)||defined(__18LF45J50)|| \

    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;  //Enable the PLL and wait 2+ms until the PLL locks before enabling USB module
    uint_delay_counter = 600;
    //Device switches over automatically to PLL output after PLL is locked and ready.

        #error Double Click this message.  Please make sure the InitializeSystem() function correctly configures your hardware platform.  
		//Also make sure the correct board is selected in usbcfg.h.  If 
		//everything is correct, comment out the above "#error ..." line
		//to suppress the error message.

//	The USB specifications require that USB peripheral devices must never source
//	current onto the Vbus pin.  Additionally, USB peripherals should not source
//	current on D+ or D- when the host/hub is not actively powering the Vbus line.
//	When designing a self powered (as opposed to bus powered) USB peripheral
//	device, the firmware should make sure not to turn on the USB module and D+
//	or D- pull up resistor unless Vbus is actively powered.  Therefore, the
//	firmware needs some means to detect when Vbus is being powered by the host.
//	A 5V tolerant I/O pin can be connected to Vbus (through a resistor), and
// 	can be used to detect when Vbus is high (host actively powering), or low
//	(host is shut down or otherwise not supplying power).  The USB firmware
// 	can then periodically poll this I/O pin to know when it is okay to turn on
//	the USB module/D+/D- pull up resistor.  When designing a purely bus powered
//	peripheral device, it is not possible to source current on D+ or D- when the
//	host is not actively providing power on Vbus. Therefore, implementing this
//	bus sense feature is optional.  This firmware can be made to use this bus
//	sense feature by making sure "USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" has been defined in the
//	usbcfg.h file.    
    #if defined(USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO)
        tris_usb_bus_sense = INPUT_PIN; // See io_cfg.h

//	If the host PC sends a GetStatus (device) request, the firmware must respond
//	and let the host know if the USB peripheral device is currently bus powered
//	or self powered.  See chapter 9 in the official USB specifications for details
//	regarding this request.  If the peripheral device is capable of being both
//	self and bus powered, it should not return a hard coded value for this request.
//	Instead, firmware should check if it is currently self or bus powered, and
//	respond accordingly.  If the hardware has been configured like demonstrated
//	on the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, an I/O pin can be polled to determine the
//	currently selected power source.  On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, "RA2" 
//	is used for	this purpose.  If using this feature, make sure "USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO"
//	has been defined in usbcfg.h, and that an appropriate I/O pin has been mapped
//	to it in io_cfg.h.    
    #if defined(USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO)
        tris_self_power = INPUT_PIN;
    mInitializeUSBDriver();         // See usbdrv.h
    UserInit();                     // See BootPIC[xxxx].c.  Initializes the bootloader firmware state machine variables.

    mInitAllLEDs();			//Init them off.

	//Initialize I/O pins for "lowest" power.  When in USB suspend mode, total +5V VBUS current consumption 
	//should reduce to <2.5mA in order to meet USB compliance specifications.

	//Ordinarily, to initialize I/O pins for lowest power, any unused I/O pins would be configured
	//as outputs and driven either high or low.  However, if this code is left unmodified, but is used in a real
	//application, I/O pins as outputs could cause contention with externally connected signals.  Therefore
	//this code does not actually drive unused I/Os as outputs, but uses "softer" methods, like making
	//analog capable pins as analog (to disable the digital input buffer, which wastes power when left floating)

	//This code should be replaced with code more specific to the intended target application I/O pin usage.
	//The below code by itself will not achieve the lowest possible power consumption.
	ANCON0 = 0x00;			//All analog, to disable the digital input buffers
	ANCON1 = 0x00;			//All analog, digital input buffers off, bandgap off

}//end InitializeSystem
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Function:        static void InitializeSystem(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        InitializeSystem is a centralize initialization routine.
 *                  All required USB initialization routines are called from
 *                  here.
 *                  User application initialization routine should also be
 *                  called from here.                  
 * Note:            None
static void InitializeSystem(void)
    #if defined(PIC18F97J94_FS_USB_PIM) || defined(PIC18F87J94_FS_USB_PIM)			

        //Make sure to select oscillator settings consistent with USB operation.
        //If the user application firmware entered the bootloader through the absolute
        //entry point, it is possible the clock source may not have already been compatible
        //with USB operation.  In this case we need to switch as appropriate.
        OSCCON2bits.CLKLOCK = 0;    //Deassert clock setting lock
        OSCCON3 = 0x01;             //FRC/2 setting (4MHz)
        OSCCON4 = 0x00;             //1:1 
        OSCCON = 0x01;              //FRC+PLL selected
        //Enable INTOSC active clock tuning if full speed
        ACTCON = 0x90; //Enable active clock self tuning for USB operation
        while(OSCCON2bits.LOCK == 0)      //Make sure PLL is locked/frequency is compatible


        #error Double Click this message.  Please make sure the InitializeSystem() function correctly configures your hardware platform.  
		//Also make sure the correct board is selected in usbcfg.h.  If 
		//everything is correct, comment out the above "#error ..." line
		//to suppress the error message.


	//USB module may have already been on if the application firmware calls the bootloader
	//without first disabling the USB module.  If this happens, need
	//to temporarily soft-detach from the host, wait a delay (allows cable capacitance
	//to discharge, and to allow host software to recognize detach), then
	//re-enable the USB module, so the host knows to re-enumerate the
	//USB device.
	if(UCONbits.USBEN == 1)
		UCONbits.SUSPND = 0;
		UCON = 0;

//	The USB specifications require that USB peripheral devices must never source
//	current onto the Vbus pin.  Additionally, USB peripherals should not source
//	current on D+ or D- when the host/hub is not actively powering the Vbus line.
//	When designing a self powered (as opposed to bus powered) USB peripheral
//	device, the firmware should make sure not to turn on the USB module and D+
//	or D- pull up resistor unless Vbus is actively powered.  Therefore, the
//	firmware needs some means to detect when Vbus is being powered by the host.
//	A 5V tolerant I/O pin can be connected to Vbus (through a resistor), and
// 	can be used to detect when Vbus is high (host actively powering), or low
//	(host is shut down or otherwise not supplying power).  The USB firmware
// 	can then periodically poll this I/O pin to know when it is okay to turn on
//	the USB module/D+/D- pull up resistor.  When designing a purely bus powered
//	peripheral device, it is not possible to source current on D+ or D- when the
//	host is not actively providing power on Vbus. Therefore, implementing this
//	bus sense feature is optional.  This firmware can be made to use this bus
//	sense feature by making sure "USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" has been defined in the
//	usbcfg.h file.    
    #if defined(USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO)
    tris_usb_bus_sense = INPUT_PIN; // See io_cfg.h

//	If the host PC sends a GetStatus (device) request, the firmware must respond
//	and let the host know if the USB peripheral device is currently bus powered
//	or self powered.  See chapter 9 in the official USB specifications for details
//	regarding this request.  If the peripheral device is capable of being both
//	self and bus powered, it should not return a hard coded value for this request.
//	Instead, firmware should check if it is currently self or bus powered, and
//	respond accordingly.  If the hardware has been configured like demonstrated
//	on the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, an I/O pin can be polled to determine the
//	currently selected power source.  On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, "RA2" 
//	is used for	this purpose.  If using this feature, make sure "USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO"
//	has been defined in usbcfg.h, and that an appropriate I/O pin has been mapped
//	to it in io_cfg.h.    
    #if defined(USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO)
    tris_self_power = INPUT_PIN;
    mInitializeUSBDriver();         // See usbdrv.h
    UserInit();                     // See user.c & .h

	led_count = 0;			//Initialize variable used to toggle LEDs
    mInitAllLEDs();			//Init them off.

	//Turn off digital input buffers on analog pins to minimize power consumption
	//if the I/O pins happen to be floating in the target application.
	ANCON1 = 0xFF;			//All analog, digital input buffers off
	ANCON2 = 0xFF;			//All analog, digital input buffers off
	ANCON3 = 0xFF;			//All analog, digital input buffers off

}//end InitializeSystem
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Function:        static void InitializeSystem(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        InitializeSystem is a centralize initialization routine.
 *                  All required USB initialization routines are called from
 *                  here.
 *                  User application initialization routine should also be
 *                  called from here.                  
 * Note:            None
static void InitializeSystem(void)
	OSCCON = 0x60;	//Clock switch to primary clock source.  May not have been running
					//from this if the bootloader is called from the application firmware.

	//On the PIC18F87J50 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled
	//by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL).
	//This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be
	//advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 48MHz
	//operation.  On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the OSCTUNE<PLLEN> bit to
	//power up the PLL.

	#if defined(__18F87J50)||defined(__18F86J55)|| \
    	defined(__18F86J50)||defined(__18F85J50)|| \
    	defined(__18F67J50)||defined(__18F66J55)|| \

    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;  //Enable the PLL and wait 2+ms until the PLL locks before enabling USB module
    pll_startup_counter = 600;
    //Device switches over automatically to PLL output after PLL is locked and ready.

        #error Double Click this message.  Please make sure the InitializeSystem() function correctly configures your hardware platform.  
		//Also make sure the correct board is selected in usbcfg.h.  If 
		//everything is correct, comment out the above "#error ..." line
		//to suppress the error message.

	//USB module may have already been on if the application firmware calls the bootloader
	//without first disabling the USB module.  If this happens, need
	//to temporarily soft-detach from the host, wait a delay (allows cable capacitance
	//to discharge, and to allow host software to recognize detach), then
	//re-enable the USB module, so the host knows to re-enumerate the
	//USB device.
	if(UCONbits.USBEN == 1)
		UCONbits.SUSPND = 0;
		UCON = 0;

//	The USB specifications require that USB peripheral devices must never source
//	current onto the Vbus pin.  Additionally, USB peripherals should not source
//	current on D+ or D- when the host/hub is not actively powering the Vbus line.
//	When designing a self powered (as opposed to bus powered) USB peripheral
//	device, the firmware should make sure not to turn on the USB module and D+
//	or D- pull up resistor unless Vbus is actively powered.  Therefore, the
//	firmware needs some means to detect when Vbus is being powered by the host.
//	A 5V tolerant I/O pin can be connected to Vbus (through a resistor), and
// 	can be used to detect when Vbus is high (host actively powering), or low
//	(host is shut down or otherwise not supplying power).  The USB firmware
// 	can then periodically poll this I/O pin to know when it is okay to turn on
//	the USB module/D+/D- pull up resistor.  When designing a purely bus powered
//	peripheral device, it is not possible to source current on D+ or D- when the
//	host is not actively providing power on Vbus. Therefore, implementing this
//	bus sense feature is optional.  This firmware can be made to use this bus
//	sense feature by making sure "USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO" has been defined in the
//	usbcfg.h file.    
    #if defined(USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO)
    tris_usb_bus_sense = INPUT_PIN; // See io_cfg.h

//	If the host PC sends a GetStatus (device) request, the firmware must respond
//	and let the host know if the USB peripheral device is currently bus powered
//	or self powered.  See chapter 9 in the official USB specifications for details
//	regarding this request.  If the peripheral device is capable of being both
//	self and bus powered, it should not return a hard coded value for this request.
//	Instead, firmware should check if it is currently self or bus powered, and
//	respond accordingly.  If the hardware has been configured like demonstrated
//	on the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, an I/O pin can be polled to determine the
//	currently selected power source.  On the PICDEM FS USB Demo Board, "RA2" 
//	is used for	this purpose.  If using this feature, make sure "USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO"
//	has been defined in usbcfg.h, and that an appropriate I/O pin has been mapped
//	to it in io_cfg.h.    
    #if defined(USE_SELF_POWER_SENSE_IO)
    tris_self_power = INPUT_PIN;
    mInitializeUSBDriver();         // See usbdrv.h
    UserInit();                     // See user.c & .h

	led_count = 0;			//Initialize variable used to toggle LEDs
    mInitAllLEDs();			//Init them off.

	//Turn off digital input buffers on analog pins to minimize power consumption
	//if the I/O pins happen to be floating in the target application.
	WDTCONbits.ADSHR = 1;	//ANCON registers in shared address space region
	ANCON0 = 0x00;			//All analog, to disable the digital input buffers
	ANCON1 = 0x00;			//All analog, digital input buffers off
	WDTCONbits.ADSHR = 0;
	//Also to minimize sleep current consumption (sleep used in this bootloader
	//firmware during USB Suspend conditions), use REGSLP feature

}//end InitializeSystem
Exemplo n.º 22
void BLIO_InitializeIO ( void )
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: user.c Projeto: klvt/fiwt
void InitApp(void) {
    /* Send Low Level Voltage to all ports */
    LATA = 0x0000;
    LATB = 0x0000;
    LATC = 0x0000;
    LATD = 0x0000;
    LATE = 0x0000;
    LATF = 0x0000;
    LATG = 0x0000;
#if defined(__dsPIC33EP512MU814__)
    LATH = 0x0000;
    LATJ = 0x0000;
    LATK = 0x0000;

    /* Disable all analog inputs */
    ANSELA = 0x0000;
    ANSELB = 0x0000;
    ANSELC = 0x0000;
    ANSELD = 0x0000;
    ANSELE = 0x0000;
    ANSELG = 0x0000;

    /* Configure all digital ports as outputs */
    TRISA = 0x0000;
    TRISB = 0x0000;
    TRISC = 0x0000;
    TRISD = 0x0000;
    TRISE = 0x0000;
    TRISF = 0x0000;
    TRISG = 0x0000;
#if defined(__dsPIC33EP512MU814__)
    TRISH = 0x0000;
    TRISJ = 0x0000;
    TRISK = 0x0000;

    /* Configure Nested Interrupts */
    INTCON1bits.NSTDIS = 0b0; // Interrupt nesting enabled


    serial_assign(&Serial1, 1u);
    XBeeInit(&Xbee1, XBEE1_ATAP, &Serial1);
#endif /*USE_UART1*/
    serial_assign(&Serial2, 2u);
    XBeeInit(&Xbee2, XBEE2_ATAP, &Serial2);
#endif /*USE_UART2*/
    serial_assign(&Serial3, 3u);
    XBeeInit(&Xbee3, XBEE3_ATAP, &Serial3);
#endif /*USE_UART3*/
    serial_assign(&Serial4, 4u);
    XBeeInit(&Xbee4, XBEE4_ATAP, &Serial4);
#endif /*USE_UART4*/

#if USE_ADC1



    asm ("repeat #640;");
#endif /* USE_PWM && USE_ADC1 */


Exemplo n.º 24
BOOL InitializeSystem ( void )
    #if defined(__dsPIC33EP512MU810__)||defined(__PIC24EP512GU810__)

    // Configure the device PLL to obtain 60 MIPS operation. The crystal
    // frequency is 8MHz. Divide 8MHz by 2, multiply by 60 and divide by
    // 2. This results in Fosc of 120MHz. The CPU clock frequency is
    // Fcy = Fosc/2 = 60MHz. Wait for the Primary PLL to lock and then
    // configure the auxilliary PLL to provide 48MHz needed for USB 
    // Operation.

    PLLFBD = 38;				/* M  = 60	*/
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;		/* N1 = 2	*/
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;		/* N2 = 2	*/
    OSCTUN = 0;			

    /*	Initiate Clock Switch to Primary
     *	Oscillator with PLL (NOSC= 0x3)*/


    while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0x3);       

        // Configuring the auxiliary PLL, since the primary
        // oscillator provides the source clock to the auxiliary
        // PLL, the auxiliary oscillator is disabled. Note that
        // the AUX PLL is enabled. The input 8MHz clock is divided
        // by 2, multiplied by 24 and then divided by 2. Wait till 
        // the AUX PLL locks.

        ACLKCON3 = 0x24C1;   
        ACLKDIV3 = 0x7;

        ACLKCON3bits.ENAPLL = 1;
        while(ACLKCON3bits.APLLCK != 1); 

        ANSELA = 0x0000;
        ANSELB = 0x0000;
        ANSELC = 0x0000;
        ANSELD = 0x0000;
        ANSELE = 0x0000;
        ANSELG = 0x0000;

        // The dsPIC33EP512MU810 features Peripheral Pin
        // select. The following statements map UART2 to 
        // device pins which would connect to the the 
        // RX232 transciever on the Explorer 16 board.

        RPINR19 = 0;
        RPINR19 = 0x64;
        RPOR9bits.RP101R = 0x3;

    #if defined( __PIC24FJ256GB110__ )
        // Configure U2RX - put on pin 49 (RP10)
        RPINR19bits.U2RXR = 10;

        // Configure U2TX - put on pin 50 (RP17)
        RPOR8bits.RP17R = 5;

        OSCCON = 0x3302;    // Enable secondary oscillator
        CLKDIV = 0x0000;    // Set PLL prescaler (1:1)

        TRISA = 0x0000;
        TRISD = 0x00C0;

   #elif defined(__PIC24FJ64GB004__)
	//On the PIC24FJ64GB004 Family of USB microcontrollers, the PLL will not power up and be enabled
	//by default, even if a PLL enabled oscillator configuration is selected (such as HS+PLL).
	//This allows the device to power up at a lower initial operating frequency, which can be
	//advantageous when powered from a source which is not gauranteed to be adequate for 32MHz
	//operation.  On these devices, user firmware needs to manually set the CLKDIV<PLLEN> bit to
	//power up the PLL.
        unsigned int pll_startup_counter = 600;
        CLKDIVbits.PLLEN = 1;

    #elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
            int  value;
            value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() );
            // Enable the cache for the best performance
            value = OSCCON;
            while (!(value & 0x00000020))
                value = OSCCON;    // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize

    // Init LCD

    // Init LEDs

    // Init Switches
    SwitchState = IOPORT_BIT_6|IOPORT_BIT_7;

    // Init UART

    // Set Default demo state
    DemoState = DEMO_INITIALIZE;

    return TRUE;
} // InitializeSystem
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: Aym3nTN/ioio
void InitializeSystem() {