Exemplo n.º 1
// Read data from clients. This function actually delegates a lower-level
// function that depends on the kind of service (raw, http, ...).
void modesReadFromClients(void) {
    int j;
    struct client *c;


    for (j = 0; j <= Modes.maxfd; j++) {
        if ((c = Modes.clients[j]) == NULL) continue;
        if (c->service == Modes.ris)
        else if (c->service == Modes.bis)
        else if (c->service == Modes.https)
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int j, fd;
    struct client *c;

    // Set sane defaults

    signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); // Define Ctrl/C handler (exit program)

    // Parse the command line options
    for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
        int more = ((j + 1) < argc); // There are more arguments

        if        (!strcmp(argv[j],"--net-bo-port") && more) {
            Modes.net_input_beast_port = atoi(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--net-bo-ipaddr") && more) {
            strcpy(View1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--modeac")) {
            Modes.mode_ac = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--interactive-rows") && more) {
            Modes.interactive_rows = atoi(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--interactive")) {
            Modes.interactive = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--interactive-ttl") && more) {
            Modes.interactive_display_ttl = atoi(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--interactive-rtl1090")) {
            Modes.interactive = 1;
            Modes.interactive_rtl1090 = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--lat") && more) {
            Modes.fUserLat = atof(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--lon") && more) {
            Modes.fUserLon = atof(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--metric")) {
            Modes.metric = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--no-crc-check")) {
            Modes.check_crc = 0;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--fix")) {
            Modes.nfix_crc = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--no-fix")) {
            Modes.nfix_crc = 0;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--aggressive")) {
            Modes.nfix_crc = MODES_MAX_BITERRORS;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--help")) {
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown or not enough arguments for option '%s'.\n\n", argv[j]);

    // Initialization

    // Try to connect to the selected ip address and port. We only support *ONE* input connection which we initiate.here.
    if ((fd = anetTcpConnect(Modes.aneterr, View1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, Modes.net_input_beast_port)) == ANET_ERR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to %s:%d\n", View1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, Modes.net_input_beast_port);
    // Setup a service callback client structure for a beast binary input (from dump1090)
    // This is a bit dodgy under Windows. The fd parameter is a handle to the internet
    // socket on which we are receiving data. Under Linux, these seem to start at 0 and 
    // count upwards. However, Windows uses "HANDLES" and these don't nececeriy start at 0.
    // dump1090 limits fd to values less than 1024, and then uses the fd parameter to 
    // index into an array of clients. This is ok-ish if handles are allocated up from 0.
    // However, there is no gaurantee that Windows will behave like this, and if Windows 
    // allocates a handle greater than 1024, then dump1090 won't like it. On my test machine, 
    // the first Windows handle is usually in the 0x54 (84 decimal) region.

    if (fd >= MODES_NET_MAX_FD) { // Max number of clients reached
        fprintf(stderr, "Max number of clients exceeded : fd = 0x%X\n", fd);

    c = (struct client *) malloc(sizeof(*c));
    c->buflen  = 0;
    c->fd      = 
    c->service =
    Modes.bis  = fd;
    Modes.clients[fd] = c;
    if (Modes.maxfd < fd) {
        Modes.maxfd = fd;

    // Keep going till the user does something that stops us
    while (!Modes.exit) {

    // The user has stopped us, so close any socket we opened
    if (fd != ANET_ERR) 


    return (0);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Get an HTTP request header and write the response to the client.
// gain here we assume that the socket buffer is enough without doing
// any kind of userspace buffering.
// Returns 1 on error to signal the caller the client connection should
// be closed.
int handleHTTPRequest(struct client *c, char *p) {
    char hdr[512];
    int clen, hdrlen;
    int httpver, keepalive;
    int statuscode = 500;
    char *url, *content;
    char ctype[48];
    char getFile[1024];
    char *ext;

    if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NET)
        printf("\nHTTP request: %s\n", c->buf);

    // Minimally parse the request.
    httpver = (strstr(p, "HTTP/1.1") != NULL) ? 11 : 10;
    if (httpver == 10) {
        // HTTP 1.0 defaults to close, unless otherwise specified.
        //keepalive = strstr(p, "Connection: keep-alive") != NULL;
    } else if (httpver == 11) {
        // HTTP 1.1 defaults to keep-alive, unless close is specified.
        //keepalive = strstr(p, "Connection: close") == NULL;
    keepalive = 0;

    // Identify he URL.
    p = strchr(p,' ');
    if (!p) return 1; // There should be the method and a space
    url = ++p;        // Now this should point to the requested URL
    p = strchr(p, ' ');
    if (!p) return 1; // There should be a space before HTTP/
    *p = '\0';

    if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NET) {
        printf("\nHTTP keep alive: %d\n", keepalive);
        printf("HTTP requested URL: %s\n\n", url);
    if (strlen(url) < 2) {
        snprintf(getFile, sizeof getFile, "%s/gmap.html", HTMLPATH); // Default file
    } else {
        snprintf(getFile, sizeof getFile, "%s/%s", HTMLPATH, url);

    // Select the content to send, we have just two so far:
    // "/" -> Our google map application.
    // "/data.json" -> Our ajax request to update planes.
    if (strstr(url, "/data.json")) {
        statuscode = 200;
        content = aircraftsToJson(&clen);
        //snprintf(ctype, sizeof ctype, MODES_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
    } else {
        struct stat sbuf;
        int fd = -1;
        char *rp, *hrp;

        rp = realpath(getFile, NULL);
        hrp = realpath(HTMLPATH, NULL);
        hrp = (hrp ? hrp : HTMLPATH);
        clen = -1;
        content = strdup("Server error occured");
        if (rp && (!strncmp(hrp, rp, strlen(hrp)))) {
            if (stat(getFile, &sbuf) != -1 && (fd = open(getFile, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
                content = (char *) realloc(content, sbuf.st_size);
                if (read(fd, content, sbuf.st_size) != -1) {
                    clen = sbuf.st_size;
                    statuscode = 200;
        } else {
            errno = ENOENT;

        if (clen < 0) {
            content = realloc(content, 128);
            clen = snprintf(content, 128,"Error opening HTML file: %s", strerror(errno));
            statuscode = 404;
        if (fd != -1) {

    // Get file extension and content type
    snprintf(ctype, sizeof ctype, MODES_CONTENT_TYPE_HTML); // Default content type
    ext = strrchr(getFile, '.');

    if (ext != NULL && strlen(ext) > 0) {
        if (strstr(ext, ".json")) {
            snprintf(ctype, sizeof ctype, MODES_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
        } else if (strstr(ext, ".css")) {
            snprintf(ctype, sizeof ctype, MODES_CONTENT_TYPE_CSS);
        } else if (strstr(ext, ".js")) {
            snprintf(ctype, sizeof ctype, MODES_CONTENT_TYPE_JS);

    // Create the header and send the reply
    hdrlen = snprintf(hdr, sizeof(hdr),
        "HTTP/1.1 %d \r\n"
        "Server: Dump1090\r\n"
        "Content-Type: %s\r\n"
        "Connection: %s\r\n"
        "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
        "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n"
        "Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n"
        keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close",

    if (Modes.debug & MODES_DEBUG_NET) {
        printf("HTTP Reply header:\n%s", hdr);

    // Send header and content.
#ifndef _WIN32
    if ( (write(c->fd, hdr, hdrlen) != hdrlen) 
      || (write(c->fd, content, clen) != clen) ) {
    if ( (send(c->fd, hdr, hdrlen, 0) != hdrlen) 
      || (send(c->fd, content, clen, 0) != clen) ) {
        return 1;
    return !keepalive;
// This function polls the clients using read() in order to receive new
// messages from the net.
// The message is supposed to be separated from the next message by the
// separator 'sep', which is a null-terminated C string.
// Every full message received is decoded and passed to the higher layers
// calling the function's 'handler'.
// The handler returns 0 on success, or 1 to signal this function we should
// close the connection with the client in case of non-recoverable errors.
void modesReadFromClient(struct client *c, char *sep,
                         int(*handler)(struct client *, char *)) {
    int left;
    int nread;
    int fullmsg;
    int bContinue = 1;
    char *s, *e, *p;

    while(bContinue) {

        fullmsg = 0;
        left = MODES_CLIENT_BUF_SIZE - c->buflen;
        // If our buffer is full discard it, this is some badly formatted shit
        if (left <= 0) {
            c->buflen = 0;
            left = MODES_CLIENT_BUF_SIZE;
            // If there is garbage, read more to discard it ASAP
#ifndef _WIN32
        nread = read(c->fd, c->buf+c->buflen, left);
        nread = recv(c->fd, c->buf+c->buflen, left, 0);
        if (nread < 0) {errno = WSAGetLastError();}
        if (nread == 0) {

        // If we didn't get all the data we asked for, then return once we've processed what we did get.
        if (nread != left) {
            bContinue = 0;
#ifndef _WIN32
        if ( (nread < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) || nread == 0 ) { // Error, or end of file
        if ( (nread < 0) && (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { // Error, or end of file
        if (nread <= 0) {
            break; // Serve next client
        c->buflen += nread;

        // Always null-term so we are free to use strstr() (it won't affect binary case)
        c->buf[c->buflen] = '\0';

        e = s = c->buf;                                // Start with the start of buffer, first message

        if (c->service == Modes.bis) {
            // This is the Beast Binary scanning case.
            // If there is a complete message still in the buffer, there must be the separator 'sep'
            // in the buffer, note that we full-scan the buffer at every read for simplicity.

            left = c->buflen;                                  // Length of valid search for memchr()
            while (left && ((s = memchr(e, (char) 0x1a, left)) != NULL)) { // The first byte of buffer 'should' be 0x1a
                s++;                                           // skip the 0x1a
                if        (*s == '1') {
                    e = s + MODEAC_MSG_BYTES      + 8;         // point past remainder of message
                } else if (*s == '2') {
                    e = s + MODES_SHORT_MSG_BYTES + 8;
                } else if (*s == '3') {
                    e = s + MODES_LONG_MSG_BYTES  + 8;
                } else {
                    e = s;                                     // Not a valid beast message, skip
                    left = &(c->buf[c->buflen]) - e;
                // we need to be careful of double escape characters in the message body
                for (p = s; p < e; p++) {
                    if (0x1A == *p) {
                        p++; e++;
                        if (e > &(c->buf[c->buflen])) {
                left = &(c->buf[c->buflen]) - e;
                if (left < 0) {                                // Incomplete message in buffer
                    e = s - 1;                                 // point back at last found 0x1a.
                // Have a 0x1a followed by 1, 2 or 3 - pass message less 0x1a to handler.
                if (handler(c, s)) {
                fullmsg = 1;
            s = e;     // For the buffer remainder below

        } else {
            // This is the ASCII scanning case, AVR RAW or HTTP at present
            // If there is a complete message still in the buffer, there must be the separator 'sep'
            // in the buffer, note that we full-scan the buffer at every read for simplicity.
            while ((e = strstr(s, sep)) != NULL) { // end of first message if found
                *e = '\0';                         // The handler expects null terminated strings
                if (handler(c, s)) {               // Pass message to handler.
                    modesCloseClient(c);           // Handler returns 1 on error to signal we .
                    return;                        // should close the client connection
                s = e + strlen(sep);               // Move to start of next message
                fullmsg = 1;

        if (fullmsg) {                             // We processed something - so
            c->buflen = &(c->buf[c->buflen]) - s;  //     Update the unprocessed buffer length
            memmove(c->buf, s, c->buflen);         //     Move what's remaining to the start of the buffer
        } else {                                   // If no message was decoded process the next client
// Read data from clients. This function actually delegates a lower-level
// function that depends on the kind of service (raw, http, ...).
void modesReadFromClients(void) {

    struct client *c = modesAcceptClients();

    while (c) {
            // Read next before servicing client incase the service routine deletes the client! 
            struct client *next = c->next;

        if (c->fd >= 0) {
            if (c->service == Modes.ris) {
            } else if (c->service == Modes.bis) {
            } else if (c->service == Modes.https) {
        } else {
        c = next;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int j, fd;
    struct client *c;

    // Set sane defaults

    signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); // Define Ctrl/C handler (exit program)

    // Parse the command line options
    for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
        int more = ((j + 1) < argc); // There are more arguments

        if        (!strcmp(argv[j],"--net-bo-port") && more) {
            Modes.net_input_beast_port = atoi(argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--net-bo-ipaddr") && more) {
            strcpy(ppup1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, argv[++j]);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--quiet")) {
            ppup1090.quiet = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[j],"--help")) {
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown or not enough arguments for option '%s'.\n\n", argv[j]);

#ifdef _WIN32
    // Try to comply with the Copyright license conditions for binary distribution
    if (!Modes.quiet) {showCopyright();}

    // Initialization

    // Try to connect to the selected ip address and port. We only support *ONE* input connection which we initiate.here.
    if ((fd = anetTcpConnect(Modes.aneterr, ppup1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, Modes.net_input_beast_port)) == ANET_ERR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to %s:%d\n", ppup1090.net_input_beast_ipaddr, Modes.net_input_beast_port);
    // Setup a service callback client structure for a beast binary input (from dump1090)
    // This is a bit dodgy under Windows. The fd parameter is a handle to the internet
    // socket on which we are receiving data. Under Linux, these seem to start at 0 and 
    // count upwards. However, Windows uses "HANDLES" and these don't nececeriy start at 0.
    // dump1090 limits fd to values less than 1024, and then uses the fd parameter to 
    // index into an array of clients. This is ok-ish if handles are allocated up from 0.
    // However, there is no gaurantee that Windows will behave like this, and if Windows 
    // allocates a handle greater than 1024, then dump1090 won't like it. On my test machine, 
    // the first Windows handle is usually in the 0x54 (84 decimal) region.

    c = (struct client *) malloc(sizeof(*c));
    c->next    = NULL;
    c->buflen  = 0;
    c->fd      = 
    c->service =
    Modes.bis  = fd;
    Modes.clients = c;

    // Keep going till the user does something that stops us
    while (!Modes.exit) {
        postCOAA ();

    // The user has stopped us, so close any socket we opened
    if (fd != ANET_ERR) 

    closeCOAA ();
#ifndef _WIN32
    return (0);