int makeMSP_v3(MSP* msp, attr_tree_node* node){ int** matrix = msp -> matrix; char** label = msp -> label; int cols = msp -> cols; int rows = msp -> rows; attr_tree_node* queue[100] = {0}; int* vectors [100] = {0}; int write_i = -1; int read_i = -1; int* v = calloc(cols, sizeof(int)); v[0] = 1; queue[++write_i] = node; vectors[write_i] = v; int count = 1; int index = 0; while( read_i < write_i ){ attr_tree_node* node = queue[++read_i]; int* v = vectors[read_i]; if( node -> node_type == ATTR_NODE_OR ){ int i = 0; for( i; i < 2; i++){ queue[++write_i] = (node -> subnode)[i]; vectors[write_i] = v; } } else if( node -> node_type == ATTR_NODE_AND ){ int* l_v = calloc(cols, sizeof(int)); int* r_v = calloc(cols, sizeof(int)); memcpy(l_v, v, cols*sizeof(int)); l_v[count] = 1; { int i = 0; for(i; i < cols; i++) r_v[i] = v[i] - l_v[i]; } count++; queue[++write_i] = (node -> subnode)[0]; vectors[write_i] = l_v; queue[++write_i] = (node -> subnode)[1]; vectors[write_i] = r_v; } else if( node -> node_type == ATTR_NODE_THRESHOLD ){ int i = 0; for( i; i < node->num_subnodes; i++ ){ int* l_v = calloc(cols, sizeof(int)); memcpy(l_v, v, cols*sizeof(int)); int j = 0; for( j; j < node->threshold_k - 1; j++){ l_v[count+j] = power(i+1, j+1); //printf("power:%d\n", power(i+1, j+1)); } queue[++write_i] = (node -> subnode)[i]; vectors[write_i] = l_v; //free(l_v); } count = count + (node->threshold_k) - 1; } else if( node -> node_type == ATTR_NODE_LEAF){ memcpy( matrix[index], v, cols*sizeof(int) ); label[index] = node->attribute; index++; } } }
inline time_duration str_from_delimited_time_duration(const std::basic_string<char_type>& s) { unsigned short min=0, sec =0; int hour =0; bool is_neg = ( == '-'); lslboost::int64_t fs=0; int pos = 0; typedef typename std::basic_string<char_type>::traits_type traits_type; typedef lslboost::char_separator<char_type, traits_type> char_separator_type; typedef lslboost::tokenizer<char_separator_type, typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator, std::basic_string<char_type> > tokenizer; typedef typename lslboost::tokenizer<char_separator_type, typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator, typename std::basic_string<char_type> >::iterator tokenizer_iterator; char_type sep_chars[5] = {'-',':',',','.'}; char_separator_type sep(sep_chars); tokenizer tok(s,sep); for(tokenizer_iterator beg=tok.begin(); beg!=tok.end(); ++beg) { switch(pos) { case 0: { hour = lslboost::lexical_cast<int>(*beg); break; } case 1: { min = lslboost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg); break; } case 2: { sec = lslboost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg); break; }; case 3: { int digits = static_cast<int>(beg->length()); //Works around a bug in MSVC 6 library that does not support //operator>> thus meaning lexical_cast will fail to compile. #if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)) // msvc wouldn't compile 'time_duration::num_fractional_digits()' // (required template argument list) as a workaround a temp // time_duration object was used time_duration td(hour,min,sec,fs); int precision = td.num_fractional_digits(); // _atoi64 is an MS specific function if(digits >= precision) { // drop excess digits fs = _atoi64(beg->substr(0, precision).c_str()); } else { fs = _atoi64(beg->c_str()); } #else int precision = time_duration::num_fractional_digits(); if(digits >= precision) { // drop excess digits fs = lslboost::lexical_cast<lslboost::int64_t>(beg->substr(0, precision)); } else { fs = lslboost::lexical_cast<lslboost::int64_t>(*beg); } #endif if(digits < precision) { // trailing zeros get dropped from the string, // "1:01:01.1" would yield .000001 instead of .100000 // the power() compensates for the missing decimal places fs *= power(10, precision - digits); } break; } default: break; }//switch pos++; } if(is_neg) { return -time_duration(hour, min, sec, fs); } else { return time_duration(hour, min, sec, fs); } }
mp_integer bv_arithmetict::pack() const { if(value>=0) return value; return value+power(2, spec.width); }
void main() { int x=5,y=2; printf("%d\n",power(x,y)); printf("%d\n",poweropti(5,4)); }
// returns a pointer to the loaded bitmap // only supports 24-bit (and 32-bit?) images wBitmap* wLoadBitmap(char *filename) { FILE *bmpFile; wBitmap *bmp; int i; int fileLineSize, memLineSize, fileScanLines, memScanLines, dataSize; int pad, generic; BYTE *line; bmp = (wBitmap*)malloc(sizeof(wBitmap)); memset(bmp, 0, sizeof(wBitmap)); bmp->name = filename; bmpFile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (bmpFile) { printf("Loading bitmap %s\n", filename); fread(&bmp->Header, sizeof(bmp->Header), 1, bmpFile); fread(&bmp->Info, sizeof(bmp->Info), 1, bmpFile); // only supports 24-bit+ color bitmaps if (bmp->Info.biBitCount < 24) { printf("cannot load %s: bitmap is less than 24-bit color\n", filename); free(bmp); return NULL; } if (bmp->Info.biCompression) { printf("cannot load %s: bitmap is compressed\n", filename); free(bmp); return NULL; } fileLineSize = bmp->Info.biWidth*bmp->Info.biBitCount / 8; pad = 4 - fileLineSize % 4; if (pad == 4) pad = 0; fileScanLines = bmp->Info.biHeight; // check to make sure that image is 2^x * 2^y // image in memory can be 2^x * 2^y even if disk file isn't, but there will be blank pixels for (i = 1; i <= MAX_EXP; i++) { generic = (int)power(2, i); if (generic >= bmp->Info.biWidth) { bmp->Info.biWidth = generic; break; } } if (i > MAX_EXP) { printf("cannot load %s: bitmap is too large\n", filename); free(bmp); return NULL; } for (i = 1; i <= MAX_EXP; i++) { generic = power(2, i); if (generic >= bmp->Info.biHeight) { bmp->Info.biHeight = generic; break; } } if (i > MAX_EXP) { printf("cannot load %s: bitmap is too large\n", filename); free(bmp); return NULL; } memLineSize = bmp->Info.biWidth*bmp->Info.biBitCount / 8; memScanLines = bmp->Info.biHeight; dataSize = memLineSize*memScanLines; bmp->pixels = (BYTE*)malloc(dataSize); memset(bmp->pixels, 0, dataSize); // end 2^n check /* printf("image is %i by %i", fileLineSize*8/bmp->Info.biBitCount, fileScanLines); if ( fileLineSize != memLineSize || fileScanLines != memScanLines ) printf(", expanded to %i by %i", memLineSize*8/bmp->Info.biBitCount, memScanLines); printf("\n"); */ // bmps are stored last line first fseek(bmpFile, bmp->Header.bfOffBits, 0); line = bmp->pixels + (fileScanLines - 1)*memLineSize; for (i = 0; i < fileScanLines; i++) { fread(line, fileLineSize, 1, bmpFile); // lines are padded to be 32-bit divisible if (pad) fread(&generic, pad, 1, bmpFile); line -= memLineSize; } // need to switch red and blue for opengl if (TRUE) { for (i = 0; i < fileScanLines*memLineSize; i += 3) { generic = bmp->pixels[i]; bmp->pixels[i] = bmp->pixels[i + 2]; bmp->pixels[i + 2] = generic; } } return bmp; } else { printf("cannot load %s: no such file or file I/O error\n", filename); return NULL; } }
BaseIF* makeGeometry(Box& a_domain, RealVect& a_origin, Real& a_dx) { RealVect center; RealVect radii; bool insideRegular; // parse input file ParmParse pp; Vector<int> n_cell(SpaceDim); pp.getarr("n_cell",n_cell,0,SpaceDim); CH_assert(n_cell.size() == SpaceDim); IntVect lo = IntVect::Zero; IntVect hi; for (int ivec = 0; ivec < SpaceDim; ivec++) { if (n_cell[ivec] <= 0) { pout() << "Bogus number of cells input = " << n_cell[ivec]; exit(1); } hi[ivec] = n_cell[ivec] - 1; } a_domain.setSmall(lo); a_domain.setBig(hi); Vector<Real> prob_lo(SpaceDim,1.0); Real prob_hi; pp.getarr("prob_lo",prob_lo,0,SpaceDim); pp.get("prob_hi",prob_hi); a_dx = (prob_hi-prob_lo[0])/n_cell[0]; for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { a_origin[idir] = prob_lo[idir]; } // ParmParse doesn't get RealVects, so work-around with Vector<Real> Vector<Real> vectorCenter; pp.getarr("center",vectorCenter,0,SpaceDim); for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { center[idir] = vectorCenter[idir]; } Vector<Real> vectorRadii; pp.getarr("radii",vectorRadii,0,SpaceDim); for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { radii[idir] = vectorRadii[idir]; } int halfTurns; pp.get("halfturns",halfTurns); // Parm Parse doesn't get bools, so work-around with int int intInsideRegular; pp.get("insideRegular",intInsideRegular); if (intInsideRegular != 0) insideRegular = true; if (intInsideRegular == 0) insideRegular = false; IntVect zero=IntVect::Zero; bool inside = true; EllipsoidIF ellipsoid(radii,center,inside); Real coef = halfTurns / 2.0; IntVect power(D_DECL(1,0,0)); Vector<PolyTerm> term; term.resize(1); term[0].coef = coef; term[0].powers = power; PolynomialIF rotate(term,inside); LatheIF implicit(ellipsoid,rotate,center,insideRegular); RealVect vectDx = RealVect::Unit; vectDx *= a_dx; GeometryShop workshop(implicit,0,vectDx); // This generates the new EBIS EBIndexSpace* ebisPtr = Chombo_EBIS::instance(); ebisPtr->define(a_domain,a_origin,a_dx,workshop); return implicit.newImplicitFunction(); }
static ex Li2_series(const ex &x, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { const ex x_pt = x.subs(rel, subs_options::no_pattern); if ( { // First special case: x==0 (derivatives have poles) if (x_pt.is_zero()) { // method: // The problem is that in d/dx Li2(x==0) == -log(1-x)/x we cannot // simply substitute x==0. The limit, however, exists: it is 1. // We also know all higher derivatives' limits: // (d/dx)^n Li2(x) == n!/n^2. // So the primitive series expansion is // Li2(x==0) == x + x^2/4 + x^3/9 + ... // and so on. // We first construct such a primitive series expansion manually in // a dummy symbol s and then insert the argument's series expansion // for s. Reexpanding the resulting series returns the desired // result. const symbol s; ex ser; // manually construct the primitive expansion for (int i=1; i<order; ++i) ser += pow(s,i) / pow(numeric(i), *_num2_p); // substitute the argument's series expansion ser = ser.subs(s==x.series(rel, order), subs_options::no_pattern); // maybe that was terminating, so add a proper order term epvector nseq { expair(Order(_ex1), order) }; ser += pseries(rel, std::move(nseq)); // reexpanding it will collapse the series again return ser.series(rel, order); // NB: Of course, this still does not allow us to compute anything // like sin(Li2(x)).series(x==0,2), since then this code here is // not reached and the derivative of sin(Li2(x)) doesn't allow the // substitution x==0. Probably limits *are* needed for the general // cases. In case L'Hospital's rule is implemented for limits and // basic::series() takes care of this, this whole block is probably // obsolete! } // second special case: x==1 (branch point) if (x_pt.is_equal(_ex1)) { // method: // construct series manually in a dummy symbol s const symbol s; ex ser = zeta(_ex2); // manually construct the primitive expansion for (int i=1; i<order; ++i) ser += pow(1-s,i) * (numeric(1,i)*(I*Pi+log(s-1)) - numeric(1,i*i)); // substitute the argument's series expansion ser = ser.subs(s==x.series(rel, order), subs_options::no_pattern); // maybe that was terminating, so add a proper order term epvector nseq { expair(Order(_ex1), order) }; ser += pseries(rel, std::move(nseq)); // reexpanding it will collapse the series again return ser.series(rel, order); } // third special case: x real, >=1 (branch cut) if (!(options & series_options::suppress_branchcut) && ex_to<numeric>(x_pt).is_real() && ex_to<numeric>(x_pt)>1) { // method: // This is the branch cut: assemble the primitive series manually // and then add the corresponding complex step function. const symbol &s = ex_to<symbol>(rel.lhs()); const ex point = rel.rhs(); const symbol foo; epvector seq; // zeroth order term: seq.push_back(expair(Li2(x_pt), _ex0)); // compute the intermediate terms: ex replarg = series(Li2(x), s==foo, order); for (size_t i=1; i<replarg.nops()-1; ++i) seq.push_back(expair((replarg.op(i)/power(s-foo,i)).series(foo==point,1,options).op(0).subs(foo==s, subs_options::no_pattern),i)); // append an order term: seq.push_back(expair(Order(_ex1), replarg.nops()-1)); return pseries(rel, std::move(seq)); } } // all other cases should be safe, by now: throw do_taylor(); // caught by function::series() }
unsigned long long int power(unsigned long long int a,unsigned long long int b) { if(b==0) return 1; unsigned long long int x=power(a,b/2); return (((x*x)%mod)*((b&1)?a:1))%mod;}
//TODO remove pModel CEvaluationNode* CDerive::deriveBranch(const CEvaluationNode* node, const CCopasiObject * pObject, std::vector<const CEvaluationNode*>& env, //std::vector<const CCopasiObject*>& objenv, const CEvaluationTree* pTree, bool simplify) { CEvaluationNode * newNode = NULL; const CEvaluationNodeOperator * pENO = dynamic_cast<const CEvaluationNodeOperator*>(node); if (pENO) { if (!pENO->getLeft() || !pENO->getRight()) return NULL; CEvaluationNode * pLeftDeriv = deriveBranch(pENO->getLeft(), pObject, env, pTree, simplify); if (!pLeftDeriv) return NULL; CEvaluationNode * pRightDeriv = deriveBranch(pENO->getRight(), pObject, env, pTree, simplify); if (!pRightDeriv) {delete pLeftDeriv; return NULL;} // we now know that derivations of the left and right branch exist switch ((CEvaluationNodeOperator::SubType) CEvaluationNode::subType(pENO->getType())) { case CEvaluationNodeOperator::MULTIPLY: { CEvaluationNode * pLeftCopy = copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getLeft(), env); CEvaluationNode * pRightCopy = copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getRight(), env); CEvaluationNode * tmpNode1 = multiply(pRightCopy, pLeftDeriv, simplify); CEvaluationNode * tmpNode2 = multiply(pRightDeriv, pLeftCopy, simplify); return add(tmpNode1, tmpNode2, simplify); } break; case CEvaluationNodeOperator::DIVIDE: { CEvaluationNode * pLeftCopy = copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getLeft(), env); CEvaluationNode * pRightCopy = copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getRight(), env); //numerator CEvaluationNode * tmpNode1 = multiply(pRightCopy, pLeftDeriv, simplify); CEvaluationNode * tmpNode2 = multiply(pRightDeriv, pLeftCopy, simplify); CEvaluationNode * minusNode = subtract(tmpNode1, tmpNode2, simplify); minusNode->compile(NULL); //denominator CEvaluationNode * powerNode = power(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getRight(), env), new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "2"), simplify); return divide(minusNode, powerNode, simplify); } break; case CEvaluationNodeOperator::PLUS: return add(pLeftDeriv, pRightDeriv, simplify); break; case CEvaluationNodeOperator::MINUS: return subtract(pLeftDeriv, pRightDeriv, simplify); break; case CEvaluationNodeOperator::POWER: { // b-1 CEvaluationNode * tmpNode = subtract(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getRight(), env), new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "1"), simplify); // a^(b-1) CEvaluationNode * powerNode = power(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getLeft(), env), tmpNode, simplify); // b*a' tmpNode = multiply(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getRight(), env), pLeftDeriv, simplify); // ln a CEvaluationNodeFunction * funcNode = new CEvaluationNodeFunction(CEvaluationNodeFunction::LOG, "ln"); funcNode->addChild(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getLeft(), env)); // add a // a * b' * ln a CEvaluationNode * tmpNode2 = multiply(copyBranch_var2obj(pENO->getLeft(), env), multiply(pRightDeriv, funcNode, simplify), simplify); // b*a + a*b * ln a CEvaluationNode * plusNode = add(tmpNode, tmpNode2, simplify); // a^(b-1)*(b*a + a*b * ln a) return multiply(powerNode, plusNode, simplify); } break; default: break; } } const CEvaluationNodeVariable * pENV = dynamic_cast<const CEvaluationNodeVariable*>(node); if (pENV) { if (!env[pENV->getIndex()]) return NULL; //basically just expand the tree. return deriveBranch(env[pENV->getIndex()], pObject, env, pTree, simplify); } const CEvaluationNodeNumber * pENN = dynamic_cast<const CEvaluationNodeNumber*>(node); if (pENN) { newNode = new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "0"); return newNode; } const CEvaluationNodeObject *pENObj = dynamic_cast<const CEvaluationNodeObject*>(node); if (pENObj) { //first check whether the object is the derivation variable if (pObject->getCN() == pENObj->getObjectCN()) { //std::cout << "*"; return new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "1"); } //now we need to check if we know something about the object so that it needs to be expanded const CCopasiObject * tmpObj = (const CCopasiObject *)pENObj->getObjectInterfacePtr(); if (!tmpObj) return NULL; //object is a concentration? if (tmpObj->getObjectName() == "Concentration") { //std::cout << "Concentration found" << std::endl; //In this context, the concentration is expanded as "amount of substance/volume" std::string tmpstr = tmpObj->getObjectParent() ? "<" + tmpObj->getObjectParent()->getCN() + ",Reference=ParticleNumber>" : "<>"; CEvaluationNodeObject* amount = new CEvaluationNodeObject(CEvaluationNodeObject::CN, tmpstr); amount->compile(pTree); tmpstr = tmpObj->getObjectAncestor("Compartment") ? "<" + tmpObj->getObjectAncestor("Compartment")->getCN() + ",Reference=Volume>" : "<>"; CEvaluationNodeObject* volume = new CEvaluationNodeObject(CEvaluationNodeObject::CN, tmpstr); volume->compile(pTree); CEvaluationNodeObject* volume2 = new CEvaluationNodeObject(CEvaluationNodeObject::CN, tmpstr); //we need this node twice volume2->compile(pTree); CEvaluationNode* damount = deriveBranch(amount, pObject, env, pTree, simplify); CEvaluationNode* dvolume = deriveBranch(volume, pObject, env, pTree, simplify); // A / V - A*V /V^2 return subtract(divide(damount, volume, simplify), divide(multiply(amount, dvolume, simplify), power(volume2, new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "2"), simplify), simplify), simplify); } //TODO: //object is an object with an assignment //object is dependent species //object is a reaction rate // otherwise return 0. return new CEvaluationNodeNumber(CEvaluationNodeNumber::INTEGER, "0"); } const CEvaluationNodeCall *pENCall = dynamic_cast<const CEvaluationNodeCall*>(node); if (pENCall) { //is it a function? const CFunction * tmpFunction = dynamic_cast<const CFunction*>(pENCall->getCalledTree()); // const std::vector<CEvaluationNode *> getListOfChildNodes() const {return mCallNodes;} //create call environment for the called function std::vector<const CEvaluationNode*> subenv; size_t i, imax = pENCall->getListOfChildNodes().size(); subenv.resize(imax); for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i) { CEvaluationNode* tmpnode = copyBranch_var2obj(pENCall->getListOfChildNodes()[i], env); compileTree(tmpnode, pTree); subenv[i] = tmpnode; } return deriveBranch(pENCall->getCalledTree()->getRoot(), pObject, subenv, pTree, simplify); } return newNode; }
int load_bmp(char *file, struct image **res_image) { FILE *fp; struct bitmap_file_header hdr; struct bitmap_info_header infohdr; struct image *img; int num_pixels; int j, pad; if (!res_image) { printf("**res_image pointer to pointer is not initialized!!!\n"); errno = -EAGAIN; return -EAGAIN; } img = (struct image *) malloc(sizeof(*img)); if (!img) return errno; *res_image = img; /* open the file */ if ((fp = fopen(file,"r")) == NULL) return errno; /* Read bitmap header */ if (fread(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, fp) != 1) goto error; /* Check format */ if ([0] != 'B' ||[1] != 'M') { printf("%s is not a bitmap file in windows-format.\n", file); errno = -EAGAIN; goto error; } /* Read bitmap info header */ if (fread(&infohdr, sizeof(infohdr), 1, fp) != 1) goto error; if (infohdr.color_planes != 1 || infohdr.bits_per_pixel != 24 || infohdr.compression != 0 || infohdr.num_colors != 0 || infohdr.important_colors != 0) { printf("The bmp image is not in a supported format!\n"); printf("The supported format requires: colorplanes == 0, 24 bits per " "pixel, no compression, num-colors == 0 and important-colors == 0\n"); printf("But we got: colorplanes %u bits per pixel %u compression %u " "num-colors %u important-colors %u\n", infohdr.color_planes, infohdr.bits_per_pixel, infohdr.compression, infohdr.num_colors, infohdr.important_colors); errno = -EAGAIN; goto error; } if (infohdr.num_colors == 0) /* This means, the number of colors in the color-pallette is 2**bits_per_pixel */ infohdr.num_colors = power(2, infohdr.bits_per_pixel); img->width = infohdr.width; img->height = infohdr.height; img->hor_res = infohdr.hor_res; img->ver_res = infohdr.ver_res; /* Now, move the pointer to the pixel-array */ if (fseek(fp, infohdr.hdrsize - sizeof(infohdr), SEEK_CUR)) goto error; num_pixels = img->width * img->height; img->pixels = (struct pixel *) malloc(sizeof(struct pixel)*num_pixels); if (!img->pixels) goto error; pad = (4 - (img->width * 3) % 4) % 4; for (j = 0; j < img->height; j++) { if (fread(&img->pixels[j*img->width], 3, img->width, fp) != img->width) goto error; if (fseek(fp, pad, SEEK_CUR)) goto error; } fclose(fp); return 0; error: fclose(fp); return errno; }
void power_mpz(elem &result, elem a, mpz_ptr n) const { int n1 = static_cast<int>(mpz_fdiv_ui(n, p1)); power(result,a,n1); }
void Tester_68k::testSbcd() { u16 opcode; //MOVE.L #$12345689, D1 //MOVE.L #$f745ff78, D2 //MOVE #$4, CCR //SBCD D2, D1 setUp(); opcode = 0x8100 | (1 << 9) | 2; addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setCCR(0x4); setRegD(1, 0x12345689); setRegD(2, 0xf745ff78); process(); check("SBCD D2, D1"); //MOVE.L #$12345605, D1 //MOVE.L #$f745ff05, D2 //MOVE #$4, CCR //SBCD D2, D1 setUp(); opcode = 0x8100 | (1 << 9) | 2; addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setCCR(0x4); setRegD(1, 0x123456ff); setRegD(2, 0xf745ffff); process(); check("SBCD D2, D1 zero"); //MOVE.L #$12345634, D1 //MOVE.L #$f745ff45, D2 //MOVE #$10, CCR //SBCD D2, D1 setUp(); opcode = 0x8100 | (1 << 9) | 2; addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setCCR(0x10); setRegD(1, 0x12345634); setRegD(2, 0xf745ff45); process(); check("SBCD D2, D1 neg"); //MOVE.L #$12345634, D1 //MOVE.L #$f745ff45, D2 //MOVE #$10, CCR //SBCD D2, D1 setUp(); opcode = 0x8100 | (1 << 9) | 2; addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setCCR(0x10); setRegD(1, 0x123456a9); setRegD(2, 0xf745ffff); process(); check("SBCD D2, D1 overflow"); //MOVE.L #$3001, A1 //MOVE.L #$4001, A2 //MOVE.B #$a2, $3000 //MOVE.B #$19, $4000 //MOVE #$10, CCR //SBCD -(A2), -(A1) //MOVE.B $3000, D1 //MOVE.B $4000, D2 setUp(); opcode = 0x8100 | (1 << 9) | (1 << 3) | 2; addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); memoryblock.write(0x3000, 0xa2); memoryblock.write(0x4000, 0x19); setCCR(0x10); setRegA(1, 0x3001); setRegA(2, 0x4001); process(); check("SBCD -(A2), -(A1)"); }
ui get_head_num(ull n, ui d) { return n / power(10, d - 2); }
void absval(void) { int h; save(); p1 = pop(); if (istensor(p1)) { absval_tensor(); restore(); return; } if (isnum(p1)) { push(p1); if (isnegativenumber(p1)) negate(); restore(); return; } if (iscomplexnumber(p1)) { push(p1); push(p1); conjugate(); multiply(); push_rational(1, 2); power(); restore(); return; } // abs(1/a) evaluates to 1/abs(a) if (car(p1) == symbol(POWER) && isnegativeterm(caddr(p1))) { push(p1); reciprocate(); absval(); reciprocate(); restore(); return; } // abs(a*b) evaluates to abs(a)*abs(b) if (car(p1) == symbol(MULTIPLY)) { h = tos; p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { push(car(p1)); absval(); p1 = cdr(p1); } multiply_all(tos - h); restore(); return; } if (isnegativeterm(p1) || (car(p1) == symbol(ADD) && isnegativeterm(cadr(p1)))) { push(p1); negate(); p1 = pop(); } push_symbol(ABS); push(p1); list(2); restore(); }
double calculate(int numInputTokens, char **inputString){ int i; double result = 0.0; char *s; struct DynArr *stack; double num; //set up the stack stack = createDynArr(20); // start at 1 to skip the name of the calculator calc for(i=1;i < numInputTokens;i++) { s = inputString[i]; // Hint: General algorithm: // (1) Check if the string s is in the list of operators. // (1a) If it is, perform corresponding operations. // (1b) Otherwise, check if s is a number. // (1b - I) If s is not a number, produce an error. // (1b - II) If s is a number, push it onto the stack if(strcmp(s, "+") == 0){ add(stack); printf("Adding\n"); } else if(strcmp(s,"-") == 0){ subtract(stack); printf("Subtracting\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "/") == 0){ divide(stack); printf("Dividing\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "x") == 0){ multiply(stack); printf("Multiplying\n"); } else if(strcmp(s,"^") == 0){ power(stack); printf("Power\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "^2") == 0){ squared(stack); printf("Squaring\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "^3") == 0){ cubed(stack); printf("Cubing\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "abs") == 0){ absoluteValue(stack); printf("Absolute value\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "sqrt") == 0){ squareRoot(stack); printf("Square root\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "exp") == 0){ exponential(stack); printf("Exponential\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "ln") == 0){ naturalLog(stack); printf("Natural Log\n"); } else if(strcmp(s, "log") == 0){ logBase10(stack); printf("Log\n"); } else{ // FIXME: You need to develop the code here (when s is not an operator) // Remember to deal with special values ("pi" and "e") //check if not a number if (isNumber(s, &num) == 0){ if (strcmp(s, "pi") == 0){ num = 3.14159265; } else if (strcmp(s, "e") == 0){ num = 2.7182818; } else{ //wrong printf("%s is not valid (number or operator) \n", s); break; } } pushDynArr(stack, num); } } //end for /* FIXME: You will write this part of the function (2 steps below) * (1) Check if everything looks OK and produce an error if needed. * (2) Store the final value in result and print it out. */ if (sizeDynArr(stack) != 1) { printf("Incorrect count of numbers is detected! Calculations CANNOT be preformed. "); return 0; } else { result = topDynArr(stack); } return result; }
void yybesselj(void) { double d; int n; N = pop(); X = pop(); push(N); n = pop_integer(); // numerical result if (isdouble(X) && n != (int) 0x80000000) { //d = jn(n, X->u.d); push_double(d); return; } // bessej(0,0) = 1 if (iszero(X) && iszero(N)) { push_integer(1); return; } // besselj(0,n) = 0 if (iszero(X) && n != (int) 0x80000000) { push_integer(0); return; } // half arguments if (N->k == NUM && MEQUAL(N->u.q.b, 2)) { // n = 1/2 if (MEQUAL(N->u.q.a, 1)) { push_integer(2); push_symbol(PI); divide(); push(X); divide(); push_rational(1, 2); power(); push(X); sine(); multiply(); return; } // n = -1/2 if (MEQUAL(N->u.q.a, -1)) { push_integer(2); push_symbol(PI); divide(); push(X); divide(); push_rational(1, 2); power(); push(X); cosine(); multiply(); return; } // besselj(x,n) = (2/x) (n-sgn(n)) besselj(x,n-sgn(n)) - besselj(x,n-2*sgn(n)) push_integer(MSIGN(N->u.q.a)); SGN = pop(); push_integer(2); push(X); divide(); push(N); push(SGN); subtract(); multiply(); push(X); push(N); push(SGN); subtract(); besselj(); multiply(); push(X); push(N); push_integer(2); push(SGN); multiply(); subtract(); besselj(); subtract(); return; } push(symbol(BESSELJ)); push(X); push(N); list(3); }
bool get_num_branches(contains_app& x, expr* fml, rational& nb) override { unsigned sz = m_bv.get_bv_size(x.x()); nb = power(rational(2), sz); return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Printing functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Navaid::printRecord(std::ostream& sout) const { char icas[32]; icaoCode(icas); char ikey[32]; key(ikey); char id[12]; ident(id); char ccode[4]; countryCode(ccode); char rc[8]; radioClass(rc); sout << icas << ", "; sout << "\""; sout << ikey; sout << "\", "; sout << id; sout << "-"; sout << static_cast<char>(navaidType()); sout << "-"; sout << ccode; sout << "-"; sout << keyCode(); sout << ":"; std::streamoff old = sout.precision(); sout.precision(12); sout << " "; sout << latitude(); sout << ", "; sout << longitude(); sout.precision(old); sout << ", "; sout << elevation(); sout << " "; sout << frequency(); sout << "-"; sout << channel(); sout << " ( "; sout << magVariance(); sout << ", "; sout << slaveVariance(); sout << " )"; sout << " ("; sout << power(); sout << "-"; sout << rc; sout << "-"; sout << range(); sout << ")"; }
/* Am folosit Fibonacci generalizat */ int main(int args, char** argv) { int n, m, k, i, j; long long **a, *initial; FILE *fr, *fw; fr = fopen("", "r"); fw = fopen("date.out", "w"); fscanf(fr, "%d", &n); fscanf(fr, "%d", &m); fscanf(fr, "%d", &k); a = (long long**)calloc((k + 1), sizeof(long long*)); for(i = 0; i <= k; i++) { a[i] = (long long *)calloc((k + 1), sizeof(long long)); } initial = (long long *)calloc((k + 1), sizeof(long long)); /* Pe vectorul termenilor initiali se pun puteri ale lui 2 */ for(i = 0; i <= k; i++) { initial[i] = pow(2, i); } /* In matrice se pune 1 pe diagonala de deasupra celei principale (pentru a se avansa cu cate un termen la fiecare inmultire si a se lua in considerare doar ultimi k) si 1 pe ultima linie (al k + 1 termen se calculeaza ca suma celor k + 1 termeni de la pasul anterior) */ for(i = 0; i < k + 1; i++) { for(j = 0; j < k + 1; j++) { if(j == i + 1) { a[i][j] = 1; } if(i == k) { a[i][j] = 1; } } } /* Se ridica a la n - k in vederea calculului celui de-al n-lea termen */ a = logPowMatrix(a, n - k, k); /* Se inmulteste vectorul intial cu matricea a */ long long result = 0; for(i = 0; i <= k; i++) { result += ((a[k][i] * initial[i]) % MOD); } /* Rezultatul se ridica la puterea numarul de coloane pt numarul total de cadre */ result = power(result, m); fprintf(fw, "%lli", result); /* Se elibereaza memoria */ for(i = 0; i <= k; i++) { free(a[i]); } free(a); free(initial); fclose(fr); fclose(fw); return 0; }
int main(void) { printf("2 ^ 4 = %.2f\n", power(2, 4)); return 0; }
double power(double x, long n) { if(n == 0) return 1; if(n < 0) return power ( 1 / x, -n); return x * power(x, n - 1); }
MainWindow::MainWindow() { setObjectName("main-window"); setWindowTitle(string() << SNES::Info::Name << " v" << SNES::Info::Version); setCloseOnEscape(false); setGeometryString(&config().geometry.mainWindow); application.windowList.append(this); //menu bar #if defined(PLATFORM_OSX) menuBar = new QMenuBar(0); #else menuBar = new QMenuBar; #endif system = menuBar->addMenu("&System"); system_load = system->addAction("Load &Cartridge ..."); system_loadSpecial = system->addMenu("Load &Special"); system_loadSpecial_bsx = system_loadSpecial->addAction("Load &BS-X Cartridge ..."); system_loadSpecial_bsxSlotted = system_loadSpecial->addAction("Load BS-X &Slotted Cartridge ..."); system_loadSpecial_sufamiTurbo = system_loadSpecial->addAction("Load Sufami &Turbo Cartridge ..."); system_loadSpecial_superGameBoy = system_loadSpecial->addAction("Load Super &Game Boy Cartridge ..."); system_saveMemoryPack = system->addAction("Save Memory Pack ..."); system_saveMemoryPack->setVisible(false); system_reload = system->addAction("Re&load"); system->addSeparator(); system->addAction(system_power = new CheckAction("&Power", 0)); system_reset = system->addAction("&Reset"); system->addSeparator(); system_port1 = system->addMenu("Controller Port &1"); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_none = new RadioAction("&None", 0)); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_gamepad = new RadioAction("&Gamepad", 0)); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_asciipad = new RadioAction("&asciiPad", 0)); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_multitap = new RadioAction("&Multitap", 0)); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_mouse = new RadioAction("&Mouse", 0)); system_port1->addAction(system_port1_nttdatakeypad = new RadioAction("NTT Data &Keypad", 0)); system_port2 = system->addMenu("Controller Port &2"); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_none = new RadioAction("&None", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_gamepad = new RadioAction("&Gamepad", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_asciipad = new RadioAction("&asciiPad", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_multitap = new RadioAction("&Multitap", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_mouse = new RadioAction("&Mouse", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_superscope = new RadioAction("&Super Scope", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_justifier = new RadioAction("&Justifier", 0)); system_port2->addAction(system_port2_justifiers = new RadioAction("Two &Justifiers", 0)); #if !defined(PLATFORM_OSX) system->addSeparator(); #endif system_exit = system->addAction("E&xit"); system_exit->setMenuRole(QAction::QuitRole); settings = menuBar->addMenu("S&ettings"); settings_videoMode = settings->addMenu("Video &Mode"); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_1x = new RadioAction("Scale &1x", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_2x = new RadioAction("Scale &2x", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_3x = new RadioAction("Scale &3x", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_4x = new RadioAction("Scale &4x", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_5x = new RadioAction("Scale &5x", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_max_normal = new RadioAction("Scale Max - &Normal", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_max_wide = new RadioAction("Scale Max - &Wide", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_max_wideZoom = new RadioAction("Scale Max - Wide &Zoom", 0)); settings_videoMode->addSeparator(); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_correctAspectRatio = new CheckAction("Correct &Aspect Ratio", 0)); settings_videoMode->addSeparator(); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_ntsc = new RadioAction("&NTSC", 0)); settings_videoMode->addAction(settings_videoMode_pal = new RadioAction("&PAL", 0)); if(filter.opened()) { settings_videoFilter = settings->addMenu("Video &Filter"); settings_videoFilter_configure = settings_videoFilter->addAction("&Configure Active Filter ..."); settings_videoFilter->addSeparator(); settings_videoFilter->addAction(settings_videoFilter_none = new RadioAction("&None", 0)); settings_videoFilter_list.append(settings_videoFilter_none); lstring filterlist; filterlist.split(";", filter.dl_supported()); for(unsigned i = 0; i < filterlist.size(); i++) { RadioAction *action = new RadioAction(filterlist[i], 0); settings_videoFilter->addAction(action); settings_videoFilter_list.append(action); } } settings->addAction(settings_smoothVideo = new CheckAction("&Smooth Video Output", 0)); settings->addSeparator(); settings->addAction(settings_muteAudio = new CheckAction("&Mute Audio Output", 0)); settings->addSeparator(); settings_emulationSpeed = settings->addMenu("Emulation &Speed"); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_slowest = new RadioAction("Slowest", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_slow = new RadioAction("Slow", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_normal = new RadioAction("Normal", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_fast = new RadioAction("Fast", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_fastest = new RadioAction("Fastest", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addSeparator(); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_syncVideo = new CheckAction("Sync &Video", 0)); settings_emulationSpeed->addAction(settings_emulationSpeed_syncAudio = new CheckAction("Sync &Audio", 0)); settings_configuration = settings->addAction("&Configuration ..."); settings_configuration->setMenuRole(QAction::PreferencesRole); tools = menuBar->addMenu("&Tools"); tools_movies = tools->addMenu("&Movies"); tools_movies_play = tools_movies->addAction("Play Movie ..."); tools_movies_stop = tools_movies->addAction("Stop"); tools_movies_recordFromPowerOn = tools_movies->addAction("Record Movie (and restart system)"); tools_movies_recordFromHere = tools_movies->addAction("Record Movie (starting from here)"); tools_captureScreenshot = tools->addAction("&Capture Screenshot"); tools_captureSPC = tools->addAction("Capture &SPC Dump"); tools->addSeparator(); tools_loadState = tools->addMenu("&Load Quick State"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++) { QAction *loadAction = new QAction(string("Slot ", i + 1), 0); loadAction->setData(i); connect(loadAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadState())); tools_loadState->addAction(loadAction); } tools_saveState = tools->addMenu("&Save Quick State"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++) { QAction *saveAction = new QAction(string("Slot ", i + 1), 0); saveAction->setData(i); connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveState())); tools_saveState->addAction(saveAction); } tools->addSeparator(); tools_cheatEditor = tools->addAction("Cheat &Editor ..."); tools_cheatFinder = tools->addAction("Cheat &Finder ..."); tools_stateManager = tools->addAction("&State Manager ..."); tools_effectToggle = tools->addAction("Effect &Toggle ..."); if(!SNES::PPU::SupportsLayerEnable && !SNES::DSP::SupportsChannelEnable) tools_effectToggle->setVisible(false); tools_manifestViewer = tools->addAction("&Manifest Viewer ..."); tools_soundViewer = tools->addAction("Sound &Viewer ..."); tools_debugger = tools->addAction("&Debugger ..."); #if !defined(DEBUGGER) tools_debugger->setVisible(false); #endif help = menuBar->addMenu("&Help"); help_documentation = help->addAction("&Documentation ..."); help_license = help->addAction("&License ..."); #if !defined(PLATFORM_OSX) help->addSeparator(); #endif help_about = help->addAction("&About ..."); help_about->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutRole); //canvas canvasContainer = new CanvasObject; canvasContainer->setAcceptDrops(true); { canvasContainer->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); canvasContainer->setObjectName("backdrop"); canvasLayout = new QVBoxLayout; { canvasLayout->setMargin(0); canvasLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); canvas = new CanvasWidget; canvas->setAcceptDrops(true); canvas->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); canvas->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, true); //disable Qt painting on focus / resize canvas->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); } canvasLayout->addWidget(canvas); } canvasContainer->setLayout(canvasLayout); //status bar statusBar = new QStatusBar; statusBar->setSizeGripEnabled(false); statusBar->showMessage(""); systemState = new QLabel; statusBar->addPermanentWidget(systemState); //layout layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->setMargin(0); layout->setSpacing(0); #if !defined(PLATFORM_OSX) layout->addWidget(menuBar); #endif layout->addWidget(canvasContainer); layout->addWidget(statusBar); setLayout(layout); //cursor hide timer cursorTimer = new QTimer(this); cursorTimer->setSingleShot(true); cursorTimer->setInterval(5*1000); //slots connect(system_load, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadCartridge())); connect(system_reload, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reloadCartridge())); connect(system_loadSpecial_bsxSlotted, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadBsxSlottedCartridge())); connect(system_loadSpecial_bsx, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadBsxCartridge())); connect(system_loadSpecial_sufamiTurbo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadSufamiTurboCartridge())); connect(system_loadSpecial_superGameBoy, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadSuperGameBoyCartridge())); connect(system_saveMemoryPack, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveMemoryPack())); connect(system_power, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(power())); connect(system_reset, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reset())); connect(system_port1_none, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1None())); connect(system_port1_gamepad, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1Gamepad())); connect(system_port1_asciipad, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1Asciipad())); connect(system_port1_multitap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1Multitap())); connect(system_port1_mouse, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1Mouse())); connect(system_port1_nttdatakeypad, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort1NTTDataKeypad())); connect(system_port2_none, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2None())); connect(system_port2_gamepad, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Gamepad())); connect(system_port2_asciipad, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Asciipad())); connect(system_port2_multitap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Multitap())); connect(system_port2_mouse, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Mouse())); connect(system_port2_superscope, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2SuperScope())); connect(system_port2_justifier, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Justifier())); connect(system_port2_justifiers, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setPort2Justifiers())); connect(system_exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(quit())); connect(settings_videoMode_1x, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoMode1x())); connect(settings_videoMode_2x, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoMode2x())); connect(settings_videoMode_3x, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoMode3x())); connect(settings_videoMode_4x, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoMode4x())); connect(settings_videoMode_5x, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoMode5x())); connect(settings_videoMode_max_normal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoModeMaxNormal())); connect(settings_videoMode_max_wide, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoModeMaxWide())); connect(settings_videoMode_max_wideZoom, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoModeMaxWideZoom())); connect(settings_videoMode_correctAspectRatio, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleAspectCorrection())); connect(settings_videoMode_ntsc, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoNtsc())); connect(settings_videoMode_pal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setVideoPal())); if(filter.opened()) { connect(settings_videoFilter_configure, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(configureFilter())); for(unsigned i = 0; i < settings_videoFilter_list.size(); i++) { connect(settings_videoFilter_list[i], SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setFilter())); } } connect(settings_smoothVideo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleSmoothVideo())); connect(settings_muteAudio, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(muteAudio())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_slowest, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setSpeedSlowest())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_slow, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setSpeedSlow())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_normal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setSpeedNormal())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_fast, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setSpeedFast())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_fastest, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setSpeedFastest())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_syncVideo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(syncVideo())); connect(settings_emulationSpeed_syncAudio, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(syncAudio())); connect(settings_configuration, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showConfigWindow())); connect(tools_movies_play, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(playMovie())); connect(tools_movies_stop, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopMovie())); connect(tools_movies_recordFromPowerOn, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(recordMovieFromPowerOn())); connect(tools_movies_recordFromHere, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(recordMovieFromHere())); connect(tools_captureScreenshot, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveScreenshot())); connect(tools_captureSPC, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveSPC())); connect(tools_cheatEditor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showCheatEditor())); connect(tools_cheatFinder, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showCheatFinder())); connect(tools_stateManager, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showStateManager())); connect(tools_effectToggle, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showEffectToggle())); connect(tools_manifestViewer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showManifestViewer())); connect(tools_soundViewer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showSoundViewer())); connect(tools_debugger, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showDebugger())); connect(help_documentation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showDocumentation())); connect(help_license, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showLicense())); connect(help_about, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAbout())); syncUi(); }
exprt convert_float_literal(const std::string &src) { mp_integer significand; mp_integer exponent; bool is_float, is_long, is_fixed, is_accum; unsigned base; parse_float(src, significand, exponent, base, is_float, is_long, is_fixed, is_accum); exprt result=exprt(ID_constant); result.set(ID_C_cformat, src); // In ANSI-C, float literals are double by default // unless marked with 'f'. if(is_float) { result.type()=float_type(); result.type().set(ID_C_cpp_type, ID_float); } else if(is_long) { result.type()=long_double_type(); result.type().set(ID_C_cpp_type, ID_long_double); } else if(is_fixed) { result.type()=fixed_type(); result.type().set(ID_C_cpp_type, ID_fixed); } else if(is_accum) { result.type()=accum_type(); result.type().set(ID_C_cpp_type, ID_accum); } else { result.type()=double_type(); // default result.type().set(ID_C_cpp_type, ID_double); } if(config.ansi_c.use_fixed_for_float || is_fixed || is_accum) { unsigned width=result.type().get_int(ID_width); unsigned fraction_bits; const irep_idt integer_bits=result.type().get(ID_integer_bits); assert(width!=0); if(is_fixed) { fraction_bits = width - 1; } else if(is_accum) { fraction_bits = width - 9; } else if(integer_bits==irep_idt()) fraction_bits=width/2; // default else fraction_bits=width-safe_string2int(id2string(integer_bits)); mp_integer factor=mp_integer(1)<<fraction_bits; mp_integer value=significand*factor; if(value!=0) { if(exponent<0) value/=power(base, -exponent); else { value*=power(base, exponent); if(value>=power(2, width-1)) { // saturate: use "biggest value" value=power(2, width-1)-1; } else if(value<=-power(2, width-1)-1) { // saturate: use "smallest value" value=-power(2, width-1); } } } result.set(ID_value, integer2binary(value, width)); } else { ieee_floatt a; a.spec=to_floatbv_type(result.type()); if(base==10) a.from_base10(significand, exponent); else if(base==2) // hex, exponent); else assert(false); result.set(ID_value, integer2binary(a.pack(), a.spec.width())); } return result; }
void yypower(void) { int n; p2 = pop(); p1 = pop(); // both base and exponent are rational numbers? if (isrational(p1) && isrational(p2)) { push(p1); push(p2); qpow(); return; } // both base and exponent are either rational or double? if (isnum(p1) && isnum(p2)) { push(p1); push(p2); dpow(); return; } if (istensor(p1)) { power_tensor(); return; } if (p1 == symbol(E) && car(p2) == symbol(LOG)) { push(cadr(p2)); return; } if ((p1 == symbol(MINFTY) || p1 == symbol(INFTY)) && isnegativeterm(p2)) { push_integer(0); return; } if (iszero(p1) && isnegativeterm(p2)) { push_symbol(INFTY); return; } if (p1 == symbol(E) && p2 == symbol(MINFTY)) { push_integer(0); return; } if (p1 == symbol(E) && isdouble(p2)) { push_double(exp(p2->u.d)); return; } // 1 ^ a -> 1 // a ^ 0 -> 1 if (equal(p1, one) || iszero(p2)) { push(one); return; } // a ^ 1 -> a if (equal(p2, one)) { push(p1); return; } // (a * b) ^ c -> (a ^ c) * (b ^ c) if (car(p1) == symbol(MULTIPLY)) { p1 = cdr(p1); push(car(p1)); push(p2); power(); p1 = cdr(p1); while (iscons(p1)) { push(car(p1)); push(p2); power(); multiply(); p1 = cdr(p1); } return; } // (a ^ b) ^ c -> a ^ (b * c) if (car(p1) == symbol(POWER)) { push(cadr(p1)); push(caddr(p1)); push(p2); multiply(); power(); return; } // (a + b) ^ n -> (a + b) * (a + b) ... if (expanding && isadd(p1) && isnum(p2)) { push(p2); n = pop_integer(); if (n > 1) { power_sum(n); return; } } // sin(x) ^ 2n -> (1 - cos(x) ^ 2) ^ n if (trigmode == 1 && car(p1) == symbol(SIN) && iseveninteger(p2)) { push_integer(1); push(cadr(p1)); cosine(); push_integer(2); power(); subtract(); push(p2); push_rational(1, 2); multiply(); power(); return; } // cos(x) ^ 2n -> (1 - sin(x) ^ 2) ^ n if (trigmode == 2 && car(p1) == symbol(COS) && iseveninteger(p2)) { push_integer(1); push(cadr(p1)); sine(); push_integer(2); power(); subtract(); push(p2); push_rational(1, 2); multiply(); power(); return; } // complex number? (just number, not expression) if (iscomplexnumber(p1)) { // integer power? // n will be negative here, positive n already handled if (isinteger(p2)) { // / \ n // -n | a - ib | // (a + ib) = | -------- | // | 2 2 | // \ a + b / push(p1); conjugate(); p3 = pop(); push(p3); push(p3); push(p1); multiply(); divide(); push(p2); negate(); power(); return; } // noninteger or floating power? if (isnum(p2)) { #if 1 // use polar form push(p1); mag(); push(p2); power(); push_integer(-1); push(p1); arg(); push(p2); multiply(); push(symbol(PI)); divide(); power(); multiply(); #else // use exponential form push(p1); mag(); push(p2); power(); push(symbol(E)); push(p1); arg(); push(p2); multiply(); push(imaginaryunit); multiply(); power(); multiply(); #endif return; } } if (simplify_polar()) return; push_symbol(POWER); push(p1); push(p2); list(3); }
inline time_duration parse_undelimited_time_duration(const std::string& s) { int precision = 0; { // msvc wouldn't compile 'time_duration::num_fractional_digits()' // (required template argument list) as a workaround, a temp // time_duration object was used time_duration tmp(0,0,0,1); precision = tmp.num_fractional_digits(); } // 'precision+1' is so we grab all digits, plus the decimal int offsets[] = {2,2,2, precision+1}; int pos = 0, sign = 0; int hours = 0; short min=0, sec=0; lslboost::int64_t fs=0; // increment one position if the string was "signed" if( == '-') { ++sign; } // stlport choked when passing s.substr() to tokenizer // using a new string fixed the error std::string remain = s.substr(sign); /* We do not want the offset_separator to wrap the offsets, we * will never want to process more than: * 2 char, 2 char, 2 char, frac_sec length. * We *do* want the offset_separator to give us a partial for the * last characters if there were not enough provided in the input string. */ bool wrap_off = false; bool ret_part = true; lslboost::offset_separator osf(offsets, offsets+4, wrap_off, ret_part); typedef lslboost::tokenizer<lslboost::offset_separator, std::basic_string<char>::const_iterator, std::basic_string<char> > tokenizer; typedef lslboost::tokenizer<lslboost::offset_separator, std::basic_string<char>::const_iterator, std::basic_string<char> >::iterator tokenizer_iterator; tokenizer tok(remain, osf); for(tokenizer_iterator ti=tok.begin(); ti!=tok.end(); ++ti) { switch(pos) { case 0: { hours = lslboost::lexical_cast<int>(*ti); break; } case 1: { min = lslboost::lexical_cast<short>(*ti); break; } case 2: { sec = lslboost::lexical_cast<short>(*ti); break; } case 3: { std::string char_digits(ti->substr(1)); // digits w/no decimal int digits = static_cast<int>(char_digits.length()); //Works around a bug in MSVC 6 library that does not support //operator>> thus meaning lexical_cast will fail to compile. #if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER <= 1200)) // 1200 == VC++ 6.0 // _atoi64 is an MS specific function if(digits >= precision) { // drop excess digits fs = _atoi64(char_digits.substr(0, precision).c_str()); } else if(digits == 0) { fs = 0; // just in case _atoi64 doesn't like an empty string } else { fs = _atoi64(char_digits.c_str()); } #else if(digits >= precision) { // drop excess digits fs = lslboost::lexical_cast<lslboost::int64_t>(char_digits.substr(0, precision)); } else if(digits == 0) { fs = 0; // lexical_cast doesn't like empty strings } else { fs = lslboost::lexical_cast<lslboost::int64_t>(char_digits); } #endif if(digits < precision) { // trailing zeros get dropped from the string, // "1:01:01.1" would yield .000001 instead of .100000 // the power() compensates for the missing decimal places fs *= power(10, precision - digits); } break; } default: break; }; pos++; } if(sign) { return -time_duration(hours, min, sec, fs); } else { return time_duration(hours, min, sec, fs); } }
static void euclid(const emxArray_real_T *x, const emxArray_real_T *y, emxArray_real_T *d) { emxArray_real_T *a; emxArray_real_T *b; emxArray_real_T *b_b; emxArray_real_T *r0; int32_T i2; int32_T unnamed_idx_1; int32_T ar; int32_T i3; emxArray_real_T *b_y; int32_T cr; int32_T br; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; uint32_T b_unnamed_idx_1; int32_T ic; int32_T ib; int32_T ia; emxArray_real_T *b_a; emxArray_real_T *r1; b_emxInit_real_T(&a, 1); emxInit_real_T(&b, 2); emxInit_real_T(&b_b, 2); b_emxInit_real_T(&r0, 1); /* all done */ power(x, b_b); sum(b_b, a); power(y, b_b); sum(b_b, r0); i2 = b->size[0] * b->size[1]; b->size[0] = 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); unnamed_idx_1 = r0->size[0]; i2 = b->size[0] * b->size[1]; b->size[1] = unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = r0->size[0]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { b->data[i2] = r0->data[i2]; } emxFree_real_T(&r0); i2 = b_b->size[0] * b_b->size[1]; b_b->size[0] = y->size[1]; b_b->size[1] = y->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_b, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = y->size[0]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { unnamed_idx_1 = y->size[1]; for (i3 = 0; i3 < unnamed_idx_1; i3++) { b_b->data[i3 + b_b->size[0] * i2] = y->data[i2 + y->size[0] * i3]; } } emxInit_real_T(&b_y, 2); if ((x->size[1] == 1) || (b_b->size[0] == 1)) { i2 = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; b_y->size[0] = x->size[0]; b_y->size[1] = b_b->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = x->size[0]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { unnamed_idx_1 = b_b->size[1]; for (i3 = 0; i3 < unnamed_idx_1; i3++) { b_y->data[i2 + b_y->size[0] * i3] = 0.0; cr = x->size[1]; for (br = 0; br < cr; br++) { b_y->data[i2 + b_y->size[0] * i3] += x->data[i2 + x->size[0] * br] * b_b->data[br + b_b->size[0] * i3]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)x->size[0]; b_unnamed_idx_1 = (uint32_T)b_b->size[1]; i2 = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; b_y->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); i2 = b_y->size[0] * b_y->size[1]; b_y->size[1] = (int32_T)b_unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_y, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 * (int32_T)b_unnamed_idx_1; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { b_y->data[i2] = 0.0; } if ((x->size[0] == 0) || (b_b->size[1] == 0)) { } else { unnamed_idx_1 = x->size[0] * (b_b->size[1] - 1); cr = 0; while ((x->size[0] > 0) && (cr <= unnamed_idx_1)) { i2 = cr + x->size[0]; for (ic = cr; ic + 1 <= i2; ic++) { b_y->data[ic] = 0.0; } cr += x->size[0]; } br = 0; cr = 0; while ((x->size[0] > 0) && (cr <= unnamed_idx_1)) { ar = -1; i2 = br + x->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i2; ib++) { if (b_b->data[ib] != 0.0) { ia = ar; i3 = cr + x->size[0]; for (ic = cr; ic + 1 <= i3; ic++) { ia++; b_y->data[ic] += b_b->data[ib] * x->data[ia]; } } ar += x->size[0]; } br += x->size[1]; cr += x->size[0]; } } } emxFree_real_T(&b_b); emxInit_real_T(&b_a, 2); emxInit_real_T(&r1, 2); unnamed_idx_1 = y->size[0]; cr = x->size[0]; i2 = b_a->size[0] * b_a->size[1]; b_a->size[0] = a->size[0]; b_a->size[1] = unnamed_idx_1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_a, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = a->size[0]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { for (i3 = 0; i3 < unnamed_idx_1; i3++) { b_a->data[i2 + b_a->size[0] * i3] = a->data[i2]; } } emxFree_real_T(&a); i2 = r1->size[0] * r1->size[1]; r1->size[0] = cr; r1->size[1] = b->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)r1, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); for (i2 = 0; i2 < cr; i2++) { ar = b->size[1]; for (i3 = 0; i3 < ar; i3++) { r1->data[i2 + r1->size[0] * i3] = b->data[b->size[0] * i3]; } } emxFree_real_T(&b); i2 = d->size[0] * d->size[1]; d->size[0] = b_a->size[0]; d->size[1] = b_a->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d, i2, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); ar = b_a->size[1]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < ar; i2++) { unnamed_idx_1 = b_a->size[0]; for (i3 = 0; i3 < unnamed_idx_1; i3++) { d->data[i3 + d->size[0] * i2] = (b_a->data[i3 + b_a->size[0] * i2] + r1->data[i3 + r1->size[0] * i2]) - 2.0 * b_y->data[i3 + b_y->size[0] * i2]; } } emxFree_real_T(&r1); emxFree_real_T(&b_a); emxFree_real_T(&b_y); b_sqrt(d); }
void divpoly_void(void) { int h, i, m, n, x; U **dividend, **divisor; save(); X = pop(); DIVISOR = pop(); DIVIDEND = pop(); h = tos; dividend = stack + tos; push(DIVIDEND); push(X); m = coeff() - 1; // m is dividend's power divisor = stack + tos; push(DIVISOR); push(X); n = coeff() - 1; // n is divisor's power x = m - n; push_integer(0); QUOTIENT = pop(); while (x >= 0) { push(dividend[m]); push(divisor[n]); divide(); Q = pop(); for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { push(dividend[x + i]); push(divisor[i]); push(Q); multiply(); subtract(); dividend[x + i] = pop(); } push(QUOTIENT); push(Q); push(X); push_integer(x); power(); multiply(); add(); QUOTIENT = pop(); m--; x--; } tos = h; push(QUOTIENT); restore(); }
void sammon(const emxArray_real_T *x, emxArray_real_T *y) { emxArray_real_T *D; emxArray_real_T *delta; int32_T i0; int32_T b_D; int32_T br; emxArray_real_T *Dinv; emxArray_real_T *d; emxArray_real_T *dinv; emxArray_real_T *c_D; emxArray_real_T *b_delta; emxArray_real_T *b_x; real_T E; int32_T i; emxArray_real_T *deltaone; emxArray_real_T *g; emxArray_real_T *y2; emxArray_real_T *H; emxArray_real_T *s; emxArray_real_T *C; emxArray_real_T *b_C; emxArray_real_T *c_delta; emxArray_real_T *d_D; emxArray_real_T *b_deltaone; boolean_T exitg1; boolean_T guard2 = FALSE; uint32_T unnamed_idx_0; int32_T ic; int32_T ar; int32_T ib; int32_T ia; int32_T i1; boolean_T guard1 = FALSE; int32_T exitg3; boolean_T exitg2; int32_T b_y[2]; real_T E_new; real_T u1; emxInit_real_T(&D, 2); emxInit_real_T(&delta, 2); /* #codgen */ /* */ /* SAMMON - apply Sammon's nonlinear mapping */ /* */ /* Y = SAMMON(X) applies Sammon's nonlinear mapping procedure on */ /* multivariate data X, where each row represents a pattern and each column */ /* represents a feature. On completion, Y contains the corresponding */ /* co-ordinates of each point on the map. By default, a two-dimensional */ /* map is created. Note if X contains any duplicated rows, SAMMON will */ /* fail (ungracefully). */ /* */ /* [Y,E] = SAMMON(X) also returns the value of the cost function in E (i.e. */ /* the stress of the mapping). */ /* */ /* An N-dimensional output map is generated by Y = SAMMON(X,N) . */ /* */ /* A set of optimisation options can also be specified using a third */ /* argument, Y = SAMMON(X,N,OPTS) , where OPTS is a structure with fields: */ /* */ /* MaxIter - maximum number of iterations */ /* TolFun - relative tolerance on objective function */ /* MaxHalves - maximum number of step halvings */ /* Input - {'raw','distance'} if set to 'distance', X is */ /* interpreted as a matrix of pairwise distances. */ /* Display - {'off', 'on', 'iter'} */ /* Initialisation - {'pca', 'random'} */ /* */ /* The default options structure can be retrieved by calling SAMMON with */ /* no parameters. */ /* */ /* References : */ /* */ /* [1] Sammon, John W. Jr., "A Nonlinear Mapping for Data Structure */ /* Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-18, no. 5, */ /* pp 401-409, May 1969. */ /* */ /* See also : SAMMON_TEST */ /* */ /* File : sammon.m */ /* */ /* Date : Monday 12th November 2007. */ /* */ /* Author : Gavin C. Cawley and Nicola L. C. Talbot */ /* */ /* Description : Simple vectorised MATLAB implementation of Sammon's non-linear */ /* mapping algorithm [1]. */ /* */ /* References : [1] Sammon, John W. Jr., "A Nonlinear Mapping for Data */ /* Structure Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers, */ /* vol. C-18, no. 5, pp 401-409, May 1969. */ /* */ /* History : 10/08/2004 - v1.00 */ /* 11/08/2004 - v1.10 Hessian made positive semidefinite */ /* 13/08/2004 - v1.11 minor optimisation */ /* 12/11/2007 - v1.20 initialisation using the first n principal */ /* components. */ /* */ /* Thanks : Dr Nick Hamilton ([email protected]) for supplying the */ /* code for implementing initialisation using the first n */ /* principal components (introduced in v1.20). */ /* */ /* To do : The current version does not take advantage of the symmetry */ /* of the distance matrix in order to allow for easy */ /* vectorisation. This may not be a good choice for very large */ /* datasets, so perhaps one day I'll get around to doing a MEX */ /* version using the BLAS library etc. for very large datasets. */ /* */ /* Copyright : (c) Dr Gavin C. Cawley, November 2007. */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* use the default options structure */ /* create distance matrix unless given by parameters */ euclid(x, x, D); /* remaining initialisation */ eye(x->size[0], delta); i0 = D->size[0] * D->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)D, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = D->size[0]; br = D->size[1]; br *= b_D; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { D->data[i0] += delta->data[i0]; } emxInit_real_T(&Dinv, 2); emxInit_real_T(&d, 2); rdivide(D, Dinv); randn(x->size[0], y); b_euclid(y, y, d); eye(x->size[0], delta); i0 = d->size[0] * d->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = d->size[0]; br = d->size[1]; br *= b_D; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { d->data[i0] += delta->data[i0]; } emxInit_real_T(&dinv, 2); emxInit_real_T(&c_D, 2); rdivide(d, dinv); i0 = c_D->size[0] * c_D->size[1]; c_D->size[0] = D->size[0]; c_D->size[1] = D->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_D, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = D->size[0] * D->size[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { c_D->data[i0] = D->data[i0] - d->data[i0]; } emxInit_real_T(&b_delta, 2); power(c_D, delta); i0 = b_delta->size[0] * b_delta->size[1]; b_delta->size[0] = delta->size[0]; b_delta->size[1] = delta->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_delta, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0] * delta->size[1]; emxFree_real_T(&c_D); for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { b_delta->data[i0] = delta->data[i0] * Dinv->data[i0]; } emxInit_real_T(&b_x, 2); c_sum(b_delta, b_x); E = d_sum(b_x); /* get on with it */ i = 0; emxFree_real_T(&b_delta); emxInit_real_T(&deltaone, 2); emxInit_real_T(&g, 2); emxInit_real_T(&y2, 2); emxInit_real_T(&H, 2); b_emxInit_real_T(&s, 1); emxInit_real_T(&C, 2); emxInit_real_T(&b_C, 2); emxInit_real_T(&c_delta, 2); emxInit_real_T(&d_D, 2); b_emxInit_real_T(&b_deltaone, 1); exitg1 = FALSE; while ((exitg1 == FALSE) && (i < 500)) { /* compute gradient, Hessian and search direction (note it is actually */ /* 1/4 of the gradient and Hessian, but the step size is just the ratio */ /* of the gradient and the diagonal of the Hessian so it doesn't matter). */ i0 = delta->size[0] * delta->size[1]; delta->size[0] = dinv->size[0]; delta->size[1] = dinv->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)delta, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = dinv->size[0] * dinv->size[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { delta->data[i0] = dinv->data[i0] - Dinv->data[i0]; } guard2 = FALSE; if (delta->size[1] == 1) { guard2 = TRUE; } else { b_D = x->size[0]; if (b_D == 1) { guard2 = TRUE; } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)delta->size[0]; i0 = deltaone->size[0] * deltaone->size[1]; deltaone->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; deltaone->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)deltaone, i0, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T)); br = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { deltaone->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (delta->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { i0 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { deltaone->data[ic] = 0.0; } b_D += delta->size[0]; } br = 0; b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { ar = 0; i0 = br + delta->size[1]; for (ib = br + 1; ib <= i0; ib++) { ia = ar; i1 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; deltaone->data[ic] += delta->data[ia - 1]; } ar += delta->size[0]; } br += delta->size[1]; b_D += delta->size[0]; } } } } if (guard2 == TRUE) { i0 = deltaone->size[0] * deltaone->size[1]; deltaone->size[0] = delta->size[0]; deltaone->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)deltaone, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) { deltaone->data[i0 + deltaone->size[0] * i1] = 0.0; ar = delta->size[1]; for (b_D = 0; b_D < ar; b_D++) { deltaone->data[i0 + deltaone->size[0] * i1] += delta->data[i0 + delta->size[0] * b_D]; } } } } if ((delta->size[1] == 1) || (y->size[0] == 1)) { i0 = g->size[0] * g->size[1]; g->size[0] = delta->size[0]; g->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)g, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) { g->data[i0 + g->size[0] * i1] = 0.0; ar = delta->size[1]; for (b_D = 0; b_D < ar; b_D++) { g->data[i0 + g->size[0] * i1] += delta->data[i0 + delta->size[0] * b_D] * y->data[b_D + y->size[0] * i1]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)delta->size[0]; i0 = g->size[0] * g->size[1]; g->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; g->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)g, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { g->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (delta->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { i0 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { g->data[ic] = 0.0; } b_D += delta->size[0]; } br = 0; b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { ar = 0; i0 = br + delta->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i0; ib++) { if (y->data[ib] != 0.0) { ia = ar; i1 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; g->data[ic] += y->data[ib] * delta->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += delta->size[0]; } br += delta->size[1]; b_D += delta->size[0]; } } } i0 = g->size[0] * g->size[1]; g->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)g, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = g->size[0]; br = g->size[1]; br *= b_D; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { g->data[i0] -= y->data[i0] * deltaone->data[i0]; } c_power(dinv, delta); b_power(y, y2); if ((delta->size[1] == 1) || (y2->size[0] == 1)) { i0 = H->size[0] * H->size[1]; H->size[0] = delta->size[0]; H->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)H, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) { H->data[i0 + H->size[0] * i1] = 0.0; ar = delta->size[1]; for (b_D = 0; b_D < ar; b_D++) { H->data[i0 + H->size[0] * i1] += delta->data[i0 + delta->size[0] * b_D] * y2->data[b_D + y2->size[0] * i1]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)delta->size[0]; i0 = H->size[0] * H->size[1]; H->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; H->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)H, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { H->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (delta->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { i0 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { H->data[ic] = 0.0; } b_D += delta->size[0]; } br = 0; b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { ar = 0; i0 = br + delta->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i0; ib++) { if (y2->data[ib] != 0.0) { ia = ar; i1 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; H->data[ic] += y2->data[ib] * delta->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += delta->size[0]; } br += delta->size[1]; b_D += delta->size[0]; } } } if ((delta->size[1] == 1) || (y->size[0] == 1)) { i0 = C->size[0] * C->size[1]; C->size[0] = delta->size[0]; C->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) { C->data[i0 + C->size[0] * i1] = 0.0; ar = delta->size[1]; for (b_D = 0; b_D < ar; b_D++) { C->data[i0 + C->size[0] * i1] += delta->data[i0 + delta->size[0] * b_D] * y->data[b_D + y->size[0] * i1]; } } } } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)delta->size[0]; i0 = C->size[0] * C->size[1]; C->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; C->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)C, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { C->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (delta->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { i0 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { C->data[ic] = 0.0; } b_D += delta->size[0]; } br = 0; b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { ar = 0; i0 = br + delta->size[1]; for (ib = br; ib + 1 <= i0; ib++) { if (y->data[ib] != 0.0) { ia = ar; i1 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; C->data[ic] += y->data[ib] * delta->data[ia - 1]; } } ar += delta->size[0]; } br += delta->size[1]; b_D += delta->size[0]; } } } guard1 = FALSE; if (delta->size[1] == 1) { guard1 = TRUE; } else { b_D = x->size[0]; if (b_D == 1) { guard1 = TRUE; } else { unnamed_idx_0 = (uint32_T)delta->size[0]; i0 = b_C->size[0] * b_C->size[1]; b_C->size[0] = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0; b_C->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_C, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = (int32_T)unnamed_idx_0 << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { b_C->data[i0] = 0.0; } if (delta->size[0] == 0) { } else { b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { i0 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i0; ic++) { b_C->data[ic] = 0.0; } b_D += delta->size[0]; } br = 0; b_D = 0; while ((delta->size[0] > 0) && (b_D <= delta->size[0])) { ar = 0; i0 = br + delta->size[1]; for (ib = br + 1; ib <= i0; ib++) { ia = ar; i1 = b_D + delta->size[0]; for (ic = b_D; ic + 1 <= i1; ic++) { ia++; b_C->data[ic] += delta->data[ia - 1]; } ar += delta->size[0]; } br += delta->size[1]; b_D += delta->size[0]; } } } } if (guard1 == TRUE) { i0 = b_C->size[0] * b_C->size[1]; b_C->size[0] = delta->size[0]; b_C->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_C, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) { b_C->data[i0 + b_C->size[0] * i1] = 0.0; ar = delta->size[1]; for (b_D = 0; b_D < ar; b_D++) { b_C->data[i0 + b_C->size[0] * i1] += delta->data[i0 + delta->size[0] * b_D]; } } } } i0 = H->size[0] * H->size[1]; H->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)H, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = H->size[0]; br = H->size[1]; br *= b_D; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { H->data[i0] = ((H->data[i0] - deltaone->data[i0]) - 2.0 * y->data[i0] * C->data[i0]) + y2->data[i0] * b_C->data[i0]; } b_D = H->size[0] << 1; i0 = s->size[0]; s->size[0] = b_D; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)s, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = 0; do { exitg3 = 0; b_D = H->size[0] << 1; if (br <= b_D - 1) { s->data[br] = fabs(H->data[br]); br++; } else { exitg3 = 1; } } while (exitg3 == 0); i0 = s->size[0]; s->size[0] = g->size[0] << 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)s, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = g->size[0] << 1; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { s->data[i0] = -g->data[i0] / s->data[i0]; } i0 = deltaone->size[0] * deltaone->size[1]; deltaone->size[0] = y->size[0]; deltaone->size[1] = 2; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)deltaone, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = y->size[0] * y->size[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { deltaone->data[i0] = y->data[i0]; } /* use step-halving procedure to ensure progress is made */ ib = 1; ia = 0; exitg2 = FALSE; while ((exitg2 == FALSE) && (ia < 20)) { ib = ia + 1; b_D = deltaone->size[0] << 1; i0 = b_deltaone->size[0]; b_deltaone->size[0] = b_D; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_deltaone, i0, (int32_T)sizeof (real_T)); for (i0 = 0; i0 < b_D; i0++) { b_deltaone->data[i0] = deltaone->data[i0] + s->data[i0]; } for (i0 = 0; i0 < 2; i0++) { b_y[i0] = y->size[i0]; } i0 = y->size[0] * y->size[1]; y->size[0] = b_y[0]; y->size[1] = b_y[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)y, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = b_y[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { ar = b_y[0]; for (i1 = 0; i1 < ar; i1++) { y->data[i1 + y->size[0] * i0] = b_deltaone->data[i1 + b_y[0] * i0]; } } b_euclid(y, y, d); b_D = x->size[0]; i0 = delta->size[0] * delta->size[1]; delta->size[0] = b_D; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)delta, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = x->size[0]; i0 = delta->size[0] * delta->size[1]; delta->size[1] = b_D; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)delta, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = x->size[0] * x->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { delta->data[i0] = 0.0; } E_new = x->size[0]; u1 = x->size[0]; if (E_new <= u1) { } else { E_new = u1; } b_D = (int32_T)E_new; if (b_D > 0) { for (br = 0; br + 1 <= b_D; br++) { delta->data[br + delta->size[0] * br] = 1.0; } } i0 = d->size[0] * d->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); b_D = d->size[0]; br = d->size[1]; br *= b_D; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { d->data[i0] += delta->data[i0]; } rdivide(d, dinv); i0 = d_D->size[0] * d_D->size[1]; d_D->size[0] = D->size[0]; d_D->size[1] = D->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)d_D, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = D->size[0] * D->size[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { d_D->data[i0] = D->data[i0] - d->data[i0]; } power(d_D, delta); i0 = c_delta->size[0] * c_delta->size[1]; c_delta->size[0] = delta->size[0]; c_delta->size[1] = delta->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)c_delta, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = delta->size[0] * delta->size[1]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { c_delta->data[i0] = delta->data[i0] * Dinv->data[i0]; } c_sum(c_delta, b_x); if (b_x->size[1] == 0) { E_new = 0.0; } else { E_new = b_x->data[0]; for (br = 2; br <= b_x->size[1]; br++) { E_new += b_x->data[br - 1]; } } if (E_new < E) { exitg2 = TRUE; } else { i0 = s->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)s, i0, (int32_T)sizeof(real_T)); br = s->size[0]; for (i0 = 0; i0 < br; i0++) { s->data[i0] *= 0.5; } ia++; } } /* bomb out if too many halving steps are required */ if ((ib == 20) || (fabs((E - E_new) / E) < 1.0E-9)) { exitg1 = TRUE; } else { /* evaluate termination criterion */ /* report progress */ E = E_new; i++; } } emxFree_real_T(&b_deltaone); emxFree_real_T(&d_D); emxFree_real_T(&c_delta); emxFree_real_T(&b_x); emxFree_real_T(&b_C); emxFree_real_T(&C); emxFree_real_T(&s); emxFree_real_T(&H); emxFree_real_T(&y2); emxFree_real_T(&g); emxFree_real_T(&deltaone); emxFree_real_T(&delta); emxFree_real_T(&dinv); emxFree_real_T(&d); emxFree_real_T(&Dinv); emxFree_real_T(&D); /* fiddle stress to match the original Sammon paper */ }
mp_integer bv_spect::max_value() const { return is_signed?power(2, width-1)-1: power(2, width)-1; }
void Tester_68k::testNeg() { u16 opcode; //MOVE.L #$12345678, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.B D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (0 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0x12345678); process(); check("NEG.B D0"); //MOVE.L #$12345600, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.B D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (0 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0x12345600); process(); check("NEG.B D0 alt"); //MOVE.L #$12345680, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.B D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (0 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0x12345680); process(); check("NEG.B D0 overflow"); //MOVE.L #$12348000, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.W D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (1 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0x12348000); process(); check("NEG.W D0 overflow"); //MOVE.L #$12345678, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.L D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (2 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0x12345678); process(); check("NEG.L D0"); //MOVE.L #$ffffffff, D0 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.L D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (2 << 6) | getEA(DR_DIRECT, 0); addWord(opcode); addWord(0xffff); power(); setRegD(0, 0xffffffff); process(); check("NEG.L D0 alt"); //MOVE.L #$f0012311, $3000 //MOVE #0, CCR //NEG.L ($3000).L //MOVE.L $3000, D0 setUp(); opcode = 0x4400 | (2 << 6) | getEA(ABS_LONG); addWord(opcode); addWord(0); addWord(0x3000); addWord(0xffff); power(); memoryblock.writeLong(0x3000, 0xf0012311); process(); check("NEG.L ($3000).L"); }