Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: ocp.cpp Projeto: GCTMODS/nmpc
/* Solves the QP using qpDUNES. */
void OptimalControlProblem::solve_qp() {
    uint32_t i;
    real_t solution[NMPC_GRADIENT_DIM*(OCP_HORIZON_LENGTH+1)];

    return_t status_flag = qpDUNES_solve(&qp_data);

        /* Get the solution. */
        qpDUNES_getPrimalSol(&qp_data, solution);

        /* Extract the first set of control values */
        Eigen::Map<GradientVector> solution_map(

        control_horizon[0] =
            control_reference[0] +
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( )
	return_t statusFlag;

	int iter, ii, kk;

	/** define problem dimensions */
	const unsigned int nI = 3;			/* number of control intervals */
	const int nX = 2;					/* number of states */
	const int nU = 1;					/* number of controls */
	const unsigned int nZ = nX+nU;		/* number of stage variables */
	unsigned int nD[nI+1];  			/* number of constraints */
	for ( kk=0; kk<nI+1; ++kk ) {
//		nD[kk] = 0;
		nD[kk] = 1;
//	nD[nI] = 0;

	/** define problem data */
	const double H[] =
		{	1.0, 	0.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	1.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	0.0,	1.0,

			1.0, 	0.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	1.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	0.0,	1.0,

			1.0, 	0.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	1.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	0.0,	1.0,

			1.0, 	0.0,
			0.0, 	1.0
	const double* g = 0;

	const double C[] =
			1.0, 0.01,   0.0,
			0.0, 1.0,    0.01,

			1.0, 0.01,   0.0,
			0.0, 1.0,    0.01,

			1.0, 0.01,   0.0,
			0.0, 1.0,    0.01
	const double c[] =
		{	0.0,



	const double zLow[] =
		{	-1.9, -3.0, -30.0,
			-1.9, -3.0, -30.0,
			-1.9, -3.0, -30.0,
			-1.9, -3.0
	const double zUpp[] =
		{	 1.9,  3.0,  30.0,
			 1.9,  3.0,  30.0,
			 1.9,  3.0,  30.0,
			 1.9,  3.0

	const double D[] =
		{	0.0, 	5.0, 	1.0,		/* some random constraint limiting the acceleration for high velocities */

			0.0, 	5.0, 	1.0,

			0.0, 	5.0, 	1.0,

			0.0, 	5.0
	const double dLow[] =
		{	-INFTY,
	const double dUpp[] =
		{	 5.e0,

	/** define simulation environment */
	const unsigned int nSteps = 100;	/* number of simulation steps */
//	const unsigned int nSteps = 2;	/* number of simulation steps */

	double x0[] = { -1.0, 0.0 };	/* initial value */
	double z0Low[nX+nU];			/* auxiliary variables */
	double z0Upp[nX+nU];

	double zOpt[nI*nZ+nX];			/* primal solution */
	double lambdaOpt[nI*nX];		/* dual solution */
	double muOpt[2*nI*nZ+2*nX];

	double zLog[nSteps*nZ];			/* log for trajectory */

	/** (1) set up a new qpDUNES problem */
	qpData_t qpData;

	/** (2) set qpDUNES options */
	qpOptions_t qpOptions = qpDUNES_setupDefaultOptions();
	qpOptions.maxIter    = 100;
	qpOptions.printLevel = 3;
	qpOptions.stationarityTolerance = 1.e-6;
	qpOptions.regParam            = 1.e-8;
	qpOptions.newtonHessDiagRegTolerance  = 1.e-8;
//	qpOptions.lsType			= QPDUNES_LS_BACKTRACKING_LS;
	qpOptions.lineSearchReductionFactor	= 0.1;
	qpOptions.lineSearchMaxStepSize	= 1.;
	qpOptions.maxNumLineSearchIterations            = 25;
	qpOptions.maxNumLineSearchRefinementIterations  = 150;
	qpOptions.regType            = QPDUNES_REG_SINGULAR_DIRECTIONS;

	/** (3) allocate data for qpDUNES and set options */
	qpDUNES_setup( &qpData, nI, nX, nU, nD, &(qpOptions) );

	/** (4) set sparsity of primal Hessian and local constraint matrix */
	for ( kk=0; kk<nI+1; ++kk ) {
		qpData.intervals[kk]->H.sparsityType = QPDUNES_DIAGONAL;
//		qpData.intervals[kk]->D.sparsityType = QPDUNES_IDENTITY;
		qpData.intervals[kk]->D.sparsityType = QPDUNES_DENSE;
	/** (5) initial MPC data setup: components not given here are set to zero (if applicable)
	 *      instead of passing g, D, zLow, zUpp, one can also just pass NULL pointers (0) */
	statusFlag = qpDUNES_init( &qpData, H, g, C, c, zLow,zUpp, D,dLow,dUpp );
	if (statusFlag != QPDUNES_OK) {
		printf( "Data init failed.\n" );
		return (int)statusFlag;

 	for ( iter=0; iter<nSteps; ++iter ) {
 		/** (1) embed current initial value */
		for ( ii=0; ii<nX; ++ii ) {
			z0Low[ii] = x0[ii];
			z0Upp[ii] = x0[ii];
		for ( ii=nX; ii<nX+nU; ++ii ) {
			z0Low[ii] = zLow[ii];
			z0Upp[ii] = zUpp[ii];
		statusFlag = qpDUNES_updateIntervalData( &qpData, qpData.intervals[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, z0Low,z0Upp, 0,0,0, 0 );
		if (statusFlag != QPDUNES_OK) {
			printf( "Initial value embedding failed.\n" );
			return (int)statusFlag;

		/** (2) solve QP */
		statusFlag = qpDUNES_solve( &qpData );
			printf( "QP solution %d failed.\n", iter );
			return (int)statusFlag;
		// up to here in fdb step

		/** (3) obtain primal and dual optimal solution */
		qpDUNES_getPrimalSol( &qpData, zOpt );
		qpDUNES_getDualSol( &qpData, lambdaOpt, muOpt );
		/// ...

 		/** (4) prepare QP for next solution */
		/** new interface: combined shift and update functionality for safety */
		/** mandatory: data update */
		/// H = ...
		/// g = ...
		/// C = ...
		/// c = ...
		/// zLow = ...
		/// zUpp = ...
		/** (4a) EITHER: MPC style update for RTIs, including shift	*/
//		statusFlag = qpDUNES_shiftAndUpdate( &qpData, H, g, C, c, zLow,zUpp, D,dLow,dUpp );		/* data update: components not given here keep their previous value */
		/** (4b) OR: SQP style update, excluding shift */
		statusFlag = qpDUNES_updateData( &qpData, H, g, C, c, zLow,zUpp, D,dLow,dUpp );			/* data update: components not given here keep their previous value */
		if (statusFlag != QPDUNES_OK) {
			printf( "Data update failed.\n" );
			return (int)statusFlag;

//		/** OLD INTERFACE */
//		/** optional: data shift */
//		qpDUNES_shiftLambda( &qpData );			/* shift multipliers */
//		qpDUNES_shiftIntervals( &qpData );		/* shift intervals (particulary important when using qpOASES for underlying local QPs) */
//		/* WARNING: currently a shift needs to be followed by a data update.
//		 * A pure LTV shift may lead to data inconsistencies, but is not
//		 * prohibited yet. In a further version shift and data update
//		 * functionality might be combined for increased user friendliness
//		 */
//		statusFlag = qpDUNES_updateData( &qpData, H, g, C, c, zLow,zUpp, D,dLow,dUpp );		/* data update: components not given here keep their previous value */
//		if (statusFlag != QPDUNES_OK) {
//			printf( "Data update failed.\n" );
//			return (int)statusFlag;
//		}

		/** (5) simulate next initial value */
		for (ii=0; ii<nX; ++ii) {
			/// x0 = ...
			x0[ii] = zOpt[1*nZ+ii];

		// optional: logging
		for (ii=0; ii<nZ; ++ii) {
			zLog[iter*nZ+ii] = zOpt[ii];

		printf( "Done with QP %d.\n", iter );

 	// optional: printing
 	printf("\nPROCESS TRAJECTORY:\n");
 	for (iter=0; iter<nSteps; ++iter) {
 		printf("\nt%02d:\t", iter);
 		for (ii=0; ii<nZ; ++ii) {
 			printf("%+.3e\t", zLog[iter*nZ+ii]);

	/** mandatory: cleanup of allocated data */
	qpDUNES_cleanup( &qpData );

	return 0;