Exemplo n.º 1
// search for specified scene file and load it
// return 1 on success, 0 on failure
u8 files_load_scene_name(const char* name) {
  void* fp;
  u32 size = 0;
  u8 ret = 0;


  fp = list_open_file_name(&sceneList, name, "r", &size);

  if( fp != NULL) {	  
    fake_fread((volatile u8*)sceneData, sizeof(sceneData_t), fp);

    // try and load dsp module indicated by scene descriptor
    //// DUDE! NO!!! scene does this. when did this happen!
    //// probably snuck in in some merge.
    //    ret = files_load_dsp_name(sceneData->desc.moduleName);
  } else {
    print_dbg("\r\n error: fp was null in files_load_scene_name \r\n");
    ret = 0;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
// search for specified scene file and load it
// return 1 on success, 0 on failure
u8 files_load_scene_name(const char* name) {

  char path[64] = "";
  FILE* f;
  u8 ret = 1;
//  strcpy(path, workingDir);
  strcat(path, name);
  printf("\r\n attempting to open scene file; path: %s", path);
  f = fopen(path, "r");
  if(f == NULL) {
	  printf("\r\n couldn't find scene file; path: %s", path);
	  return 0;
  fread(sceneData, sizeof(sceneData_t), 1, f);


  printf("\r\n loaded scene buffer, search DSP:");
  ret = files_load_dsp_name(sceneData->desc.moduleName);

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
// search for specified scene file and load it
// return 1 on success, 0 on failure
u8 files_load_scene_name(const char* name) {
  void* fp;
  u32 size = 0;
  u8 ret = 0;

    //// ahhhhh, i see.. 
    /// this is overwriting the descriptor in sceneData as well as the serialized blob.
    /// woud be fine, except it f***s up the comparison later.
    /// for now, let's do this ugly-ass workaround.

  char oldModuleName[MODULE_NAME_LEN];
  /// store extant module name
  strncpy(oldModuleName, sceneData->desc.moduleName, MODULE_NAME_LEN);


  fp = list_open_file_name(&sceneList, name, "r", &size);

  if( fp != NULL) {	  
    print_dbg("\r\n reading binary into sceneData serialized data buffer...");
    fake_fread((volatile u8*)sceneData, sizeof(sceneData_t), fp);
    print_dbg(" done.");
    /// copy old name back to descriptor field... dumb dumb dumb.
    strncpy(sceneData->desc.moduleName, oldModuleName, MODULE_NAME_LEN);

    // try and load dsp module indicated by scene descriptor
    //// DUDE! NO!!! scene does this. when did this happen!
    //// probably snuck in in some merge.
    //    ret = files_load_dsp_name(sceneData->desc.moduleName);
  } else {
    print_dbg("\r\n error: fp was null in files_load_scene_name \r\n");
    ret = 0;

  return ret;