Exemplo n.º 1
* W_Fire_Rocket
edict_t *W_Fire_Rocket( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, int speed, float damage, int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int minDamage, int radius, int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta )
	edict_t	*rocket;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	rocket = W_Fire_LinearProjectile( self, start, angles, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, minDamage, radius, timeout, timeDelta );

	rocket->s.type = ET_ROCKET; //rocket trail sfx
	if( mod == MOD_ROCKET_S )
		rocket->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_ROCKET_STRONG_MODEL );
		rocket->s.effects |= EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
		rocket->s.sound = trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_ROCKET_S_FLY );
		rocket->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_ROCKET_WEAK_MODEL );
		rocket->s.effects &= ~EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
		rocket->s.sound = trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_ROCKET_W_FLY );
	rocket->touch = W_Touch_Rocket;
	rocket->think = G_FreeEdict;
	rocket->classname = "rocket";
	rocket->style = mod;

	return rocket;
Exemplo n.º 2
* W_Fire_Plasma
edict_t *W_Fire_Plasma( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float damage, int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int minDamage, int radius, int speed, int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta )
	edict_t	*plasma;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	plasma = W_Fire_LinearProjectile( self, start, angles, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, minDamage, radius, timeout, timeDelta );
	plasma->s.type = ET_PLASMA;
	plasma->classname = "plasma";
	plasma->style = mod;

	plasma->think = W_Think_Plasma;
	plasma->touch = W_AutoTouch_Plasma;
	plasma->nextThink = level.time + 1;
	plasma->timeout = level.time + timeout;

	if( mod == MOD_PLASMA_S )
		plasma->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_PLASMA_STRONG_MODEL );
		plasma->s.sound = trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_PLASMAGUN_S_FLY );
		plasma->s.effects |= EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
		plasma->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_PLASMA_WEAK_MODEL );
		plasma->s.sound = trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_PLASMAGUN_W_FLY );
		plasma->s.effects &= ~EF_STRONG_WEAPON;

	return plasma;
Exemplo n.º 3
* W_Fire_Grenade
edict_t *W_Fire_Grenade( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, int speed, float damage,
						 int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int minDamage, float radius,
						 int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta ) {
	edict_t *grenade;

	if( GS_Instagib() ) {
		damage = 9999;

	grenade = W_Fire_TossProjectile( self, start, dir, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, minDamage, radius, timeout, timeDelta );
	VectorClear( grenade->s.angles );
	grenade->style = mod;
	grenade->s.type = ET_GRENADE;
	grenade->movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE;
	grenade->touch = W_Touch_Grenade;
	grenade->use = NULL;
	grenade->think = W_Grenade_Explode;
	grenade->classname = "grenade";
	grenade->enemy = NULL;
	VectorSet( grenade->avelocity, 300, 300, 300 );

	if( mod == MOD_GRENADE_S ) {
		grenade->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_GRENADE_STRONG_MODEL );
		grenade->s.effects |= EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
	} else {
		grenade->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_GRENADE_WEAK_MODEL );
		grenade->s.effects &= ~EF_STRONG_WEAPON;

	GClip_LinkEntity( grenade );

	return grenade;
Exemplo n.º 4
* W_Fire_Grenade
edict_t *W_Fire_Grenade( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, int speed, float damage,
						int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int minDamage, float radius,
						int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta, qboolean aim_up )
	edict_t	*grenade;
	static cvar_t *g_grenade_gravity = NULL;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	if( !g_grenade_gravity )
		g_grenade_gravity = trap_Cvar_Get( "g_grenade_gravity", "1.3", CVAR_DEVELOPER );

	if( aim_up )
		angles[PITCH] -= 10; // aim some degrees upwards from view dir

		// clamp to front side of the player
		angles[PITCH] += -90; // rotate to make easier the check
		while( angles[PITCH] < -360 ) angles[PITCH] += 360;
		clamp( angles[PITCH], -180, 0 );
		angles[PITCH] += 90;
		while( angles[PITCH] > 360 ) angles[PITCH] -= 360;

	grenade = W_Fire_TossProjectile( self, start, angles, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, minDamage, radius, timeout, timeDelta );
	VectorClear( grenade->s.angles );
	grenade->style = mod;
	grenade->s.type = ET_GRENADE;
	grenade->movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEGRENADE;
	grenade->touch = W_Touch_Grenade;
	grenade->use = NULL;
	grenade->think = W_Grenade_Explode;
	grenade->classname = "grenade";
	grenade->gravity = g_grenade_gravity->value;
	grenade->enemy = NULL;

	if( mod == MOD_GRENADE_S )
		grenade->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_GRENADE_STRONG_MODEL );
		grenade->s.effects |= EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
		grenade->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_GRENADE_WEAK_MODEL );
		grenade->s.effects &= ~EF_STRONG_WEAPON;

	GClip_LinkEntity( grenade );

	return grenade;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void G_Client_AssignTeamSkin( edict_t *ent, char *userinfo )
	char skin[MAX_QPATH], model[MAX_QPATH];
	const char *userskin, *usermodel;

	// index skin file
	userskin = GS_TeamSkinName( ent->s.team ); // is it a team skin?
	if( !userskin ) // NULL indicates *user defined*
		userskin = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "skin" );
		if( !userskin || !userskin[0] || !COM_ValidateRelativeFilename( userskin ) ||
			strchr( userskin, '/' ) || strstr( userskin, "invisibility" ) )
			userskin = NULL;

	// index player model
	usermodel = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "model" );
	if( !usermodel || !usermodel[0] || !COM_ValidateRelativeFilename( usermodel ) || strchr( usermodel, '/' ) )
		usermodel = NULL;

	if( userskin && usermodel )
		Q_snprintfz( model, sizeof( model ), "$models/players/%s", usermodel );
		Q_snprintfz( skin, sizeof( skin ), "models/players/%s/%s", usermodel, userskin );
		Q_snprintfz( model, sizeof( model ), "$models/players/%s", DEFAULT_PLAYERMODEL );
		Q_snprintfz( skin, sizeof( skin ), "models/players/%s/%s", DEFAULT_PLAYERMODEL, DEFAULT_PLAYERSKIN );

	if( !ent->deadflag )
		ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( model );
	ent->s.skinnum = trap_SkinIndex( skin );
Exemplo n.º 6
//QUAKED light_mine (0 1 0) (-2 -2 -12) (2 2 12)
void SP_light_mine( edict_t *ent )
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
	ent->r.solid = SOLID_YES;
	ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( "models/objects/minelite/light1/tris.md2" );
	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
Exemplo n.º 7
* GClip_SetBrushModel
* Also sets mins and maxs for inline bmodels
void GClip_SetBrushModel( edict_t *ent, const char *name )
	struct cmodel_s *cmodel;

	if( !name )
		G_Error( "GClip_SetBrushModel: NULL model in '%s'", 
		ent->classname ? ent->classname : "no classname" );
		// racesow
		GClip_UnlinkEntity( ent );
		G_FreeEdict( ent );
		// !racesow

	if( !name[0] )
		ent->s.modelindex = 0;

	if( name[0] != '*' )
		ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( name );

	// if it is an inline model, get the size information for it

	// world model is special
	if( !strcmp( name, "*0" ) )
		ent->s.modelindex = 0;
		cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( 0 );
		trap_CM_InlineModelBounds( cmodel, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );

	// brush model
	ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( name );
	assert( ent->s.modelindex == (unsigned int)atoi( name + 1 ) );
	cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( ent->s.modelindex );
	trap_CM_InlineModelBounds( cmodel, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );
	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
Exemplo n.º 8
void SP_func_explosive( edict_t *self )
	G_InitMover( self );

	self->projectileInfo.maxDamage = max( self->dmg, 1 );
	self->projectileInfo.minDamage = min( self->dmg, 1 );
	self->projectileInfo.maxKnockback = self->projectileInfo.maxDamage;
	self->projectileInfo.minKnockback = self->projectileInfo.minDamage;
	self->projectileInfo.stun = self->projectileInfo.maxDamage * 100;
	self->projectileInfo.radius = st.radius;
	if( !self->projectileInfo.radius )
		self->projectileInfo.radius = self->dmg + 100;

	if( self->spawnflags & 1 )
		self->r.svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
		self->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;
		self->use = func_explosive_spawn;
		if( self->targetname )
			self->use = func_explosive_use;

	if( self->use != func_explosive_use )
		if( !self->health )
			self->health = 100;
		self->die = func_explosive_explode;
		self->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
	self->max_health = self->health;

	if( st.debris1 && st.debris1[0] )
		self->count = trap_ModelIndex( st.debris1 );
	if( st.debris2 && st.debris2[0] )
		self->viewheight = trap_ModelIndex( st.debris2 );

	GClip_LinkEntity( self );
Exemplo n.º 9
* GClip_SetBrushModel
* Also sets mins and maxs for inline bmodels
void GClip_SetBrushModel( edict_t *ent, char *name )
	struct cmodel_s *cmodel;

	if( !name )
		G_Printf( "Warning: GClip_SetBrushModel: NULL model in '%s'", ent->classname ? ent->classname : "no classname\n" );
		GClip_UnlinkEntity( ent );
		G_FreeEdict( ent );

	if( !name[0] )
		ent->s.modelindex = 0;

	if( name[0] != '*' )
		ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( name );

	// if it is an inline model, get the size information for it

	// world model is special
	if( !strcmp( name, "*0" ) )
		ent->s.modelindex = 0;
		cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( 0 );
		trap_CM_InlineModelBounds( cmodel, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );

	// racesow: THIS IS A VERY DIRTY "FIX": it assigns normally unreachable models (the ones over MAX_MODELS) to unrelated models..
	// normally this only affects buggy maps that otherwise wouldn't load (like amt-freestyle3)
	// brush model
	//ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( name ); // <- This is the unmodified version 
	ent->s.modelindex = atoi( name+1 );
	// !racesow
	assert( ent->s.modelindex == (unsigned int)atoi( name + 1 ) );
	cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( ent->s.modelindex );
	trap_CM_InlineModelBounds( cmodel, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs );
	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
Exemplo n.º 10
* W_Fire_GunbladeBlast
edict_t *W_Fire_GunbladeBlast( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float damage, int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int minDamage, int radius, int speed, int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta )
	edict_t	*blast;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	blast = W_Fire_LinearProjectile( self, start, angles, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, minDamage, radius, timeout, timeDelta );
	blast->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_GUNBLADEBLAST_STRONG_MODEL );
	blast->s.type = ET_BLASTER;
	blast->s.effects |= EF_STRONG_WEAPON;
	blast->touch = W_Touch_GunbladeBlast;
	blast->classname = "gunblade_blast";
	blast->style = mod;

	blast->s.sound = trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_PLASMAGUN_S_FLY );

	return blast;
Exemplo n.º 11
* W_Fire_Electrobolt_Weak
edict_t *W_Fire_Electrobolt_Weak( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t angles, float speed, float damage, int minKnockback, int maxKnockback, int stun, int timeout, int mod, int timeDelta )
	edict_t	*bolt;

	if( GS_Instagib() )
		damage = 9999;

	// projectile, weak mode
	bolt = W_Fire_LinearProjectile( self, start, angles, speed, damage, minKnockback, maxKnockback, stun, 0, 0, timeout, timeDelta );
	bolt->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( PATH_ELECTROBOLT_WEAK_MODEL );
	bolt->s.type = ET_ELECTRO_WEAK; //add particle trail and light
	bolt->s.ownerNum = ENTNUM( self );
	bolt->touch = W_Touch_Bolt;
	bolt->classname = "bolt";
	bolt->style = mod;
	bolt->s.effects &= ~EF_STRONG_WEAPON;

	return bolt;
Exemplo n.º 12
// just a debug tool
void AI_JumpadGuess_ShowPoint( vec3_t origin, char *modelname )
	edict_t	*ent;

	ent = G_Spawn();
	VectorCopy ( origin, ent->s.origin);
	VectorClear ( ent->movedir );
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_WATER;
	ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
	ent->s.type = ET_GENERIC;
	ent->s.renderfx |= RF_NOSHADOW;
	VectorClear ( ent->mins );
	VectorClear ( ent->maxs );
	ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex ( modelname );
	ent->nextthink = level.time + 20000;
	ent->think = G_FreeEdict;
	ent->classname = "checkent";

	trap_LinkEntity (ent);
Exemplo n.º 13
void G_PrecacheMedia( void )

	// you can add more, max 255

	trap_ModelIndex( "#gunblade/gunblade.md3" );      // WEAP_GUNBLADE
	trap_ModelIndex( "#machinegun/machinegun.md3" );    // WEAP_MACHINEGUN
	trap_ModelIndex( "#riotgun/riotgun.md3" );        // WEAP_RIOTGUN
	trap_ModelIndex( "#glauncher/glauncher.md3" );    // WEAP_GRENADELAUNCHER
	trap_ModelIndex( "#rlauncher/rlauncher.md3" );    // WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER
	trap_ModelIndex( "#plasmagun/plasmagun.md3" );    // WEAP_PLASMAGUN
	trap_ModelIndex( "#lasergun/lasergun.md3" );      // WEAP_LASERGUN
	trap_ModelIndex( "#electrobolt/electrobolt.md3" ); // WEAP_ELECTROBOLT
	trap_ModelIndex( "#instagun/instagun.md3" );      // WEAP_INSTAGUN


	// precache our basic player models, they are just a very few
	trap_ModelIndex( "$models/players/bigvic" );

	trap_SkinIndex( "models/players/bigvic/default" );

	// FIXME: Temporarily use normal gib until the head is fixed
	trap_ModelIndex( "models/objects/gibs/illuminati1/illuminati1.md3" );


	// jalfixme : most of these sounds can be played from the clients

	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_WATER_IN );    // feet hitting water
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_WATER_OUT );       // feet leaving water
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_UNDERWATER );

	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_SLIME_IN );
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_SLIME_OUT );
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_UNDERSLIME );

	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_LAVA_IN );
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_LAVA_OUT );
	trap_SoundIndex( S_WORLD_UNDERLAVA );

	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_PLAYER_BURN_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_PLAYER_BURN_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	//wsw: pb disable unreferenced sounds
	//trap_SoundIndex (S_LAND);				// landing thud
	trap_SoundIndex( S_HIT_WATER );

	trap_SoundIndex( S_WEAPON_NOAMMO );

	// announcer

	// readyup

	// countdown
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_GET_READY_TO_FIGHT_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_GET_READY_TO_FIGHT_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_READY_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_READY_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 1, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 3, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 1, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_COUNT_1_to_3_SET_1_to_2, 3, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_FIGHT_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_COUNTDOWN_FIGHT_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	// postmatch
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_POSTMATCH_GAMEOVER_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_POSTMATCH_GAMEOVER_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	// timeout
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_MATCH_RESUMED_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_MATCH_RESUMED_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_TIMEOUT_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_TIMEOUT_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_TIMEIN_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_TIMEOUT_TIMEIN_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	// callvote
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_CALLED_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_CALLED_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_FAILED_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_FAILED_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_PASSED_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_CALLVOTE_PASSED_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	// overtime
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_OVERTIME_SUDDENDEATH_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_OVERTIME_SUDDENDEATH_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	// score
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_LOST_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_LOST_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
	trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );

	if( GS_TeamBasedGametype() )
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_LOST_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_LOST_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 1 ) );
		trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_TIED_LEAD_1_to_2, 2 ) );
		//trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_1_to_4_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 3, 1 ) );
		//trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_1_to_4_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 3, 2 ) );
		//trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_1_to_4_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 4, 1 ) );
		//trap_SoundIndex( va( S_ANNOUNCER_SCORE_TEAM_1_to_4_TAKEN_LEAD_1_to_2, 4, 2 ) );


	// light animation tables. 'a' is total darkness, 'z' is doublebright.

	// 0 normal
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+0, "m" );

	// 1 FLICKER (first variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+1, "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo" );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" );

	// 3 CANDLE (first variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+3, "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg" );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+4, "mamamamamama" );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+5, "jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj" );

	// 6 FLICKER (second variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+6, "nmonqnmomnmomomno" );

	// 7 CANDLE (second variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+7, "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm" );

	// 8 CANDLE (third variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+8, "mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa" );

	// 9 SLOW STROBE (fourth variety)
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+9, "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz" );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+10, "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma" );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba" );

	// styles 32-62 are assigned by the light program for switchable lights

	// 63 testing
	trap_ConfigString( CS_LIGHTS+63, "a" );
Exemplo n.º 14
* Finish_SpawningItem
static void Finish_SpawningItem( edict_t *ent )
	trace_t	tr;
	vec3_t dest;
	gsitem_t *item = ent->item;

	assert( item );

	ent->s.itemNum = item->tag;
	VectorCopy( item_box_mins, ent->r.mins );
	VectorCopy( item_box_maxs, ent->r.maxs );

	if( ent->model )
		ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( ent->model );
		if( item->world_model[0] )
			ent->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( item->world_model[0] );
		if( item->world_model[1] )
			ent->s.modelindex2 = trap_ModelIndex( item->world_model[1] );

	ent->r.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	ent->r.svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
	ent->touch = Touch_Item;
	ent->attenuation = 1;

	if( ent->spawnflags & 1 )
		ent->gravity = 0;

	G_Trace( &tr, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->s.origin, ent, MASK_SOLID );
	if( tr.startsolid )
		vec3_t end;

		// move it 16 units up, cause it's typical they share the leaf with the floor
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, end );
		end[2] += 16;

		G_Trace( &tr, end, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->s.origin, ent, MASK_SOLID );
		if( tr.startsolid )
			G_Printf( "Warning: %s %s spawns inside solid. Inhibited\n", ent->classname, vtos( ent->s.origin ) );
			G_FreeEdict( ent );

		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, ent->s.origin );

	// drop the item to floor
	if( ent->gravity )
		VectorSet( dest, ent->s.origin[0], ent->s.origin[1], ent->s.origin[2] - 128 );
		G_Trace( &tr, ent->s.origin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, dest, ent, MASK_SOLID );
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, ent->s.origin );

	if( item->type & IT_HEALTH )
		if( item->tag == HEALTH_SMALL || item->tag == HEALTH_ULTRA )
			ent->style = HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX;
		else if( item->tag == HEALTH_MEGA )

	if( ent->team )
		ent->flags &= ~FL_TEAMSLAVE;
		ent->chain = ent->teamchain;
		ent->teamchain = NULL;

		ent->r.svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
		ent->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;

		// team slaves and targeted items aren't present at start
		if( ent == ent->teammaster && !ent->targetname )
			ent->nextThink = level.time + 1;
			ent->think = DoRespawn;
			GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
	else if( ent->targetname )
		ent->r.svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
		ent->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;

	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );

	AI_AddGoalEntity( ent );
Exemplo n.º 15
edict_t *Drop_Item( edict_t *ent, gsitem_t *item )
	edict_t	*dropped;
	vec3_t forward, right;
	vec3_t offset;

	if( !G_Gametype_CanDropItem( item, qfalse ) )
		return NULL;

	dropped = G_Spawn();
	dropped->classname = item->classname;
	dropped->item = item;
	dropped->spawnflags = DROPPED_ITEM;
	VectorCopy( item_box_mins, dropped->r.mins );
	VectorCopy( item_box_maxs, dropped->r.maxs );
	dropped->r.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	dropped->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
	dropped->touch = drop_temp_touch;
	dropped->stop = AI_AddGoalEntity;
	dropped->r.owner = ent;
	dropped->r.svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
	dropped->s.team = ent->s.team;
	dropped->s.type = ET_ITEM;
	dropped->s.itemNum = item->tag;
	dropped->s.effects = 0; // default effects are applied client side
	dropped->s.modelindex = trap_ModelIndex( dropped->item->world_model[0] );
	dropped->s.modelindex2 = trap_ModelIndex( dropped->item->world_model[1] );
	dropped->attenuation = 1;

	if( ent->r.client )
		trace_t	trace;

		AngleVectors( ent->r.client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, NULL );
		VectorSet( offset, 24, 0, -16 );
		G_ProjectSource( ent->s.origin, offset, forward, right, dropped->s.origin );
		G_Trace( &trace, ent->s.origin, dropped->r.mins, dropped->r.maxs,
			dropped->s.origin, ent, CONTENTS_SOLID );
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, dropped->s.origin );

		dropped->spawnflags |= DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM;

		// ugly hack for dropping backpacks
		if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_WEAK || item->tag == AMMO_PACK_STRONG || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
			int w;
			qboolean anything = qfalse;

			for( w = WEAP_GUNBLADE + 1; w < WEAP_TOTAL; w++ )
				if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_WEAK || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
					int weakTag = GS_FindItemByTag( w )->weakammo_tag;
					if( ent->r.client->ps.inventory[weakTag] > 0 )
						dropped->invpak[weakTag] = ent->r.client->ps.inventory[weakTag];
						ent->r.client->ps.inventory[weakTag] = 0;
						anything = qtrue;

				if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_STRONG || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
					int strongTag = GS_FindItemByTag( w )->ammo_tag;
					if( ent->r.client->ps.inventory[strongTag] )
						dropped->invpak[strongTag] = ent->r.client->ps.inventory[strongTag];
						ent->r.client->ps.inventory[strongTag] = 0;
						anything = qtrue;

			if( !anything ) // if nothing was added to the pack, don't bother spawning it
				G_FreeEdict( dropped );
				return NULL;

		// power-ups are special
		if( ( item->type & IT_POWERUP ) && item->quantity )
			if( ent->r.client->ps.inventory[item->tag] )
				dropped->count = ent->r.client->ps.inventory[item->tag];
				ent->r.client->ps.inventory[item->tag] = 0;
				dropped->count = item->quantity;
		AngleVectors( ent->s.angles, forward, right, NULL );
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, dropped->s.origin );

		// ugly hack for dropping backpacks
		if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_WEAK || item->tag == AMMO_PACK_STRONG || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
			int w;

			for( w = WEAP_GUNBLADE + 1; w < WEAP_TOTAL; w++ )
				if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_WEAK || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
					gsitem_t *ammo = GS_FindItemByTag( GS_FindItemByTag( w )->weakammo_tag );
					if( ammo )
						dropped->invpak[ammo->tag] = ammo->quantity;

				if( item->tag == AMMO_PACK_STRONG || item->tag == AMMO_PACK )
					gsitem_t *ammo = GS_FindItemByTag( GS_FindItemByTag( w )->ammo_tag );
					if( ammo )
						dropped->invpak[ammo->tag] = ammo->quantity;

		// power-ups are special
		if( ( item->type & IT_POWERUP ) && item->quantity )
			dropped->count = item->quantity;

	VectorScale( forward, 100, dropped->velocity );
	dropped->velocity[2] = 300;

	dropped->think = drop_make_touchable;
	dropped->nextThink = level.time + 1000;

	ent->r.client->teamstate.last_drop_item = item;
	VectorCopy( dropped->s.origin, ent->r.client->teamstate.last_drop_location );

	GClip_LinkEntity( dropped );

	return dropped;
Exemplo n.º 16
* PrecacheItem
* Precaches all data needed for a given item.
* This will be called for each item spawned in a level,
* and for each item in each client's inventory.
void PrecacheItem( gsitem_t *it )
	int i;
	const char *s, *start;
	char data[MAX_QPATH];
	int len;
	gsitem_t	*ammo;

	if( !it )

	if( it->pickup_sound )
		trap_SoundIndex( it->pickup_sound );
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_MODELS; i++ )
		if( it->world_model[i] )
			trap_ModelIndex( it->world_model[i] );

	if( it->icon )
		trap_ImageIndex( it->icon );

	// parse everything for its ammo
	if( it->ammo_tag )
		ammo = GS_FindItemByTag( it->ammo_tag );
		if( ammo != it )
			PrecacheItem( ammo );

	// parse the space separated precache string for other items
	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		if( i == 0 )
			s = it->precache_models;
		else if( i == 1 )
			s = it->precache_sounds;
			s = it->precache_images;

		if( !s || !s[0] )

		while( *s )
			start = s;
			while( *s && *s != ' ' )

			len = s-start;
			if( len >= MAX_QPATH || len < 5 )
				G_Error( "PrecacheItem: %s has bad precache string", it->classname );
			memcpy( data, start, len );
			data[len] = 0;
			if( *s )

			if( i == 0 )
				trap_ModelIndex( data );
			else if( i == 1 )
				trap_SoundIndex( data );
				trap_ImageIndex( data );