Exemplo n.º 1
 * \param agent
 * \return The estimated construction time of the device and its components, if the agent is able to buy some components
double Device::expectedConstructionTime(Agent &agent)
     * if the agent believes that it can buy the device, the expected time
     * to build the device is 0.
    if (agent.canBuy(*this).first) {
        return 0.0;
     * If the agent does not believe it can buy the device, it calculates
     * the time required to make the device based on its experience and 
     * whether or not it has a device-making device, then it recursively
     * adds the expected construction time of each of the components
    device_name_t bestDevDevice = agent.bestDevDevice(type, use);
    double time;
    if (bestDevDevice != NO_DEVICE) {
        time = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type) / agent.getDeviceFactor(bestDevDevice);
    } else {
        time = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type);

    for (int i = 0; i < (int) components.size(); i++) {
        int comp = components[i];
        time += glob.discoveredDevices[componentType][comp]->expectedConstructionTime(agent);
    return time;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * \param agent
 * \return the sum of the costs of the components to the agent
double Device::costs(Agent &agent)
    if (agent.devProp[type][use].costOfDeviceMemoryValid) {
        return agent.devProp[type][use].costOfDeviceMemory;
    } else {
        /* canBuy returns a boolean and a double */
        pair<bool, double> buy = agent.canBuy(*this);
         * canBuy is the boolean; it indicates whether or not the agent
         * believes it is able to buy the device
        bool canBuy = buy.first;
         * If the agent believes it is able to buy the device, the price (in
         * utils) that it expects to pay is avgPrice
         * So, if the agent believes it is able to buy the device, the cost
         * is avgPrice.
        double avgPrice = buy.second;
        if (canBuy) {
            return avgPrice;
             * If the agent does not believe that it can buy the device, it
             * calculates the cost of the device as the time required to make
             * this device plus the cost of all the components of this device
             * (so the cost function gets called recursively on lower and lower
             * order devices)
        } else {
             * First the agent calculates the time required to make the
             * device based on the agent's experience and whether or not it
             * has a device-making device
            double time;
            device_name_t bestDevDevice = agent.bestDevDevice(type, use);
            if (bestDevDevice != NO_DEVICE) {
                time = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type) / agent.getDeviceFactor(bestDevDevice);
            } else {
                time = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type);
             * The initial cost is the required time multiplied by the gain
             * per minute that the agent was getting at the end of the last
             * work day
            double cost = time * agent.endDayGPM;
             * Then, the agent adds the cost of each of the components of
             * this device.
            for (int i = 0; i < (int) components.size(); i++) {
                int comp = components[i];
                cost += glob.discoveredDevices[componentType][comp]->costs(agent);
            agent.devProp[type][use].costOfDeviceMemory = cost;
            agent.devProp[type][use].costOfDeviceMemoryValid = true;
            return cost;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * \param an agent
 * \return a pair of (timeNeeded, necessaryRes) where the necessary time and resources to make the device and its components, if the agent is not able to buy any components.
pair<double, vector<int> > Device::worstCaseConstruction(Agent &agent)
     * If the memory of this calculation that the agent has is valid, return
     * the value in memory
    if (agent.devProp[type][use].worstCaseConstructionMemoryValid) {
        return agent.devProp[type][use].worstCaseConstructionMemory;
    } else {
         * highOrderNeeded will be a list of the number of typeToCheck
         * devices needed for the corresponding resId
        vector<int> highOrderNeeded(glob.NUM_RESOURCES, 0);
         * Begin by requiring one device of the type that is currently under
         * consideration
        highOrderNeeded[use] = 1;
        /* typeToCheck begins as the type of device under consideration */
        device_name_t typeToCheck = type;
        /* compType is the component type of typeToCheck */
        device_name_t compType = componentType;
         * timeNeeded will be the total, worst case time for this device and
         * its components.
        double timeNeeded = 0.0;
        if (devDevice != NO_DEVICE &&
            agent.devProp[devDevice][use].deviceHeld > 0.0) {
            timeNeeded = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type) / agent.getDeviceFactor(devDevice);
        } else {
            timeNeeded = agent.deviceEffortCalc(use, type);

         * Loop through so that typeToCheck and compType become lower and
         * lower order device types; stop when there are no more lower order
         * devices to consider.
        while (compType != NO_DEVICE) {
             * Given the number of typeToCheck devices in highOrderNeeded,
             * compNeeded is the number of compType devices needed for each
             * corresponding resId.
            vector<int> compNeeded(glob.NUM_RESOURCES, 0);
             * Begin by simply adding the components of devices in
             * highOrderNeeded
            for (int resId = 0; resId < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resId++) {
                if (highOrderNeeded[resId] > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int) glob.discoveredDevices[typeToCheck][resId]->components.size(); i++) {
                        int compId = glob.discoveredDevices[typeToCheck][resId]->components[i];
                        compNeeded[compId] += highOrderNeeded[resId];
            for (int resId = 0; resId < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resId++) {
                if (compNeeded[resId] > 0) {
                     * Remove devices from compNeeded if enough of the
                     * device is held by the agent; the number removed is
                     * the number of devices held (i.e. lifetime held
                     * divided by lifetime per device)
                    compNeeded[resId] = max(0, compNeeded[resId] -
                                                        / int(agent.getDeviceLifetime(compType))));
             * The time needed to make each of these components is added to
             * timeNeeded
            for (int resId = 0; resId < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resId++) {
                if (compNeeded[resId] > 0) {

                    device_name_t devDevice = glob.discoveredDevices[compType][resId]->devDevice;
                     * If the device-making device is not invented or if
                     * the agent doesn't hold any, the devDeviceFactor
                     * is 1 (i.e. no effect on production)
                    double devDeviceFactor = 1.0;
                    if (devDevice != NO_DEVICE &&
                        agent.devProp[devDevice][resId].deviceHeld > 0.0) {
                        devDeviceFactor = agent.getDeviceFactor(devDevice);
                    for (int i = 0; i < compNeeded[resId]; i++) {
                        timeNeeded += agent.tempDeviceEffortCalc(resId, compType, i) / devDeviceFactor;
             * Once held devices have been removed from compNeeded, the
             * values in highOrderNeeded become the values from compNeeded,
             * and the loop starts again.
            for (int resId = 0; resId < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resId++) {
                highOrderNeeded[resId] = compNeeded[resId];
            // typeToCheck and compType move one order down			
            typeToCheck = compType;
            compType = glob.discoveredDevices[typeToCheck][use]->componentType;
         * When compType is None, typeToCheck is 'Tool', so the
         * highOrderNeeded list is the list of the number of tools needed
         * for each corresponding resId, so the necessary resources for this
         * device is the sum of necessary resources for each tool
        vector<int> necessaryRes(glob.NUM_RESOURCES, 0);
        for (int resIdA = 0; resIdA < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resIdA++) {
            if (highOrderNeeded[resIdA] > 0) {
                vector<int> thisToolNeeds = glob.discoveredDevices[TOOL][resIdA]->necessaryResources;
                for (int resIdB = 0; resIdB < glob.NUM_RESOURCES; resIdB++) {
                    necessaryRes[resIdB] += highOrderNeeded[resIdA] * thisToolNeeds[resIdB];

        // Agents remember this calculated list
        agent.devProp[type][use].worstCaseConstructionMemory = make_pair(timeNeeded, necessaryRes);
        agent.devProp[type][use].worstCaseConstructionMemoryValid = true;
        return pair<double, vector<int> >(timeNeeded, necessaryRes);