static float calc_energy(const Aln& aln, const std::string& s) { Vienna::eos_debug = -1; return aln.energy_of_struct(s); }
int centroid_alifold(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::vector<float> gamma; std::vector<float> th; std::vector<std::string> engine; std::vector<float> mix_w; std::string input; std::vector<std::string> model; float p_th=0.0; std::string p_outname; std::string outname; std::string ps_outname; uint max_bp_dist; std::string param; uint max_clusters; uint num_samples=0; uint seed; // int num_ea_samples = -1; int max_mcc = -1; // parse command line options po::options_description desc("Options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "show this message") #ifdef HAVE_LIBRNA ("engine,e", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&engine), "specify the inference engine (default: \"McCaskill & Alifold\")") #else ("engine,e", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&engine), "specify the inference engine (default: \"CONTRAfold\")") #endif ("mixture,w", po::value<std::vector<float> >(&mix_w), "mixture weights of inference engines") ("gamma,g", po::value<std::vector<float> >(&gamma), "weight of base pairs") ("threshold,t", po::value<std::vector<float> >(&th), "thereshold of base pairs (this option overwrites 'gamma')") // ("ea", po::value<int>(&num_ea_samples), "compute (pseudo-)expected accuracy (pseudo if arg==0, sampling if arg>0; arg: # of sampling)") ("max-mcc", po::value<int>(&max_mcc), "predict secondary structure by maximizing pseudo-expected MCC (arg: # of sampling)") // added by M. Hamada ("mea", "run as an MEA estimator") ("noncanonical", "allow non-canonical base-pairs") ("constraints,C", "use structure constraints") ("output,o", po::value<std::string>(&outname), "specify filename to output predicted secondary structures. If empty, use the standard output.") ("posteriors", po::value<float>(&p_th), "output base-pairing probability matrices which contain base-pairing probabilities more than the given value.") ("posteriors-output", po::value<std::string>(&p_outname), "specify filename to output base-pairing probability matrices. If empty, use the standard output.") ("postscript", po::value<std::string>(&ps_outname), "draw predicted secondary structures with the postscript (PS) format") /*("monochrome", "draw the postscript with monochrome")*/ ("params", po::value<std::string>(¶m), "use the parameter file"); po::options_description opts_contrafold("Options for CONTRAfold model"); opts_contrafold.add_options() #if 0 // HAVE_LIBRNA // move to hidden options ("alipf_fold", "use alipf_fold base-pairing probabilities rather than those of CONTRAfold model") ("pf_fold", "use pf_fold base-pairing probabilities rather than those of CONTRAfold model") #endif ("max-dist,d", po::value<uint>(&max_bp_dist)->default_value(0), "the maximum distance of base-pairs"); po::options_description opts_sampling("Options for sampling"); opts_sampling.add_options() ("sampling,s", po::value<uint>(&num_samples), "specify the number of samples to be generated for each sequence") ("max-clusters,c", po::value<uint>(&max_clusters)->default_value(10), "the maximum number of clusters for the stochastic sampling algorithm") ("seed", po::value<uint>(&seed)->default_value(0), "specify the seed for the random number generator (set this automatically if seed=0)"); po::options_description opts("Options"); opts.add_options() #ifdef HAVE_LIBRNA ("alipf_fold", "use alipf_fold base-pairing probabilities rather than those of CONTRAfold model") ("pf_fold", "use pf_fold base-pairing probabilities rather than those of CONTRAfold model") #endif ("aux", "use auxiliary base-pairing probabilities") ("monochrome", "draw the postscript with monochrome") ("seq-file", po::value<std::string>(&input), "training sequence filename") ("model-file", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&model), "model filename"); opts.add(desc); opts.add(opts_contrafold); opts.add(opts_sampling); po::positional_options_description pd; pd.add("seq-file", 1); pd.add("model-file", -1); po::variables_map vm; bool usage=false; try { po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(opts).positional(pd).run(); po::store(parsed, vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (...) { usage=true; } if (usage || vm.count("help") || !vm.count("seq-file") || (vm.count("aux") && model.empty())) { std::string features("CONTRAfold"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBRNA features += ", McCaskill"; features += ", Alifold"; #endif features += ", pfold"; features += ", AUX"; std::cout << "CentroidAlifold v" << VERSION << " for predicting common RNA secondary structures" << std::endl << " (available engines: " << features << ")" << std::endl << "Usage:" << std::endl << " " << argv[0] << " [options] seq [bp_matrix ...]\n\n" << desc << std::endl << opts_contrafold << std::endl << opts_sampling << std::endl; return 1; } BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS::file_iterator<> fi(input.c_str()); if (!fi) { perror(input.c_str()); return 1; } if (th.size()>0) { gamma.resize(th.size()); for (uint i=0; i!=th.size(); ++i) gamma[i] = 1.0/th[i]-1.0; } if (gamma.size()==1 && gamma[0]<0.0) { float g[] = { 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0, 1024.0 }; gamma.resize(boost::size(g)); std::copy(boost::begin(g), boost::end(g), gamma.begin()); } if (engine.empty()) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBRNA engine.push_back("McCaskill"); engine.push_back("Alifold"); #else engine.push_back("CONTRAfold"); #endif } if (vm.count("pf_fold")) { engine.resize(1); engine[0]="McCaskill"; } if (vm.count("alipf_fold")) { engine.resize(1); engine[0]="Alifold"; } if (vm.count("aux")) { engine.resize(1); engine[0]="AUX"; } FoldingEngine<Aln>* cf=NULL; std::vector<FoldingEngine<Aln>*> cf_list(engine.size(), NULL); std::vector<FoldingEngine<std::string>*> src_list(engine.size(), NULL); for (uint i=0; i!=engine.size(); ++i) { if (engine[i]=="CONTRAfold") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 4.0); src_list[i] = new CONTRAfoldModel(param, !vm.count("noncanonical"), max_bp_dist, seed, vm.count("mea")); cf_list[i] = new AveragedModel(src_list[i], max_bp_dist, vm.count("mea")); } else if (engine[i]=="CONTRAfoldM") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 4.0); cf_list[i] = new CONTRAfoldMultiModel(param, !vm.count("noncanonical"), max_bp_dist, seed, vm.count("mea")); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBRNA else if (engine[i]=="McCaskill") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 2.0); src_list[i] = new McCaskillModel(!vm.count("noncanonical"), max_bp_dist, param.empty() ? NULL : param.c_str(), seed, vm.count("mea")); cf_list[i] = new AveragedModel(src_list[i], max_bp_dist, vm.count("mea")); } else if (engine[i]=="Alifold") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 2.0); cf_list[i] = new AliFoldModel(!vm.count("noncanonical"), max_bp_dist, param.empty() ? NULL : param.c_str(), seed, vm.count("mea")); } #endif else if (engine[i]=="pfold") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 1.0); std::string pfold_bin_dir(getenv("PFOLD_BIN_DIR") ? getenv("PFOLD_BIN_DIR") : "."); std::string awk_bin(getenv("AWK_BIN") ? getenv("AWK_BIN") : "mawk"); std::string sed_bin(getenv("SED_BIN") ? getenv("SED_BIN") : "sed"); cf_list[i] = new PfoldModel<Aln>(pfold_bin_dir, awk_bin, sed_bin, vm.count("mea")); } else if (engine[i]=="AUX") { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 1.0); src_list[i] = new AuxModel(model, vm.count("mea")); cf_list[i] = new AveragedModel(src_list[i], 0, vm.count("mea")); } else { throw std::logic_error("unsupported engine"); } } if (engine.size()==1) cf=cf_list[0]; else { if (gamma.empty()) gamma.push_back(vm.count("mea") ? 6.0 : 1.0); std::vector<std::pair<FoldingEngine<Aln>*,float> > models; for (uint i=0; i!=engine.size(); ++i) { if (engine.size()!=mix_w.size()) models.push_back(std::make_pair(cf_list[i], 1.0)); else models.push_back(std::make_pair(cf_list[i], mix_w[i])); } cf = new MixtureModel<Aln>(models, vm.count("mea")); } std::ostream* out = &std::cout; if (vm.count("output")) { out = new std::ofstream(outname.c_str()); if (out->fail()) { perror(outname.c_str()); delete out; return 1; } } std::ostream* p_out = &std::cout; if (vm.count("posteriors") && vm.count("posteriors-output") && !vm.count("sampling")) { p_out = new std::ofstream(p_outname.c_str()); if (p_out->fail()) { perror(p_outname.c_str()); delete p_out; return 1; } } Aln aln; uint n=0; uint bytes=0; uint total_bytes=0; while ((bytes=aln.load(fi))>0) { n++; total_bytes+=bytes; std::list<std::string>::iterator seq; for (seq=aln.seq().begin(); seq!=aln.seq().end(); ++seq) { std::replace(seq->begin(), seq->end(), 't', 'u'); std::replace(seq->begin(), seq->end(), 'T', 'U'); } if (vm.count("constraints")) { std::cout << "Input constraints:" << std::endl; std::string str; std::getline(std::cin, str); cf->set_constraint(str); } if (num_samples>0) { if (max_clusters>0) cf->stochastic_fold(, aln, num_samples, gamma, max_clusters, *out, p_outname, p_th); else cf->stochastic_fold(aln, num_samples, *out); continue; } if (max_mcc>0) { cf->max_mcc_fold(, aln, *out, max_mcc); continue; } if (num_ea_samples>=0) cf->centroid_fold(, aln, gamma, *out, num_ea_samples); else cf->centroid_fold(, aln, gamma, *out); if (vm.count("posteriors")) cf->get_bp().save(*p_out, aln.consensus(), p_th); if (!ps_outname.empty()) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (n==1) strncpy(buf, ps_outname.c_str(), sizeof(buf)); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-%d", ps_outname.c_str(), n-1); cf->ps_plot(std::string(buf), aln, gamma[0], !vm.count("monochrome")); } } if (fi!=fi.make_end()) std::cout << "parse error after " << total_bytes << " bytes were loaded" << std::endl; if (engine.size()!=1 && cf) delete cf; for (uint i=0; i!=cf_list.size(); ++i) if (cf_list[i]) delete cf_list[i]; for (uint i=0; i!=src_list.size(); ++i) if (src_list[i]) delete src_list[i]; if (out != &std::cout) delete out; if (p_out != &std::cout) delete p_out; return 0; }
static std::string get_seq(const Aln& aln) { return aln.consensus(); }